* @version 0.0 * @copyright Copyright(c) 2007, 2008 Roland Haeder, this is free software * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class HubPeer extends BaseFrameworkSystem { /** * This peer's socket resource */ private $peerSocket = null; /** * Timestamp for connection */ private $connectTime = 0; /** * Timestamp of last received message */ private $lastReceivedMessageStamp = 0; /** * Last received message */ private $lastReceivedMessage = ""; /** * Timestamp of last sent message */ private $lastSentMessageStamp = 0; /** * Last sent message */ private $lastSentMessage = ""; /** * Number of tries for authorization */ private $authRetries = 0; /** * Wether the peer is authorized (DO NEVER SET THIS TO "true"!) */ private $isAuthorized = false; /** * Wether this peer needs to be requested for the AUTH command */ private $needAuthRequest = true; /** * The peer's IP number */ private static $peerIP = ""; /** * Wether the peer has "hello-ed" to the other */ private $helloSent = false; /** * Wether the peer has replied our HELLO */ private $helloReplied = false; /** * Wether we have sent our ELHO */ private $elhoSent = false; /** * An instance of HubCoreLoop */ private $hubInstance = null; /** * When the last ping was */ private $lastPinged = 0; /** * When the last pong was */ private $lastPonged = 0; /** * Number of missing pongs from the other peer */ private $missingPongs = 0; /** * An instance of a HubCommandProcessor class */ private $commandInstance = null; /** * A queue for reading data in non-blocking mode */ private $queues = ""; /** * Line ends */ const LINE_END = "\n"; //---------------------------------------------------------- // Exceptions //---------------------------------------------------------- const EXCEPTION_PEER_SOCKET_INVALID = 0x200; const EXCEPTION_PEER_IP_CHANGED = 0x201; const EXCEPTION_PEER_SOCKET_BROKEN = 0x202; //---------------------------------------------------------- /** * The private constructor */ protected function __construct () { // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(__CLASS__); // Tidy up a little $this->removeSystemArray(); $this->removeNumberFormaters(); // Get a command processor $this->commandInstance = HubCommandProcessor::createHubCommandProcessor($this); } /** * Creates an instance of a HubPeer by a provided valid socket resource * * @param $peerSocket The socket resource for the peer * @param $hubInstance An instance of HubCoreLoop * @return $peerInstance An instance of HubPeer */ public final static function createHubPeerBySocket ($peerSocket, HubCoreLoop $hubInstance) { // Get a new instance $peerInstance = new HubPeer(); // Is the peer socket fine? if (!is_resource($peerSocket)) { // There is a problem with the socket throw new PeerSocketException ( array( 'this' => $peerInstance, 'type' => gettype($peerSocket) ), self::EXCEPTION_PEER_SOCKET_INVALID ); } // Set the socket $peerInstance->setPeerSocket($peerSocket); // Set connection timestamp $peerInstance->setConnectionTimestamp(); // Set the hub instance $peerInstance->setHubInstance($hubInstance); // Return the instance return $peerInstance; } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Public getter/setter //---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Setter for peer socket * * @param $peerSocket The peer's socket * @return void */ public final function setPeerSocket ($peerSocket) { if (is_resource($peerSocket)) { $this->peerSocket = $peerSocket; } else { $this->peerSocket = null; } } /** * Getter for peer socket * * @return $peerSocket The peer's socket */ public final function getPeerSocket () { return $this->peerSocket; } /** * Setter for connection timestamp only once * * @return void */ public final function setConnectionTimestamp () { if ($this->connectTime == 0) $this->connectTime = time(); } /** * Getter for a raw IP number * * @return $ip The peer's IP number * @throws BrokenPipeException If a socket has lost its connection to the peer */ public final function getRawIP () { if (is_resource($this->peerSocket)) { // Get IP from socket @socket_getpeername($this->peerSocket, $ip); // Connection problems? if (socket_last_error() > 0) { // Throw an exception throw new BrokenPipeException( array( 'this' => $this, 'code' => socket_last_error() ), self::EXCEPTION_PEER_SOCKET_BROKEN ); } } else { // Without a socket we cannot determine the right IP $ip = ""; } // And return it... return $ip; } /** * Getter for a validated peer IP * * @return $peerIP The peer's IP number */ public final function getValidatedIP() { // Is the socket valid and IP not set? if ((is_resource($this->peerSocket)) && (socket_last_error() == 0) && (self::$peerIP == "")) { // Get peer's IP number self::$peerIP = $this->getRawIP(); } elseif ((is_resource($this->peerSocket)) && (socket_last_error() == 0)) { // Get current raw IP number for validation $ip = $this->getRawIP(); // Check if the IP has changed if ($ip !