* @version 0.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Roland Haeder, 2009 - 2015 Hub Developer Team * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * @link http://www.shipsimu.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class SocketRegistry extends BaseRegistry implements Register, RegisterableSocket { // Exception constants const SOCKET_NOT_REGISTERED = 0xd200; /** * Instance of this class */ private static $registryInstance = NULL; /** * Protected constructor * * @return void */ protected function __construct () { // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(__CLASS__); } /** * Creates a singleton instance of this registry class * * @return $registryInstance An instance of this class */ public static final function createSocketRegistry () { // Is an instance there? if (is_null(self::$registryInstance)) { // Not yet, so create one self::$registryInstance = new SocketRegistry(); } // END - if // Return the instance return self::$registryInstance; } /** * "Getter" to get a string respresentation for a key for the sub-registry * in this format: class:type:port * * @param $infoInstance An instance of a ShareableInfo class * @return $key A string representation of the socket for the registry */ private function getSubRegistryKey (ShareableInfo $infoInstance) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: infoInstance=' . $infoInstance->__toString() . ' - CALLED!'); // Get address and port $address = $infoInstance->getAddress(); $port = $infoInstance->getPort(); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: address=' . $address . ',port=' . $port); // Get connection type and port number and add both together $key = sprintf('%s:%s:%s:%s', $infoInstance->__toString(), $infoInstance->getProtocolName(), $address, $port ); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: key=' . $key . ' - EXIT!'); // Return resulting key return $key; } /** * "Getter" to get a string respresentation of the listener * * @param $infoInstance An instance of a ShareableInfo class * @return $key A string representation of the listener for the registry */ private function getRegistryKeyFromInfo (ShareableInfo $infoInstance) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: this=' . $this->__toString() . ',infoInstance=' . $infoInstance->__toString() . ' - CALLED!'); // Get the key $key = $infoInstance->getProtocolName(); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: key=' . $key . ' - EXIT!'); // Return resulting key return $key; } /** * Checks whether the shared connection info is registered * * @param $infoInstance An instance of a ShareableInfo class * @return $isRegistered Whether the listener is registered */ private function isInfoRegistered (ShareableInfo $infoInstance) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']:info=' . $infoInstance->getProtocolName() . ' - CALLED!'); // Get the key $key = $this->getRegistryKeyFromInfo($infoInstance); // Determine it $isRegistered = $this->instanceExists($key); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']:info=' . $infoInstance->getProtocolName() . ',isRegistered=' . intval($isRegistered) . ' - EXIT!'); // Return result return $isRegistered; } /** * Checks whether given socket resource is registered. If $socketResource is * FALSE only the instance will be checked. * * @param $infoInstance An instance of a ShareableInfo class * @param $socketResource A valid socket resource * @return $isRegistered Whether the given socket resource is registered */ public function isSocketRegistered (ShareableInfo $infoInstance, $socketResource) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']:info=' . $infoInstance->getProtocolName() . ',socketResource[' . gettype($socketResource) . ']=' . $socketResource . ' - CALLED!'); // Default is not registered $isRegistered = FALSE; // First, check for the instance, there can be only once if ($this->isInfoRegistered($infoInstance)) { // That one is found so "get" a registry key from it $key = $this->getRegistryKeyFromInfo($infoInstance); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: this=' . $this->__toString() . ',info=' . $infoInstance->getProtocolName() . ',socketResource[' . gettype($socketResource) . ']=' . $socketResource . ',key=' . $key . ' - Trying to get instance ...'); // Get the registry $registryInstance = $this->getInstance($key); // "Get" a key for the socket $socketKey = $this->getSubRegistryKey($infoInstance); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: this=' . $this->__toString() . ',info=' . $infoInstance->getProtocolName() . ',socketResource[' . gettype($socketResource) . ']=' . $socketResource . ',key=' . $key . ',socketKey=' . $socketKey . ' - Checking existence ...'); // Is it there? if ($registryInstance->instanceExists($socketKey)) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Found instance for socketKey=' . $socketKey . ':' . $registryInstance->getInstance($socketKey)); // Get the instance $registeredInstance = $registryInstance->getInstance($socketKey); // Is it SocketContainer and same socket? $isRegistered = (($registeredInstance instanceof SocketContainer) && ($registeredInstance->ifSocketResourceMatches($socketResource))); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Final result: isRegistered(' . $socketResource . ')=' . intval($isRegistered)); } // END - if } // END - if // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']:info=' . $infoInstance->getProtocolName() . ',socketResource[' . gettype($socketResource) . ']=' . $socketResource . ',isRegistered=' . intval($isRegistered) . ' - EXIT!'); // Return the result return $isRegistered; } /** * Registeres given socket for listener or throws an exception if it is already registered * * @param $infoInstance An instance of a ShareableInfo class * @param $socketResource A valid socket resource * @param $packageData Optional raw package data * @throws SocketAlreadyRegisteredException If the given socket is already registered * @return void */ public function registerSocket (ShareableInfo $infoInstance, $socketResource, array $packageData = array()) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']:info=' . $infoInstance->getProtocolName() . ',socketResource[' . gettype($socketResource) . ']=' . $socketResource . ' - CALLED!'); // Is the socket already registered? if ($this->isSocketRegistered($infoInstance, $socketResource)) { // Throw the exception throw new SocketAlreadyRegisteredException(array($infoInstance, $socketResource), BaseListener::EXCEPTION_SOCKET_ALREADY_REGISTERED); } // END - if // Does the instance exist? if (!