2 /************************************************************************
3 * MXChange v0.2.1 Start: 08/26/2003 *
4 * =============== Last change: 11/29/2004 *
6 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
7 * File : mysql-manager.php *
8 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
9 * Short description : All MySQL-related functions *
10 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
11 * Kurzbeschreibung : Alle MySQL-Relevanten Funktionen *
12 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
14 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
15 * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2008 by Roland Haeder *
16 * For more information visit: http://www.mxchange.org *
18 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
19 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
20 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
21 * (at your option) any later version. *
23 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
24 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
26 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
28 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
29 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
30 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
32 ************************************************************************/
34 // Some security stuff...
35 if (ereg(basename(__FILE__), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
36 $INC = substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, strpos(dirname(__FILE__), "/inc") + 4) . "/security.php";
41 function ADD_MODULE_TITLE($mod) {
42 global $cacheArray, $_CONFIG;
43 $name = ""; $result = false;
45 // Is the script installed?
46 if (isBooleanConstantAndTrue('mxchange_installed')) {
47 if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("cache") >= "0.1.2") && (isset($cacheArray['modules']['module'])) && (is_array($cacheArray['modules']['module'])) && (isset($cacheArray['modules']['module'][$mod]))) {
49 $name = $cacheArray['modules']['title'][$mod];
52 $_CONFIG['cache_hits']++;
55 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT title FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_mod_reg WHERE module='%s' LIMIT 1", array($mod), __FILE__, __LINE__);
56 list($name) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
57 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
64 // Still no luck or empty title?
67 $name = LANG_UNKNOWN_MODULE." (".$mod.")";
68 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 0) {
69 // Add module to database
70 $dummy = CHECK_MODULE($mod);
76 // Check validity of a given module name (no file extension)
77 function CHECK_MODULE($mod) {
78 // We need them now here...
79 global $cacheArray, $_CONFIG, $cacheInstance;
81 // Filter module name (names with low chars and underlines are fine!)
82 $mod = preg_replace("/[^a-z_]/", "", $mod);
84 // Check for prefix is a extension...
85 $modSplit = explode("_", $mod);
86 $extension = ""; $mod_chk = $mod;
87 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."*".count($modSplit)."*/".$mod."*<br />";
88 if (count($modSplit) == 2) {
89 // Okay, there is a seperator (_) in the name so is the first part a module?
90 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."*".$modSplit[0]."*<br />";
91 if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE($modSplit[0])) {
92 // The prefix is an extension's name, so let's set it
93 $extension = $modSplit[0]; $mod = $modSplit[1];
97 // Major error in module registry is the default
100 // Check if script is installed if not return a "done" to prevent some errors
101 if ((!isBooleanConstantAndTrue('mxchange_installed')) || (isBooleanConstantAndTrue('mxchange_installing')) || (!isBooleanConstantAndTrue('admin_registered'))) return "done";
103 // Check if cache is latest version
104 $locked = 'Y'; $hidden = 'N'; $admin = 'N'; $mem = 'N'; $found = false;
105 if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("cache") >= "0.1.2") && (isset($cacheArray['modules']['module'])) && (is_array($cacheArray['modules']['module']))) {
106 // Is the module cached?
107 if (isset($cacheArray['modules']['locked'][$mod_chk])) {
109 $locked = $cacheArray['modules']['locked'][$mod_chk];
110 $hidden = $cacheArray['modules']['hidden'][$mod_chk];
111 $admin = $cacheArray['modules']['admin_only'][$mod_chk];
112 $mem = $cacheArray['modules']['mem_only'][$mod_chk];
115 $_CONFIG['cache_hits']++;
118 // No, then we have to update it!
122 // Check for module in database
123 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT locked, hidden, admin_only, mem_only FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_mod_reg WHERE module='%s' LIMIT 1", array($mod_chk), __FILE__, __LINE__);
124 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
126 list($locked, $hidden, $admin, $mem) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
127 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
132 // Check returned values against current access permissions
134 // Admin access ----- Guest access ----- --- Guest or member? ---
135 if ((IS_ADMIN()) || (($locked == 'N') && ($admin == 'N') && (($mem == 'N') || (IS_LOGGED_IN())))) {
136 // If you are admin you are welcome for everything!
138 } elseif ($locked == 'Y') {
141 } elseif (($mem == 'Y') && (!IS_LOGGED_IN())) {
142 // You have to login first!
144 } elseif (($admin == 'Y') && (!IS_ADMIN())) {
145 // Only the Admin is allowed to enter this module!
149 // Still no luck or not found?
150 if (($ret == "major") || ($ret == "cache_miss") || (!$found)) {
151 // ----- Legacy module ----- ---- Module in base folder ---- --- Module with extension's name ---
152 if ((file_exists(PATH."inc/modules/".$mod.".php")) || (file_exists(PATH.$mod.".php")) || (file_exists(PATH.$extension."/".$mod.".php"))) {
153 // Data is missing so we add it
154 if (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") >= "0.3.6") {
155 // Since 0.3.6 we have a has_menu column, this took me a half hour
156 // to find a loop here... *sigh*
157 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_mod_reg
158 (module, locked, hidden, mem_only, admin_only, has_menu) VALUES
159 ('%s', 'Y', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N')", array($mod_chk), __FILE__, __LINE__);
161 // Wrong/missing sql_patches!
162 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_mod_reg
163 (module, locked, hidden, mem_only, admin_only) VALUES
164 ('%s', 'Y', 'N', 'N', 'N')", array($mod_chk), __FILE__, __LINE__);
167 // Everthing is fine?
168 if (SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() == 0) {
169 // Something bad happend!
