[This file is mirrored in both the FlightGear and SimGear packages.] You *must* have OpenSceneGraph (OSG) installed to build this version of FlightGear. Notice that from FlightGear version 1.9.0, OSG version 2.7.8 or later is required. Using earlier versions of OSG will yield serious rendering bugs. If you are using an 'older' distribution, this may mean a suitable version of OSG may not be availble through the usual package repositories. You can get the latest version of OSG from: http://www.openscenegraph.org/ Build notes: Unzip the file OpenSceneGraph-x.x.zip and install using the following commands: unzip OpenSceneGraph-x.x cd OpenSceneGraph ccmake . [ While running ccmake: press 'c' to configure, press 'c' once more, and then press 'g' to generate and exit ] make sudo make install Also later release versions of OpenSceneGraph can be obtained by svn, or you can use the OSG development svn 'trunk', but be warned, OSG is always in heavy development, and at certain moments in time, it may not compile completely, so, as usual, it is recommended that you stay with released versions. Installation notes: In some unix/linux distributions, particularly 64-bit systems, OSG may install its shared libraries in other than /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib or $prefix/lib! This does not seem to effect binary installation, which is to $prefix/bin, nor header installation, which remains $prefix/include. Just the shared libraries, and perhaps only for 64-bit systems, or higher as, and when available. The default is /usr/local/lib64 or $prefix/lib64 in 64-bit systems. This may cause problems with the auto-conf tools when configuring and compiling FlighGear, since even using the configure option --with-osg=$prefix will not 'fix' the problem. The are various ways to deal with this, which mainly depend on whether you just want one version of OSG 'globally' installed, or desire to be able to build, and run, FlightGear against 'different' versions of OSG. There is a parameter, -D LIB_POSTFIX= or -D LIB_POSTFIX="" which can be passed to cmake OSG to force the OSG library installation into the 'standard' "$prefix/lib". OSG cmake advises of a post installation step - $ sudo make install_ld_conf which, if available, will add an openscenegraph.conf file to the /etc/ld.so.conf.d folder, with the line - ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}lib${LIB_POSTFIX} and run 'ldconfig' to add this to the 'cache'. But this option does not always seem available. Configuring SimGear and Flightgear notes: If you install OSG in other than the 'standard' directories, you must add --with-osg=$prefix when configuring SimGear and FlightGear. This will cause the auto-conf tools to look in $prefix/include for headers, and $prefix/lib for libraries, but _NOT_ in 'lib64'! If the OSG is installed to a unique $prefix directory, then it is also possible to make a 'link' entry lib -> lib64 to get over this, but obviously this is not available if $prefix/lib already exists, and contains entries. Running fgfs, and others, with OSG shared libraries: You must also deal with the executable loader being able to find the OSG shared libraries when running fgfs, and others, through perhaps using :- $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/osg/lib[64][:/other/paths] or more permanently using a '.conf' file in the /etc/ld.so.conf.d directory, and running $ sudo ldconfig -v to update the 'cache'.