3 //ini_set('display_errors', 1);
4 //error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
6 // Regex to filter out the client identifier
7 // (described in Section 2 of IETF draft)
8 // IETF draft does not prescribe a format for these, however
9 // I've arbitrarily chosen alphanumeric strings with hyphens and underscores, 3-12 characters long
10 // Feel free to change.
11 define("REGEX_CLIENT_ID", "/^[a-z0-9-_]{3,12}$/i");
13 // Used to define the name of the OAuth access token parameter (POST/GET/etc.)
14 // IETF Draft sections 5.2 and 5.3 specify that it should be called "oauth_token"
15 // but other implementations use things like "access_token"
16 // I won't be heartbroken if you change it, but it might be better to adhere to the spec
17 define("OAUTH_TOKEN_PARAM_NAME", "oauth_token");
19 // Client types (for client authorization)
20 //define("WEB_SERVER_CLIENT_TYPE", "web_server");
21 //define("USER_AGENT_CLIENT_TYPE", "user_agent");
22 //define("REGEX_CLIENT_TYPE", "/^(web_server|user_agent)$/");
23 define("ACCESS_TOKEN_AUTH_RESPONSE_TYPE", "token");
24 define("AUTH_CODE_AUTH_RESPONSE_TYPE", "code");
25 define("CODE_AND_TOKEN_AUTH_RESPONSE_TYPE", "code-and-token");
26 define("REGEX_AUTH_RESPONSE_TYPE", "/^(token|code|code-and-token)$/");
28 // Grant Types (for token obtaining)
29 define("AUTH_CODE_GRANT_TYPE", "authorization-code");
30 define("USER_CREDENTIALS_GRANT_TYPE", "basic-credentials");
31 define("ASSERTION_GRANT_TYPE", "assertion");
32 define("REFRESH_TOKEN_GRANT_TYPE", "refresh-token");
33 define("NONE_GRANT_TYPE", "none");
34 define("REGEX_TOKEN_GRANT_TYPE", "/^(authorization-code|basic-credentials|assertion|refresh-token|none)$/");
36 /* Error handling constants */
39 define("ERROR_NOT_FOUND", "404 Not Found");
40 define("ERROR_BAD_REQUEST", "400 Bad Request");
42 // TODO: Extend for i18n
44 // "Official" OAuth 2.0 errors
45 define("ERROR_REDIRECT_URI_MISMATCH", "redirect-uri-mismatch");
46 define("ERROR_INVALID_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS", "invalid-client-credentials");
47 define("ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT", "unauthorized-client");
48 define("ERROR_USER_DENIED", "access-denied");
49 define("ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST", "invalid-request");
50 define("ERROR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID", "invalid-client-id");
51 define("ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_RESPONSE_TYPE", "unsupported-response-type");
52 define("ERROR_INVALID_SCOPE", "invalid-scope");
53 define("ERROR_INVALID_GRANT", "invalid-grant");
55 // Protected resource errors
56 define("ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN", "invalid-token");
57 define("ERROR_EXPIRED_TOKEN", "expired-token");
58 define("ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SCOPE", "insufficient-scope");
61 define("ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE_TYPE", "Invalid response type.");
63 // Errors that we made up
65 // Error for trying to use a grant type that we haven't implemented
66 define("ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_GRANT_TYPE", "unsupported-grant-type");
68 abstract class OAuth2 {
70 /* Subclasses must implement the following functions */
72 // Make sure that the client id is valid
73 // If a secret is required, check that they've given the right one
74 // Must return false if the client credentials are invalid
75 abstract protected function auth_client_credentials($client_id, $client_secret = null);
77 // OAuth says we should store request URIs for each registered client
78 // Implement this function to grab the stored URI for a given client id
79 // Must return false if the given client does not exist or is invalid
80 abstract protected function get_redirect_uri($client_id);
82 // We need to store and retrieve access token data as we create and verify tokens
83 // Implement these functions to do just that
85 // Look up the supplied token id from storage, and return an array like:
88 // "client_id" => <stored client id>,
89 // "expires" => <stored expiration timestamp>,
90 // "scope" => <stored scope (may be null)
93 // Return null if the supplied token is invalid
95 abstract protected function get_access_token($token_id);
97 // Store the supplied values
98 abstract protected function store_access_token($token_id, $client_id, $expires, $scope = null);
102 * Stuff that should get overridden by subclasses
104 * I don't want to make these abstract, because then subclasses would have
105 * to implement all of them, which is too much work.
