* @version 0.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Roland Haeder, 2009 - 2015 Hub Developer Team * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * @link http://www.shipsimu.org * @todo Needs to add functionality for handling the object's type * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class NetworkPackage extends BaseHubSystem implements Deliverable, Receivable, Registerable, Visitable { /** * Package mask for compressing package data: * 0: Compressor extension * 1: Raw package data * 2: Tags, seperated by semicolons, no semicolon is required if only one tag is needed * 3: Checksum * 0 1 2 3 */ const PACKAGE_MASK = '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s'; /** * Separator for the above mask */ const PACKAGE_MASK_SEPARATOR = '^'; /** * Size of an array created by invoking * explode(NetworkPackage::PACKAGE_MASK_SEPARATOR, $content). */ const PACKAGE_CONTENT_ARRAY_SIZE = 4; /** * Separator for checksum */ const PACKAGE_CHECKSUM_SEPARATOR = '_'; /** * Array indexes for above mask, start with zero */ const INDEX_COMPRESSOR_EXTENSION = 0; const INDEX_PACKAGE_DATA = 1; const INDEX_TAGS = 2; const INDEX_CHECKSUM = 3; /** * Array indexes for raw package array */ const INDEX_PACKAGE_SENDER = 0; const INDEX_PACKAGE_RECIPIENT = 1; const INDEX_PACKAGE_CONTENT = 2; const INDEX_PACKAGE_STATUS = 3; const INDEX_PACKAGE_HASH = 4; const INDEX_PACKAGE_PRIVATE_KEY_HASH = 5; /** * Size of the decoded data array */ const DECODED_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE = 6; /** * Named array elements for decoded package content */ const PACKAGE_CONTENT_EXTENSION = 'compressor'; const PACKAGE_CONTENT_MESSAGE = 'message'; const PACKAGE_CONTENT_TAGS = 'tags'; const PACKAGE_CONTENT_CHECKSUM = 'checksum'; const PACKAGE_CONTENT_SENDER = 'sender'; const PACKAGE_CONTENT_HASH = 'hash'; const PACKAGE_CONTENT_PRIVATE_KEY_HASH = 'pkhash'; /** * Named array elements for package data */ const PACKAGE_DATA_SENDER = 'sender'; const PACKAGE_DATA_RECIPIENT = 'recipient'; const PACKAGE_DATA_CONTENT = 'content'; const PACKAGE_DATA_STATUS = 'status'; const PACKAGE_DATA_HASH = 'hash'; const PACKAGE_DATA_PRIVATE_KEY_HASH = 'pkhash'; /** * All package status */ const PACKAGE_STATUS_NEW = 'new'; const PACKAGE_STATUS_FAILED = 'failed'; const PACKAGE_STATUS_DECODED = 'decoded'; const PACKAGE_STATUS_FAKED = 'faked'; /** * Constants for message data array */ const MESSAGE_ARRAY_DATA = 'message_data'; const MESSAGE_ARRAY_TYPE = 'message_type'; const MESSAGE_ARRAY_SENDER = 'message_sender'; const MESSAGE_ARRAY_HASH = 'message_hash'; const MESSAGE_ARRAY_TAGS = 'message_tags'; /** * Generic answer status field */ /** * Tags separator */ const PACKAGE_TAGS_SEPARATOR = ';'; /** * Raw package data separator */ const PACKAGE_DATA_SEPARATOR = '#'; /** * Separator for more than one recipient */ const PACKAGE_RECIPIENT_SEPARATOR = ':'; /** * Network target (alias): 'upper nodes' */ const NETWORK_TARGET_UPPER = 'upper'; /** * Network target (alias): 'self' */ const NETWORK_TARGET_SELF = 'self'; /** * Network target (alias): 'dht' */ const NETWORK_TARGET_DHT = 'dht'; /** * TCP package size in bytes */ const TCP_PACKAGE_SIZE = 512; /************************************************************************** * Stacker for out-going packages * **************************************************************************/ /** * Stacker name for "undeclared" packages */ const STACKER_NAME_UNDECLARED = 'package_undeclared'; /** * Stacker name for "declared" packages (which are ready to send out) */ const STACKER_NAME_DECLARED = 'package_declared'; /** * Stacker name for "out-going" packages */ const STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING = 'package_outgoing'; /************************************************************************** * Stacker for incoming packages * **************************************************************************/ /** * Stacker name for "incoming" decoded raw data */ const STACKER_NAME_DECODED_INCOMING = 'package_decoded_data'; /** * Stacker name for handled decoded raw data */ const STACKER_NAME_DECODED_HANDLED = 'package_handled_decoded'; /** * Stacker name for "chunked" decoded raw data */ const STACKER_NAME_DECODED_CHUNKED = 'package_chunked_decoded'; /************************************************************************** * Stacker for incoming messages * **************************************************************************/ /** * Stacker name for new messages */ const STACKER_NAME_NEW_MESSAGE = 'package_new_message'; /** * Stacker name for processed messages */ const STACKER_NAME_PROCESSED_MESSAGE = 'package_processed_message'; /************************************************************************** * Stacker for raw data handling * **************************************************************************/ /** * Stacker for outgoing data stream */ const STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING_STREAM = 'outgoing_stream'; /** * Array index for final hash */ const RAW_FINAL_HASH_INDEX = 'hash'; /** * Array index for encoded data */ const RAW_ENCODED_DATA_INDEX = 'data'; /** * Array index for sent bytes */ const RAW_SENT_BYTES_INDEX = 'sent'; /** * Array index for socket resource */ const RAW_SOCKET_INDEX = 'socket'; /** * Array index for buffer size */ const RAW_BUFFER_SIZE_INDEX = 'buffer'; /** * Array index for diff between buffer and sent bytes */ const RAW_DIFF_INDEX = 'diff'; /************************************************************************** * Protocol names * **************************************************************************/ const PROTOCOL_TCP = 'TCP'; const PROTOCOL_UDP = 'UDP'; /** * Protected constructor * * @return void */ protected function __construct () { // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(__CLASS__); } /** * Creates an instance of this class * * @param $compressorInstance A Compressor instance for compressing the content * @return $packageInstance An instance of a Deliverable class */ public static final function createNetworkPackage (Compressor $compressorInstance) { // Get new instance $packageInstance = new NetworkPackage(); // Now set the compressor instance $packageInstance->setCompressorInstance($compressorInstance); /* * We need to initialize a stack here for our packages even for those * which have no recipient address