2 /************************************************************************
3 * MXChange v0.2.1 Start: 08/25/2003 *
4 * =============== Last change: 11/29/2005 *
6 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
7 * File : functions.php *
8 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
9 * Short description : Many non-MySQL functions (also file access) *
10 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
11 * Kurzbeschreibung : Viele Nicht-MySQL-Funktionen (auch Dateizugriff) *
12 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
14 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
15 * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2008 by Roland Haeder *
16 * For more information visit: http://www.mxchange.org *
18 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
19 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
20 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
21 * (at your option) any later version. *
23 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
24 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
26 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
28 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
29 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
30 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
32 ************************************************************************/
34 // Some security stuff...
35 if (ereg(basename(__FILE__), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
36 $INC = substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, strpos(dirname(__FILE__), "/inc") + 4)."/security.php";
40 // Check if our config file is writeable or not
41 function is_INCWritable($inc) {
42 $fp = @fopen(PATH."inc/".$inc.".php", 'a');
43 if ($inc == "dummy") {
46 return @unlink(PATH."inc/dummy.php");
48 // Close all other files
53 // Open a table (you may want to add some header stuff here)
54 function OPEN_TABLE($PERCENT = "", $CLASS = "", $ALIGN="left", $VALIGN="", $td_only=false) {
56 // Count tables so we can generate CSS classes for every table... :-)
58 // Class is empty so count one up and create a class
59 $table_cnt++; $CLASS = "class".$table_cnt;
61 $OUT = "<TABLE border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"";
63 // Shall I add the classes to TABLE and TD or only to TD?
64 if (!$td_only) $OUT .= " class=\"".$CLASS."\"";
67 if (!empty($PERCENT)) $OUT .= " width=\"".$PERCENT."\"";
70 if (!empty($ALIGN)) $OUT .=" align=\"".$ALIGN."\"";
72 // Vertical align is given
73 if (!empty($VALIGN)) $OUT .= " valign=\"".$VALIGN."\"";
74 $OUT .= ">\n<TR>\n<TD";
75 if (!empty($ALIGN)) $OUT .=" align=\"".$ALIGN."\"";
76 $OUT .= " class=\"".$CLASS."\">";
80 // Close a table (you may want to add some footer stuff here)
81 function CLOSE_TABLE($ADD="") {
82 OUTPUT_HTML(" </TD>\n</TR>");
83 if (!empty($ADD)) OUTPUT_HTML($ADD);
87 // Output HTML code directly or "render" it. You addionally switch the new-line character off
88 function OUTPUT_HTML($HTML, $NEW_LINE = true) {
89 // Some global variables
90 global $OUTPUT, $footer, $CSS;
92 // Do we have HTML-Code here?
94 // Yes, so we handle it as you have configured
98 // That's why you don't need any \n at the end of your HTML code... :-)
99 if (_OB_CACHING == "on") {
100 // Output into PHP's internal buffer
103 // That's why you don't need any \n at the end of your HTML code... :-)
104 if ($NEW_LINE) echo "\n";
106 // Render mode for old or lame servers...
109 // That's why you don't need any \n at the end of your HTML code... :-)
110 if ($NEW_LINE) $OUTPUT .= "\n";
115 // If we are switching from render to direct output rendered code
116 if ((!empty($OUTPUT)) && (_OB_CACHING != "on")) { OUTPUT_RAW($OUTPUT); $OUTPUT = ""; }
118 // The same as above... ^
120 if ($NEW_LINE) echo "\n";
124 // Huh, something goes wrong or maybe you have edited config.php ???
128 } elseif ((_OB_CACHING == "on") && ($footer == 1)) {
129 // Output cached HTML code
130 $OUTPUT = ob_get_contents();
132 // Clear output buffer for later output
135 if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("rewrite", true)) && (function_exists('REWRITE_LINKS')) && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
139 // Compile and run finished rendered HTML code
140 while (strpos($OUTPUT, '{!') > 0) {
141 // Prepare the content and eval() it...
143 $eval = "\$newContent = \"".COMPILE_CODE(addslashes($OUTPUT))."\";";
146 if (empty($newContent)) {
147 // Something went wrong!
148 die("Evaluation error:<pre>".htmlentities($eval)."</pre>");
150 $OUTPUT = $newContent;
153 // Output code here, DO NOT REMOVE! ;-)
155 } elseif ((OUTPUT_MODE == "render") && (!empty($OUTPUT))) {
156 // Rewrite links when rewrite extension is active
157 if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("rewrite", true)) && (function_exists('REWRITE_LINKS')) && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
161 // Compile and run finished rendered HTML code
162 while (strpos($OUTPUT, '{!') > 0) {
163 $eval = "\$OUTPUT = \"".COMPILE_CODE(addslashes($OUTPUT))."\";";
167 // Output code here, DO NOT REMOVE! ;-)
172 // Output the raw HTML code
173 function OUTPUT_RAW ($HTML) {
174 // Output stripped HTML code to avoid broken JavaScript code, etc.
175 echo stripslashes($HTML);
177 // Flush the output if only _OB_CACHING is not "on"
178 if (_OB_CACHING != "on") {
184 // Add a fatal error message to the queue array
185 function ADD_FATAL ($message, $extra="") {
188 // Regular text message to add to $FATAL
191 // $message is text with a mask plus extras to insert into the text
192 $FATAL[] = sprintf($message, $extra);
196 // Load a template file and return it's content (only it's name; do not use ' or ")
197 function LOAD_TEMPLATE($template, $return=false, $content="") {
198 // Add more variables which you want to use in your template files
199 global $DATA, $_CONFIG, $username;
201 // Make all template names lowercase
202 $template = strtolower($template);
204 // Count the template load
205 if (!isset($_CONFIG['num_templates'])) $_CONFIG['num_templates'] = 0;
206 $_CONFIG['num_templates']++;
209 $ACTION = SQL_ESCAPE($GLOBALS['action']);
210 $WHAT = SQL_ESCAPE($GLOBALS['what']);
212 if (empty($GLOBALS['refid'])) $GLOBALS['refid'] = 0;
213 $REFID = $GLOBALS['refid'];
216 if ($template == "member_support_form") {
217 // Support request of a member
218 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT sex, surname, family FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1",
219 array($GLOBALS['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__);
220 list($sex, $surname, $family) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
221 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
222 $salut = TRANSLATE_SEX($sex);
225 // Generate date/time string
226 $date_time = MAKE_DATETIME(time(), "1");
229 $BASE = sprintf("%stemplates/%s/html/", PATH, GET_LANGUAGE());
232 // Check for admin/guest/member templates
233 if (strpos($template, "admin_") > -1) {
234 // Admin template found
236 } elseif (strpos($template, "guest_") > -1) {
237 // Guest template found
239 } elseif (strpos($template, "member_") > -1) {
240 // Member template found
242 } elseif (strpos($template, "install_") > -1) {
243 // Installation template found
245 } elseif (strpos($template, "ext_") > -1) {
246 // Extension template found
248 } elseif (strpos($template, "la_") > -1) {
249 // "Logical-area" template found
252 // Test for extension
253 $test = substr($template, 0, strpos($template, "_"));
254 if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE($test)) {
255 // Set extra path to extension's name
260 ////////////////////////
261 // Generate file name //
262 ////////////////////////
263 $file = $BASE.$MODE.$template.".tpl";
265 if ((!empty($GLOBALS['what'])) && ((strpos($template, "_header") > 0) || (strpos($template, "_footer") > 0)) && (($MODE == "guest/") || ($MODE == "member/") || ($MODE == "admin/"))) {
266 // Select what depended header/footer template file for admin/guest/member area
267 $file2 = sprintf("%s%s%s_%s.tpl",
271 SQL_ESCAPE($GLOBALS['what'])
275 if (file_exists($file2)) $file = $file2;
277 // Remove variable from memory
281 // Does the special template exists?
282 if ((!file_exists($file)) || (!is_readable($file))) {
283 // Reset to default template
284 $file = $BASE.$template.".tpl";
287 // Now does the final template exists?
288 if ((file_exists($file)) && (is_readable($file))) {
289 // The local file does exists so we load it. :)
290 $tmpl_file = implode("", file($file));
292 // Replace ' to our own chars to preventing them being quoted
293 while (strpos($tmpl_file, "\'") !== false) { $tmpl_file = str_replace("\'", '{QUOT}', $tmpl_file); }
295 // Do we have to compile the code?
297 if ((strpos($tmpl_file, "\$") !== false) || (strpos($tmpl_file, '{--') !== false) || (strpos($tmpl_file, '--}') > 0)) {
299 $tmpl_file = "\$ret=\"".COMPILE_CODE(addslashes($tmpl_file))."\";";
302 // Simply return loaded code
306 // Add surrounding HTML comments to help finding bugs faster
307 $ret = "<!-- Template ".$template." - Start -->\n".$ret."<!-- Template ".$template." - End -->\n";
308 } elseif ((IS_ADMIN()) || ((isBooleanConstantAndTrue('mxchange_installing')) && (!isBooleanConstantAndTrue('mxchange_installed')))) {
309 // Only admins shall see this warning or when installation mode is active
310 $ret = "<br /><SPAN class=\"guest_failed\">".TEMPLATE_404."</SPAN><br />
311 (".basename($file).")<br />
314 <PRE>".print_r($content, true)."</PRE>
316 <PRE>".print_r($DATA, true)."</PRE>
320 // Do we have some content to output or return?