173 // Destroy cache here
174 if (GET_EXT_VERSION("cache") >= "0.1.2") {
175 if ($cacheInstance->cache_file("mod_reg", true)) $cacheInstance->cache_destroy();
176 unset($cacheArray['modules']);
180 $ret = CHECK_MODULE($mod_chk);
182 // Module not found we don't add it to the database
191 // Add menu description pending on given file name (without path!)
192 function ADD_DESCR($ACC_LVL, $file, $return = false, $output = true) {
193 global $DEPTH, $_CONFIG;
194 $LINK_ADD = ""; $OUT = ""; $AND = "";
195 // First we have to do some analysis...
196 if (ereg("action-", $file)) {
197 // This is an action file!
199 $search = substr($file, 7);
203 $MOD_CHECK = "admin";
209 $MOD_CHECK = $GLOBALS['module'];
212 $AND = " AND (what='' OR what IS NULL)";
213 } elseif (ereg("what-", $file)) {
214 // This is an admin what file!
216 $search = substr($file, 5);
221 $MOD_CHECK = "admin";
226 $MOD_CHECK = $GLOBALS['module'];
228 $AND = " AND visible='Y' AND locked='N'";
232 $dummy = substr($search, 0, -4);
233 $AND .= " AND action='".GET_ACTION($ACC_LVL, $dummy)."'";
234 } elseif (($ACC_LVL == "sponsor") || ($ACC_LVL == "engine")) {
235 // Sponsor / engine menu
238 $MOD_CHECK = $GLOBALS['module'];
244 $MOD_CHECK = $GLOBALS['module'];
247 if ((!isset($DEPTH)) && (!$return)) {
249 $prefix = "<DIV class=\"you_are_here\">".YOU_ARE_HERE." <STRONG><A class=\"you_are_here\" href=\"".URL."/modules.php?module=".$GLOBALS['module'].$LINK_ADD."\">Home</A></STRONG>";
251 if (!$return) $DEPTH++;
255 $prefix .= " -> ";
257 if (ereg(".php", $search)) {
258 $search = substr($search, 0, strpos($search, ".php"));
261 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT title FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_%s_menu WHERE %s='%s' ".$AND." LIMIT 1",
262 array($ACC_LVL, $type, $search), __FILE__, __LINE__);
264 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
265 list($ret) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
266 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
270 } elseif (((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") >= "0.2.3") && ($_CONFIG['youre_here'] == 'Y')) || ((IS_ADMIN()) && ($MOD_CHECK == "admin"))) {
272 $OUT = $prefix."<STRONG><A class=\"you_are_here\" href=\"".URL."/modules.php?module=".$MOD_CHECK."&".$type."=".$search.$LINK_ADD."\">".$ret."</A></STRONG>\n";
273 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."*".$type."/".$GLOBALS['what']."*<br />\n";
274 if (($type == "what") || (($type == "action") && (!isset($_GET['what'])) && ($GLOBALS['what'] != "welcome"))) {
275 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."+".$type."+<br />\n";
276 $OUT .= "</DIV><br />\n";
282 // Return or output HTML code?
284 // Output HTML code here
292 function ADD_MENU($MODE, $act, $wht) {
295 // Init some variables
301 if (!VALIDATE_MENU_ACTION($MODE, $act, $wht, true)) return CODE_MENU_NOT_VALID;
303 // Non-admin shall not see all menus
305 $AND = "AND visible='Y' AND locked='N'";
308 // Load SQL data and add the menu to the output stream...
309 $result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT title, action FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_%s_menu WHERE (what='' OR what IS NULL) ".$AND." ORDER BY sort",
310 array($MODE), __FILE__, __LINE__);
311 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."/".$main_cnt."/".$main_action."/".$sub_what.":".$GLOBALS['what']."*<br />\n";
312 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_main) > 0) {
313 OUTPUT_HTML("<TABLE border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"".$MODE."_menu\">");
314 // There are menus available, so we simply display them... :)
315 while (list($main_title, $main_action) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_main)) {
316 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."/".$main_cnt."/".$main_action."/".$sub_what.":".$GLOBALS['what']."*<br />\n";
317 // Load menu header template
318 $BLOCK_MODE = false; $act = $main_action;
319 LOAD_TEMPLATE($MODE."_menu_title", false, $main_title);
321 $result_sub = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT title, what FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_%s_menu WHERE action='%s' AND what != '' ".$AND." ORDER BY sort",
322 array($MODE, $main_action), __FILE__, __LINE__);
323 $ctl = SQL_NUMROWS($result_sub);
326 while (list($sub_title, $sub_what) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_sub)) {
330 // Full file name for checking menu
331 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__.":!!!!".$sub_what."!!!<br />\n";
332 $test_inc = sprintf("%sinc/modules/%s/what-%s.php", PATH, $MODE, $sub_what);
333 $test = (file_exists($test_inc) && is_readable($test_inc));
335 if ((!empty($wht)) && (($wht == $sub_what))) {
336 $content = "<STRONG>";
340 $content .= "<A name=\"menu\" class=\"menu_blur\" href=\"".URL."/modules.php?module=".$GLOBALS['module']."&what=".$sub_what.ADD_URL_DATA("")."\" target=\"_self\">";
346 $content .= $_CONFIG['menu_blur_spacer'].$sub_title;
354 if ((!empty($wht)) && (($wht == $sub_what))) {
355 $content .= "</STRONG>";
357 $wht = $sub_what; $cnt++;
359 LOAD_TEMPLATE($MODE."_menu_row", false, $content);
361 LOAD_TEMPLATE($MODE."_menu_bottom", false, $content);
365 // This is a menu block... ;-)
367 $INC_BLOCK = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/%s/action-%s.php", $MODE, $main_action);
368 if ((file_exists($INC_BLOCK)) && (is_readable($INC_BLOCK))) {
370 if ((!EXT_IS_ACTIVE($main_action)) || ($main_action == "online")) OUTPUT_HTML("<TR>
371 <TD class=\"".$MODE."_menu_whats\">");
372 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."/".$main_cnt."/".$main_action."/".$sub_what.":".$GLOBALS['what']."*<br />\n";
373 include ($INC_BLOCK);
374 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."/".$main_cnt."/".$main_action."/".$sub_what.":".$GLOBALS['what']."*<br />\n";
375 if ((!EXT_IS_ACTIVE($main_action)) || ($main_action == "online")) OUTPUT_HTML(" </TD>
378 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."/".$main_cnt."/".$main_action."/".$sub_what.":".$GLOBALS['what']."*<br />\n";
381 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."/".$main_cnt."/".$main_action."/".$sub_what.":".$GLOBALS['what']."*<br />\n";
382 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_main) > $main_cnt) OUTPUT_HTML("<TR><TD class=\"".$MODE."_menu_seperator\"></TD></TR>");
386 SQL_FREERESULT($result_main);
389 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."/".$main_cnt."/".$main_action."/".$sub_what.":".$GLOBALS['what']."*<br />\n";
393 // This patched function will reduce many SELECT queries for the specified or current admin login
394 function IS_ADMIN($admin="")
396 global $cacheArray, $_CONFIG;
397 $ret = false; $passCookie = ""; $valPass = "";
398 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."ADMIN:".$admin."<br />";
400 // If admin login is not given take current from cookies...
