Installation instructions: ========================== 0) Create an empty database and setup proper permissions 1) (Import install/install.sql into your new database) Currently DROP+CREATE 2) Setup a JDBC pool. I took the simple driver: Pool name: AddressbookPool Resource type: java.sql.Driver Driver: MySQL Driver class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost/your_database user: your_login password: your_password 3) Setup a JDBC resource: JNDI name: jdbc/addressbook Pool name: AddressbookPool 4) In juser-core project you will find a JAR named "commons-codec-1.10.jar" you need to copy this to your $GLASSFISH_DOMAIN/lib/ path to make password encryption working. Please setup sufficient access rights (CHMOD 0644 is enough). If you forgot this file to copy and you have copied it now, please restart the Glassfish server so the JAR can be found and loaded. 5) Setup a JMS connection factory: JNDI name: jms/jjobs-queue-factory Resource type: javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory 6) Setup JMS message queue: JNDI name: jms/jjobs-email-queue Physical destination name: jjobsSendEmail Resource type: javax.jms.Queue 7) Setup Java Mail session: JNDI name: jmail/jjobs Mail host: Default user: Default sender address: noreply@your-domain.example Optional, but more secure/sometimes required advanced properties: mail.smtp.password : mail.smtp.port : mail.smtp.auth : true 8) Setup JMS message queue JNDI name: jms/jjobs-user-activity-log Physical destination name: jjobsUserActivityLog Resource type: javax.jms.Queue