322 // Not empty so let's put it out! ;)
324 // Return the HTML code
330 } elseif (isBooleanConstantAndTrue('DEBUG_MODE')) {
331 // Warning, empty output!
332 return "E:".$template."<br />\n";
336 // Send mail out to an email address
337 function SEND_EMAIL($TO, $SUBJECT, $MSG, $HTML='N', $FROM="") {
338 // Compile subject line (for POINTS constant etc.)
339 $eval = "\$SUBJECT = \"".COMPILE_CODE(addslashes($SUBJECT))."\";";
341 $SUBJECT = html_entity_decode($SUBJECT);
344 if (!eregi("@", $TO)) {
345 // Value detected, load email from database
346 if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("msg")) {
350 $result_email = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT email FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($TO)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
351 list($TO) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_email);
352 SQL_FREERESULT($result_email);
356 // Not in PHPMailer-Mode
359 // Load email header template
360 $FROM = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE("header");
363 $FROM .= LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE("header");
365 } elseif (isBooleanConstantAndTrue('DEBUG_MODE')) {
367 // Load email header template
368 $FROM = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE("header");
371 $FROM .= LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE("header");
375 // Fix HTML parameter (default is no!)
376 if (empty($HTML)) $HTML = "N";
377 if (isBooleanConstantAndTrue('DEBUG_MODE')) {
378 // In debug mode we want to display the mail instead of sending it away so we can debug this part
380 ".htmlentities(trim($FROM))."
382 Subject : ".$SUBJECT."
385 } elseif (($HTML == "Y") && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("html_mail", true))) {
386 // Send mail as HTML away
388 } elseif (!empty($TO)) {
394 } elseif ($HTML == "N") {
400 // Check if legacy or PHPMailer command
402 function CHECK_PHPMAILER_USAGE() {
403 return ((defined('SMTP_HOSTNAME')) && (defined('SMTP_USER')) && (defined('SMTP_PASSWORD')) && (SMTP_HOSTNAME != "") && (SMTP_USER != ""));
407 * Send out a raw email with PHPMailer class or legacy mail() command
409 function SEND_RAW_EMAIL ($to, $subject, $msg, $from) {
410 // Shall we use PHPMailer class or legacy mode?
412 // Use PHPMailer class with SMTP enabled
413 require_once(PATH."inc/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php");
414 require_once(PATH."inc/phpmailer/class.smtp.php");
417 $mail = new PHPMailer();
418 $mail->PluginDir = sprintf("%sinc/phpmailer/", PATH);
421 $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
422 $mail->Host = SMTP_HOSTNAME;
424 $mail->Username = SMTP_USER;
425 $mail->Password = SMTP_PASSWORD;
427 $mail->From = WEBMASTER;
431 $mail->FromName = MAIN_TITLE;
432 $mail->Subject = $subject;
433 if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("html_mail")) && (strip_tags($msg) != $msg)) {
435 $mail->AltBody = "Your mail program required HTML support to read this mail!";
436 $mail->WordWrap = 70;
441 $mail->AddAddress($to, "");
442 $mail->AddReplyTo(WEBMASTER,MAIN_TITLE);
443 $mail->AddCustomHeader("Errors-To:".WEBMASTER);
444 $mail->AddCustomHeader("X-Loop:".WEBMASTER);
447 // Use legacy mail() command
448 @mail($to, $subject, $msg, $from);
453 // Generate a password in a specified length or use default password length
454 function GEN_PASS($LEN = 0) {
456 if ($LEN == 0) $LEN = $_CONFIG['pass_len'];
458 // Initialize array with all allowed chars
459 $ABC = explode(",", "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-,+,_,/");
461 // Initialize randomizer
462 mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
464 // Start creating password
466 for ($i = 0; $i < $LEN; $i++) {
467 $PASS .= $ABC[mt_rand(0, sizeof($ABC) -1)];
470 // When the size is below 40 we can also add additional security by scrambling it
471 if (strlen($PASS) <= 40) {
472 // Also scramble the password
473 $PASS = scrambleString($PASS);
476 // Return the password
480 function MAKE_DATETIME ($time, $mode="0")
484 return NEVER_HAPPENED;
486 // Filter out numbers
487 $time = bigintval($time);
490 switch (GET_LANGUAGE())
492 case "de": // German date / time format
494 case "0": $ret = date("d.m.Y \u\m H:i \U\h\\r", $time); break;
495 case "1": $ret = strtolower(date("d.m.Y - H:i", $time)); break;
496 case "2": $ret = date("d.m.Y|H:i", $time); break;
497 case "3": $ret = date("d.m.Y", $time); break;
501 default: // Default is the US date / time format!
503 case "0": $ret = date("r", $time); break;
504 case "1": $ret = date("Y-m-d - g:i A", $time); break;
505 case "2": $ret = date("y-m-d|H:i", $time); break;
506 case "3": $ret = date("y-m-d", $time); break;
512 // Translates the american decimal dot into a german comma
513 function TRANSLATE_COMMA ($dotted, $cut=true) {
516 // Default is 3 you can change this in admin area "Misc -> Misc Options"
517 if (empty($_CONFIG['max_comma'])) $_CONFIG['max_comma'] = "3";
518 $maxComma = $_CONFIG['max_comma'];
522 // Test for commata if in cut-mode
523 $com = explode(".", $dotted);
524 if (count($com) > 1) {
525 // Commata found, so only zeros?
526 if ($com[1] == str_repeat("0", strlen($com[1]))) {
527 // Only zeros, so don't display them
531 // Don't display commatas even if there are none... ;-)
537 //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":dotted={$dotted},maxComma={$maxComma}");
540 switch (GET_LANGUAGE()) {
542 $dotted = number_format($dotted, $maxComma, ",", ".");
546 $dotted = number_format($dotted, $maxComma, ".", ",");
550 // Return translated value
555 function DEREFERER ($URL) {
556 $URL = URL."/modules.php?module=loader&url=".urlencode(base64_encode(gzcompress($URL)));
561 function TRANSLATE_SEX ($sex) {
564 case "M": $ret = SEX_M; break;
565 case "F": $ret = SEX_F; break;
566 case "C": $ret = SEX_C; break;
567 default : $ret = $sex; break;
572 function GET_POOL_TYPE($PT) {
575 case "TEMP" : $ret = POOL_TEMP; break;
576 case "SEND" : $ret = POOL_SEND; break;
577 case "NEW" : $ret = POOL_NEW; break;
578 case "ADMIN" : $ret = POOL_ADMIN; break;
579 case "ACTIVE" : $ret = POOL_ACTIVE; break;
580 case "DELETED": $ret = POOL_DELETED; break;
581 default : $ret = POOL_UNKNOWN." (".$PT.")"; break;
586 function FRAMETESTER($URL) {
587 // Prepare frametester URL
588 $frametesterUrl = sprintf("%s/modules.php?module=frametester&url=%s",
590 urlencode(base64_encode(gzcompress(COMPILE_CODE($URL))))
592 return $frametesterUrl;
595 function SELECTION_COUNT($array) {
597 if (is_array($array)) {
598 foreach ($array as $key => $sel) {
599 if (!empty($sel)) $ret++;
605 function IMG_CODE ($code, $type, $DATA, $uid) {
606 return "<IMG border=\"0\" alt=\"Code\" src=\"".URL."/mailid_top.php?uid=".$uid."&".$type."=".$DATA."&mode=img&code=".$code."\">";
609 function TRANSLATE_STATUS($status) {
621 $ret = ACCOUNT_LOCKED;
625 $ret = UNKNOWN_STATUS_1.$status.UNKNOWN_STATUS_2;
631 function GET_LANGUAGE() {
632 if (!empty($_GET['mx_lang'])) {
633 // Accept only first 2 chars
634 $lang = substr($_GET['mx_lang'], 0, 2);
640 // Set default return value to default language from config
643 // Check GET variable and cookie
645 // Check if main language file does exist
646 if (file_exists(PATH."inc/language/".$lang.".php")) {
647 // Okay found, so let's update cookies
650 } elseif (!isSessionVariableSet('mx_lang')) {
651 // Return stored value from cookie
652 $ret = get_session('mx_lang');
654 // Fixes a warning before the session has the mx_lang constant
655 if (empty($ret)) $ret = DEFAULT_LANG;
660 function SET_LANGUAGE($lang) {
663 // Accept only first 2 chars!
664 $lang = substr(SQL_ESCAPE(strip_tags($lang)), 0, 2);
667 set_session("mx_lang", $lang);
670 function LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE($template, $content="", $UID="0") {
671 global $DATA, $_CONFIG, $REPLACER;
673 // Make sure all template names are lowercase!
674 $template = strtolower($template);
676 // Keept for backward-compatiblity (please replace these variables against our new {--CONST--} syntax!)