107 * So they're just stubs. Override the ones you need.
111 // You should override this function with something,
112 // or else your OAuth provider won't support any grant types!
113 protected function get_supported_grant_types() {
114 // If you support all grant types, then you'd do:
126 // You should override this function with your supported response types
127 protected function get_supported_auth_response_types() {
135 // If you want to support scope use, then have this function return a list
136 // of all acceptable scopes (used to throw the invalid-scope error)
137 protected function get_supported_scopes() {
139 // return array("my-friends", "photos", "whatever-else");
143 // If you want to restrict clients to certain authorization response types,
144 // override this function
145 // Given a client identifier and auth type, return true or false
146 // (auth type would be one of the values contained in REGEX_AUTH_RESPONSE_TYPE)
147 protected function authorize_client_response_type($client_id, $response_type) {
151 // If you want to restrict clients to certain grant types, override this function
152 // Given a client identifier and grant type, return true or false
153 protected function authorize_client($client_id, $grant_type) {
157 /* Functions that help grant access tokens for various grant types */
159 // Fetch authorization code data (probably the most common grant type)
160 // IETF Draft 4.1.1: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-08#section-4.1.1
161 // Required for AUTH_CODE_GRANT_TYPE
162 protected function get_stored_auth_code($code) {
163 // Retrieve the stored data for the given authorization code
167 // "client_id" => <stored client id>,
168 // "redirect_uri" => <stored redirect URI>,
169 // "expires" => <stored code expiration time>,
170 // "scope" => <stored scope values (space-separated string), or can be omitted if scope is unused>
173 // Return null if the code is invalid.
178 // Take the provided authorization code values and store them somewhere (db, etc.)
179 // Required for AUTH_CODE_GRANT_TYPE
180 protected function store_auth_code($code, $client_id, $redirect_uri, $expires, $scope) {
181 // This function should be the storage counterpart to get_stored_auth_code
183 // If storage fails for some reason, we're not currently checking
184 // for any sort of success/failure, so you should bail out of the
185 // script and provide a descriptive fail message
188 // Grant access tokens for basic user credentials
189 // IETF Draft 4.1.2: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-08#section-4.1.2
191 protected function check_user_credentials($client_id, $username, $password) {
192 // Check the supplied username and password for validity
193 // You can also use the $client_id param to do any checks required
194 // based on a client, if you need that
195 // If the username and password are invalid, return false
197 // If the username and password are valid, and you want to verify the scope of
198 // a user's access, return an array with the scope values, like so:
201 // "scope" => <stored scope values (space-separated string)>
204 // We'll check the scope you provide against the requested scope before
205 // providing an access token.
207 // Otherwise, just return true.
212 // Grant access tokens for assertions
213 // IETF Draft 4.1.3: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-08#section-4.1.3
214 // Required for ASSERTION_GRANT_TYPE
215 protected function check_assertion($client_id, $assertion_type, $assertion) {
216 // Check the supplied assertion for validity
217 // You can also use the $client_id param to do any checks required
218 // based on a client, if you need that
219 // If the assertion is invalid, return false
221 // If the assertion is valid, and you want to verify the scope of
222 // an access request, return an array with the scope values, like so:
225 // "scope" => <stored scope values (space-separated string)>
228 // We'll check the scope you provide against the requested scope before
229 // providing an access token.
231 // Otherwise, just return true.