401 if ((empty($admin)) && (isSessionVariableSet('admin_login')) && (isSessionVariableSet('admin_md5'))) {
402 // Get admin login and password from session/cookies
403 $admin = SQL_ESCAPE(get_session('admin_login'));
404 $passCookie = SQL_ESCAPE(get_session('admin_md5'));
406 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."ADMIN:".$admin."/".$passCookie."<br />";
408 // Search in array for entry
409 if ((!empty($passCookie)) && (isset($cacheArray['admins']['password'][$admin])) && (!empty($admin))) {
411 $_CONFIG['cache_hits']++;
413 // Login data is valid or not?
414 $valPass = generatePassString($cacheArray['admins']['password'][$admin]);
415 } elseif (!empty($admin)) {
417 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY password FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins WHERE login='%s' LIMIT 1",
418 array($admin), __FILE__, __LINE__);
422 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
423 // Admin login was found so let's load password from DB
424 list($passDB) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
426 // Generate password hash
427 $valPass = generatePassString($passDB);
431 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
434 if (!empty($valPass)) {
435 // Check if password is valid
436 //* DEBUG: */ echo __FUNCTION__."*".$valPass."/".$passCookie."*<br />\n";
437 $ret = (($valPass == $passCookie) || ((strlen($valPass) == 32) && ($valPass == md5($passCookie))) || (($valPass == "*FAILED*") && (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("cache"))));
440 // Return result of comparision
441 //* DEBUG: */ if (!$ret) echo __LINE__."OK!<br>";
445 function ADD_MAX_RECEIVE_LIST($MODE, $default="", $return=false)
452 // Guests (in the registration form) are not allowed to select 0 mails per day.
453 $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT value, comment FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_max_receive WHERE value > 0 ORDER BY value", __FILE__, __LINE__);
454 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0)
457 while (list($value, $comment) = SQL_FETCHROW($result))
459 $OUT .= " <OPTION value=\"".$value."\"";
460 if ($_POST['max_mails'] == $value) $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
461 $OUT .= ">".$value." ".PER_DAY;
462 if (!empty($comment)) $OUT .= " (".$comment.")";
463 $OUT .= "</OPTION>\n";
465 define('__MAX_RECEIVE_OPTIONS', $OUT);
468 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
469 $OUT = LOAD_TEMPLATE("guest_receive_table", true);
473 // Maybe the admin has to setup some maximum values?
478 // Members are allowed to set to zero mails per day (we will change this soon!)
479 $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT value, comment FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_max_receive ORDER BY value", __FILE__, __LINE__);
480 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0)
483 while (list($value, $comment) = SQL_FETCHROW($result))
485 $OUT .= " <OPTION value=\"".$value."\"";
486 if ($default == $value) $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
487 $OUT .= ">".$value." ".PER_DAY;
488 if (!empty($comment)) $OUT .= " (".$comment.")";
489 $OUT .= "</OPTION>\n";
491 define('__MAX_RECEIVE_OPTIONS', $OUT);
492 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
493 $OUT = LOAD_TEMPLATE("member_receive_table", true);
497 // Maybe the admin has to setup some maximum values?
498 $OUT = LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", true, NO_MAX_VALUES);
504 // Return generated HTML code
509 // Output directly (default)
514 function SEARCH_EMAIL_USERTAB($email)
517 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT userid FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE email LIKE '{PER}%s{PER}' LIMIT 1", array($email), __FILE__, __LINE__);
518 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) $ret = true;
519 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
523 function WHAT_IS_VALID($act, $wht, $type="guest")
527 // Everything is valid to the admin :-)
533 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_%s_menu WHERE action='%s' AND what='%s' AND locked='N' LIMIT 1", array($type, $act, $wht), __FILE__, __LINE__);
535 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) $ret = true;
536 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
541 function IS_LOGGED_IN()
543 global $status, $LAST;
544 if (!is_array($LAST)) $LAST = array();
547 // Fix "deleted" cookies first
548 FIX_DELETED_COOKIES(array('userid', 'u_hash', 'lifetime'));
551 if ((!empty($GLOBALS['userid'])) && (isSessionVariableSet('u_hash')) && (isSessionVariableSet('lifetime')) && (defined('COOKIE_PATH')))
553 // Cookies are set with values, but are they valid?