678 $surname = ""; $family = ""; $nick = ""; $sex = "N";
680 // Prepare IP number and User Agent
681 $REMOTE_ADDR = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
685 if (isSessionVariableSet('admin_login')) {
687 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT email FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins WHERE login='%s' LIMIT 1",
688 array(get_session('admin_login')), __FILE__, __LINE__);
689 list($ADMIN) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
690 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
693 // Expiration in a nice output format
694 if ($_CONFIG['auto_purge'] == 0) {
695 // Will never expire!
697 } elseif (function_exists('CREATE_FANCY_TIME')) {
698 // Create nice date string
702 $EXPIRATION = round($_CONFIG['auto_purge']/60/60/24)." "._DAYS;
705 // DEPRECATED switch!
708 case "bonus-mail": // Load data for the bonus mail
711 $points = TRANSLATE_COMMA($DATA[4]);
713 $TARGET_URL = $DATA[8];
718 foreach ($REPLACER as $key=>$value)
720 if (isset($DATA[$key])) $content = str_replace($value, $DATA[$key], $content);
726 $BLOCKS = $_CONFIG['max_send'];
730 $TARGET_URL = $DATA[5];
735 case "order-deleted":
737 $TARGET_URL = $DATA[0];
747 case "confirm-member":
748 $points = $_CONFIG['points_register'];
751 case "confirm-referral":
759 $SEND_UID = $DATA[1];
761 $TIME = GET_PAY_POINTS($DATA[5], "time");
762 $TARGET_URL = $DATA[7];
763 $points = TRANSLATE_COMMA(GET_PAY_POINTS($DATA[5], "payment"));
764 // Warning! This ID has changed from 10 to 11!
768 foreach ($REPLACER as $key=>$value)
770 if (isset($DATA[$key])) $content = str_replace($value, $DATA[$key], $content);
776 $SEND_UID = $DATA[1];
778 $TARGET_URL = $DATA[7];
783 $points = TRANSLATE_COMMA($DATA[10]);
787 if (isset($_POST['points'])) {
788 $points = bigintval($_POST['points']);
790 $points = __POINTS_VALUE;
794 case "guest_request_confirm":
801 if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("nickname")) {
803 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT surname, family, sex, email, nickname FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1",
804 array(bigintval($UID)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
805 list($surname, $family, $sex, $email, $nick) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
806 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
809 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT surname, family, sex, email FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1",
810 array(bigintval($UID)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
811 list($surname, $family, $sex, $email) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
812 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
816 // Neutral sex and email address is default
821 // Translate M to male or F to female
822 $salut = TRANSLATE_SEX($sex);
824 // Store email for some functions in global data array
825 $DATA['email'] = $email;
828 $BASE = sprintf("%stemplates/%s/emails/", PATH, GET_LANGUAGE());
830 // Check for admin/guest/member templates
831 if (strpos($template, "admin_") > -1) {
832 // Admin template found
833 $file = $BASE."admin/".$template.".tpl";
834 } elseif (strpos($template, "guest_") > -1) {
835 // Guest template found
836 $file = $BASE."guest/".$template.".tpl";
837 } elseif (strpos($template, "member_") > -1) {
838 // Member template found
839 $file = $BASE."member/".$template.".tpl";
841 // Test for extension
842 $test = substr($template, 0, strpos($template, "_"));
843 if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE($test)) {
844 // Set extra path to extension's name
845 $file = $BASE.$test."/".$template.".tpl";
847 // No special filename
848 $file = $BASE.$template.".tpl";
852 // Does the special template exists?
853 if ((!@file_exists($file)) || (!is_readable($file))) {
854 // Reset to default template
855 $file = $BASE.$template.".tpl";
858 // Now does the final template exists?
859 if ((@file_exists($file)) && (is_readable($file))) {
860 // The local file does exists so we load it. :)
861 $tmpl_file = @implode("", @file($file));
862 $tmpl_file = addslashes($tmpl_file);
865 $tmpl_file = COMPILE_CODE($tmpl_file);
868 $tmpl_file = "\$content=\"".$tmpl_file."\";";
871 // Replace HTML confirm chars
872 $content = html_entity_decode($content);
873 } elseif (!empty($template)) {
874 // Template file not found!
875 $content = TEMPLATE_404.": ".$template."<br />
877 <PRE>".print_r($content, true)."</PRE>
879 <PRE>".print_r($DATA, true)."</PRE>
882 // Debug mode not active? Then remove the HTML tags
883 if (!DEBUG_MODE) $content = strip_tags($content);
885 // No template name supplied!
886 $content = NO_TEMPLATE_SUPPLIED;
889 // Return compiled content
890 return COMPILE_CODE($content);
893 function MAKE_TIME($H, $M, $S, $stamp) {
894 // Extract day, month and year from given timestamp
895 $DAY = date("d", $stamp);
896 $MONTH = date("m", $stamp);
897 $YEAR = date('Y', $stamp);
899 // Create timestamp for wished time which depends on extracted date
900 return mktime($H, $M, $S, $MONTH, $DAY, $YEAR);
903 function LOAD_URL($URL, $addUrlData=true) {
904 global $CSS, $_CONFIG, $link, $db, $footer;
906 // Check if http(s):// is there
907 if ((substr($URL, 0, 7) != "http://") && (substr($URL, 0, 8) != "https://")) {
908 // Make all URLs full-qualified
912 // Compile out URI codes
916 $OUTPUT = ob_get_contents();
921 // Add some data to URL if cookies are not accepted
922 if (((!defined('__COOKIES')) || (!__COOKIES)) && ($addUrlData)) $URL = ADD_URL_DATA($URL);
924 // Probe for bot from search engine
925 if ((eregi("spider", getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'))) || (eregi("bot", getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'))) || (eregi("spider", getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT')))) {
926 // Search engine bot detected so let's rewrite many chars for the link
927 $URL = htmlentities(strip_tags($URL), ENT_QUOTES);
929 // Output new location link as anchor
930 OUTPUT_HTML("<A href=\"".$URL."\">".$URL."</A>");
931 } elseif (!headers_sent()) {
932 // Load URL when headers are not sent
935 debug_print_backtrace();
936 die("</pre>URL={$URL}");
938 @header ("Location: ".str_replace("&", "&", $URL));
940 // Output error message
941 include(PATH."inc/header.php");
942 LOAD_TEMPLATE("redirect_url", false, str_replace("&", "&", $URL));
943 include(PATH."inc/footer.php");
948 function COMPILE_CODE($code, $simple = false, $constants = true, $full = true) {
949 global $SEC_CHARS, $URL_CHARS;
952 // Select smaller set of chars to replace when we e.g. want to compile URLs
953 if (!$full) $ARRAY = $URL_CHARS;
957 // BEFORE 0.2.1 : Language and data constants
958 // WITH 0.2.1+ : Only language constants
959 $code = str_replace('{--', '".', str_replace('--}', '."', $code));
961 // BEFORE 0.2.1 : Not used
962 // WITH 0.2.1+ : Data constants
963 $code = str_replace('{!', '".', str_replace("!}", '."', $code));
966 // Compile QUOT and other non-HTML codes
967 foreach ($ARRAY['to'] as $k => $to) {
968 // Do the reversed thing as in inc/libs/security_functions.php
969 $code = str_replace($to, $ARRAY['from'][$k], $code);
972 // But shall I keep simple quotes for later use?
973 if ($simple) $code = str_replace("\'", '{QUOT}', $code);
975 // Find $content[bla][blub] entries
976 @preg_match_all('/\$(content|DATA)((\[([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\])*)/', $code, $matches);
978 // Are some matches found?
979 if ((count($matches) > 0) && (count($matches[0]) > 0)) {
980 // Replace all matches
981 $matchesFound = array();
982 foreach ($matches[0] as $key=>$match) {
983 // Avoid replacing matches multiple times
984 if (!isset($matchesFound[$match])) {
986 $code = str_replace($match, "\".".$match.".\"", $code);
987 $matchesFound[$match] = 1;
990 // Take all string elements
991 if (("".bigintval($matches[4][$key])."" != $matches[4][$key]) && (!isset($matchesFound[$key."_".$matches[4][$key]]))) {
992 // Replace it in the code
993 $code = str_replace("[".$matches[4][$key]."]", "['".$matches[4][$key]."']", $code);
994 $matchesFound[$key."_".$matches[4][$key]] = 1;
999 // Return compiled code
1003 /************************************************************************
1005 * Gaenderter Sortier-Algorythmus, $array wird nach dem Array (!) *
1006 * $a_sort sortiert: *
1008 * $array - Das 3-dimensionale Array, das paralell sortiert werden soll *
1009 * $a_sort - Array, das die Sortiereihenfolge der ersten Elementeben *
1010 * $primary_key - Prim.rschl.ssel aus $a_sort, nach dem sortiert wird *
1011 * $order - Sortiereihenfolge: -1 = A-Z, 0 = keine, 1 = Z-A *
1012 * $nums - true = Als Zahlen sortieren, false = Als Zeichen sortieren *
1014 * $a_sort muss Elemente enthalten, deren Wert Schluessel von $array *
1015 * sind... Klingt kompliziert, suchen Sie mal mein Beispiel, dann sehen *
1016 * Sie, dass es doch nicht so schwer ist! :-) *
1018 ************************************************************************/
1019 function array_pk_sort(&$array, $a_sort, $primary_key = 0, $order = -1, $nums = false)
1022 while ($primary_key < count($a_sort))
1024 foreach ($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]] as $key=>$value)
1026 foreach ($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]] as $key2=>$value2)
1031 // Sort byte-by-byte (also numbers will be interpreted as chars! E.g.: "9" > "10")
1032 if (($key != $key2) && (strcmp(strtolower($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key]), strtolower($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key2])) == $order)) $match = true;
1034 elseif ($key != $key2)
1036 // Sort numbers (E.g.: 9 < 10)
1037 if (($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key] < $dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key2]) && ($order == -1)) $match = true;
1038 if (($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key] > $dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key2]) && ($order == 1)) $match = true;
1042 // We have found two different values, so let's sort whole array
1043 foreach ($dummy as $sort_key=>$sort_val)
1045 $t = $dummy[$sort_key][$key];
1046 $dummy[$sort_key][$key] = $dummy[$sort_key][$key2];
1047 $dummy[$sort_key][$key2] = $t;
1058 // Write back sorted array
1062 function ADD_SELECTION($type, $DEFAULT, $prefix="", $id="0")
1064 global $MONTH_DESCR; $OUT = "";
1067 // This is a yes/no selection only!
