2 /************************************************************************
3 * MXChange v0.2.1 Start: 03/05/2005 *
4 * =============== Last change: 03/05/2005 *
6 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
7 * File : mediadata_de.php *
8 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
9 * Short description : German langugage support *
10 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
11 * Kurzbeschreibung : Deutsche Sprachunterstuetzung *
12 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
15 * $Tag:: 0.2.1-FINAL $ *
17 * Needs to be in all Files and every File needs "svn propset *
18 * svn:keywords Date Revision" (autoprobset!) at least!!!!!! *
19 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
20 * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2008 by Roland Haeder *
21 * For more information visit: http://www.mxchange.org *
23 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
24 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
25 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
26 * (at your option) any later version. *
28 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
29 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
31 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
33 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
34 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
35 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
37 ************************************************************************/
39 // Some security stuff...
40 if (!defined('__SECURITY')) {
41 $INC = substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, strpos(dirname(__FILE__), '/inc') + 4) . '/security.php';
45 // Language definitions
46 define('MEDIA_DATA_GENERAL', "Allgemeine Mediendaten");
47 define('MEDIA_DATA_POINTS', "{!POINTS!} im System");
48 define('MEDIA_DATA_MISC', "Verschiedene Mediendaten");
49 define('MEDIA_DATA_REFBANNER', "Daten zu unsere Referal-Bannern");
50 define('MEDIA_DATA_MAIL', "Mailstatistik");
52 define('MEDIA_DOUBLER_HEADER', "Statistiken - {!POINTS!}-Verdoppler");
53 define('MEDIA_DOUBLER_COUNT', "Anzahl Auszahlungen");
54 define('MEDIA_DOUBLER_CPOINTS', "Ausgezahlte {!POINTS!}");
55 define('MEDIA_DOUBLER_WAITING', "In Warteschleife befindlich");
56 define('MEDIA_DOUBLER_WPOINTS', "Wartende {!POINTS!}");
58 define('MEDIA_TRANSFER_HEADER', "Statistiken - {!POINTS!}-Transfer");
59 define('MEDIA_TRANSFER_IN_COUNT', "Anzahl eingehende Transfers");
60 define('MEDIA_TRANSFER_IN_POINTS', "Eingehende {!POINTS!}");
61 define('MEDIA_TRANSFER_OUT_COUNT', "Anzahl ausgehende Transfers");
62 define('MEDIA_TRANSFER_OUT_POINTS', "Ausgehende {!POINTS!}");
64 define('TOTAL_REF_BANNER', "Anzahl Referal-Banner");
65 define('TOTAL_REF_CLICKS', "Klicks auf die Banner");
66 define('TOTAL_REF_VIEWS', "Einblendungen der Banner");
67 define('TOTAL_REFCLICKS', "Referal-Klicks");
68 define('MEDIA_BEG_CLICKS', "Klicks auf Bettellinks");
69 define('MEDIA_HOLIDAY_COUNT', "Auf Urlaub gestellte Accounts");
70 define('CONTINUE_MEMBER_STATS', "Weiter zur Mitglieder-Statistik");
72 define('MEDIA_DATA_SCRIPT', "Daten zur verwendeten Software");
73 define('ENGINE_SOFTWARE', "Verwendete Engine");
74 define('ENGINE_VERSION', "Installierte MXChange-Version");
75 define('ENGINE_PATCH_LEVEL', "Patch-Level");
76 define('ENGINE_PATCH_CTIME', "Letzte Aktualisierung");
79 define('ADMIN_MEDIADATA_SETTINGS', "Einstellungen zu den Mediendaten");
80 define('ADMIN_MEDIADATA_MT_START', "Startdatum Ihres {!MT_WORD2!}");
81 define('ADMIN_MEDIADATA_MT_START_NOTE', "Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Startdatum Ihres {!MT_WORD2!} nicht in der Zukunft liegen darf!");
82 define('ADMIN_MEDIADATA_MT_STAGE', "Anzahl zu vorausberechnende Mitgliederanzahl");
83 define('ADMIN_MEDIADATA_MT_STAGE_NOTE', "Geben Sie hier an, wie viele Mitglieder Ihr {!MT_WORD!} erreichen soll. Es wird dann vom Script geschätzt, an welchem Tag dies sein wird.");
86 define('MEDIA_DATA_MEMBERS', "Mitglieder-Statistik");
87 define('USERS_CONFIRMED', "Bestätigte Accounts");
88 define('USERS_UNCONFIRMED', "Auf Freischaltung wartend");
89 define('USERS_LOCKED', "Gesperrte Accounts");
90 define('USER_MT_START', "Start dieses {!MT_WORD2!}");
91 define('USER_MT_PROJECTED_1', "Voraussichtlich: Am <strong>");
92 define('USER_MT_PROJECTED_2', "</strong> werden wir <strong>");
93 define('USER_MT_PROJECTED_3', "</strong> Mitglieder erreicht haben!");
94 define('USER_PROJECTION_UNKNOWN', "<em>unbekanntes Datum</em>");