Installation instructions: ========================== 0) Create an empty database and setup proper permissions 1) Import install/install.sql into your new database 2) Setup a JDBC pool. I took the simple driver: Pool name: ShopPool Resource type: java.sql.Driver Driver: MySQL Driver class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost/your_database user: your_login password: your_password 3) Setup a JDBC resource: JNDI name: jdbc/shop Pool name: ShopPool 4) Setup a JMS connection factory: JNDI name: jms/shopConnectionFactory Resource type: javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory 5) Setup a JMS destination resource: JNDI name: jms/shopCheckoutQueue Physical destination name: checkout Resource type: javax.jms.Queue You should be done now. And always try to give informative descriptions, not just only "shop" or "factory". Of course, you need to build and deploy the EAR/WAR files. ;-)