1068 if ($id > 0) $prefix .= "[".$id."]";
1069 $OUT .= " <SELECT name=\"".$prefix."\" class=\"register_select\" size=\"1\">\n";
1073 // Begin with regular selection box here
1074 if (!empty($prefix)) $prefix .= "_";
1076 if ($id > 0) $type2 .= "[".$id."]";
1077 $OUT .= " <SELECT name=\"".strtolower($prefix.$type2)."\" class=\"register_select\" size=\"1\">\n";
1082 for ($idx = 1; $idx < 32; $idx++)
1084 $OUT .= " <OPTION value=\"".$idx."\"";
1085 if ($DEFAULT == $idx) $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
1086 $OUT .= ">".$idx."</OPTION>\n";
1090 case "month": // Month
1091 foreach ($MONTH_DESCR as $month=>$descr)
1093 $OUT .= " <OPTION value=\"".$month."\"";
1094 if ($DEFAULT == $month) $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
1095 $OUT .= ">".$descr."</OPTION>\n";
1099 case "year": // Year
1101 $YEAR = date('Y', time());
1103 // Check if the default value is larger than minimum and bigger than actual year
1104 if (($DEFAULT > 1930) && ($DEFAULT >= $YEAR))
1106 for ($idx = $YEAR; $idx < ($YEAR + 11); $idx++)
1108 $OUT .= " <OPTION value=\"".$idx."\"";
1109 if ($DEFAULT == $idx) $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
1110 $OUT .= ">".$idx."</OPTION>\n";
1113 elseif ($DEFAULT == -1)
1115 // Current year minus 1
1116 for ($idx = 2003; $idx <= ($YEAR + 1); $idx++)
1118 $OUT .= " <OPTION value=\"".$idx."\">".$idx."</OPTION>\n";
1123 // Get current year and subtract 16 (for erotic content)
1124 $OUT .= " <OPTION value=\"1929\"><1930</OPTION>\n";
1125 $YEAR = date('Y', time()) - 16;
1126 for ($idx = 1930; $idx <= $YEAR; $idx++)
1128 $OUT .= " <OPTION value=\"".$idx."\"";
1129 if ($DEFAULT == $idx) $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
1130 $OUT .= ">".$idx."</OPTION>\n";
1137 for ($idx = 0; $idx < 60; $idx+=5)
1139 if (strlen($idx) == 1) $idx = "0".$idx;
1140 $OUT .= " <OPTION value=\"".$idx."\"";
1141 if ($DEFAULT == $idx) $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
1142 $OUT .= ">".$idx."</OPTION>\n";
1147 for ($idx = 0; $idx < 24; $idx++)
1149 if (strlen($idx) == 1) $idx = "0".$idx;
1150 $OUT .= " <OPTION value=\"".$idx."\"";
1151 if ($DEFAULT == $idx) $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
1152 $OUT .= ">".$idx."</OPTION>\n";
1157 $OUT .= " <OPTION value=\"Y\"";
1158 if ($DEFAULT == "Y") $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
1159 $OUT .= ">".YES."</OPTION>
1160 <OPTION value=\"N\"";
1161 if ($DEFAULT == "N") $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
1162 $OUT .= ">".NO."</OPTION>\n";
1165 $OUT .= " </SELECT>\n";
1169 function TRANSLATE_YESNO($yn)
1173 case 'Y': $yn = YES; break;
1174 case 'N': $yn = NO; break;
1175 default : $yn = "??? (".$yn.")"; break;
1180 // Deprecated : $length
1183 function GEN_RANDOM_CODE($length, $code, $uid, $DATA="") {
1186 // Fix missing _MAX constant
1187 if (!defined('_MAX')) define('_MAX', 15235);
1189 // Build server string
1190 $server = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].":".getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT').":".getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE').":".getenv('REMOTE_ADDR').":".":".filemtime(PATH."inc/databases.php");
1193 $keys = SITE_KEY.":".DATE_KEY;
1194 if (isset($_CONFIG['secret_key'])) $keys .= ":".$_CONFIG['secret_key'];
1195 if (isset($_CONFIG['file_hash'])) $keys .= ":".$_CONFIG['file_hash'];
1196 $keys .= ":".date("d-m-Y (l-F-T)", $_CONFIG['patch_ctime']);
1197 if (isset($_CONFIG['master_salt'])) $keys .= ":".$_CONFIG['master_salt'];
1199 // Build string from misc data
1200 $data = $code.":".$uid.":".$DATA;
1202 // Add more additional data
1203 if (isSessionVariableSet('u_hash')) $data .= ":".get_session('u_hash');
1204 if (isset($GLOBALS['userid'])) $data .= ":".$GLOBALS['userid'];
1205 if (isSessionVariableSet('lifetime')) $data .= ":".get_session('lifetime');
1206 if (isSessionVariableSet('mxchange_theme')) $data .= ":".get_session('mxchange_theme');
1207 if (isSessionVariableSet('mx_lang')) $data .= ":".GET_LANGUAGE();
1208 if (isset($GLOBALS['refid'])) $data .= ":".$GLOBALS['refid'];
1210 // Calculate number for generating the code
1211 $a = $code + _ADD - 1;
1213 if (isset($_CONFIG['master_hash'])) {
1214 // Generate hash with master salt from modula of number with the prime number and other data
1215 $saltedHash = generateHash(($a % _PRIME).":".$server.":".$keys.":".$data.":".date("d-m-Y (l-F-T)", time()).":".$a, $_CONFIG['master_salt']);
1217 // Create number from hash
1218 $rcode = hexdec(substr($saltedHash, strlen($_CONFIG['master_salt']), 9)) / abs(_MAX - $a + sqrt(_ADD)) / pi();
1220 // Generate hash with "hash of site key" from modula of number with the prime number and other data
1221 $saltedHash = generateHash(($a % _PRIME).":".$server.":".$keys.":".$data.":".date("d-m-Y (l-F-T)", time()).":".$a, substr(sha1(SITE_KEY), 0, 8));
1223 // Create number from hash
1224 $rcode = hexdec(substr($saltedHash, 8, 9)) / abs(_MAX - $a + sqrt(_ADD)) / pi();
1227 // At least 10 numbers shall be secure enought!
1228 $len = $_CONFIG['code_length'];
1229 if ($len == 0) $len = 10;
1231 // Cut off requested counts of number
1232 $return = substr(str_replace('.', "", $rcode), 0, $len);
1234 // Done building code
1237 // Does only allow numbers
1238 function bigintval($num, $castValue = true) {
1239 // Filter all numbers out
1240 $ret = preg_replace("/[^0123456789]/", "", $num);
1245 // Insert the code in $img_code into jpeg or PNG image
1246 function GENERATE_IMAGE($img_code, $header=true) {
1248 if ((strlen($img_code) > 6) || (empty($img_code)) || ($_CONFIG['code_length'] == 0))
1250 // Stop execution of function here because of over-sized code length
1255 // Return in an HTML code code
1256 return "<IMG src=\"".URL."/img.php?code=".$img_code."\">\n";
1259 switch ($_CONFIG['img_type'])
1263 $img = sprintf("%s/theme/%s/images/code_bg.jpg", PATH, GET_CURR_THEME());
1264 if ((file_exists($img)) && (is_readable($img))) {
1265 // Okay, load image and hide all errors
1266 $image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($img);
1268 // Exit function here
1275 $img = sprintf("%s/theme/%s/images/code_bg.png", PATH, GET_CURR_THEME());
1276 if ((file_exists($img)) && (is_readable($img))) {
1277 // Okay, load image and hide all errors
1278 $image = @imagecreatefrompng($img);
1280 // Exit function here
1286 // Generate text color (red/green/blue; 0 = dark, 255 = bright)
1287 $text_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
1289 // Insert code into image
1290 imagestring($image, 5, 14, 2, $img_code, $text_color);
1292 // Return to browser
1293 header ("Content-Type: image/".$_CONFIG['img_type']);
1295 // Output image with matching image factory
1296 switch ($_CONFIG['img_type']) {
1297 case "jpg": imagejpeg($image); break;
1298 case "png": imagepng($image); break;
1301 // Remove image from memory
1302 imagedestroy($image);
1304 function CREATE_TIME_SELECTIONS($timestamp, $prefix="", $display="", $align="center", $return_array=false)
1306 // Calculate 15-seconds timestamp (15-seconds-steps shall be fine ;) )
1307 $timestamp = round($timestamp / 15) * 15;
1308 // Do we have a leap year?