== self::$peerIP) { // The IP number has changed! throw new IPSpoofingException( array( 'this' => $this, 'old_ip' => self::$peerIP, 'new_ip' => $ip ), self::EXCEPTION_PEER_IP_CHANGED ); } } return self::$peerIP; } /** * Getter for number of authorization tries * @return $authRetries Authorization tries */ public final function getAuthRetries () { return $this->authRetries; } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Public methods //---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Setter for HubCoreLoop instances * * @param $hubInstance An instance of a HubCoreLoop class * @return void */ public final function setHubInstance(HubCoreLoop $hubInstance) { $this->hubInstance = $hubInstance; } /** * Getter for HubCoreLoop instances * * @return $hubInstance An instance of a HubCoreLoop class */ public final function getHubInstance() { return $this->hubInstance; } /** * Getter for last sent message timestamp * * @return $lastSentMessageStamp Timestamp of last sent message */ public final function getLastSentMessageStamp () { return $this->lastSentMessageStamp; } /** * Getter for last sent message * * @return $lastSentMessage Last sent message to this peer */ public final function getLastSentMessage () { return $this->lastSentMessage; } /** * Determines wether the peer is authorized * * @return void */ public final function ifPeerIsAuthorized () { return (($this->isAuthorized === true) && ($this->ifPeerNeedsAuthRequest() === false)); } /** * Returns wether this peer needs to receive the AUTH command */ public final function ifPeerNeedsAuthRequest () { return $this->needAuthRequest; } /** * Disconnects the peer with a special reason (status) * * @param $reason The special reason * @return void */ public final function disconnectWithReason ($reason) { // Is the message set? if (!empty($reason)) { // Send the given message $this->sendMessage($reason); } else { // Send default "good bye" $this->sendMessage($this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_msg_bye")); } // Disconnect the client socket_shutdown($this->peerSocket, 2); socket_close($this->peerSocket); } /** * Sends a specified message to the peer's socket * * @param $message The special message * @return void * @throws BrokenPipeException If a pipe to a socket peer is lost */ public final function sendMessage ($message) { if (empty($message)) { // Set default message $message = $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_msg_bye"); } // Debug message $this->getDebugInstance()->output(sprintf("[%s] Sending message \"%s\" to peer %s.
\n", __METHOD__, $message, $this->getValidatedIP() )); // Is the socket still valid? if (!is_resource($this->peerSocket)) { // The socket is no longer valid! throw new BrokenPipeException ( array( 'this' => $this, 'code' => socket_last_error() ), self::EXCEPTION_PEER_SOCKET_BROKEN ); } // Send it to the peer if (socket_write($this->peerSocket, $message."\n") !== false) { // Set the timestamp and message $this->lastSentMessage = $message; $this->lastSentMessageStamp = time(); } else { // Message could not be sent throw new BrokenPipeException ( array( 'this' => $this, 'code' => socket_last_error() ), self::EXCEPTION_PEER_SOCKET_BROKEN ); } } /** * Asks the connected new peer for the authorization key * * @return void */ public final function askAuthorizationKey () { if ($this->ifPeerNeedsAuthRequest()) { // This peer needs to receive the AUTH command so send it to him $this->sendMessage($this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_auth_request")); // Set it to done $this->needAuthRequest = false; } } /** * Determines wether the peer is a local admin (localhost connection) * * @return $isLocalAdmin Wether the peer is a local admin */ public function ifPeerIsLocalAdmin () { // Get the remote IP and extract only the first three numbers $remoteArray = explode(".", self::$peerIP); // Is the peer a local admin? return (($remoteArray[0].".".$remoteArray[1].".".$remoteArray[2]) == "127.0.0"); } /** * Enables the local admin and authorizes this peer * * @return void */ public function enableLocalAdmin() { // Is this IP really local? if (($this->ifPeerIsLocalAdmin()) && (!$this->ifPeerIsAuthorized())) { // Then authorize him $this->isAuthorized = true; $this->needAuthRequest = false; } // END - if } /** * Says "hi" to the local admin * * @return void */ public function sayHi2Admin () { // Send a message to him... ;-) $this->sendMessage("Local admin console is ready. Enter HELP for instructions."); } /** * Enables wether the peer is authorized * * @param $isAuthValid Wether the authorization wents fine * @return void */ public function enableIsAuthorized ($isAuthValid = true) { $this->isAuthorized = true; } /** * Checks wether a HELLO has been sent and if not it will be send to the other peer * * @return $helloSent Wether a HELLO has been sent */ public function ifHelloReceived () { // HELLO has been sent? if (!