and stamp... ;-) This stacker will * also be used for incoming raw data to handle it. */ $stackInstance = ObjectFactory::createObjectByConfiguredName('network_package_stacker_class'); // At last, set it in this class $packageInstance->setStackInstance($stackInstance); // Init all stacker $packageInstance->initStacks(); // Get a visitor instance for speeding up things and set it $visitorInstance = ObjectFactory::createObjectByConfiguredName('node_raw_data_monitor_visitor_class'); $packageInstance->setVisitorInstance($visitorInstance); // Get crypto instance and set it, too $cryptoInstance = ObjectFactory::createObjectByConfiguredName('crypto_class'); $packageInstance->setCryptoInstance($cryptoInstance); // Get a singleton package assembler instance from factory and set it here, too $assemblerInstance = PackageAssemblerFactory::createAssemblerInstance($packageInstance); $packageInstance->setAssemblerInstance($assemblerInstance); // Get node instance $nodeInstance = NodeObjectFactory::createNodeInstance(); // Get pool instance from node $poolInstance = $nodeInstance->getListenerPoolInstance(); // And set it here $packageInstance->setListenerPoolInstance($poolInstance); // Return the prepared instance return $packageInstance; } /** * Initialize all stackers * * @param $forceReInit Whether to force reinitialization of all stacks * @return void */ protected function initStacks ($forceReInit = FALSE) { // Initialize all $this->getStackInstance()->initStacks(array( self::STACKER_NAME_UNDECLARED, self::STACKER_NAME_DECLARED, self::STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING, self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_INCOMING, self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_HANDLED, self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_CHUNKED, self::STACKER_NAME_NEW_MESSAGE, self::STACKER_NAME_PROCESSED_MESSAGE, self::STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING_STREAM ), $forceReInit); } /** * Determines private key hash from given session id * * @param $decodedData Array with decoded data * @return $hash Private key's hash */ private function determineSenderPrivateKeyHash (array $decodedData) { // Get DHT instance $dhtInstance = DhtObjectFactory::createDhtInstance('node'); // Ask DHT for session id $senderData = $dhtInstance->findNodeLocalBySessionId($decodedData[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_SENDER]); // Is an entry found? if (count($senderData) > 0) { // Make sure the element 'private_key_hash' is there /* NOISY-DEBUG */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: senderData=' . print_r($senderData, TRUE)); assert(isset($senderData[NodeDistributedHashTableDatabaseWrapper::DB_COLUMN_PRIVATE_KEY_HASH])); // Return it return $senderData[NodeDistributedHashTableDatabaseWrapper::DB_COLUMN_PRIVATE_KEY_HASH]; } // END - if // Make sure the requested element is there //* DEBUG-DIE */ die('decodedData=' . print_r($decodedData, TRUE)); assert(isset($decodedData[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_PRIVATE_KEY_HASH])); // There is no DHT entry so, accept the hash from decoded data return $decodedData[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_PRIVATE_KEY_HASH]; } /** * "Getter" for hash from given content * * @param $content Raw package content * @return $hash Hash for given package content */ private function getHashFromContent ($content) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: content[md5]=' . md5($content) . ',sender=' . $this->getSessionId() . ',compressor=' . $this->getCompressorInstance()->getCompressorExtension()); // Create the hash // @TODO md5() is very weak, but it needs to be fast $hash = md5( $content . self::PACKAGE_CHECKSUM_SEPARATOR . $this->getSessionId() . self::PACKAGE_CHECKSUM_SEPARATOR . $this->getCompressorInstance()->getCompressorExtension() ); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: content[md5]=' . md5($content) . ',sender=' . $this->getSessionId() . ',hash=' . $hash . ',compressor=' . $this->getCompressorInstance()->getCompressorExtension()); // And return it return $hash; } /** * Checks whether the checksum (sometimes called "hash") is the same * * @param $decodedContent Package raw content * @param $decodedData Whole raw package data array * @return $isChecksumValid Whether the checksum is the same */ private function isChecksumValid (array $decodedContent, array $decodedData) { // Get checksum $checksum = $this->getHashFromContentSessionId($decodedContent, $decodedData[self::PACKAGE_DATA_SENDER]); // Is it the same? $isChecksumValid = ($checksum == $decodedContent[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_CHECKSUM]); // Return it return $isChecksumValid; } /** * Change the package with given status in given stack * * @param $packageData Raw package data in an array * @param $stackerName Name of the stacker * @param $newStatus New status to set * @return void */ private function changePackageStatus (array $packageData, $stackerName, $newStatus) { // Skip this for empty stacks if ($this->getStackInstance()->isStackEmpty($stackerName)) { // This avoids an exception after all packages has failed return; } // END - if // Pop the entry (it should be it) $nextData = $this->getStackInstance()->popNamed($stackerName); // Compare both hashes assert($nextData[self::PACKAGE_DATA_HASH] == $packageData[self::PACKAGE_DATA_HASH]); // Temporary set the new status $packageData[self::PACKAGE_DATA_STATUS] = $newStatus; // And push it again $this->getStackInstance()->pushNamed($stackerName, $packageData); } /** * "Getter" for hash from given content and sender's session id * * @param $decodedContent Raw package content * @param $sessionId Session id of the sender * @return $hash Hash for given package content */ public function getHashFromContentSessionId (array $decodedContent, $sessionId) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: content[md5]=' . md5($decodedContent[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_MESSAGE]) . ',sender=' . $sessionId . ',compressor=' . $decodedContent[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_EXTENSION]); // Create the hash // @TODO md5() is very weak, but it needs to be fast $hash = md5( $decodedContent[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_MESSAGE] . self::PACKAGE_CHECKSUM_SEPARATOR . $sessionId . self::PACKAGE_CHECKSUM_SEPARATOR . $decodedContent[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_EXTENSION] ); // And return it return $hash; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Delivering packages / raw data /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Declares the given raw package data by discovering recipients * * @param $packageData Raw package data in an array * @return void */ private function declareRawPackageData (array $packageData) { // Make sure the required field is there assert(isset($packageData[self::PACKAGE_DATA_RECIPIENT])); /* * We need to disover every recipient, just in case we have a * multi-recipient entry like 'upper' is. 