1310 $TEST = date('Y', time()) / 4;
1311 $M1 = date("m", time());
1312 $M2 = date("m", (time() + $timestamp));
1313 // If so and if current time is before 02/29 and estimated time is after 02/29 then add 86400 seconds (one day)
1314 if ((floor($TEST) == $TEST) && ($M1 == "02") && ($M2 > "02")) $SWITCH = ONE_DAY;
1315 // First of all years...
1316 $Y = abs(floor($timestamp / (31536000 + $SWITCH)));
1318 $M = abs(floor($timestamp / 2628000 - $Y * 12));
1320 $W = abs(floor($timestamp / 604800 - $Y * ((365 + $SWITCH / ONE_DAY) / 7) - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / ONE_DAY) / 7)));
1322 $D = abs(floor($timestamp / 86400 - $Y * (365 + $SWITCH / ONE_DAY) - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / ONE_DAY)) - $W * 7));
1324 $h = abs(floor($timestamp / 3600 - $Y * (365 + $SWITCH / ONE_DAY) * 24 - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / ONE_DAY) * 24) - $W * 7 * 24 - $D * 24));
1326 $m = abs(floor($timestamp / 60 - $Y * (365 + $SWITCH / ONE_DAY) * 24 * 60 - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / ONE_DAY) * 24 * 60) - $W * 7 * 24 * 60 - $D * 24 * 60 - $h * 60));
1327 // And at last seconds...
1328 $s = abs(floor($timestamp - $Y * (365 + $SWITCH / ONE_DAY) * 24 * 3600 - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / ONE_DAY) * 24 * 3600) - $W * 7 * 24 * 3600 - $D * 24 * 3600 - $h * 3600 - $m * 60));
1330 // Now we convert them in seconds...
1334 // Just put all data in an array for later use
1348 $OUT = "<DIV align=\"".$align."\">\n";
1349 $OUT .= "<TABLE border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"admin_table dashed\">\n";
1351 if (ereg('Y', $display) || (empty($display)))
1353 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\" class=\"admin_title bottom\"><STRONG class=\"tiny\">"._YEARS."</STRONG></TD>\n";
1355 if (ereg("M", $display) || (empty($display)))
1357 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\" class=\"admin_title bottom\"><STRONG class=\"tiny\">"._MONTHS."</STRONG></TD>\n";
1359 if (ereg("W", $display) || (empty($display)))
1361 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\" class=\"admin_title bottom\"><STRONG class=\"tiny\">"._WEEKS."</STRONG></TD>\n";
1363 if (ereg("D", $display) || (empty($display)))
1365 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\" class=\"admin_title bottom\"><STRONG class=\"tiny\">"._DAYS."</STRONG></TD>\n";
1367 if (ereg("h", $display) || (empty($display)))
1369 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\" class=\"admin_title bottom\"><STRONG class=\"tiny\">"._HOURS."</STRONG></TD>\n";
1371 if (ereg("m", $display) || (empty($display)))
1373 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\" class=\"admin_title bottom\"><STRONG class=\"tiny\">"._MINUTES."</STRONG></TD>\n";
1375 if (ereg("s", $display) || (empty($display)))
1377 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\" class=\"admin_title bottom\"><STRONG class=\"tiny\">"._SECONDS."</STRONG></TD>\n";
1381 if (ereg('Y', $display) || (empty($display)))
1383 // Generate year selection
1384 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\"><SELECT class=\"mini_select\" name=\"".$prefix."_ye\" size=\"1\">\n";
1385 for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 10; $idx++)
1387 $OUT .= " <OPTION class=\"mini_select\" value=\"".$idx."\"";
1388 if ($idx == $Y) $OUT .= " selected default";
1389 $OUT .= ">".$idx."</OPTION>\n";
1391 $OUT .= " </SELECT></TD>\n";
1395 $OUT .= "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"".$prefix."_ye\" value=\"0\">\n";
1397 if (ereg("M", $display) || (empty($display)))
1399 // Generate month selection
1400 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\"><SELECT class=\"mini_select\" name=\"".$prefix."_mo\" size=\"1\">\n";
1401 for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 11; $idx++)
1403 $OUT .= " <OPTION class=\"mini_select\" value=\"".$idx."\"";
1404 if ($idx == $M) $OUT .= " selected default";
1405 $OUT .= ">".$idx."</OPTION>\n";
1407 $OUT .= " </SELECT></TD>\n";
1411 $OUT .= "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"".$prefix."_mo\" value=\"0\">\n";
1413 if (ereg("W", $display) || (empty($display)))
1415 // Generate week selection
1416 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\"><SELECT class=\"mini_select\" name=\"".$prefix."_we\" size=\"1\">\n";
1417 for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 4; $idx++)
1419 $OUT .= " <OPTION class=\"mini_select\" value=\"".$idx."\"";
1420 if ($idx == $W) $OUT .= " selected default";
1421 $OUT .= ">".$idx."</OPTION>\n";
1423 $OUT .= " </SELECT></TD>\n";
1427 $OUT .= "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"".$prefix."_we\" value=\"0\">\n";
1429 if (ereg("D", $display) || (empty($display)))
1431 // Generate day selection
1432 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\"><SELECT class=\"mini_select\" name=\"".$prefix."_da\" size=\"1\">\n";
1433 for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 31; $idx++)
1435 $OUT .= " <OPTION class=\"mini_select\" value=\"".$idx."\"";
1436 if ($idx == $D) $OUT .= " selected default";
1437 $OUT .= ">".$idx."</OPTION>\n";
1439 $OUT .= " </SELECT></TD>\n";
1443 $OUT .= "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"".$prefix."_da\" value=\"0\">\n";
1445 if (ereg("h", $display) || (empty($display)))
1447 // Generate hour selection
1448 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\"><SELECT class=\"mini_select\" name=\"".$prefix."_ho\" size=\"1\">\n";
1449 for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 23; $idx++)
1451 $OUT .= " <OPTION class=\"mini_select\" value=\"".$idx."\"";
1452 if ($idx == $h) $OUT .= " selected default";
1453 $OUT .= ">".$idx."</OPTION>\n";
1455 $OUT .= " </SELECT></TD>\n";
1459 $OUT .= "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"".$prefix."_ho\" value=\"0\">\n";
1461 if (ereg("m", $display) || (empty($display)))
1463 // Generate minute selection
1464 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\"><SELECT class=\"mini_select\" name=\"".$prefix."_mi\" size=\"1\">\n";
1465 for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 59; $idx++)
1467 $OUT .= " <OPTION class=\"mini_select\" value=\"".$idx."\"";
1468 if ($idx == $m) $OUT .= " selected default";
1469 $OUT .= ">".$idx."</OPTION>\n";
1471 $OUT .= " </SELECT></TD>\n";
1475 $OUT .= "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"".$prefix."_mi\" value=\"0\">\n";
1477 if (ereg("s", $display) || (empty($display)))
1479 // Generate second selection
1480 $OUT .= " <TD align=\"center\"><SELECT class=\"mini_select\" name=\"".$prefix."_se\" size=\"1\">\n";
1481 for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 45; $idx+=15)
1483 $OUT .= " <OPTION class=\"mini_select\" value=\"".$idx."\"";
1484 if ($idx == $s) $OUT .= " selected default";
1485 $OUT .= ">".$idx."</OPTION>\n";
1487 $OUT .= " </SELECT></TD>\n";
1491 $OUT .= "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"".$prefix."_se\" value=\"0\">\n";
1494 $OUT .= "</TABLE>\n";
1496 // Return generated HTML code
1503 // Do we have a leap year?
1505 $TEST = date('Y', time()) / 4;
1506 $M1 = date("m", time());
1507 // If so and if current time is before 02/29 and estimated time is after 02/29 then add 86400 seconds (one day)
1508 if ((floor($TEST) == $TEST) && ($M1 == "02") && ($POST[$prefix."_mo"] > "02")) $SWITCH = ONE_DAY;
1509 // First add years...
1510 $ret += $POST[$prefix."_ye"] * (31536000 + $SWITCH);
1512 $ret += $POST[$prefix."_mo"] * 2628000;
1514 $ret += $POST[$prefix."_we"] * 604800;
1516 $ret += $POST[$prefix."_da"] * 86400;
1518 $ret += $POST[$prefix."_ho"] * 3600;
1520 $ret += $POST[$prefix."_mi"] * 60;
1521 // And at last seconds...
1522 $ret += $POST[$prefix."_se"];
1523 // Return calculated value
1526 // Sends out mail to all administrators
1527 // IMPORTANT: Please use SEND_ADMIN_NOTIFCATION() for now!