236 // Grant refresh access tokens
237 // IETF Draft 4.1.4: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-08#section-4.1.4
238 // Required for REFRESH_TOKEN_GRANT_TYPE
239 protected function get_refresh_token($refresh_token) {
240 // Retrieve the stored data for the given refresh token
244 // "client_id" => <stored client id>,
245 // "expires" => <refresh token expiration time>,
246 // "scope" => <stored scope values (space-separated string), or can be omitted if scope is unused>
249 // Return null if the token id is invalid.
254 // Store refresh access tokens
255 // Required for REFRESH_TOKEN_GRANT_TYPE
256 protected function store_refresh_token($token, $client_id, $expires, $scope = null) {
257 // If storage fails for some reason, we're not currently checking
258 // for any sort of success/failure, so you should bail out of the
259 // script and provide a descriptive fail message
264 // Grant access tokens for the "none" grant type
265 // Not really described in the IETF Draft, so I just left a method stub...do whatever you want!
266 // Required for NONE_GRANT_TYPE
267 protected function check_none_access($client_id) {
271 protected function get_default_authentication_realm() {
272 // Change this to whatever authentication realm you want to send in a WWW-Authenticate header
276 /* End stuff that should get overridden */
278 private $access_token_lifetime = 3600;
279 private $auth_code_lifetime = 30;
280 private $refresh_token_lifetime = 1209600; // Two weeks
282 public function __construct($access_token_lifetime = 3600, $auth_code_lifetime = 30, $refresh_token_lifetime = 1209600) {
283 $this->access_token_lifetime = $access_token_lifetime;
284 $this->auth_code_lifetime = $auth_code_lifetime;
285 $this->refresh_token_lifetime = $refresh_token_lifetime;
288 /* Resource protecting (Section 5) */
290 // Check that a valid access token has been provided
292 // The scope parameter defines any required scope that the token must have
293 // If a scope param is provided and the token does not have the required scope,
294 // we bounce the request
296 // Some implementations may choose to return a subset of the protected resource
297 // (i.e. "public" data) if the user has not provided an access token
298 // or if the access token is invalid or expired
300 // The IETF spec says that we should send a 401 Unauthorized header and bail immediately
301 // so that's what the defaults are set to
303 // Here's what each parameter does:
304 // $scope = A space-separated string of required scope(s), if you want to check for scope
305 // $exit_not_present = If true and no access token is provided, send a 401 header and exit, otherwise return false
306 // $exit_invalid = If true and the implementation of get_access_token returns null, exit, otherwise return false
307 // $exit_expired = If true and the access token has expired, exit, otherwise return false
308 // $exit_scope = If true the access token does not have the required scope(s), exit, otherwise return false
309 // $realm = If you want to specify a particular realm for the WWW-Authenticate header, supply it here
310 public function verify_access_token($scope = null, $exit_not_present = true, $exit_invalid = true, $exit_expired = true, $exit_scope = true, $realm = null) {
311 $token_param = $this->get_access_token_param();
312 if ($token_param === false) // Access token was not provided
313 return $exit_not_present ? $this->send_401_unauthorized($realm, $scope) : false;
315 // Get the stored token data (from the implementing subclass)
316 $token = $this->get_access_token($token_param);
318 return $exit_invalid ? $this->send_401_unauthorized($realm, $scope, ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN) : false;
320 // Check token expiration (I'm leaving this check separated, later we'll fill in better error messages)
321 if (isset($token["expires"]) && time() > $token["expires"])
322 return $exit_expired ? $this->send_401_unauthorized($realm, $scope, ERROR_EXPIRED_TOKEN) : false;
324 // Check scope, if provided
325 // If token doesn't have a scope, it's null/empty, or it's insufficient, then throw an error
327 (!isset($token["scope"]) || !$token["scope"] || !$this->check_scope($scope, $token["scope"])))
328 return $exit_scope ? $this->send_401_unauthorized($realm, $scope, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SCOPE) : false;
334 // Returns true if everything in required scope is contained in available scope
335 // False if something in required scope is not in available scope
336 private function check_scope($required_scope, $available_scope) {
337 // The required scope should match or be a subset of the available scope
338 if (!is_array($required_scope))
339 $required_scope = explode(" ", $required_scope);
341 if (!is_array($available_scope))
342 $available_scope = explode(" ", $available_scope);
344 return (count(array_diff($required_scope, $available_scope)) == 0);
347 // Send a 401 unauthorized header with the given realm
348 // and an error, if provided
349 private function send_401_unauthorized($realm, $scope, $error = null) {
350 $realm = $realm === null ? $this->get_default_authentication_realm() : $realm;
352 $auth_header = "WWW-Authenticate: Token realm='".$realm."'";
355 $auth_header .= ", scope='".$scope."'";
358 $auth_header .= ", error='".$error."'";
360 header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized");
361 header($auth_header);
366 // Pulls the access token out of the HTTP request
367 // Either from the Authorization header or GET/POST/etc.
