[This file is mirrored in both the FlightGear and SimGear packages.] You *must* have the development components of OpenAL installed on your system to build FlightGear!" You can get a copy here: http://www.openal.org Build notes: You can download a versioned release of the openal library from http://www.openal.org/downloads.html. Download the openal source, release 0.0.8 (dated February 11, 2006) and run: tar xzvf openal-0.0.8.tar.gz cd openal-0.0.8 ./configure make sudo make install The alut library is also required, but comes separately in the package freelut-1.1.0.tar.gz. This package can be downloaded from the same page (http://www.openal.org/downloads.html). Download and run: tar xzvf freelut-1.1.0.tar.gz cd freelut-1.1.0 ./configure make sudo make install Alternatively, you can use the CVS version (follow the instructions at the OpenAL web site) and build/install that one.