'all' may be a not so good * target because it causes an overload on the network and may be * abused for attacking the network with large packages. */ $discoveryInstance = PackageDiscoveryFactory::createPackageDiscoveryInstance(); // Discover all recipients, this may throw an exception $discoveryInstance->discoverRecipients($packageData); // Now get an iterator $iteratorInstance = $discoveryInstance->getIterator(); // Make sure the iterator instance is valid assert($iteratorInstance instanceof Iterator); // Rewind back to the beginning $iteratorInstance->rewind(); // ... and begin iteration while ($iteratorInstance->valid()) { // Get current entry $currentRecipient = $iteratorInstance->current(); // Debug message /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Setting recipient to ' . $currentRecipient . ',previous=' . $packageData[self::PACKAGE_DATA_RECIPIENT]); // Set the recipient $packageData[self::PACKAGE_DATA_RECIPIENT] = $currentRecipient; // Push the declared package to the next stack. $this->getStackInstance()->pushNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_DECLARED, $packageData); // Debug message /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Package declared for recipient ' . $currentRecipient); // Skip to next entry $iteratorInstance->next(); } // END - while /* * The recipient list can be cleaned up here because the package which * shall be delivered has already been added for all entries from the * list. */ $discoveryInstance->clearRecipients(); } /** * Delivers raw package data. In short, this will discover the raw socket * resource through a discovery class (which will analyse the receipient of * the package), register the socket with the connection (handler/helper?) * instance and finally push the raw data on our outgoing queue. * * @param $packageData Raw package data in an array * @return void */ private function deliverRawPackageData (array $packageData) { /* * This package may become big, depending on the shared object size or * delivered message size which shouldn't be so long (to save * bandwidth). Because of the nature of the used protocol (TCP) we need * to split it up into smaller pieces to fit it into a TCP frame. * * So first we need (again) a discovery class but now a protocol * discovery to choose the right socket resource. The discovery class * should take a look at the raw package data itself and then decide * which (configurable!) protocol should be used for that type of * package. */ $discoveryInstance = SocketDiscoveryFactory::createSocketDiscoveryInstance(); // Now discover the right protocol $socketResource = $discoveryInstance->discoverSocket($packageData, BaseConnectionHelper::CONNECTION_TYPE_OUTGOING); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Reached line ' . __LINE__ . ' after discoverSocket() has been called.'); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: stateInstance=' . $helperInstance->getStateInstance()); //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Reached line ' . __LINE__ . ' before isSocketRegistered() has been called.'); // The socket needs to be put in a special registry that can handle such data $registryInstance = SocketRegistryFactory::createSocketRegistryInstance(); // Get the connection helper from registry $helperInstance = Registry::getRegistry()->getInstance('connection'); // And make sure it is valid assert($helperInstance instanceof ConnectionHelper); // Get connection info class $infoInstance = ConnectionInfoFactory::createConnectionInfoInstance($helperInstance->getProtocolName(), 'helper'); // Will the info instance with connection helper data $infoInstance->fillWithConnectionHelperInformation($helperInstance); // Is it not there? if ((is_resource($socketResource)) && (!$registryInstance->isSocketRegistered($infoInstance, $socketResource))) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Registering socket ' . $socketResource . ' ...'); // Then register it $registryInstance->registerSocket($infoInstance, $socketResource, $packageData); } elseif (!$helperInstance->getStateInstance()->isPeerStateConnected()) { // Is not connected, then we cannot send self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Unexpected peer state ' . $helperInstance->getStateInstance()->__toString() . ' detected.'); // Shutdown the socket $this->shutdownSocket($socketResource); } // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Reached line ' . __LINE__ . ' after isSocketRegistered() has been called.'); // Make sure the connection is up $helperInstance->getStateInstance()->validatePeerStateConnected(); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Reached line ' . __LINE__ . ' after validatePeerStateConnected() has been called.'); // Enqueue it again on the out-going queue, the connection is up and working at this point $this->getStackInstance()->pushNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING, $packageData); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Reached line ' . __LINE__ . ' after pushNamed() has been called.'); } /** * Sends waiting packages * * @param $packageData Raw package data * @return void */ private function sendOutgoingRawPackageData (array $packageData) { // Init sent bytes $sentBytes = 0; // Get the right connection instance $infoInstance = SocketRegistryFactory::createSocketRegistryInstance()->getInfoInstanceFromPackageData($packageData); // Test helper instance assert($infoInstance instanceof ShareableInfo); // Get helper instance $helperInstance = $infoInstance->getHelperInstance(); // Some sanity-checks on the object //* DEBUG-DIE: */ die('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: p1=' . $infoInstance->getProtocolName() . ',p2=' . $helperInstance->getProtocolName() . ',infoInstance=' . print_r($infoInstance, TRUE)); assert($helperInstance instanceof ConnectionHelper); assert($infoInstance->getProtocolName() == $helperInstance->getProtocolName()); // Is this connection still alive? if ($helperInstance->isShuttedDown()) { // This connection is shutting down // @TODO We may want to do somthing more here? return; } // END - if // Sent out package data $helperInstance->sendRawPackageData($packageData); } /** * Generates a secure hash for given raw package content and sender id * * @param $content Raw package data * @param $senderId Sender id to generate a hash for * @return $hash Hash as hex-encoded string */ private function generatePackageHash ($content, $senderId) { // Fake array $data = array( self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_SENDER => $senderId, self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_MESSAGE => $content, self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_PRIVATE_KEY_HASH => '' ); // Hash content and sender id together, use scrypt /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: senderId=' . $senderId . ',content()=' . strlen($content)); $hash = Scrypt::hashScrypt($senderId . ':' . $content . ':' . $this->determineSenderPrivateKeyHash($data)); // Return it return $hash; } /** * Checks whether the hash of given package data is 'valid', here that * means it is the same or not. * * @param $decodedArray An array with 'decoded' (explode() was mostly called) data * @return $isHashValid Whether the hash is valid * @todo Unfinished area, hashes are currently NOT fully supported */ private function isPackageHashValid (array $decodedArray) { // Check validity /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: senderId=' . $decodedArray[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_SENDER] . ',message()=' . strlen($decodedArray[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_MESSAGE])); //* DEBUG-DIE: */ die(__METHOD__ . ': decodedArray=' . print_r($decodedArray, TRUE)); $isHashValid = Scrypt::checkScrypt($decodedArray[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_SENDER] . ':' . $decodedArray[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_MESSAGE] . ':' . $this->determineSenderPrivateKeyHash($decodedArray), $decodedArray[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_HASH]); // Return it //* DEBUG-DIE: */ die(__METHOD__ . ': isHashValid=' . intval($isHashValid) . ',decodedArray=' . print_r($decodedArray, TRUE)); return $isHashValid; } /** * "Enqueues" raw content into this delivery class by reading the raw content * from given helper's template instance and pushing it on the 'undeclared' * stack. * * @param $helperInstance An instance of a HubHelper class * @return void */ public function enqueueRawDataFromTemplate (HubHelper $helperInstance) { // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ': CALLED!'); // Get the raw content ... $content = $helperInstance->getTemplateInstance()->getRawTemplateData(); //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('content(' . strlen($content) . ')=' . $content); // ... and compress it $compressed = $this->getCompressorInstance()->compressStream($content); // Add magic in front of it and hash behind it, including BASE64 encoding $packageContent = sprintf(self::PACKAGE_MASK, // 1.) Compressor's extension $this->getCompressorInstance()->getCompressorExtension(), // - separator self::PACKAGE_MASK_SEPARATOR, // 2.) Compressed raw package content, encoded with BASE64 base64_encode($compressed), // - separator self::PACKAGE_MASK_SEPARATOR, // 3.) Tags implode(self::PACKAGE_TAGS_SEPARATOR, $helperInstance->getPackageTags()), // - separator self::PACKAGE_MASK_SEPARATOR, // 4.) Checksum $this->getHashFromContent($compressed) ); // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ': Enqueueing package for recipientType=' . $helperInstance->getRecipientType() . ' ...'); // Now prepare the temporary array and push it on the 'undeclared' stack $this->getStackInstance()->pushNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_UNDECLARED, array( self::PACKAGE_DATA_SENDER => $this->getSessionId(), self::PACKAGE_DATA_RECIPIENT => $helperInstance->getRecipientType(), self::PACKAGE_DATA_CONTENT => $packageContent, self::PACKAGE_DATA_STATUS => self::PACKAGE_STATUS_NEW, self::PACKAGE_DATA_HASH => $this->generatePackageHash($content, $this->getSessionId()), self::PACKAGE_DATA_PRIVATE_KEY_HASH => $this->getPrivateKeyHash(), )); // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ': EXIT!'); } /** * Checks whether a package has been enqueued for delivery. * * @return $isEnqueued Whether a package is enqueued */ public function isPackageEnqueued () { // Check whether the stacker is not empty $isEnqueued = (($this->getStackInstance()->isStackInitialized(self::STACKER_NAME_UNDECLARED)) && (!$this->getStackInstance()->isStackEmpty(self::STACKER_NAME_UNDECLARED))); // Return the result return $isEnqueued; } /** * Checks whether a package has been declared * * @return $isDeclared Whether a package is declared */ public function isPackageDeclared () { // Check whether the stacker is not empty $isDeclared = (($this->getStackInstance()->isStackInitialized(self::STACKER_NAME_DECLARED)) && (!$this->getStackInstance()->isStackEmpty(self::STACKER_NAME_DECLARED))); // Return the result return $isDeclared; } /** * Checks whether a package should be sent out * * @return $isWaitingDelivery Whether a package is waiting for delivery */ public function isPackageWaitingForDelivery () { // Check whether the stacker is not empty $isWaitingDelivery = (($this->getStackInstance()->isStackInitialized(self::STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING)) && (!$this->getStackInstance()->isStackEmpty(self::STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING))); // Return the result return $isWaitingDelivery; } /** * Checks whether encoded (raw) data is pending * * @return $isPending Whether encoded data is pending */ public function isEncodedDataPending () { // Check whether the stacker is not empty $isPending = (($this->getStackInstance()->isStackInitialized(self::STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING_STREAM)) && (!