1528 function SEND_ADMIN_EMAILS_PRO($subj, $template, $content, $UID) {
1529 // Trim template name
1530 $template = trim($template);
1532 // Load email template
1533 $msg = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE($template, $content, $UID);
1535 if (GET_EXT_VERSION("admins") < "0.4.0") {
1536 // Older version detected!
1537 return SEND_ADMIN_EMAILS($subj, $msg);
1540 // Check which admin shall receive this mail
1541 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT DISTINCT admin_id FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins_mails WHERE mail_template='%s' ORDER BY admin_id",
1542 array($template), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1543 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 0) {
1544 // Create new entry (to all admins)
1545 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins_mails (admin_id, mail_template) VALUES (0, '%s')",
1546 array($template), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1548 // Load admin IDs...
1550 while(list($aid) = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) {
1555 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1557 // "implode" IDs and query string
1558 $aid = implode(",", $aids);
1560 // Add line to userlog
1561 USERLOG_ADD_LINE($subj, $msg, $UID);
1563 } elseif ($aid == "0") {
1564 // Select all email adresses
1565 $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT email FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins ORDER BY id", __FILE__, __LINE__);
1567 // If Admin-ID is not "to-all" select
1568 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT email FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins WHERE id IN (%s) ORDER BY id", array($aid), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1572 // Load email addresses and send away
1573 while (list($email) = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) {
1574 SEND_EMAIL($email, $subj, $msg);
1578 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1581 function CREATE_FANCY_TIME($stamp) {
1582 // Get data array with years/months/weeks/days/...
1583 $data = CREATE_TIME_SELECTIONS($stamp, "", "", "", true);
1585 foreach($data as $k=>$v) {
1587 // Value is greater than 0 "eval" data to return string
1588 $eval = "\$ret .= \", \".\$v.\" \"._".strtoupper($k).";";
1594 // Remove first "comma,null" string
1595 $ret = substr($ret, 2);
1599 function ADD_EMAIL_NAV($PAGES, $offset, $show_form, $colspan, $return=false) {
1600 $SEP = ""; $TOP = "";
1603 $SEP = "<TR><TD colspan=\"".$colspan."\" class=\"seperator\"> </TD></TR>";
1607 for ($page = 1; $page <= $PAGES; $page++) {
1608 // Is the page currently selected or shall we generate a link to it?
1609 if (($page == $_GET['page']) || ((empty($_GET['page'])) && ($page == "1"))) {
1610 // Is currently selected, so only highlight it
1611 $NAV .= "<STRONG>-";
1613 // Open anchor tag and add base URL
1614 $NAV .= "<A href=\"".URL."/modules.php?module=admin&what=".$GLOBALS['what']."&page=".$page."&offset=".$offset;
1616 // Add userid when we shall show all mails from a single member
1617 if ((isset($_GET['u_id'])) && (bigintval($_GET['u_id']) > 0)) $NAV .= "&u_id=".bigintval($_GET['u_id']);
1619 // Close open anchor tag
1623 if (($page == $_GET['page']) || ((empty($_GET['page'])) && ($page == "1"))) {
1624 // Is currently selected, so only highlight it
1625 $NAV .= "-</STRONG>";
1631 // Add seperator if we have not yet reached total pages
1632 if ($page < $PAGES) $NAV .= " | ";
1635 // Define constants only once
1636 if (!defined('__NAV_OUTPUT')) {
1637 define('__NAV_OUTPUT' , $NAV);
1638 define('__NAV_COLSPAN', $colspan);
1639 define('__NAV_TOP' , $TOP);
1640 define('__NAV_SEP' , $SEP);
1643 // Load navigation template
1644 $OUT = LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_email_nav_row", true);
1647 // Return generated HTML-Code
1655 // Extract host from script name
1656 function EXTRACT_HOST (&$script) {
1657 // Use default SERVER_URL by default... ;) So?
1660 // Is this URL valid?
1661 if (substr($script, 0, 7) == "http://") {
1662 // Use the hostname from script URL as new hostname
1663 $url = substr($script, 7);
1664 $extract = explode("/", $url);
1666 // Done extracting the URL :)
1669 // Extract host name
1670 $host = str_replace("http://", "", $url);
1671 if (ereg("/", $host)) $host = substr($host, 0, strpos($host, "/"));
1673 // Generate relative URL
1674 //* DEBUG */ print("SCRIPT=".$script."<br />\n");
1675 if (substr(strtolower($script), 0, 7) == "http://") {
1676 // But only if http:// is in front!
1677 $script = substr($script, (strlen($url) + 7));
1678 } elseif (substr(strtolower($script), 0, 8) == "https://") {
1680 $script = substr($script, (strlen($url) + 8));
1683 //* DEBUG */ print("SCRIPT=".$script."<br />\n");
1684 if (substr($script, 0, 1) == "/") $script = substr($script, 1);
1690 // Send a GET request
1691 function GET_URL ($script) {
1692 // Compile the script name
1693 $script = COMPILE_CODE($script);
1695 // Extract host name from script
1696 $host = EXTRACT_HOST($script);
1698 // Generate GET request header
1699 $request = "GET /" . trim($script) . " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
1700 $request .= "Host: " . $host . "\r\n";
1701 $request .= "Referer: " . URL . "/admin.php\r\n";
1702 $request .= "User-Agent: " . TITLE . "/" . FULL_VERSION . "\r\n";
1703 $request .= "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n";
1704 $request .= "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n";
1705 $request .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
1707 // Send the raw request
1708 $response = SEND_RAW_REQUEST($host, $request);
1710 // Return the result to the caller function
1714 // Send a POST request
1715 function POST_URL ($script, $postData) {
1716 // Is postData an array?
1717 if (!is_array($postData)) {
1719 return array("", "", "");
1722 // Compile the script name
1723 $script = COMPILE_CODE($script);
1725 // Extract host name from script
1726 $host = EXTRACT_HOST($script);
1728 // Construct request
1729 $data = http_build_query($postData, '', '&');
1731 // Generate POST request header
1732 $request = "POST /" . trim($script) . " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
1733 $request .= "Host: " . $host . "\r\n";
1734 $request .= "Referer: " . URL . "/admin.php\r\n";
1735 $request .= "User-Agent: " . TITLE . "/" . FULL_VERSION . "\r\n";
1736 $request .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
1737 $request .= "Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n";
1738 $request .= "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n";
1739 $request .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
1742 // Send the raw request
1743 $response = SEND_RAW_REQUEST($host, $request);
1745 // Return the result to the caller function
1749 // Sends a raw request to another host
1750 function SEND_RAW_REQUEST ($host, $request) {
1754 $response = array("", "", "");
1756 // Default is not to use proxy
1759 // Are proxy settins set?
1760 if ((!empty($_CONFIG['proxy_host'])) && ($_CONFIG['proxy_port'] > 0)) {
1766 //* DEBUG */ die("SCRIPT=".$script."<br />\n");
1768 $fp = @fsockopen(COMPILE_CODE($_CONFIG['proxy_host']), $_CONFIG['proxy_port'], $errno, $errdesc, 30);
1770 $fp = @fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errdesc, 30);
1774 if (!is_resource($fp)) {
1781 // Generate CONNECT request header
1782 $proxyTunnel = "CONNECT ".$host.":80 HTTP/1.1\r\n";
1783 $proxyTunnel .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n";
1785 // Use login data to proxy? (username at least!)
1786 if (!empty($_CONFIG['proxy_username'])) {
1788 $encodedAuth = base64_encode(COMPILE_CODE($_CONFIG['proxy_username']).":".COMPILE_CODE($_CONFIG['proxy_password']));
1789 $proxyTunnel .= "Proxy-Authorization: Basic ".$encodedAuth."\r\n";
1792 // Add last new-line
1793 $proxyTunnel .= "\r\n";
1794 //* DEBUG: */ print("<strong>proxyTunnel=</strong><pre>".$proxyTunnel."</pre>");
1797 fputs($fp, $proxyTunnel);
1801 // No response received
1805 // Read the first line
1806 $resp = trim(fgets($fp, 10240));
1807 $respArray = explode(" ", $resp);
1808 if ((strtolower($respArray[0]) !== "http/1.0") || ($respArray[1] != "200")) {
1809 // Invalid response!
1815 fputs($fp, $request);
1819 $response[] = trim(fgets($fp, 1024));
1825 // Skip first empty lines
1827 foreach ($resp as $idx => $line) {
1829 $line = trim($line);
1831 // Is this line empty?
1834 array_shift($response);
1836 // Abort on first non-empty line
1841 //* DEBUG: */ print("<strong>Response:</strong><pre>".print_r($response, true)."</pre>");
1843 // Proxy agent found?
1844 if ((substr(strtolower($response[0]), 0, 11) == "proxy-agent") && ($useProxy)) {
1845 // Proxy header detected, so remove two lines
1846 array_shift($response);
1847 array_shift($response);
1850 // Was the request successfull?
