]> git.mxchange.org Git - mailer.git/blob - templates/de/html/guest/guest_sponsor_lost.tpl
- Major change in menu system. You need to rewrite/update your member and guest
[mailer.git] / templates / de / html / guest / guest_sponsor_lost.tpl
1 <DIV align="center">
2 <FORM action="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=index&amp;what=sponsor_login&amp;mode=lost_pass" method="POST">
3 <TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="guest_table dashed" width="400">
4 <TR>
5   <TD class="guest_title2 bottom2" align="center" height="30" colspan="2">
7   </TD>
8 </TR>
9 <TD colspan="2" height="5" class="seperator">&nbsp;</TD></TR>
10 <TR>
11   <TD width="200" align="right" style="padding-right: 10px" height="30">
12     {--SPONSOR_ENTER_ID--}:
13   </TD>
14   <TD width="200">
15     <INPUT type="text" name="id" class="guest_normal" size="5" maxlength="20">
16   </TD>
17 </TR>
18 <TR>
19   <TD width="200" align="right" style="padding-right: 10px" height="30">
21   </TD>
22   <TD width="200">
23     <INPUT type="text" name="email" class="guest_normal" size="20" maxlength="255">
24   </TD>
25 </TR>
26 <TR>
27 <TD colspan="2" height="5" class="bottom2 seperator">&nbsp;</TD></TR>
28 <TR>
29   <TD colspan="2" align="center" class="guest_footer">
30     <INPUT type="reset" class="guest_reset" value="{--CLEAR_FORM--}">&nbsp;*
31     <INPUT type="submit" name="ok" class="guest_submit" value="{--SPONSOR_LOST_PASS_SUBMIT--}">
32   </TD>
33 </TR>
34 </TABLE>
35 </FORM>
36 </DIV>
38 <DIV align="center">
39   <FONT class="guest_note">{--SPONSOR_HOWTO_GET_LOST_PASSWORD--}</FONT>
40 </DIV>
41 <br />
42 <DIV align="center">
43 <TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="guest_table" width="100%">
44 <TR>
45   <TD align="center" height="30">
46     --&gt;&nbsp;<A href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=index&amp;what=sponsor_login">{--SPONSOR_BACK_TO_LOGIN--}</A><br />
47   </TD>
48 </TR>
49 </TABLE>
50 </DIV>