554 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT password, status, last_module, last_online FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%d LIMIT 1",
555 array($GLOBALS['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__);
556 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)
558 // Load data from cookies
559 list($password, $status, $mod, $onl) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
561 // Validate password by created the difference of it and the secret key
562 $valPass = generatePassString($password);
564 // Transfer last module and online time
565 if ((!empty($mod)) && (empty($LAST['module']))) { $LAST['module'] = $mod; $LAST['online'] = $onl; }
567 // So did we now have valid data and an unlocked user?
568 //* DEBUG: */ echo $valPass."<br>".get_session('u_hash')."<br>";
569 if (($status == "CONFIRMED") && ($valPass == get_session('u_hash'))) {
570 // Account is confirmed and all cookie data is valid so he is definely logged in! :-)
573 // Maybe got locked etc.
574 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."!!!<br>";
575 set_session("userid", "");
576 set_session("u_hash", "");
577 set_session("lifetime", "");
579 // Remove array elements to prevent errors
580 unset($GLOBALS['userid']);
583 // Cookie data is invalid!
584 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."***<br>";
585 set_session("userid", "");
586 set_session("u_hash", "");
587 set_session("lifetime", "");
589 // Remove array elements to prevent errors
590 unset($GLOBALS['userid']);
594 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
598 // Cookie data is invalid!
599 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."///<br>";
600 set_session("userid", "");
601 set_session("u_hash", "");
602 set_session("lifetime", "");
604 // Remove array elements to prevent errors
605 unset($GLOBALS['userid']);
610 function UPDATE_LOGIN_DATA ($UPDATE=true) {
612 if (!is_array($LAST)) $LAST = array();
614 // Are the required cookies set?
615 if ((!isset($GLOBALS['userid'])) || (!isSessionVariableSet('u_hash')) || (!isSessionVariableSet('lifetime'))) {
616 // Nope, then return here to caller function
620 $GLOBALS['userid'] = bigintval(get_session('userid'));
623 // Extract last online time (life) and how long is auto-login valid (time)
624 $newl = time() + bigintval(get_session('lifetime'));
626 // Recheck if logged in
627 if (!IS_LOGGED_IN()) return false;
629 // Load last module and last online time
630 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT last_module, last_online FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%d LIMIT 1", array($GLOBALS['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__);
631 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
632 // Load last module and online time
633 list($mod, $onl) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
634 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
636 // Maybe first login time?
637 if (empty($mod)) $mod = "login";
639 if (set_session("userid", $GLOBALS['userid'], $newl, COOKIE_PATH) && set_session("u_hash", SQL_ESCAPE(get_session('u_hash')), $newl, COOKIE_PATH) && set_session("lifetime", bigintval(get_session('lifetime')), $newl, COOKIE_PATH)) {
640 // This will be displayed on welcome page! :-)
641 if (empty($LAST['module'])) {
642 $LAST['module'] = $mod; $LAST['online'] = $onl;
644 if (empty($GLOBALS['what'])) {
645 $GLOBALS['what'] = "welcome";
648 // Update last module / online time
649 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data SET last_module='%s', last_online=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE userid=%d LIMIT 1",
650 array($GLOBALS['what'], $GLOBALS['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__);
653 // Destroy session, we cannot update!
654 set_session("userid", "");
655 set_session("u_hash", "");
656 set_session("lifetime", "");
660 function VALIDATE_MENU_ACTION ($MODE, $act, $wht, $UPDATE=false)
665 if ((!IS_ADMIN()) && ($MODE != "admin")) $ADD = " AND locked='N'";
666 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__.":".$MODE."/".$act."/".$wht."*<br />\n";
667 if (($MODE != "admin") && ($UPDATE))
669 // Update guest or member menu
670 $SQL = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_%s_menu SET counter=counter+1 WHERE action='%s' AND what='%s'".$ADD." LIMIT 1",
671 array($MODE, $act, $wht), __FILE__, __LINE__, false);
673 elseif ($wht != "overview")
676 $SQL = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id, what FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_%s_menu WHERE action='%s'".$ADD." ORDER BY action DESC LIMIT 1",
677 array($MODE, $act), __FILE__, __LINE__, false);
681 // Admin login overview
682 $SQL = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id, what FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_%s_menu WHERE action='%s' AND (what='' OR what IS NULL)".$ADD." ORDER BY action DESC LIMIT 1",
683 array($MODE, $act), __FILE__, __LINE__, false);
687 $result = SQL_QUERY($SQL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
690 if (SQL_AFFECTEDROWS($link, __FILE__, __LINE__) == 1) $ret = true;
691 //* DEBUG: */ debug_print_backtrace();
695 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
696 list($id, $wht2) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
697 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."+".$SQL."+<br />\n";
698 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."*".$id."/".$wht."/".$wht2."*<br />\n";
704 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
705 //* DEBUG: */ var_dump($ret);
709 function GET_MOD_DESCR($MODE, $wht)
711 if (empty($wht)) $wht = "welcome";
712 $ret = "??? (".$wht.")";
713 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT title FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_%s_menu WHERE what='%s' LIMIT 1", array($MODE, $wht), __FILE__, __LINE__);
714 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)
716 list($ret) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
717 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
722 function SEND_MODE_MAILS($mod, $modes)
724 global $_CONFIG, $DATA;
727 $result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT password FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%d AND status='CONFIRMED' LIMIT 1",
728 array($GLOBALS['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__);
729 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_main) == 1) {
730 // Load hash from database
731 list($hashDB) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_main);
733 // Extract salt from cookie
734 $salt = substr(get_session('u_hash'), 0, -40);
736 // Now let's compare passwords
737 $hash = generatePassString($hashDB);
738 if (($hash == get_session('u_hash')) || ($_POST['pass1'] == $_POST['pass2'])) {
740 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT sex, surname, family, street_nr, country, zip, city, email FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%d AND password='%s' LIMIT 1",
741 array($GLOBALS['userid'], $hashDB), __FILE__, __LINE__);
742 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
744 $DATA = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
747 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
749 // Translate salutation
752 // Clear/init the content variable
759 foreach ($modes as $mode) {
762 case "normal": break; // Do not add any special lines
764 case "email": // Email was changed!