368 // Returns false if no token is present
369 // TODO: Support POST or DELETE
370 private function get_access_token_param() {
371 $auth_header = $this->get_authorization_header();
373 if ($auth_header !== false) {
374 // Make sure only the auth header is set
378 $auth_header = trim($auth_header);
380 // Make sure it's Token authorization
381 if (strcmp(substr($auth_header, 0, 6),"Token ") !== 0)
384 // Parse the rest of the header
385 if (preg_match('/\s*token\s*="(.+)"/', substr($auth_header, 6), $matches) == 0 || count($matches) < 2)
391 if (isset($_GET[OAUTH_TOKEN_PARAM_NAME])) {
392 if (isset($_POST[OAUTH_TOKEN_PARAM_NAME])) // Both GET and POST are not allowed
398 if (isset($_POST[OAUTH_TOKEN_PARAM_NAME]))
404 /* Access token granting (Section 4) */
406 // Grant or deny a requested access token
407 // This would be called from the "/token" endpoint as defined in the spec
408 // Obviously, you can call your endpoint whatever you want
409 public function grant_access_token() {
411 "grant_type" => array("filter" => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, "options" => array("regexp" => REGEX_TOKEN_GRANT_TYPE), "flags" => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR),
412 "scope" => array("flags" => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR),
413 "code" => array("flags" => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR),
414 "redirect_uri" => array("filter" => FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, "flags" => array(FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED, FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR)),
415 "username" => array("flags" => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR),
416 "password" => array("flags" => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR),
417 "assertion_type" => array("flags" => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR),
418 "assertion" => array("flags" => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR),
419 "refresh_token" => array("flags" => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR),
422 $input = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, $filters);
424 // Grant Type must be specified.
425 if (!$input["grant_type"])
428 // Make sure we've implemented the requested grant type
429 if (!in_array($input["grant_type"], $this->get_supported_grant_types()))
432 // Authorize the client
433 $client = $this->get_client_credentials();
435 if ($this->auth_client_credentials($client[0], $client[1]) === false)
438 if (!$this->authorize_client($client[0], $input["grant_type"]))
442 switch ($input["grant_type"]) {
444 if (!$input["code"] || !$input["redirect_uri"])
447 $stored = $this->get_stored_auth_code($input["code"]);
449 if ($stored === null || $input["redirect_uri"] != $stored["redirect_uri"] || $client[0] != $stored["client_id"])
452 if ($stored["expires"] > time())
457 if (!$input["username"] || !$input["password"])
460 $stored = $this->check_user_credentials($client[0], $input["username"], $input["password"]);
462 if ($stored === false)
467 if (!$input["assertion_type"] || !$input["assertion"])
470 $stored = $this->check_assertion($client[0], $input["assertion_type"], $input["assertion"]);
472 if ($stored === false)
477 if (!$input["refresh_token"])
480 $stored = $this->get_refresh_token($input["refresh_token"]);
482 if ($stored === null || $client[0] != $stored["client_id"])
485 if ($stored["expires"] > time())
490 $stored = $this->check_none_access($client[0]);
492 if ($stored === false)
496 // Check scope, if provided
497 if ($input["scope"] && (!is_array($stored) || !isset($stored["scope"]) || !$this->check_scope($input["scope"], $stored["scope"])))
500 if (!$input["scope"])
501 $input["scope"] = null;
503 $token = $this->create_access_token($client[0], $input["scope"]);
505 $this->send_json_headers();
506 echo json_encode($token);
509 // Internal function used to get the client credentials from HTTP basic auth or POST data
510 // See http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-08#section-2
511 private function get_client_credentials() {
512 if (isset($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]) && $_POST && isset($_POST["client_id"]))