1851 if ((!eregi("200 OK", $response[0])) || (empty($response[0]))) {
1852 // Not found / access forbidden
1853 $response = array("", "", "");
1859 // Taken from www.php.net eregi() user comments
1860 function VALIDATE_EMAIL($email) {
1862 $email = COMPILE_CODE($email);
1864 // Check first part of email address
1865 $first = "[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_<{|}~]+(\.[-a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_<{|}~]+)*";
1868 $domain = "[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]{2,5})+";
1871 $regex = "^".$first."@".$domain."$";
1873 // Return check result
1874 return eregi($regex, $email);
1876 // Function taken from user comments on www.php.net / function eregi()
1877 function VALIDATE_URL ($URL, $compile=true) {
1878 // Trim URL a little
1879 $URL = trim(urldecode($URL));
1880 //* DEBUG: */ echo $URL."<br />";
1882 // Compile some chars out...
1883 if ($compile) $URL = COMPILE_CODE($URL, false, false, false);
1884 //* DEBUG: */ echo $URL."<br />";
1886 // Check for the extension filter
1887 if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("filter")) {
1888 // Use the extension's filter set
1889 return FILTER_VALIDATE_URL($URL, false);
1892 // If not installed, perform a simple test. Just make it sure there is always a http:// or
1893 // https:// in front of the URLs
1894 return (((substr($URL, 0, 7) == "http://") || (substr($URL, 0, 8) == "https://")) && (strlen($URL) >= 12));
1897 function MEMBER_ACTION_LINKS($uid, $status="") {
1898 // Define all main targets
1899 $TARGETS = array("del_user", "edit_user", "lock_user", "add_points", "sub_points");
1901 // Begin of navigation links
1902 $eval = "\$OUT = \"[ ";
1904 foreach ($TARGETS as $tar) {
1905 $eval .= "<SPAN class=\\\"admin_user_link\\\"><A href=\\\"".URL."/modules.php?module=admin&what=".$tar."&u_id=".$uid."\\\" title=\\\"\".ADMIN_LINK_";
1906 //* DEBUG: */ echo "*".$tar."/".$status."*<br />\n";
1907 if (($tar == "lock_user") && ($status == "LOCKED")) {
1908 // Locked accounts shall be unlocked
1909 $eval .= "UNLOCK_USER";
1911 // All other status is fine
1912 $eval .= strtoupper($tar);
1914 $eval .= "_TITLE.\"\\\">\".ADMIN_";
1915 if (($tar == "lock_user") && ($status == "LOCKED")) {
1916 // Locked accounts shall be unlocked
1917 $eval .= "UNLOCK_USER";
1919 // All other status is fine
1920 $eval .= strtoupper($tar);
1922 $eval .= ".\"</A></SPAN> | ";
1925 // Finish navigation link
1926 $eval = substr($eval, 0, -7)."]\";";
1932 // Function for backward-compatiblity
1933 function ADD_CATEGORY_TABLE ($MODE, $return=false) {
1934 // Load it from the register extension
1935 return REGISTER_ADD_CATEGORY_TABLE ($MODE, $return);
1937 // Generate an email link
1938 function CREATE_EMAIL_LINK($email, $table="admins") {
1939 // Default email link (INSECURE! Spammer can read this by harvester programs)
1940 $EMAIL = "mailto:".$email;
1942 // Check for several extensions
1943 if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("admins")) && ($table == "admins")) {
1944 // Create email link for contacting admin in guest area
1946 } elseif ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("user", true)) && (GET_EXT_VERSION("user") >= "0.3.3") && ($table == "user_data")) {
1947 // Create email link for contacting a member within admin area (or later in other areas, too?)
1949 } elseif ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sponsor")) && ($table == "sponsor_data")) {
1950 // Create email link to contact sponsor within admin area (or like the link above?)
1954 // Shall I close the link when there is no admin?
1955 if ((!IS_ADMIN()) && ($EMAIL == $email)) $EMAIL = "#"; // Closed!
1957 // Return email link
1960 // Generate a hash for extra-security for all passwords
1961 function generateHash ($plainText, $salt = "") {
1962 global $_CONFIG, $_SERVER;
1964 // Is the required extension "sql_patches" there and a salt is not given?
1965 if (((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") < "0.3.6") || (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") == "")) && (empty($salt))) {
1966 // Extension sql_patches is missing/outdated so we return the plain text
1970 // Do we miss an arry element here?
1971 if (!isset($_CONFIG['file_hash'])) {
1973 print(__FUNCTION__.":<pre>");
1974 debug_print_backtrace();
1978 // When the salt is empty build a new one, else use the first x configured characters as the salt
1980 // Build server string
1981 $server = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].":".getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT').":".getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE').":".getenv('REMOTE_ADDR').":".":".filemtime(PATH."inc/databases.php");
1984 $keys = SITE_KEY.":".DATE_KEY.":".$_CONFIG['secret_key'].":".$_CONFIG['file_hash'].":".date("d-m-Y (l-F-T)", $_CONFIG['patch_ctime']).":".$_CONFIG['master_salt'];
1987 $data = $plainText.":".uniqid(rand(), true).":".time();
1989 // Calculate number for generating the code
1990 $a = time() + _ADD - 1;
1992 // Generate SHA1 sum from modula of number and the prime number
1993 $sha1 = sha1(($a % _PRIME).$server.":".$keys.":".$data.":".date("d-m-Y (l-F-T)", time()).":".$a);
1994 //* DEBUG: */ echo "SHA1=".$sha1." (".strlen($sha1).")<br>";
1995 $sha1 = scrambleString($sha1);
1996 //* DEBUG: */ echo "Scrambled=".$sha1." (".strlen($sha1).")<br>";
1997 //* DEBUG: */ $sha1b = descrambleString($sha1);
1998 //* DEBUG: */ echo "Descrambled=".$sha1b." (".strlen($sha1b).")<br>";
2000 // Generate the password salt string
2001 $salt = substr($sha1, 0, $_CONFIG['salt_length']);
2002 //* DEBUG: */ echo $salt." (".strlen($salt).")<br />";
2005 $salt = substr($salt, 0, $_CONFIG['salt_length']);
2006 //* DEBUG: */ echo "GIVEN={$salt}<br />\n";
2010 return $salt.sha1($salt.$plainText);
2013 function scrambleString($str) {
2019 // Final check, in case of failture it will return unscrambled string
2020 if (strlen($str) > 40) {
2021 // The string is to long
2023 } elseif (strlen($str) == 40) {
2025 $scrambleNums = explode(":", $_CONFIG['pass_scramble']);
2027 // Generate new numbers
2028 $scrambleNums = explode(":", genScrambleString(strlen($str)));
2031 // Scramble string here
2032 //* DEBUG: */ echo "***Original=".$str."***<br />";
2033 for ($idx = 0; $idx < strlen($str); $idx++) {
2034 // Get char on scrambled position
2035 $char = substr($str, $scrambleNums[$idx], 1);
2037 // Add it to final output string
2038 $scrambled .= $char;
2041 // Return scrambled string
2042 //* DEBUG: */ echo "***Scrambled=".$scrambled."***<br />";
2046 function descrambleString($str)
2049 // Scramble only 40 chars long strings
2050 if (strlen($str) != 40) return $str;
2052 // Load numbers from config
2053 $scrambleNums = explode(":", $_CONFIG['pass_scramble']);
2056 if (count($scrambleNums) != 40) return $str;
2058 // Begin descrambling
2059 $orig = str_repeat(" ", 40);
2060 //* DEBUG: */ echo "+++Scrambled=".$str."+++<br />";
2061 for ($idx = 0; $idx < 40; $idx++)
2063 $char = substr($str, $idx, 1);
2064 $orig = substr_replace($orig, $char, $scrambleNums[$idx], 1);
2067 // Return scrambled string
2068 //* DEBUG: */ echo "+++Original=".$orig."+++<br />";
2072 function genScrambleString($len) {
2073 // Prepare randomizer and array for the numbers
2074 mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
2075 $scrambleNumbers = array();
2077 // First we need to setup randomized numbers from 0 to 31
2078 for ($idx = 0; $idx < $len; $idx++) {
2080 $rand = mt_rand(0, ($len -1));
2082 // Check for it by creating more numbers
2083 while (array_key_exists($rand, $scrambleNumbers)) {
2084 $rand = mt_rand(0, ($len -1));
2088 $scrambleNumbers[$rand] = $rand;
2091 // So let's create the string for storing it in database
2092 $scrambleString = implode(":", $scrambleNumbers);
2093 return $scrambleString;
2095 // Append data like session ID referral ID to the given URL which would
2096 // normally be stored in cookies
2097 function ADD_URL_DATA($URL)
2102 // Determine URL binder
2104 if (strpos($URL, "?") !== false) $BIND = "&";
2106 if ((!defined('__COOKIES')) || ((!__COOKIES))) {
2107 // Cookies are not accepted
2108 if ((!empty($_GET['refid'])) && (strpos($URL, "refid=") == 0)) {
2109 // Cookie found in URL
2110 $ADD .= $BIND."refid=".bigintval($_GET['refid']);
2111 } elseif ((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") != '') && ($_CONFIG['def_refid'] > 0)) {
2112 // Not found! So let's set default here
2113 $ADD .= $BIND."refid=".$_CONFIG['def_refid'];
2116 // Is there already added data? Then change the binder
2117 if (!empty($ADD)) $BIND = "&";
2120 if ((!empty($_GET['PHPSESSID'])) && (strpos($URL, "PHPSESSID=") == 0)) {
2121 // Add session from URL
2122 $ADD .= $BIND."PHPSESSID=".SQL_ESCAPE(strip_tags($_GET['PHPSESSID']));
2124 // Add current session
2125 $ADD .= $BIND."PHPSESSID=".session_id();
2129 // Add all together and return it
2132 // Generate an PGP-like encrypted hash of given hash for e.g. cookies
2133 function generatePassString($passHash) {
2136 // Return vanilla password hash
2139 // Is a secret key and master salt already initialized?
