2 /************************************************************************
3 * MXChange v0.2.1 Start: 02/03/2005 *
4 * ================ Last change: 02/03/2005 *
6 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
7 * File : ext-doubler.php *
8 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
9 * Short description : Double points *
10 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
11 * Kurzbeschreibung : Punkte verdoppeln *
12 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
14 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
15 * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2008 by Roland Haeder *
16 * For more information visit: http://www.mxchange.org *
18 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
19 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
20 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
21 * (at your option) any later version. *
23 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
24 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
26 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
28 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
29 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
30 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
32 ************************************************************************/
34 // Some security stuff...
35 if (!defined('__SECURITY')) {
36 $INC = substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, strpos(dirname(__FILE__), "/inc") + 4) . "/security.php";
41 $EXT_VERSION = "0.1.6";
43 // Auto-set extension version
44 if (empty($EXT_VER)) $EXT_VER = $EXT_VERSION;
46 // Version history array (add more with , "0.1" and so on)
47 $EXT_VER_HISTORY = array("0.0", "0.0.1", "0.0.2", "0.0.3", "0.0.4", "0.0.5", "0.0.6", "0.0.7", "0.0.8", "0.0.9", "0.1.0", "0.1.1", "0.1.2", "0.1.3", "0.1.4", "0.1.5", "0.1.6");
49 switch ($EXT_LOAD_MODE)
51 case "register": // Do stuff when installtion is running (modules.php?module=admin&action=login is called)
53 $SQLs[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_doubler";
54 $SQLs[] = "CREATE TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_doubler (
58 points DOUBLE(20,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000',
59 remote_ip VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
60 timemark VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
61 completed ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
62 is_ref ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
71 // Minimum points to double
72 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_min DOUBLE(20,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '100.00000'";
73 // Maximum points to double
74 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_max DOUBLE(20,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '10000.00000'";
75 // Points left on users account after doubling
76 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_left BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1000'";
77 // Charge for doubling points which goes to the webmaster (shreddered in fact!)
78 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_charge FLOAT(7,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.030'";
80 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_ref FLOAT(7,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.020'";
81 // Shall I use the jackpot to take points from? (Y/N, default=Y)
82 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_jackpot ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'";
83 // A user account to take points from (default: 0->none)
85 // Total payed out points from your doublers
86 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_points DOUBLE(20,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000'";
87 // Sending mode of mails (immediately/daily reset)
88 // --> This also means who fast the doubled points will be payed out!
90 // Timeout for entries to be purged (default: one week)
91 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_timeout BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '".(60*60*24*7)."'";
92 // Number of newest entries to display
93 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_display_new TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '10'";
94 // Number of entries which will be payed out soon
95 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_display_pay TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '10'";
96 // Number of entries which are already payed out
97 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_display_old TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '10'";
98 // Points used by every member
99 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data ADD doubler_points DOUBLE(20,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000'";
100 // Counter for usage of the doubler
101 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_counter BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'";
104 // --- MENU SYSTEMS ---
107 $SQLs[] = "INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admin_menu (action, what, title, descr, sort) VALUES ('doubler', NULL, '{!POINTS!}-Verdoppler','Einstellungen und Einträge auflisten.', 4)";
108 $SQLs[] = "INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admin_menu (action, what, title, descr, sort) VALUES ('doubler','list_doubler','Auflisten','Einträge aus der Verdiensttabelle auflisten', 1)";
109 $SQLs[] = "INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admin_menu (action, what, title, descr, sort) VALUES ('doubler','config_doubler','Einstellungen','Prozentuale Gebühr usw. einstellen.', 2)";
111 // Guest menu (informations / default doubler link)
112 $SQLs[] = "INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_guest_menu (action, what, title, sort, visible, locked) VALUES ('main','doubler','Verdoppeln!', 3, 'Y','Y')";
115 $SQLs[] = "INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_member_menu (action, what, title, visible, locked, sort) VALUES ('main','doubler','Verdoppeln!','Y','Y', 7)";
118 case "remove": // Do stuff when removing extension
119 // SQL commands to run
120 $SQLs[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_doubler";
121 $SQLs[] = "DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admin_menu WHERE action='doubler' LIMIT 3";