765 $content = MEMBER_CHANGED_EMAIL.": ".$_POST['old_addy']."\n";
768 case "pass": // Password was changed
769 $content = MEMBER_CHANGED_PASS."\n";
773 $content = MEMBER_UNKNOWN_MODE.": ".$mode."\n\n";
778 if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("country")) {
779 // Replace code with description
780 $DATA[4] = COUNTRY_GENERATE_INFO($_POST['country_code']);
784 $msg = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE("member_mydata_notify", $content, $GLOBALS['userid']);
786 if ($_CONFIG['admin_notify'] == 'Y') {
787 // The admin needs to be notified about a profile change
788 $msg_admin = "admin_mydata_notify";
789 $sub_adm = ADMIN_CHANGED_DATA;
797 $sub_mem = MEMBER_CHANGED_DATA;
799 // Output success message
800 $content = "<STRONG><SPAN class=\"member_done\">".MYDATA_MAIL_SENT."</SPAN></STRONG>";
804 $content = "<STRONG><SPAN class=\"member_failed\">".UNKNOWN_MODULE."</SPAN></STRONG>";
808 // Could not load profile data
809 $content = "<STRONG><SPAN class=\"member_failed\">".MEMBER_CANNOT_LOAD_PROFILE."</SPAN></STRONG>";
812 // Passwords mismatch
813 $content = "<STRONG><SPAN class=\"member_failed\">".MEMBER_PASSWORD_ERROR."</SPAN></STRONG>";
816 // Could not load profile
817 $content = "<STRONG><SPAN class=\"member_failed\">".MEMBER_CANNOT_LOAD_PROFILE."</SPAN></STRONG>";
820 // Send email to user if required
821 if ((!empty($sub_mem)) && (!empty($msg))) {
823 SEND_EMAIL($DATA[7], $sub_mem, $msg);
826 // Send only if no other error has occured
827 if (empty($content)) {
828 if ((!empty($sub_adm)) && (!empty($msg_admin))) {
830 if (GET_EXT_VERSION("admins") >= "0.4.1") {
831 SEND_ADMIN_EMAILS_PRO($sub_adm, $msg_admin, $content, $GLOBALS['userid']);
833 SEND_ADMIN_EMAILS($sub_adm, LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE($msg_admin, $content, $GLOBALS['userid']));
835 } elseif ($_CONFIG['admin_notify'] == 'Y') {
836 // Cannot send mails to admin!
840 $content = "<STRONG><SPAN class=\"member_done\">".MYDATA_MAIL_SENT."</SPAN></STRONG>";
845 LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, $content);
847 // Update module counter
848 function COUNT_MODULE($mod)
852 // Do count all other modules but not accesses on CSS file css.php!
853 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_mod_reg SET clicks=clicks+1 WHERE module='%s' LIMIT 1",
854 array($mod), __FILE__, __LINE__);
857 // Get action value from mode (admin/guest/member) and what-value
858 function GET_ACTION ($MODE, &$wht)
860 global $ret; $ret = "";
861 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."=".$MODE."/".$wht."/".$GLOBALS['action']."=<br>";
862 if ((empty($wht)) && ($MODE != "admin"))
866 if ($MODE == "admin")
868 // Action value for admin area
869 if (!empty($GLOBALS['action']))
871 // Get it directly from URL
872 return $GLOBALS['action'];
874 elseif (($wht == "overview") || (empty($GLOBALS['what'])))
876 // Default value for admin area
880 elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['action']))
883 if (empty($wht)) $wht = "welcome";
884 return $GLOBALS['action'];
888 // Everything else will be touched after checking the module has a menu assigned
890 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."*".$ret."*<br />\n";
894 // Rewriting modules to menu
897 case "index": $MODE = "guest"; break;
898 case "login": $MODE = "member"; break;
902 // Guest and member menu is "main" as the default
903 if (empty($ret)) $ret = "main";
905 // Load from database
906 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT action FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_%s_menu WHERE what='%s' LIMIT 1",
907 array($MODE, $wht), __FILE__, __LINE__);
908 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)
910 // Load action value and pray that this one is the right you want... ;-)
911 list($ret) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
915 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
918 // Return action value
922 function GET_CATEGORY ($cid)
924 $ret = _CATEGORY_404;
925 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT cat FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_cats WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1", array($cid), __FILE__, __LINE__);
926 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)
928 // Category found... :-)
929 list($ret) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
930 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
935 function GET_PAYMENT ($pid, $full=false)
938 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT mail_title, price FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_payments WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1", array($pid), __FILE__, __LINE__);
939 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)
941 // Payment type found... :-)
945 list($ret) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
946 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
950 // Return title and price
951 list($t, $p) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
952 $ret = $t." / ".TRANSLATE_COMMA($p)." ".POINTS;
958 function GET_PAY_POINTS($pid, $lookFor="price")
961 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT %s FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_payments WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1",
962 array($lookFor, $pid), __FILE__, __LINE__);
963 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)
965 // Payment type found... :-)
966 list($ret) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
967 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
971 // Remove a receiver's ID from $ARRAY and add a link for him to confirm
972 function REMOVE_RECEIVER(&$ARRAY, $key, $uid, $pool_id, $stats_id="", $bonus=false)
977 // Remove entry from array
980 // Is there already a line for this user available?