$this->getStackInstance()->isStackEmpty(self::STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING_STREAM))); // Return the result return $isPending; } /** * Delivers an enqueued package to the stated destination. If a non-session * id is provided, recipient resolver is being asked (and instanced once). * This allows that a single package is being delivered to multiple targets * without enqueueing it for every target. If no target is provided or it * can't be determined a NoTargetException is being thrown. * * @return void * @throws NoTargetException If no target can't be determined */ public function declareEnqueuedPackage () { // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ': CALLED!'); // Make sure this method isn't working if there is no package enqueued if (!$this->isPackageEnqueued()) { // This is not fatal but should be avoided self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: No raw package data waiting declaration, but ' . __METHOD__ . ' has been called!'); return; } // END - if /* * Now there are for sure packages to deliver, so start with the first * one. */ $packageData = $this->getStackInstance()->popNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_UNDECLARED); // Declare the raw package data for delivery $this->declareRawPackageData($packageData); // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ': EXIT!'); } /** * Delivers the next declared package. Only one package per time will be sent * because this may take time and slows down the whole delivery * infrastructure. * * @return void */ public function processDeclaredPackage () { // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ': CALLED!'); // Sanity check if we have packages declared if (!$this->isPackageDeclared()) { // This is not fatal but should be avoided self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: No package has been declared, but ' . __METHOD__ . ' has been called!'); return; } // END - if // Get the package $packageData = $this->getStackInstance()->getNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_DECLARED); // Assert on it assert(isset($packageData[self::PACKAGE_DATA_RECIPIENT])); // Try to deliver the package try { // And try to send it $this->deliverRawPackageData($packageData); // And remove it finally $this->getStackInstance()->popNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_DECLARED); } catch (InvalidStateException $e) { // The state is not excepected (shall be 'connected') self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Caught ' . $e->__toString() . ',message=' . $e->getMessage()); // Mark the package with status failed $this->changePackageStatus($packageData, self::STACKER_NAME_DECLARED, self::PACKAGE_STATUS_FAILED); } // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ': EXIT!'); } /** * Sends waiting packages out for delivery * * @return void */ public function sendWaitingPackage () { // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ': CALLED!'); // Sanity check if we have packages waiting for delivery if (!$this->isPackageWaitingForDelivery()) { // This is not fatal but should be avoided self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: No package is waiting for delivery, but ' . __METHOD__ . ' was called.'); return; } // END - if // Get the package $packageData = $this->getStackInstance()->getNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING); try { // Now try to send it $this->sendOutgoingRawPackageData($packageData); // And remove it finally $this->getStackInstance()->popNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING); } catch (InvalidSocketException $e) { // Output exception message self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Package was not delivered: ' . $e->getMessage()); // Mark package as failed $this->changePackageStatus($packageData, self::STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING, self::PACKAGE_STATUS_FAILED); } // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ': EXIT!'); } /** * Sends out encoded data to a socket * * @return void */ public function sendEncodedData () { // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ': CALLED!'); // Make sure there is pending encoded data assert($this->isEncodedDataPending()); // Pop current data from stack $encodedDataArray = $this->getStackInstance()->popNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING_STREAM); // Init in this round sent bytes $sentBytes = 0; // Assert on socket assert(is_resource($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_SOCKET_INDEX])); // And deliver it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('CONNECTION-HELPER[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Sending out ' . strlen($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_ENCODED_DATA_INDEX]) . ' bytes,rawBufferSize=' . $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_BUFFER_SIZE_INDEX] . ',diff=' . $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_DIFF_INDEX]); if ($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_DIFF_INDEX] >= 0) { // Send all out (encodedData is smaller than or equal buffer size) //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('CONNECTION-HELPER[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: MD5=' . md5(substr($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_ENCODED_DATA_INDEX], 0, ($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_BUFFER_SIZE_INDEX] - $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_DIFF_INDEX])))); $sentBytes = @socket_write($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_SOCKET_INDEX], $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_ENCODED_DATA_INDEX], ($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_BUFFER_SIZE_INDEX] - $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_DIFF_INDEX])); } else { // Send buffer size out //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('CONNECTION-HELPER[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: MD5=' . md5(substr($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_ENCODED_DATA_INDEX], 0, $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_BUFFER_SIZE_INDEX]))); $sentBytes = @socket_write($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_SOCKET_INDEX], $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_ENCODED_DATA_INDEX], $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_BUFFER_SIZE_INDEX]); } // If there was an error, we don't continue here if ($sentBytes === FALSE) { // Handle the error with a faked recipientData array $this->handleSocketError(__METHOD__, __LINE__, $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_SOCKET_INDEX], array('', '0')); // And throw it throw new InvalidSocketException(array($this, $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_SOCKET_INDEX], $socketError, $errorMessage), BaseListener::EXCEPTION_INVALID_SOCKET); } elseif (($sentBytes === 0) && (strlen($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_ENCODED_DATA_INDEX]) > 0)) { // Nothing sent means we are done //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('CONNECTION-HELPER[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: All sent! (LINE=' . __LINE__ . ')'); return; } else { // The difference between sent bytes and length of raw data should not go below zero assert((strlen($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_ENCODED_DATA_INDEX]) - $sentBytes) >= 0); // Add total sent bytes $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_SENT_BYTES_INDEX] += $sentBytes; // Cut out the last unsent bytes //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('CONNECTION-HELPER[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Sent out ' . $sentBytes . ' of ' . strlen($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_ENCODED_DATA_INDEX]) . ' bytes ...'); $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_ENCODED_DATA_INDEX] = substr($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_ENCODED_DATA_INDEX], $sentBytes); // Calculate difference again $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_DIFF_INDEX] = $encodedDataArray[self::RAW_BUFFER_SIZE_INDEX] - strlen($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_ENCODED_DATA_INDEX]); // Can we abort? if (strlen($encodedDataArray[self::RAW_ENCODED_DATA_INDEX]) <= 0) { // Abort here, all sent! //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('CONNECTION-HELPER[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: All sent! (LINE=' . __LINE__ . ')'); return; } // END - if } // Push array back in stack $this->getStackInstance()->pushNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_OUTGOING_STREAM, $encodedDataArray); // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ': EXIT!'); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Receiving packages / raw data /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Checks whether decoded raw data is pending * * @return $isPending Whether decoded raw data is pending */ private function isRawDataPending () { // Just return whether the stack is not empty $isPending = (!$this->getStackInstance()->isStackEmpty(self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_INCOMING)); // Return the status return $isPending; } /** * Checks whether new raw package data has arrived at a socket * * @return $hasArrived Whether new raw package data has arrived for processing */ public function isNewRawDataPending () { // Visit the pool. This monitors the pool for incoming raw data. $this->getListenerPoolInstance()->accept($this->getVisitorInstance()); // Check for new data arrival $hasArrived = $this->isRawDataPending(); // Return the status return $hasArrived; } /** * Handles the incoming decoded raw data. This method does not "convert" the * decoded data back into a package array, it just "handles" it and pushs it * on the next stack. * * @return void */ public function handleIncomingDecodedData () { /* * This method should only be called if decoded raw data is pending, * so check it again. */ if (!$this->isRawDataPending()) { // This is not fatal but should be avoided self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: No raw (decoded?) data is pending, but ' . __METHOD__ . ' has been called!'); return; } // END - if // Very noisy debug message: //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Stacker size is ' . $this->getStackInstance()->getStackCount(self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_INCOMING) . ' entries.'); // "Pop" the next entry (the same array again) from the stack $decodedData = $this->getStackInstance()->popNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_INCOMING); // Make sure both array elements are there assert( (is_array($decodedData)) && (isset($decodedData[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_RAW_DATA])) && (isset($decodedData[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_ERROR_CODE])) ); /* * Also make sure the error code is SOCKET_ERROR_UNHANDLED because we * only want to handle unhandled packages here. */ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: errorCode=' . $decodedData[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_ERROR_CODE] . '(' . BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_UNHANDLED . ')'); assert($decodedData[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_ERROR_CODE] == BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_UNHANDLED); // Remove the last chunk SEPARATOR (because there is no need for it) if (substr($decodedData[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_RAW_DATA], -1, 1) == PackageFragmenter::CHUNK_SEPARATOR) { // It is there and should be removed $decodedData[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_RAW_DATA] = substr($decodedData[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_RAW_DATA], 0, -1); } // END - if // This package is "handled" and can be pushed on the next stack //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Pushing ' . strlen($decodedData[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_RAW_DATA]) . ' bytes to stack ' . self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_HANDLED . ' ...'); $this->getStackInstance()->pushNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_HANDLED, $decodedData); } /** * Adds raw decoded data from the given handler instance to this receiver * * @param $handlerInstance An instance of a Networkable class * @return void */ public function addRawDataToIncomingStack (Networkable $handlerInstance) { /* * Get the decoded data from the handler, this is an array with * 'raw_data' and 'error_code' as elements. */ $decodedData = $handlerInstance->getNextRawData(); // Very noisy debug message: //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: decodedData[' . gettype($decodedData) . ']=' . print_r($decodedData, TRUE)); // And push it on our stack $this->getStackInstance()->pushNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_INCOMING, $decodedData); } /** * Checks whether incoming decoded data is handled. * * @return $isHandled Whether incoming decoded data is handled */ public function isIncomingRawDataHandled () { // Determine if the stack is not empty $isHandled = (!