[This file is mirrored in both the FlightGear and SimGear packages.] You *must* have plib version 1.8.5 or later installed on your system to build FlightGear!" Flight Gear is no longer compatible with the earlier versions of the library. You can get the latest version of plib from: http://plib.sourceforge.net Build notes: You should be able to just run "./configure" to configure the package and use all of plib's defaults. Then run "make" followed by "make install". By default, plib installs itself into /usr so if you don't like this, be sure to specify an alternate prefix such as --prefix=/usr/local As of this writing (2007-11-18), many linux distributions are shipped with a working version of plib, so chances are that this library is already installed. It should be noted, that currently plib version no longer compiles using recent versions of gcc (confirmed on version gcc 4.1.2, as shipped with SuSe 10.2). As a workaround, it is possible to either use plib SVN. Run the following commands: svn co https://plib.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/plib/trunk plib cd plib ./autogen.sh ./configure make make install