$this->isInfoRegistered($infoInstance)) { // No, not found so we create a sub registry (not needed to configure!) $registryInstance = SubRegistry::createSubRegistry(); // Now we can create the sub-registry for this info $this->addInstance($this->getRegistryKeyFromInfo($infoInstance), $registryInstance); } else { // Get the sub-registry back $registryInstance = $this->getInstance($this->getRegistryKeyFromInfo($infoInstance)); } // Get a key for sub-registries $socketKey = $this->getSubRegistryKey($infoInstance); // Get a socket container $socketInstance = ObjectFactory::CreateObjectByConfiguredName('socket_container_class', array($socketResource, $infoInstance, $packageData)); // We have a sub-registry, the socket key and the socket, now we need to put all together //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: socketKey=' . $socketKey . ',socketResource[' . gettype($socketResource) . ']=' . $socketResource . ' - adding socket container instance ...'); $registryInstance->addInstance($socketKey, $socketInstance); } /** * Getter for given listener's socket resource * * @param $listenerInstance An instance of a Listenable class * @return $socketResource A valid socket resource * @throws NoSocketRegisteredException If the requested socket is not registered */ public function getRegisteredSocketResource (Listenable $listenerInstance) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']:listener=' . $listenerInstance->getConnectionType() . ' - CALLED!'); // The socket must be registered before we can return it if (!$this->isInfoRegistered($listenerInstance)) { // Throw the exception throw new NoSocketRegisteredException ($listenerInstance, self::SOCKET_NOT_REGISTERED); } // END - if // Now get the key from the listener $key = $this->getRegistryKeyFromInfo($listenerInstance); // And get the registry $registryInstance = $this->getInstance($key); // Get a socket key $socketKey = $this->getSubRegistryKey($listenerInstance); // And the final socket resource $socketResource = $registryInstance->getInstance($socketKey)->getSocketResource(); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']:listener=' . $listenerInstance->getConnectionType() . ',socketResource[' . gettype($socketResource) . ']=' . $socketResource . ' - EXIT!'); // Return the resource return $socketResource; } /** * "Getter" for info instance from given package data * * @param $packageData Raw package data * @return $infoInstance An instance of a ShareableInfo class */ public function getInfoInstanceFromPackageData (array $packageData) { // Init info instance $infoInstance = NULL; //* DEBUG-DIE: */ die(__METHOD__ . ':packageData=' . print_r($packageData, TRUE)); // Get all keys and check them foreach ($this->getInstanceRegistry() as $key => $registryInstance) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: key=' . $key . ',registryInstance=' . $registryInstance->__toString()); // This is always a SubRegistry instance foreach ($registryInstance->getInstanceRegistry() as $subKey => $containerInstance) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: key=' . $key . ',subKey=' . $subKey . ',containerInstance=' . $containerInstance->__toString()); // Is this a SocketContainer instance and is the address the same? if (($containerInstance instanceof SocketContainer) && ($containerInstance->ifAddressMatches($packageData[NetworkPackage::PACKAGE_DATA_RECIPIENT]))) { // Debug die //* DEBUG-DIE: */ die(__METHOD__ . ': containerInstance=' . print_r($containerInstance, TRUE)); // Get listener and helper instances $listenerInstance = $containerInstance->getListenerInstance(); $helperInstance = $containerInstance->getHelperInstance(); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: key=' . $key . ',subKey=' . $subKey . ',listenerInstance[]=' . gettype($listenerInstance) . ',helperInstance[]=' . gettype($helperInstance)); // Is a listener or helper set? if ($listenerInstance instanceof Listenable) { // Found a listener, so get the info instance first $infoInstance = ConnectionInfoFactory::createConnectionInfoInstance($listenerInstance->getProtocolName(), 'helper'); // Fill info instance with listener data $infoInstance->fillWithListenerInformation($listenerInstance); } elseif ($helperInstance instanceof ConnectionHelper) { // Found a helper, so get the info instance first $infoInstance = ConnectionInfoFactory::createConnectionInfoInstance($helperInstance->getProtocolName(), 'helper'); // Helper is found $infoInstance->fillWithConnectionHelperInformation($helperInstance); } else { // Not supported state! $this->debugInstance('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Invalid state found, please report this to the developers with full debug infos.' . PHP_EOL); } // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('SOCKET-REGISTRY[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: key=' . $key . ',subKey=' . $subKey . ',infoInstance[' . gettype($infoInstance) . ']=' . $infoInstance->__toString() . ' with protocol ' . $infoInstance->getProtocolName() . ' - FOUND!'); break; } // END - if } // END - foreach // Is no longer NULL set? if (!is_null($infoInstance)) { // Then skip here, too break; } // END - if } // END - foreach // Return the info instance return $infoInstance; } } // [EOF] ?>