516 if (isset($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]))
517 return array($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"], $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"]);
520 if ($_POST && isset($_POST["client_id"])) {
521 if (isset($_POST["client_secret"]))
522 return array($_POST["client_id"], $_POST["client_secret"]);
524 return array($_POST["client_id"], NULL);
527 // No credentials were specified
531 /* End-user/client Authorization (Section 3 of IETF Draft) */
533 // Pull the authorization request data out of the HTTP request
534 // and return it so the authorization server can prompt the user
536 public function get_authorize_params() {
538 "client_id" => array("filter" => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, "options" => array("regexp" => REGEX_CLIENT_ID), "flags" => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR),
539 "response_type" => array("filter" => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, "options" => array("regexp" => REGEX_AUTH_RESPONSE_TYPE), "flags" => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR),
540 "redirect_uri" => array("filter" => FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, "flags" => array(FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED, FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR)),
541 "state" => array("flags" => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR),
542 "scope" => array("flags" => FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR),
545 $input = filter_input_array(INPUT_GET, $filters);
547 // Make sure a valid client id was supplied
548 if (!$input["client_id"]) {
549 if ($input["redirect_uri"])
550 $this->callback_error($input["redirect_uri"], ERROR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID, $input["state"]);
552 $this->error(ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, ERROR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID); // We don't have a good URI to use
555 // redirect_uri is not required if already established via other channels
556 // check an existing redirect URI against the one supplied
557 $redirect_uri = $this->get_redirect_uri($input["client_id"]);
559 // At least one of: existing redirect URI or input redirect URI must be specified
560 if (!$redirect_uri && !$input["redirect_uri"])
563 // get_redirect_uri should return false if the given client ID is invalid
564 // this probably saves us from making a separate db call, and simplifies the method set
565 if ($redirect_uri === false)
566 $this->callback_error($input["redirect_uri"], ERROR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID, $input["state"]);
568 // If there's an existing uri and one from input, verify that they match
569 if ($redirect_uri && $input["redirect_uri"]) {
570 // Ensure that the input uri starts with the stored uri
571 if (strcasecmp(substr($input["redirect_uri"], 0, strlen($redirect_uri)),$redirect_uri) !== 0)
572 $this->callback_error($input["redirect_uri"], ERROR_REDIRECT_URI_MISMATCH, $input["state"]);
573 } elseif ($redirect_uri) { // They did not provide a uri from input, so use the stored one
574 $input["redirect_uri"] = $redirect_uri;
577 // type and client_id are required
578 if (!$input["response_type"])
579 $this->callback_error($input["redirect_uri"], ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST, $input["state"], ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE_TYPE);
581 // Check requested auth response type against the list of supported types
582 if (array_search($input["response_type"], $this->get_supported_auth_response_types()) === false)
583 $this->callback_error($input["redirect_uri"], ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_RESPONSE_TYPE, $input["state"]);
585 // Validate that the requested scope is supported
586 if ($input["scope"] && !$this->check_scope($input["scope"], $this->get_supported_scopes()))
587 $this->callback_error($input["redirect_uri"], ERROR_INVALID_SCOPE, $input["state"]);
592 // After the user has approved or denied the access request
593 // the authorization server should call this function to redirect
594 // the user appropriately
596 // The params all come from the results of get_authorize_params
