* @version 0.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Roland Haeder, 2009 - 2012 Hub Developer Team * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * @link http://www.ship-simu.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class PackageAssembler extends BaseHubSystem implements Assembler, Registerable { /** * Pending data */ private $pendingData = ''; /** * Protected constructor * * @return void */ protected function __construct () { // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(__CLASS__); } /** * Creates an instance of this class * * @param $packageInstance An instance of a Receivable class * @return $assemblerInstance An instance of an Assembler class */ public static final function createPackageAssembler (Receivable $packageInstance) { // Get new instance $assemblerInstance = new PackageAssembler(); // Set package instance here $assemblerInstance->setPackageInstance($packageInstance); // Return the prepared instance return $assemblerInstance; } /** * Checks whether the input buffer (stacker to be more preceise) is empty. * * @return $isInputBufferEmpty Whether the input buffer is empty */ private function ifInputBufferIsEmpty () { // Check it $isInputBufferEmpty = $this->getPackageInstance()->getStackerInstance()->isStackEmpty(NetworkPackage::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_HANDLED); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ $this->debugOutput('PACKAGE-ASSEMBLER: isInputBufferEmpty=' . intval($isInputBufferEmpty)); // Return it return $isInputBufferEmpty; } /** * Assembles the content from $packageContent. This method does only * initialize the whole process by creating a call-back which will then * itself (99.9% of all cases) "explode" the decoded data stream and add * it to a chunk assembler queue. * * If the call-back method or this would attempt to assemble the package * chunks and (maybe) re-request some chunks from the sender, this would * take to much time and therefore slow down this node again. * * @param $packageContent An array with two elements: 'decoded_data' and 'error_code' * @return void * @throws UnsupportedPackageCodeHandlerException If the package code handler is not implemented */ public function chunkPackageContent (array $packageContent) { // Validate the package content array again assert( (isset($packageContent[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_DECODED_DATA])) && (isset($packageContent[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_ERROR_CODE])) ); // Construct call-back name from package error code $methodName = 'handlePackageBy' . $this->convertToClassName($packageContent[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_ERROR_CODE]); // Abort if the call-back method is not there if (!method_exists($this, $methodName)) { // Throw an exception throw new UnsupportedPackageCodeHandlerException(array($this, $methodName, $packageContent), BaseListener::EXCEPTION_UNSUPPORTED_PACKAGE_CODE_HANDLER); } // END - if // Call it back call_user_func(array($this, $methodName), $packageContent); } /************************************************************************** * Call-back methods for above method * **************************************************************************/ /** * Call-back handler to handle unhandled packages. This method "explodes" * the string with the chunk separator from PackageFragmenter class, does * some low checks on it and feeds it into another queue for verification * and re-request for bad chunks. * * @param $packageContent An array with two elements: 'decoded_data' and 'error_code' * @return void * @throws FinalChunkVerificationException If the final chunk does not start with 'EOP:' */ private function handlePackageByUnhandledPackage (array $packageContent) { // Debug message /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ $this->debugOutput('PACKAGE-ASSEMBLER: packageData[' . BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_DECODED_DATA . ']=' . $packageContent[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_DECODED_DATA]); // Check for some conditions if (!$this->ifInputBufferIsEmpty()) { // Last chunk is not valid, so wait for more $this->pendingData .= $packageContent[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_DECODED_DATA]; // Debug message /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ $this->debugOutput('PACKAGE-ASSEMBLER: Partial data received. Waiting for more ... ( ' . strlen($packageContent[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_DECODED_DATA]) . ' bytes)'); } else { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG */ $this->debugOutput('packageContent=' . print_r($packageContent,true) . ',chunks='.print_r($chunks,true)); /* * "explode" the string from 'decoded_data' with chunk separator to * get an array of chunks. These chunks must then be verified by * their checksums. Also the final chunk must be handled. */ $chunks = explode(PackageFragmenter::CHUNK_SEPARATOR, $packageContent[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_DECODED_DATA]); // Now get a chunk handler instance $handlerInstance = ChunkHandlerFactory::createChunkHandlerInstance(); // Add all chunks because the last final chunk is found $handlerInstance->addAllChunksWithFinal($chunks); } } /** * Checks whether the assembler's pending data is empty which means it has * no pending data left for handling ... ;-) * * @return $ifPendingDataIsEmpty Whether pending data is empty */ public function isPendingDataEmpty () { // A simbple check $ifPendingDataIsEmpty = empty($this->pendingData); // Return it return $ifPendingDataIsEmpty; } /** * Handles the assembler's pending data * * @return void */ public function handlePendingData () { // Assert on condition assert(!$this->isPendingDataEmpty()); // Init fake array $packageContent = array( BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_DECODED_DATA => $this->pendingData, BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_ERROR_CODE => BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_UNHANDLED ); // Clear pending data $this->pendingData = ''; // Debug message /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ $this->debugOutput('PACKAGE-ASSEMBLER: Last block of partial data received. A total of ' . strlen($packageContent[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_DECODED_DATA]) . ' bytes has been received.'); // Call the real handler method $this->handlePackageByUnhandledPackage($packageContent); } } // [EOF] ?>