$this->helloSent) { // Read some data $read = $this->readFromSocket(); // Is this a HELLO? if ($read == $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_peer_hello")) { // All right! A HELLO has been received $this->helloSent = true; $this->getHubInstance()->getOutputInstance()->output(sprintf("[%s] Peer %s said HELLO to us.", __METHOD__, $this->getValidatedIP() )); } // END - if } // END - if // Return status return $this->helloSent; } /** * Wether this hub has replied our HELLO request * * @return $helloReplied Wether this hub has replied our HELLO request */ public function ifHelloReplied () { if ((!$this->helloReplied) && ($this->lastSentMessage == $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_peer_hello"))) { // Read some data $read = $this->readFromSocket(); // Is this a HELLO? if ($read == $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_hello_reply")) { // Is this the master IP? if ($this->getValidatedIP() == $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_master_ip")) { // All right! A HELLO has been received $this->helloReplied = true; $this->getHubInstance()->getOutputInstance()->output(sprintf("[%s] The master hub at %s:%d replied our %s.", __METHOD__, $this->getValidatedIP(), $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_master_port"), $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_peer_hello") )); } else { // ELHOs from non-masters are not valid! $this->getHubInstance()->getOutputInstance()->output(sprintf("[%s] Peer %s replied our %s but is not the master hub!", __METHOD__, $this->getValidatedIP(), $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_peer_hello") )); } } // END - if } // END - if // Return status return $this->helloReplied; } /** * Returns wether a ELHO (HELLO reply has been sent) * * @return $elhoSent Wether a ELHO has been sent to the peer */ public final function ifELHOsent () { return $this->elhoSent; } /** * Replies a HELLO message with a ELHO message * * @return void */ public function replyHelloMessage () { $this->sendMessage($this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_hello_reply")); $this->elhoSent = true; } /** * Handles pinging this peer * * @return void */ public function handlePingPeer () { $lost = false; // Do we need to ping? if ((time() - $this->lastPinged) > $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_ping_timeout")) { // Don't ping any masters! ;-) if ($this->getValidatedIP() != $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_master_ip")) { // Debug message $this->getHubInstance()->getOutputInstance()->output(sprintf("[%s] Sending ping to peer %s...", $this->__toString(), $this->getValidatedIP() )); // Send out a PING and await a PONG $this->commandInstance->simpleExecute( $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_peer_ping"), $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_ping_reply") ); // PONG received within last ping? if (($this->lastPonged < time()) && (($this->lastPonged - $this->lastPinged) < 0)) { // Not replied so far $this->missingPongs++; // Debug message $this->getHubInstance()->getOutputInstance()->output(sprintf("[%s] Ping not replied! Try: %d", $this->__toString(), $this->missingPongs )); // Limit reached? if ($this->missingPongs == $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_ping_maxdrops")) { // This peer is lost $this->getHubInstance()->disconnectPeerWithReason("hub_peer_miss_pong"); $lost = true; } // END - if } // END - if // Last time we pinged is now. $this->lastPinged = time(); } // END - if } // END - if // Connection is lost? if ($lost === true) return false; // Awaiting PONG here if ($this->commandInstance->ifAwaitsCommand($this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig("hub_ping_reply"))) { // PONG received! :-) So reset all counters... $this->lastPonged = time(); $this->missingPongs = 0; // Notify the loop about the ping-pong-time $this->getHubInstance()->updatePeerEntry($this, (time() - $this->lastPinged)); } // END - if } /** * Handles any incoming commands from the master hub * * @return void */ public function handleMasterRequests () { // Read the raw socket for data packages if ($this->commandInstance->awaitAnyCommand()) { // A command has been received from the master hub $command = $this->commandInstance->pull(); // TODO Handle a command from the master here... } // END - if } /** * Reads raw data from the socket and trims leading/trailing spaces away. * Returns an empty string if no data has been received. * * @return $data Raw data from the underlaying socket * @throws BrokenPipeException If a socket has lost its connection to the peer */ public function readFromSocket () { $data = ""; $read = array($this->peerSocket); $write = null; $except = null; $num = socket_select($read, $write, $except, 0); if ($num > 0) { // Something has changed on a socket foreach ($read as $socket) { if (is_resource($socket)) { $data = trim(@socket_read($socket, 1024, PHP_NORMAL_READ)); if (socket_last_error() > 0) { // Throw an exception throw new BrokenPipeException( array( 'this' => $this, 'code' => socket_last_error() ), self::EXCEPTION_PEER_SOCKET_BROKEN ); } break; } // END - if } // END - foreach } // END - if return $data; } } // END - class // [EOF] ?>