597 // except for $is_authorized -- this is true or false depending on whether
598 // the user authorized the access
599 public function finish_client_authorization($is_authorized, $type, $client_id, $redirect_uri, $state, $scope = null) {
601 $result["query"]["state"] = $state;
603 if ($is_authorized === false) {
604 $result["query"]["error"] = ERROR_USER_DENIED;
607 $result["query"]["code"] = $this->create_auth_code($client_id, $redirect_uri, $scope);
610 $result["fragment"] = $this->create_access_token($client_id, $scope);
613 $this->do_redirect_uri_callback($redirect_uri, $result);
616 /* Other/utility functions */
618 private function do_redirect_uri_callback($redirect_uri, $result) {
619 header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found");
620 header("Location: " . $this->build_uri($redirect_uri, $result));
624 private function build_uri($uri, $data) {
625 $parse_url = parse_url($uri);
627 // Add our data to the parsed uri
628 foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
629 if (isset($parse_url[$k]))
630 $parse_url[$k] .= "&" . http_build_query($v);
632 $parse_url[$k] = http_build_query($v);
635 // Put humpty dumpty back together
637 ((isset($parse_url["scheme"])) ? $parse_url["scheme"] . "://" : "")
638 .((isset($parse_url["user"])) ? $parse_url["user"] . ((isset($parse_url["pass"])) ? ":" . $parse_url["pass"] : "") ."@" : "")
639 .((isset($parse_url["host"])) ? $parse_url["host"] : "")
640 .((isset($parse_url["port"])) ? ":" . $parse_url["port"] : "")
641 .((isset($parse_url["path"])) ? $parse_url["path"] : "")
642 .((isset($parse_url["query"])) ? "?" . $parse_url["query"] : "")
643 .((isset($parse_url["fragment"])) ? "#" . $parse_url["fragment"] : "");
646 // This belongs in a separate factory, but to keep it simple, I'm just keeping it here.
647 private function create_access_token($client_id, $scope) {
649 "access_token" => $this->gen_access_token(),
650 "expires_in" => $this->access_token_lifetime,
654 $this->store_access_token($token["access_token"], $client_id, time() + $this->access_token_lifetime, $scope);
656 // Issue a refresh token also, if we support them
657 if (in_array(REFRESH_TOKEN_GRANT_TYPE, $this->get_supported_grant_types())) {
658 $token["refresh_token"] = $this->gen_access_token();
659 $this->store_refresh_token($token["refresh_token"], $client_id, time() + $this->refresh_token_lifetime, $scope);
665 private function create_auth_code($client_id, $redirect_uri, $scope) {
666 $code = $this->gen_auth_code();
667 $this->store_auth_code($code, $client_id, $redirect_uri, time() + $this->auth_code_lifetime, $scope);
671 // Implementing classes may want to override these two functions
672 // to implement other access token or auth code generation schemes
673 private function gen_access_token() {
674 return base64_encode(pack('N6', mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand()));
677 private function gen_auth_code() {
678 return base64_encode(pack('N6', mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand()));
681 // Implementing classes may need to override this function for use on non-Apache web servers
682 // Just pull out the Authorization HTTP header and return it
683 // Return false if the Authorization header does not exist
684 private function get_authorization_header() {
685 if (array_key_exists("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", $_SERVER))
688 if (function_exists("apache_request_headers")) {
689 $headers = apache_request_headers();
691 if (array_key_exists("Authorization", $headers))
692 return $headers["Authorization"];
698 private function send_json_headers() {
699 header("Content-Type: application/json");
700 header("Cache-Control: no-store");
703 public function error($code, $message = null) {
704 header("HTTP/1.1 " . $code);
707 $this->send_json_headers();
708 echo json_encode(array("error" => $message));
714 public function callback_error($redirect_uri, $error, $state, $message = null, $error_uri = null) {
715 $result["query"]["error"] = $error;
718 $result["query"]["state"] = $state;
721 $result["query"]["error_description"] = $message;
724 $result["query"]["error_uri"] = $error_uri;
726 $this->do_redirect_uri_callback($redirect_uri, $result);