2140 if ((!empty($_CONFIG['secret_key'])) && (!empty($_CONFIG['master_salt']))) {
2141 // Only calculate when the secret key is generated
2142 $newHash = ""; $start = 9;
2143 for ($idx = 0; $idx < 10; $idx++) {
2144 $part1 = hexdec(substr($passHash, $start, 4));
2145 $part2 = hexdec(substr($_CONFIG['secret_key'], $start, 4));
2146 $mod = dechex($idx);
2147 if ($part1 > $part2) {
2148 $mod = dechex(sqrt(($part1 - $part2) * _PRIME / pi()));
2149 } elseif ($part2 > $part1) {
2150 $mod = dechex(sqrt(($part2 - $part1) * _PRIME / pi()));
2152 $mod = substr(round($mod), 0, 4);
2153 $mod = str_repeat('0', 4-strlen($mod)).$mod;
2154 //* DEBUG: */ echo "*".$start."=".$mod."*<br>";
2159 //* DEBUG: */ print($passHash."<br>".$newHash." (".strlen($newHash).")");
2160 $ret = generateHash($newHash, $_CONFIG['master_salt']);
2161 //* DEBUG: */ print($ret."<br />\n");
2164 //* DEBUG: */ echo "--".$passHash."--<br />\n";
2165 $ret = md5($passHash);
2166 //* DEBUG: */ echo "++".$ret."++<br />\n";
2173 // Fix "deleted" cookies
2174 function FIX_DELETED_COOKIES ($cookies) {
2175 // Is this an array with entries?
2176 if ((is_array($cookies)) && (count($cookies) > 0)) {
2177 // Then check all cookies if they are marked as deleted!
2178 foreach ($cookies as $cookieName) {
2179 // Is the cookie set to "deleted"?
2180 if (get_session($cookieName) == "deleted") {
2181 set_session($cookieName, "");
2187 // Output error messages in a fasioned way and die...
2188 function mxchange_die ($msg) {
2191 // Load the message template
2192 LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, $msg);
2195 include(PATH."inc/footer.php");
2201 // Display parsing time and number of SQL queries in footer
2203 global $startTime, $_CONFIG;
2204 $endTime = microtime(true);
2206 // Is the timer started?
2207 if (!isset($GLOBALS['startTime'])) {
2212 // "Explode" both times
2213 $start = explode(" ", $GLOBALS['startTime']);
2214 $end = explode(" ", $endTime);
2215 $runTime = $end[0] - $start[0];
2216 if ($runTime < 0) $runTime = 0;
2217 $runTime = TRANSLATE_COMMA($runTime);
2221 'runtime' => $runTime,
2222 'numSQLs' => ($_CONFIG['sql_count'] + 1),
2223 'numTemplates' => ($_CONFIG['num_templates'] + 1)
2226 // Load the template
2227 LOAD_TEMPLATE("show_timings", false, $content);
2230 // Unset/set session variables
2231 function set_session ($var, $value) {
2234 // Abort in CSS mode here
2235 if ($CSS == 1) return true;
2237 // Trim value and session variable
2238 $var = trim(SQL_ESCAPE($var)); $value = trim($value);
2240 // Is the session variable set?
2241 if (("".$value."" == "") && (isSessionVariableSet($var))) {
2242 // Remove the session
2243 //* DEBUG: */ echo "UNSET:".$var."=".get_session($var)."<br />\n";
2244 unset($_SESSION[$var]);
2245 return session_unregister($var);
2246 } elseif (("".$value."" != '') && (!isSessionVariableSet($var))) {
2248 //* DEBUG: */ echo "SET:".$var."=".$value."<br />\n";
2249 $_SESSION[$var] = $value;
2250 return session_register($var);
2251 } elseif (!empty($value)) {
2253 $_SESSION[$var] = $value;
2255 // Something bad happens!
2256 return false; // Hope this doesn't make so much trouble???
2259 // Return always true if the session variable is already set.
2260 // Keept me busy for a longer while...
2261 //* DEBUG: */ echo "IGNORED:".$var."=".$value."<br />\n";
2265 // Check wether a boolean constant is set
2266 // Taken from user comments in PHP documentation for function constant()
2267 function isBooleanConstantAndTrue($constname) { // : Boolean
2269 if (defined($constname)) $res = (constant($constname) === true);
2273 // Check wether a session variable is set
2274 function isSessionVariableSet($var) {
2275 return (isset($_SESSION[$var]));
2277 // Returns wether the value of the session variable or NULL if not set
2278 function get_session($var) {
2279 // Default is not found! ;-)
2282 // Is the variable there?
2283 if (isSessionVariableSet($var)) {
2284 // Then get it secured!
2285 $value = SQL_ESCAPE($_SESSION[$var]);
2291 // Send notification to admin
2292 function SEND_ADMIN_NOTIFICATION($subject, $templateName, $content="", $uid="0") {
2293 if (GET_EXT_VERSION("admins") >= "0.4.1") {
2295 SEND_ADMIN_EMAILS_PRO($subject, $templateName, $content, $uid);
2297 // Send outdated way
2298 $msg = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE($templateName, $content, $uid);
2299 SEND_ADMIN_EMAILS($subject, $msg);
2302 // Destroy user session
2303 function destroy_user_session () {
2304 // Remove all user data from session
2305 return ((set_session("userid", "")) && (set_session("u_hash", "")) && (set_session("lifetime", "")));
2307 // Merges an array together but only if both are arrays
2308 function merge_array ($array1, $array2) {
2309 // Are both an array?
2310 if ((is_array($array1)) && (is_array($array2))) {
2311 // Merge all together
2312 return array_merge($array1, $array2);
2313 } elseif (is_array($array1)) {
2314 // Return left array
2318 // Something wired happened here...
2319 print(__FUNCTION__.":<pre>");
2320 debug_print_backtrace();
2323 // Debug message logger
2324 function DEBUG_LOG ($message) {
2325 // Is debug mode enabled?
2326 if (isBooleanConstantAndTrue('DEBUG_MODE')) {
2327 // Log this message away
2328 $fp = fopen(PATH."inc/cache/debug.log", 'a') or mxchange_die("Cannot write logfile debug.log!");
2329 fwrite($fp, date("d.m.Y|H:i:s", time())."|{$message}\n");
2333 // Reads a directory with PHP files in and gets only files back
2334 function GET_DIR_AS_ARRAY ($baseDir, $prefix) {
2338 $dirPointer = opendir($baseDir) or mxchange_die("Cannot read ".basename($baseDir)." path!");
2341 while ($baseFile = readdir($dirPointer)) {
2342 // Load file only if extension is active
2344 $file = $baseDir.$baseFile;
2346 // Is this a valid reset file?
2347 if ((is_file($file)) && (is_readable($file)) && (substr($baseFile, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) && (substr($baseFile, -4, 4) == ".php")) {
2348 // Remove both for extension name
2349 $extName = substr($baseFile, strlen($prefix), -4);
2352 $extId = GET_EXT_ID($extName);
2354 // Is the extension valid and active?
2355 if (($extId > 0) && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE($extName))) {
2356 // Then add this file
2363 closedir($dirPointer);
2365 // Return array with include files
2368 // Load more reset scripts
2369 function RESET_ADD_INCLUDES () {
2370 global $_CONFIG, $INC_POOL;
2372 // Is the reset set or old sql_patches?
2373 if ((!isBooleanConstantAndTrue('__DAILY_RESET')) || (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") < "0.4.5")) {
2378 // Get more daily reset scripts
2379 $INC_POOL = array_merge($INC_POOL, GET_DIR_AS_ARRAY(PATH."inc/reset/", "reset_"));
2381 // Create current week mark
2382 $currWeek = date("W", time());
2385 if ($_CONFIG['last_week'] != $currWeek) {
2386 // Include weekly reset scripts
2387 $INC_POOL = array_merge($INC_POOL, GET_DIR_AS_ARRAY(PATH."inc/weekly/", "weekly_"));
2390 UPDATE_CONFIG("last_week", $currWeek);
2393 // Create current month mark
2394 $currMonth = date("m", time());
2397 if ($_CONFIG['last_month'] != $currMonth) {
2398 // Include monthly reset scripts
2399 $INC_POOL = array_merge($INC_POOL, GET_DIR_AS_ARRAY(PATH."inc/monthly/", "monthly_"));
2402 UPDATE_CONFIG("last_month", $currMonth);
2406 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
2410 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
2412 if (!function_exists('html_entity_decode')) {
2413 // Taken from documentation on www.php.net
2414 function html_entity_decode($string) {
2415 $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
2416 $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl);
2417 return strtr($string, $trans_tbl);