3 # Shell script to determine how close we are to final release
4 # If one of these values are bigger zero we still have to do something
6 if ! test -e "modules.php"; then
7 echo "$0: Please execute this script from root directory."
11 echo "$0: Analyzing..."
12 echo " - TODOs in PHP..."
13 TODOS_PHP=`find -type f -name "*.php" -exec grep "@TODO" {} \; | grep "@" --count`
14 echo " - TODOs in TPL..."
15 TODOS_TPL=`find -type f -name "*.tpl" -exec grep "@TODO" {} \; | grep "@" --count`
16 echo " - DEPRECATED PHP..."
17 DEPRECATED_PHP=`find -type f -name "*.php" -exec grep "@DEPRECATED" {} \; | grep "@" --count`
18 echo " - DEPRECATED TPL..."
19 DEPRECATED_TPL=`find -type f -name "*.tpl" -exec grep "@DEPRECATED" {} \; | grep "@" --count`
20 echo " - global statements..."
21 GLOBALS=`find -type f -name "*.php" -exec grep -Hn "global " {} \; | grep -v "//" | grep -v "phpmailer" --count`
23 echo "--------------------------------------"
24 echo " - Open TODOs: ${TODOS_PHP}/${TODOS_TPL}"
26 echo " - global statements: ${GLOBALS}"
27 echo "--------------------------------------"
28 echo "$0: Thanks for waiting for the final release 0.2.1-FINAL! :-)"