983 // Only when we got a real stats ID continue searching for the entry
984 $type = "NORMAL"; $rowName = "stats_id";
985 if ($bonus) { $type = "BONUS"; $rowName = "bonus_id"; }
986 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_links WHERE %s='%s' AND userid=%d AND link_type='%s' LIMIT 1",
987 array($rowName, $stats_id, bigintval($uid), $type), __FILE__, __LINE__);
988 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 0)
990 // No, so we add one!
991 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_links (%s, userid, link_type) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')",
992 array($rowName, $stats_id, bigintval($uid), $type), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1002 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1005 // Return status for sending routine
1009 function GET_TOTAL_DATA($search, $tableName, $lookFor, $whereStatement="userid", $onlyRows=false)
1014 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT COUNT(%s) FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_%s WHERE %s='%s'",
1015 array($lookFor, $tableName, $whereStatement, $search), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1018 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT SUM(%s) FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_%s WHERE %s='%s'",
1019 array($lookFor, $tableName, $whereStatement, $search), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1023 list($ret) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
1024 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."*".$DATA."/".$search."/".$tableName."/".$ret."*<br />\n";
1025 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1027 if (($lookFor == "counter") || ($lookFor == "id")) {
1037 * Dynamic referral system, can also send mails!
1039 * uid = Referral ID wich should receive...
1040 * points = ... xxx points
1041 * send_notify = shall I send the referral an email or not?
1042 * refid = inc/modules/guest/what-confirm.php need this
1043 * locked = Shall I pay it to normal (false) or locked (true) points ammount?
1044 * add_mode = Add points only to $uid or also refs? (WARNING! Changing "ref" to "direct"
1045 * will cause no referral will get points ever!!!)
1047 function ADD_POINTS_REFSYSTEM($uid, $points, $send_notify=false, $rid="0", $locked=false, $add_mode="ref")
1049 global $DEPTH, $_CONFIG, $DATA, $link;
1051 // When $uid = 0 add points to jackpot
1053 // Add points to jackpot
1054 ADD_JACKPOT($points);
1058 // Count up referral depth
1059 if (empty($DEPTH)) {
1060 // Initialialize referral system
1063 // Increase referral level
1067 // Which points, locked or normal?
1068 $data = "points"; if ($locked) $data = "locked_points";
1070 $result_user = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT refid, email FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%d AND status='CONFIRMED' LIMIT 1",
1071 array(bigintval($uid)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1072 //* DEBUG */ echo "+".SQL_NUMROWS($result_user).":".$points."+<br />\n";
1073 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_user) == 1) {
1074 // This is the user and his ref
1075 list ($ref, $email) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_user);
1076 SQL_FREERESULT($result_user);
1078 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT percents FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_refdepths WHERE level='%s' LIMIT 1",
1079 array(bigintval($DEPTH)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1080 //* DEBUG */ echo "DEPTH:".$DEPTH."<br />\n";
1081 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
1082 list($per) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
1083 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1084 $P = $points * $per / 100;
1085 //* DEBUG */ echo "ADD:".$P."<br />\n";
1088 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_points SET %s=%s+%s WHERE userid=%d AND ref_depth=%d LIMIT 1",
1089 array($data, $data, $P, bigintval($uid), bigintval($DEPTH)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1090 if (SQL_AFFECTEDROWS($link, __FILE__, __LINE__) == 0) {
1091 // First ref in this level! :-)
1092 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_points (userid, ref_depth, %s) VALUES (%d, %d, %s)",
1093 array($data, bigintval($uid), bigintval($DEPTH), $P), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1096 // Update mediadata as well
1097 if (GET_EXT_VERSION("mediadata") >= "0.0.4") {
1099 MEDIA_UPDATE_ENTRY(array("total_points"), "add", $P);
1102 // Points updated, maybe I shall send him an email?
1103 if (($send_notify) && ($ref > 0) && (!$locked)) {
1105 $DATA = array($per, bigintval($DEPTH), $P, bigintval($ref));
1106 $msg = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE("confirm-referral", "", bigintval($uid));
1108 SEND_EMAIL($email, THANX_REFERRAL_ONE, $msg);
1109 } elseif (($send_notify) && ($ref == 0) && (!$locked) && ($add_mode == "direct") && (!defined('__POINTS_VALUE'))) {
1110 // Direct payment shall be notified about
1111 define('__POINTS_VALUE', $P);
1114 $msg = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE("add-points", REASON_DIRECT_PAYMENT, $uid);
1118 if (!isset($_GET['mid'])) LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, ADMIN_POINTS_ADDED);
1121 // Maybe there's another ref?
1122 if (($ref > 0) && ($points > 0) && ($ref != $uid) && ($add_mode == "ref")) {
1123 // Then let's credit him here...
1124 ADD_POINTS_REFSYSTEM($ref, $points, $send_notify, $ref, $locked);
1130 function UPDATE_REF_COUNTER($uid)
1132 global $REF_LVL, $link, $cacheInstance;
1133 // Make it sure referral level zero (member him-/herself) is at least selected
1134 if (empty($REF_LVL)) $REF_LVL = "0";
1137 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_refsystem SET counter=counter+1 WHERE userid=%d AND level='%s' LIMIT 1",
1138 array(bigintval($uid), $REF_LVL), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1140 // When no entry was updated then we have to create it here
1141 if (SQL_AFFECTEDROWS($link) == 0)
1144 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_refsystem (userid, level, counter) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '1')",
1145 array(bigintval($uid), $REF_LVL), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1148 // Check for his referral
1149 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT refid FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%d LIMIT 1",
1150 array(bigintval($uid)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1151 list($ref) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
1154 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1156 // When he has a referral...
