* @version 0.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Roland Haeder, 2009 Ship-Simu Developer Team * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * @link http://www.shipsimu.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class Shipyard extends BaseConstruction { // Werft-Name private $shipyardName = "Namenlose Werft"; // Arbeiter-Liste private $staffList = null; // Queue-Liste fuer zu bauende Schiffe private $queueList = null; // Aktuell im Bau befindliches Schiff private $currShipInConst = null; // Liste konstruierbarer Schiffstypen private $shipTypeList = null; // Zugewiesener Hafen private $harborInstance = null; // Zugewiesene Reederei private $shippingCompany = null; // Constructor protected function __construct () { // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(__CLASS__); // Staff-Liste/Schiffstyp-Liste erzeugen $this->createStaffList(); $this->createShipTypeList(); } // Create a shipyard and notify it about it's owner public static final function createShipyardNotify (Harbor $harborInstance, $shipyardName, ShippingCompany $companyInstance) { // Werft-Instanz holen $shipyardInstance = self::createShipyard($harborInstance, $shipyardName); // Reederei der Werft zuweisen $shipyardInstance->setCompanyInstance($companyInstance); // Die Reederei ueber ihre Werft informieren $companyInstance->addNewShipyard($shipyardInstance); // Instanz zurueckgeben return $shipyardInstance; } // Create a shipyard, first we need to create a harbor public static final function createShipyard (Harbor $harborInstance, $shipyardName) { // Instanz temporaer holen $shipyardInstance = new Shipyard(); // Debug message if ((defined('DEBUG_SHIPYARD')) || (defined('DEBUG_ALL'))) $shipyardInstance->debugOutput(sprintf("[%s:%d] Eine Werft mit dem Namen %s wird im Hafen %s konstruiert.", __CLASS__, __LINE__, $shipyardName, $harborInstance->getHarborName() )); // Werft-Name setzen $shipyardInstance->setShipyardName($shipyardName); // Hafen-Instanz setzen $shipyardInstance->setHarborInstance($harborInstance); // Abmasse setzen in Meter $shipyardInstance->setWidth(30); $shipyardInstance->setHeight(30); $shipyardInstance->setLength(100); // Clean up a little $shipyardInstance->removeDraught(); // Debug-Meldung if ((defined('DEBUG_SHIPYARD')) || (defined('DEBUG_ALL'))) $shipyardInstance->debugOutput(sprintf("[%s:%d] Die Werft %s wurde gebaut.", __CLASS__, __LINE__, $shipyardName )); // Instanz zurueckliefern return $shipyardInstance; } // Create staff list private function createStaffList () { $this->staffList = new FrameworkArrayObject("FakedStaffList"); } // Create ship type list private function createShipTypeList () { $this->shipTypeList = new FrameworkArrayObject("FakedShipTypeList"); } // Setter-Methode fuer Werft-Name public final function setShipyardName ($shipyardName) { $this->shipyardName = (string) $shipyardName; } // Getter-Methode fuer Werft-Name public final function getShipyardName () { return $this->shipyardName; } // Setter-Methode fuer Hafen-Instanz public final function setHarborInstance (Harbor $harborInstance) { $this->harborInstance = $harborInstance; } // Getter-Methode fuer Hafen-Instanz public final function getHarborInstance () { return $this->harborInstance; } // Setter fuer Reederei-Instanz public final function setCompanyInstance (ShippingCompany $companyInstance) { $this->shippingCompany = $companyInstance; } // Getter fuer Reederei-Instanz public final function getCompanyInstance () { return $this->shippingCompany; } // Add new personell public function addNewPersonell ($personell) { // Add to list $this->staffList->append($personell); } // Add a new ship type to our list public function addNewConstructableShipType ($shipType) { // This must be a string! $shipType = (string) $shipType; // Debug message if ((defined('DEBUG_SHIPYARD')) || (defined('DEBUG_ALL'))) $this->debugOutput(sprintf("[%s:%d] Die Werft %s kann bald Schiffe vom Typ %s bauen.", __CLASS__, __LINE__, $this->getShipyardName(), $shipType )); // Add to list $this->shipTypeList->append($shipType); } // Is the specified ship type in our list? public function isShipTypeConstructable ($shipType) { // First we can't build this ship $result = false; // This must be a string! $shipType = (string) $shipType; // Debug message if ((defined('DEBUG_SHIPYARD')) || (defined('DEBUG_ALL'))) $this->debugOutput(sprintf("[%s:%d] Die Werft %s prüft, ob Schiffe vom Typ %s baubar sind.", __CLASS__, __LINE__, $this->getShipyardName(), $shipType )); // Iterate through all types for ($idx = $this->shipTypeList->getIterator(); $idx->valid(); $idx->next()) { // Get current ship type $type = (string) $idx->current(); // Is both the same? $result = ($type == $shipType); // Type is found? if ($result) break; // Then abort the search! } // Debug message if ((defined('DEBUG_SHIPYARD')) || (defined('DEBUG_ALL'))) $this->debugOutput(sprintf("[%s:%d] Die Werft %s hat die Suche nach dem Schiffstyp %s abgeschlossen.", __CLASS__, __LINE__, $this->getShipyardName(), $shipType )); // Return result return $result; } }