122 $SQLs[] = "DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_guest_menu WHERE what='doubler' LIMIT 1";
123 $SQLs[] = "DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_member_menu WHERE what='doubler' LIMIT 1";
126 case "activate": // Do stuff when admin activates this extension
127 // SQL commands to run
128 $SQLs[] = "UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_member_menu SET visible='Y', locked='N' WHERE what='doubler' LIMIT 1";
129 $SQLs[] = "UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_guest_menu SET visible='Y', locked='N' WHERE what='doubler' LIMIT 1";
130 $SQLs[] = "UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_mod_reg SET locked='N', hidden='N', admin_only='N', mem_only='N' WHERE module='doubler' LIMIT 1";
133 case "deactivate": // Do stuff when admin deactivates this extension
134 // SQL commands to run
135 $SQLs[] = "UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_member_menu SET visible='Y', locked='Y' WHERE what='doubler' LIMIT 1";
136 $SQLs[] = "UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_guest_menu SET visible='Y', locked='Y' WHERE what='doubler' LIMIT 1";
137 $SQLs[] = "UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_mod_reg SET locked='Y' WHERE module='doubler' LIMIT 1";
140 case "update": // Update an extension
143 case "0.0.1": // SQL queries for v0.0.1
144 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
145 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Problem mit User-ID behoben!";
148 case "0.0.2": // SQL queries for v0.0.2
150 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_used DOUBLE(20,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000'";
152 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
153 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Gebühr wird vom Verdoppler-Pott abgezogen.";
156 case "0.0.3": // SQL queries for v0.0.3
157 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
158 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Drei SQL-Fehler beseitigt.";
161 case "0.0.4": // SQL queries for v0.0.4
162 // Shall I use the doubler's account to take points from? (Y/N, default=Y)
163 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_own ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'";
165 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
166 $UPDATE_NOTES = POINTS."-Guthaben des Verdopplers kann optional nicht mit einbezogen werden.";
169 case "0.0.5": // SQL queries for v0.0.5
170 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
171 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Counter-Stand und noch zum Verdoppeln übrige {!POINTS!} in Templates eingebunden. Auflistung in Admin-Bereich komplettiert.";
174 case "0.0.6": // SQL queries for v0.0.6
175 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_max_sent TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'";
176 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_group_sent TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'";
177 $SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD doubler_sent_all ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'";
179 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
180 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Gebührenabzug wird beim Einzahlen abgezogen (wurde von Auszahlung abgezogen) und maximal bei Auszahlung zu kontrollierende Accounts einstellbar.<br />Template <u>admin_config_doubler_pro.tpl</u> ist überflüssig geworden. Bitte löschen Sie dies!";
183 case "0.0.7": // SQL queries for v0.0.7
184 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
185 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Wörter <STRONG>Mailtausch</STRONG>, <STRONG>Mailtausches</STRONG> und <STRONG>Mailtauscher</STRONG> sind austauschbar.<br /><br />Minus-Guthaben des Verdoppler-Accounts repariert und Mitgliedsmail erweitert mit Transaktionsummer und IP-Nummer.";
188 case "0.0.8": // SQL queries for v0.0.8
189 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
190 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Bitte verschieben Sie die doubler-Templates (Ordner: ".PATH."/templates/".GET_LANGUAGE()."/html/) in den neuen Order doubler!";
193 case "0.0.9": // SQL queries for v0.0.9
194 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
195 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Abspeichern von Einstellungen repariert.";
198 case "0.1.0": // SQL queries for v0.2.1
199 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
200 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Vorbereitung auf die neue Mediendaten v0.0.4.";
203 case "0.1.1": // SQL queries for v0.1.1
204 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
205 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Zwei SQL-Fehler in <STRONG>inc/doubler_send.php</STRONG> beseitigt.";
208 case "0.1.2": // SQL queries for v0.1.2
209 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
210 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Sicherheitsupdate für die Include-Befehle.";
213 case "0.1.3": // SQL queries for v0.1.3
214 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
215 $UPDATE_NOTES = "De-/Aktivieren des mit dieser Erweiterung verknüpften Modules eingebunden.";
218 case "0.1.4": // SQL queries for v0.1.4
219 $SQLs[] = "UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_member_menu SET action='extras', sort='4' WHERE what='doubler' LIMIT 1";
221 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
222 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Mitgliedsmenü komplett umgebaut.";
225 case "0.1.5": // SQL queries for v0.1.5
226 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
227 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Hash-Erstellung von <STRONG>md5()</STRONG> auf bessere Funktion <STRONG>generateHash()</STRONG> umgestellt.";
230 case "0.1.6": // SQL queries for v0.1.6
231 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
232 $UPDATE_NOTES = "Fehlerhinweis bei deaktivierter Erweiterung verbessert.";
237 default: // Do stuff when extension is loaded
238 if ((isBooleanConstantAndTrue('__DAILY_RESET')) && ($_CONFIG['doubler_send_mode'] == "RESET")) {
239 // So let's check for points
240 $INC_POOL[] = sprintf("%sinc/doubler_send.php", PATH);
245 // Language file prefix
246 $EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "doubler";
248 // Extension is always active?