1157 if (($ref > 0) && ($ref != $uid))
1159 // Move to next referral level and count his counter one up!
1162 elseif ((($ref == $uid) || ($ref == 0)) && (GET_EXT_VERSION("cache") >= "0.1.2"))
1164 // Remove cache here
1165 if ($cacheInstance->cache_file("refsystem", true)) $cacheInstance->cache_destroy();
1169 function UPDATE_ONLINE_LIST($SID, $mod, $act, $wht)
1171 global $link, $_CONFIG;
1172 // Do not update online list when extension is deactivated
1173 if (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("online", true)) return;
1175 // Initialize variables
1176 $uid = "0"; $rid = "0"; $MEM = 'N'; $ADMIN = 'N';
1177 if (!empty($GLOBALS['userid']))
1179 // Update member status only when userid is valid
1180 if (($GLOBALS['userid'] > 0) && (IS_LOGGED_IN()))
1183 $uid = $GLOBALS['userid'];
1192 if (isSessionVariableSet('refid')) {
1194 if (get_session('refid') > 0) $rid = $GLOBALS['refid'];
1198 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT timestamp FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_online
1199 WHERE sid='%s' LIMIT 1",
1200 array($SID), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1202 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)
1204 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1205 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_online SET
1213 timestamp=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
1214 WHERE sid='%s' LIMIT 1",
1224 ), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1228 // No entry does exists so we simply add it!
1229 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_online (module, action, what, userid, refid, is_member, is_admin, timestamp, sid, ip) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '%s', '%s')",
1230 array($mod, $act, $wht, bigintval($uid), bigintval($rid), $MEM, $ADMIN, $SID, getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1233 // Purge old entries
1234 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_online WHERE timestamp <= (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - %d)",
1235 array($_CONFIG['online_timeout']), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1237 // OBSULETE: Sends out mail to all administrators
1238 function SEND_ADMIN_EMAILS($subj, $msg)
1240 $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT email FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins ORDER BY id", __FILE__, __LINE__);
1241 while (list($email) = SQL_FETCHROW($result))
1243 SEND_EMAIL($email, $subj, $msg);
1245 // Really simple... ;-)
1246 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1248 // Get ID number from administrator's login name
1249 function GET_ADMIN_ID($login)
1253 if (!empty($cacheArray['admins']['aid'][$login]))
1256 $ret = $cacheArray['admins']['aid'][$login];
1257 if (empty($ret)) $ret = "-1";
1261 // Load from database
1262 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins WHERE login='%s' LIMIT 1",
1263 array($login), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1264 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)
1266 list($ret) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
1267 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1273 // Get password hash from administrator's login name
1274 function GET_ADMIN_HASH($login)
1278 if (!empty($cacheArray['admins']['password'][$login]))
1281 $ret = $cacheArray['admins']['password'][$login];
1282 if (empty($ret)) $ret = "-1";
1286 // Load from database
1287 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT password FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins WHERE login='%s' LIMIT 1",
1288 array($login), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1289 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)
1291 list($ret) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
1292 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1298 function GET_ADMIN_LOGIN($aid) {
1301 if (!empty($cacheArray['admins']['login']['aid'])) {
1303 if (!empty($cacheArray['admins']['login'][$aid])) $ret = $cacheArray['admins']['login'][$aid];
1304 if (empty($ret)) $ret = "***";
1306 // Load from database
1307 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT login FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1",
1308 array(bigintval($aid)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1309 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
1311 list($ret) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
1315 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1320 function ADD_OPTION_LINES($table, $id, $name, $default="",$special="",$where="") {
1322 if ($table == "/ARRAY/") {
1323 // Selection from array
1324 if (is_array($id) && is_array($name) && sizeof($id) == sizeof($name)) {
1326 foreach ($id as $idx=>$value) {
1327 $ret .= "<OPTION value=\"".$value."\"";
1328 if ($default == $value) $ret .= " selected checked";
1329 $ret .= ">".$name[$idx]."</OPTION>\n";
1333 // Data from database
1335 if (!empty($special)) $SPEC = ", ".$special;
1336 $ORDER = $name.$SPEC;
1337 if ($table == "country") $ORDER = $special;
1338 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT %s, %s".$SPEC." FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_%s ".$where." ORDER BY %s",
1339 array($id, $ORDER, $table, $name), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1340 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
1341 // Found data so add them as OPTION lines: $id is the value and $name is the "name" of the option
1342 while (list($value, $title, $add) = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) {
1343 if (empty($special)) $add = "";
1344 $ret .= "<OPTION value=\"".$value."\"";
1345 if ($default == $value) $ret .= " selected checked";
1346 if (!empty($add)) $add = " (".$add.")";
1347 $ret .= ">".$title.$add."</OPTION>\n";
1351 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1354 $ret = "<OPTION value=\"x\">".SELECT_NONE."</OPTION>\n";
1358 // Return - hopefully - the requested data
1362 function activateExchange() {
1364 $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT userid FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE status='CONFIRMED' AND max_mails > 0", __FILE__, __LINE__);
1365 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) >= $_CONFIG['activate_xchange'])
1368 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1372 "UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_mod_reg SET locked='N', hidden='N', mem_only='Y' WHERE module='order' LIMIT 1",
1373 "UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_member_menu SET visible='Y', locked='N' WHERE what='order' OR what='unconfirmed' LIMIT 2",
1374 "UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config SET activate_xchange='0' WHERE config=0 LIMIT 1"
1378 foreach ($SQLs as $sql)
1380 $result = SQL_QUERY($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
1387 function DELETE_USER_ACCOUNT($uid, $reason)
1390 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT (SUM(p.points) - d.used_points) AS points
1391 FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_points AS p
1392 LEFT JOIN "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data AS d
1393 ON p.userid=d.userid
1394 WHERE p.userid=%d", array(bigintval($uid)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1395 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)
1397 // Save his points to add them to the jackpot
1398 list($points) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
1399 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1401 // Delete points entries as well
1402 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_points WHERE userid=%d", array(bigintval($uid)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1404 // Update mediadata as well
1405 if (GET_EXT_VERSION("mediadata") >= "0.0.4")
1408 MEDIA_UPDATE_ENTRY(array("total_points"), "sub", $points);
1411 // Now, when we have all his points adds them do the jackpot!