$this->getStackInstance()->isStackEmpty(self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_HANDLED)); // Return it return $isHandled; } /** * Checks whether the assembler has pending data left * * @return $isHandled Whether the assembler has pending data left */ public function ifAssemblerHasPendingDataLeft () { // Determine if the stack is not empty $isHandled = (!$this->getAssemblerInstance()->isPendingDataEmpty()); // Return it return $isHandled; } /** * Checks whether the assembler has multiple packages pending * * @return $isPending Whether the assembler has multiple packages pending */ public function ifMultipleMessagesPending () { // Determine if the stack is not empty $isPending = ($this->getAssemblerInstance()->ifMultipleMessagesPending()); // Return it return $isPending; } /** * Handles the attached assemler's pending data queue to be finally * assembled to the raw package data back. * * @return void */ public function handleAssemblerPendingData () { // Handle it $this->getAssemblerInstance()->handlePendingData(); } /** * Handles multiple messages. * * @return void */ public function handleMultipleMessages () { // Handle it $this->getAssemblerInstance()->handleMultipleMessages(); } /** * Assembles incoming decoded data so it will become an abstract network * package again. The assembler does later do it's job by an other task, * not this one to keep best speed possible. * * @return void */ public function assembleDecodedDataToPackage () { // Make sure the raw decoded package data is handled assert($this->isIncomingRawDataHandled()); // Get current package content (an array with two elements; see handleIncomingDecodedData() for details) $packageContent = $this->getStackInstance()->getNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_HANDLED); // Assert on some elements assert( (is_array($packageContent)) && (isset($packageContent[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_RAW_DATA])) && (isset($packageContent[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_ERROR_CODE])) ); // Start assembling the raw package data array by chunking it $this->getAssemblerInstance()->chunkPackageContent($packageContent); // Remove the package from 'handled_decoded' stack ... $this->getStackInstance()->popNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_HANDLED); // ... and push it on the 'chunked' stacker //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: Pushing ' . strlen($packageContent[BaseRawDataHandler::PACKAGE_RAW_DATA]) . ' bytes on stack ' . self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_CHUNKED . ',packageContent=' . print_r($packageContent, TRUE)); $this->getStackInstance()->pushNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_DECODED_CHUNKED, $packageContent); } /** * Accepts the visitor to process the visit "request" * * @param $visitorInstance An instance of a Visitor class * @return void */ public function accept (Visitor $visitorInstance) { // Debug message /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: ' . $visitorInstance->__toString() . ' has visited - CALLED!'); // Visit the package $visitorInstance->visitNetworkPackage($this); // Then visit the assembler to handle multiple packages $this->getAssemblerInstance()->accept($visitorInstance); // Debug message /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: ' . $visitorInstance->__toString() . ' has visited - EXIT!'); } /** * Clears all stacks * * @return void */ public function clearAllStacks () { // Call the init method to force re-initialization $this->initStacks(TRUE); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: All stacker have been re-initialized.'); } /** * Removes the first failed outoging package from the stack to continue * with next one (it will never work until the issue is fixed by you). * * @return void * @throws UnexpectedPackageStatusException If the package status is not 'failed' * @todo This may be enchanced for outgoing packages? */ public function removeFirstFailedPackage () { // Get the package again $packageData = $this->getStackInstance()->getNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_DECLARED); // Is the package status 'failed'? if ($packageData[self::PACKAGE_DATA_STATUS] != self::PACKAGE_STATUS_FAILED) { // Not failed! throw new UnexpectedPackageStatusException(array($this, $packageData, self::PACKAGE_STATUS_FAILED), BaseListener::EXCEPTION_UNEXPECTED_PACKAGE_STATUS); } // END - if // Remove this entry $this->getStackInstance()->popNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_DECLARED); } /** * "Decode" the package content into the same array when it was sent. * * @param $rawPackageContent The raw package content to be "decoded" * @return $decodedData An array with 'sender', 'recipient', 'content' and 'status' elements */ public function decodeRawContent ($rawPackageContent) { // Use the separator '#' to "decode" it $decodedArray = explode(self::PACKAGE_DATA_SEPARATOR, $rawPackageContent); // Assert on count (should be always 3) assert(count($decodedArray) == self::DECODED_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE); /* * Create 'decodedData' array with all assoziative array elements. */ $decodedData = array( self::PACKAGE_DATA_SENDER => $decodedArray[self::INDEX_PACKAGE_SENDER], self::PACKAGE_DATA_RECIPIENT => $decodedArray[self::INDEX_PACKAGE_RECIPIENT], self::PACKAGE_DATA_CONTENT => $decodedArray[self::INDEX_PACKAGE_CONTENT], self::PACKAGE_DATA_STATUS => self::PACKAGE_STATUS_DECODED, self::PACKAGE_DATA_HASH => $decodedArray[self::INDEX_PACKAGE_HASH], self::PACKAGE_DATA_PRIVATE_KEY_HASH => $decodedArray[self::INDEX_PACKAGE_PRIVATE_KEY_HASH] ); // And return it return $decodedData; } /** * Handles decoded data for this node by "decoding" the 'content' part of * it. Again this method uses explode() for the "decoding" process. * * @param $decodedData An array with decoded raw package data * @return void * @throws InvalidDataChecksumException If the checksum doesn't match */ public function handleRawData (array $decodedData) { /* * "Decode" the package's content by a simple explode() call, for * details of the array elements, see comments for constant * PACKAGE_MASK. */ $decodedContent = explode(self::PACKAGE_MASK_SEPARATOR, $decodedData[self::PACKAGE_DATA_CONTENT]); // Assert on array count for a very basic validation assert(count($decodedContent) == self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_ARRAY_SIZE); /* * Convert the indexed array into an associative array. This is much * better to remember than plain numbers, isn't it? */ $decodedContent = array( // Compressor's extension used to compress the data self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_EXTENSION => $decodedContent[self::INDEX_COMPRESSOR_EXTENSION], // Package data (aka "message") in BASE64-decoded form but still compressed self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_MESSAGE => base64_decode($decodedContent[self::INDEX_PACKAGE_DATA]), // Tags as an indexed array for "tagging" the message self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_TAGS => explode(self::PACKAGE_TAGS_SEPARATOR, $decodedContent[self::INDEX_TAGS]), // Checksum of the _decoded_ data self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_CHECKSUM => $decodedContent[self::INDEX_CHECKSUM], // Sender's id self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_SENDER => $decodedData[self::PACKAGE_DATA_SENDER], // Hash from decoded raw data self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_HASH => $decodedData[self::PACKAGE_DATA_HASH], // Hash of private key self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_PRIVATE_KEY_HASH => $decodedData[self::PACKAGE_DATA_PRIVATE_KEY_HASH] ); // Is the checksum valid? if (!$this->isChecksumValid($decodedContent, $decodedData)) { // Is not the same, so throw an exception here throw new InvalidDataChecksumException(array($this, $decodedContent, $decodedData), BaseListener::EXCEPTION_INVALID_DATA_CHECKSUM); } // END - if /* * The checksum is the same, then it can be decompressed safely. The * original message is at this point fully decoded. */ $decodedContent[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_MESSAGE] = $this->getCompressorInstance()->decompressStream($decodedContent[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_MESSAGE]); // And push it on the next stack $this->getStackInstance()->pushNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_NEW_MESSAGE, $decodedContent); } /** * Checks whether a new message has arrived * * @return $hasArrived Whether a new message has arrived for processing */ public function isNewMessageArrived () { // Determine if the stack is not empty $hasArrived = (!$this->getStackInstance()->isStackEmpty(self::STACKER_NAME_NEW_MESSAGE)); // Return it return $hasArrived; } /** * Handles newly arrived messages * * @return void * @todo Implement verification of all sent tags here? */ public function handleNewlyArrivedMessage () { // Make sure there is at least one message assert($this->isNewMessageArrived()); // Get it from the stacker, it is the full array with the decoded message $decodedContent = $this->getStackInstance()->popNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_NEW_MESSAGE); // Generate the hash of comparing it if (!$this->isPackageHashValid($decodedContent)) { // Is not valid, so throw an exception here exit(__METHOD__ . ':INVALID HASH! UNDER CONSTRUCTION!' . chr(10)); } // END - if // Now get a filter chain back from factory with given tags array $chainInstance = PackageFilterChainFactory::createChainByTagsArray($decodedContent[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_TAGS]); /* * Process the message through all filters, note that all other * elements from $decodedContent are no longer needed. */ $chainInstance->processMessage($decodedContent, $this); /* * Post-processing of message data (this won't remote the message from * the stack). */ $chainInstance->postProcessMessage($this); } /** * Checks whether a processed message is pending for "interpretation" * * @return $isPending Whether a processed message is pending */ public function isProcessedMessagePending () { // Check it $isPending = (!$this->getStackInstance()->isStackEmpty(self::STACKER_NAME_PROCESSED_MESSAGE)); // Return it return $isPending; } /** * Handle processed messages by "interpreting" the 'message_type' element * * @return void */ public function handleProcessedMessage () { // Get it from the stacker, it is the full array with the processed message $messageArray = $this->getStackInstance()->popNamed(self::STACKER_NAME_PROCESSED_MESSAGE); // Add type for later easier handling $messageArray[self::MESSAGE_ARRAY_DATA][self::MESSAGE_ARRAY_TYPE] = $messageArray[self::MESSAGE_ARRAY_TYPE]; // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: messageArray=' . print_r($messageArray, TRUE)); // Create a handler instance from given message type $handlerInstance = MessageTypeHandlerFactory::createMessageTypeHandlerInstance($messageArray[self::MESSAGE_ARRAY_TYPE]); // Handle message data $handlerInstance->handleMessageData($messageArray[self::MESSAGE_ARRAY_DATA], $this); } /** * Feeds the hash and sender (as recipient for the 'sender' reward) to the * miner's queue, unless the message is not a "reward claim" message as this * leads to an endless loop. You may wish to run the miner to get some * reward ("HubCoins") for "mining" this hash. * * @param $messageData Array with message data * @return void * @todo ~10% done? */ public function feedHashToMiner (array $messageData) { // Make sure the required elements are there assert(isset($messageData[self::MESSAGE_ARRAY_SENDER])); assert(isset($messageData[self::MESSAGE_ARRAY_HASH])); assert(isset($messageData[self::MESSAGE_ARRAY_TAGS])); // Debug message /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: messageData=' . print_r($messageData, TRUE)); // Resolve session id ('sender' is a session id) into node id $nodeId = HubTools::resolveNodeIdBySessionId($messageData[self::MESSAGE_ARRAY_SENDER]); // Is 'claim_reward' the message type? if (in_array('claim_reward', $messageData[self::MESSAGE_ARRAY_TAGS])) { /* * Then don't feed this message to the miner as this causes an * endless loop of mining. */ return; } // END - if $this->partialStub('@TODO nodeId=' . $nodeId . ',messageData=' . print_r($messageData, TRUE)); } } // [EOF] ?>