1412 ADD_JACKPOT($points);
1415 // Delete category selections as well...
1416 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_cats WHERE userid=%d",
1417 array(bigintval($uid)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1419 // Remove from rallye if found
1420 if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("rallye"))
1422 $result = SQL_QUERY("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_rallye_users WHERE userid=%d",
1423 array(bigintval($uid)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1426 // Now a mail to the user and that's all...
1427 $msg = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE("del-user", $reason, $uid);
1430 // Ok, delete the account!
1431 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%d LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($uid)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1434 function META_DESCRIPTION($mod, $wht)
1436 global $_CONFIG, $DEPTH;
1437 if (($mod != "admin") && ($mod != "login"))
1439 // Exclude admin and member's area
1440 $DESCR = MAIN_TITLE." ".trim($_CONFIG['title_middle'])." ".ADD_DESCR("guest", "what-".$wht, true);
1442 OUTPUT_HTML("<META name=\"description\" content=\"".$DESCR."\">");
1446 function ADD_JACKPOT($points)
1448 $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT points FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_jackpot WHERE ok='ok' LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
1449 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 0)
1452 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_jackpot (ok, points) VALUES ('ok', '%s')", array($points), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1457 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1460 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_jackpot SET points=points+%s WHERE ok='ok' LIMIT 1",
1461 array($points), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1465 function SUB_JACKPOT($points)
1470 // Get current points
1471 $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT points FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_jackpot WHERE ok='ok' LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
1472 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 0)
1475 $result = SQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_jackpot (ok, points) VALUES ('ok', 0.00000)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
1480 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1483 list($jackpot) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
1484 if ($jackpot >= $points)
1486 // Update points when there are enougth points in jackpot
1487 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_jackpot SET points=points-%s WHERE ok='ok' LIMIT 1",
1488 array($points), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1489 $ret = $jackpot - $points;
1494 function IS_DEMO() {
1495 return ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("demo")) && (get_session('admin_login') == "demo"));
1498 function LOAD_CONFIG($no="0")
1501 $CFG_DUMMY = array();
1503 // Check for cache extension, cache-array and if the requested configuration is in cache
1504 if ((is_array($cacheArray)) && (isset($cacheArray['config'][$no])) && (is_array($cacheArray['config'][$no]))) {
1505 // Load config from cache
1506 //* DEBUG: */ echo gettype($cacheArray['config'][$no])."<br />\n";
1507 foreach ($cacheArray['config'][$no] as $key=>$value) {
1508 $CFG_DUMMY[$key] = $value;
1511 // Count cache hits if exists
1512 if ((isset($CFG_DUMMY['cache_hits'])) && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("cache"))) {
1513 $CFG_DUMMY['cache_hits']++;
1516 // Load config from DB
1517 $result_config = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT * FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config WHERE config=%d LIMIT 1",
1518 array(bigintval($no)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1520 // Get config from database
1521 $CFG_DUMMY = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_config);
1524 SQL_FREERESULT($result_config);
1526 // Remember this config in the array
1527 $cacheArray['config'][$no] = $CFG_DUMMY;
1530 // Return config array
1533 // Gets the matching what name from module
1534 function GET_WHAT($MOD_CHECK)
1537 //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."!".$MOD_CHECK."!<br />\n";
1554 // Return what value
1558 function MODULE_HAS_MENU($mod)
1560 global $cacheArray, $_CONFIG;
1562 // All is false by default
1564 if (GET_EXT_VERSION("cache") >= "0.1.2")
1566 if (isset($cacheArray['modules']['has_menu'][$mod]))
1568 // Check module cache and count hit
1569 if ($cacheArray['modules']['has_menu'][$mod] == 'Y') $ret = true;
1570 $_CONFIG['cache_hits']++;
1572 elseif (isset($cacheArray['extensions']['ext_menu'][$mod]))
1574 // Check cache and count hit
1575 if ($cacheArray['extensions']['ext_menu'][$mod] == 'Y') $ret = true;
1576 $_CONFIG['cache_hits']++;
1579 if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") >= "0.3.6") && ($ret === false))
1581 // Check database for entry
1582 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT has_menu FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_mod_reg WHERE module='%s' LIMIT 1",
1583 array($mod), __FILE__, __LINE__);
1584 if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)
1586 list($has_menu) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
1587 if ($has_menu == 'Y') $ret = true;
1591 SQL_FREERESULT($result);
1592 } elseif (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") == "") {
1593 // No sql_patches installed, so maybe in admin area?
1594 if ((IS_ADMIN()) && ($mod == "admin")) return true; // Then there is a menu!