[avatar] profile_id = 129 original = 17 width = 129 height = 129 mediatype = 130 filename = 2 url = 2 created = 142 modified = 384 [avatar__keys] profile_id = K width = K height = K url = U [config] section = 130 setting = 130 value = 2 [config__keys] section = K setting = K [confirm_address] code = 130 user_id = 129 address = 130 address_extra = 130 address_type = 130 claimed = 14 sent = 14 modified = 384 [confirm_address__keys] code = K [consumer] consumer_key = 130 consumer_secret = 130 seed = 130 created = 142 modified = 384 [consumer__keys] consumer_key = K [conversation] id = 129 uri = 2 created = 142 modified = 384 [conversation__keys] id = N uri = U [deleted_notice] id = 129 profile_id = 129 uri = 2 created = 142 deleted = 142 [deleted_notice__keys] id = K uri = U [design] id = 129 backgroundcolor = 1 contentcolor = 1 sidebarcolor = 1 textcolor = 1 linkcolor = 1 backgroundimage = 2 disposition = 17 [design__keys] id = N [fave] notice_id = 129 user_id = 129 modified = 384 [fave__keys] notice_id = K user_id = K [file] id = 129 url = 2 mimetype = 2 size = 1 title = 2 date = 1 protected = 1 filename = 2 modified = 384 [file__keys] id = N url = U [file_oembed] file_id = 129 version = 2 type = 2 mimetype = 2 provider = 2 provider_url = 2 width = 1 height = 1 html = 34 title = 2 author_name = 2 author_url = 2 url = 2 modified = 384 [file_oembed__keys] file_id = K [file_redirection] url = 130 file_id = 1 redirections = 1 httpcode = 1 modified = 384 [file_redirection__keys] url = K [file_thumbnail] file_id = 129 url = 2 width = 1 height = 1 modified = 384 [file_thumbnail__keys] file_id = K url = U [file_to_post] file_id = 129 post_id = 129 modified = 384 [file_to_post__keys] file_id = K post_id = K [foreign_link] user_id = 129 foreign_id = 129 service = 129 credentials = 2 noticesync = 145 friendsync = 145 profilesync = 145 last_noticesync = 14 last_friendsync = 14 created = 142 modified = 384 [foreign_link__keys] user_id = K foreign_id = K service = K [foreign_service] id = 129 name = 130 description = 2 created = 142 modified = 384 [foreign_service__keys] id = K name = U [foreign_subscription] service = 129 subscriber = 129 subscribed = 129 created = 142 [foreign_subscription__keys] service = K subscriber = K subscribed = K [foreign_user] id = 129 service = 129 uri = 130 nickname = 2 created = 142 modified = 384 [foreign_user__keys] id = K service = K uri = U [group_alias] alias = 130 group_id = 129 modified = 384 [group_alias__keys] alias = K [group_block] group_id = 129 blocked = 129 blocker = 129 modified = 384 [group_block__keys] group_id = K blocked = K [group_inbox] group_id = 129 notice_id = 129 created = 142 [group_inbox__keys] group_id = K notice_id = K [group_member] group_id = 129 profile_id = 129 is_admin = 17 created = 142 modified = 384 [group_member__keys] group_id = K profile_id = K [inbox] user_id = 129 notice_ids = 66 [inbox__keys] user_id = K [invitation] code = 130 user_id = 129 address = 130 address_type = 130 created = 142 [invitation__keys] code = K [local_group] group_id = 129 nickname = 2 created = 142 modified = 384 [local_group__keys] group_id = K nickname = U [location_namespace] id = 129 description = 2 created = 142 modified = 384 [location_namespace__keys] id = K [login_token] user_id = 129 token = 130 created = 142 modified = 384 [login_token__keys] user_id = K [message] id = 129 uri = 2 from_profile = 129 to_profile = 129 content = 34 rendered = 34 url = 2 created = 142 modified = 384 source = 2 [message__keys] id = N [nonce] consumer_key = 130 tok = 2 nonce = 130 ts = 142 created = 142 modified = 384 [nonce__keys] consumer_key = K nonce = K ts = K [notice] id = 129 profile_id = 129 uri = 2 content = 34 rendered = 34 url = 2 created = 142 modified = 384 reply_to = 1 is_local = 17 source = 2 conversation = 1 lat = 1 lon = 1 location_id = 1 location_ns = 1 repeat_of = 1 object_type = 2 scope = 1 [notice__keys] id = N [notice_inbox] user_id = 129 notice_id = 129 created = 142 source = 17 [notice_inbox__keys] user_id = K notice_id = K [notice_source] code = 130 name = 130 url = 130 created = 142 modified = 384 [notice_source__keys] code = K [notice_tag] tag = 130 notice_id = 129 created = 142 [notice_tag__keys] tag = K notice_id = K [oauth_application] id = 129 owner = 129 consumer_key = 130 name = 130 description = 2 icon = 130 source_url = 2 organization = 2 homepage = 2 callback_url = 2 type = 17 access_type = 17 created = 142 modified = 384 [oauth_application__keys] id = N name = U [oauth_application_user] profile_id = 129 application_id = 129 access_type = 17 token = 2 created = 142 modified = 384 [oauth_application_user__keys] profile_id = K application_id = K [oauth_token_association] profile_id = 129 application_id = 129 token = 130 created = 142 modified = 384 [oauth_token_association__keys] profile_id = K application_id = K token = K [profile] id = 129 nickname = 130 fullname = 2 profileurl = 2 homepage = 2 bio = 34 location = 2 lat = 1 lon = 1 location_id = 1 location_ns = 1 created = 142 modified = 384 [profile__keys] id = N [profile_block] blocker = 129 blocked = 129 modified = 384 [profile_block__keys] blocker = K blocked = K [profile_role] profile_id = 129 role = 130 created = 142 [profile_role__keys] profile_id = K role = K [profile_tag] tagger = 129 tagged = 129 tag = 130 modified = 384 [profile_tag__keys] tagger = K tagged = K tag = K [queue_item] id = 129 frame = 194 transport = 130 created = 142 claimed = 14 [queue_item__keys] id = N [related_group] group_id = 129 related_group_id = 129 created = 142 [related_group__keys] group_id = K related_group_id = K [remember_me] code = 130 user_id = 129 modified = 384 [remember_me__keys] code = K [remote_profile] id = 129 uri = 2 postnoticeurl = 2 updateprofileurl = 2 created = 142 modified = 384 [remote_profile__keys] id = K uri = U [reply] notice_id = 129 profile_id = 129 modified = 142 ;modified = 384 ; skipping the mysql_timestamp mode so we can override its setting replied_id = 1 [reply__keys] notice_id = K profile_id = K [schema_version] table_name = 130 checksum = 130 modified = 384 [schema_version__keys] table_name = K [session] id = 130 session_data = 34 created = 142 modified = 384 [session__keys] id = K [sms_carrier] id = 129 name = 2 email_pattern = 130 created = 142 modified = 384 [sms_carrier__keys] id = K name = U [subscription] subscriber = 129 subscribed = 129 jabber = 17 sms = 17 token = 2 secret = 2 created = 142 modified = 384 [subscription__keys] subscriber = K subscribed = K [token] consumer_key = 130 tok = 130 secret = 130 type = 145 state = 17 verifier = 2 verified_callback = 2 created = 142 modified = 384 [token__keys] consumer_key = K tok = K [user] id = 129 nickname = 2 password = 2 email = 2 incomingemail = 2 emailnotifysub = 17 emailnotifyfav = 17 emailnotifynudge = 17 emailnotifymsg = 17 emailnotifyattn = 17 emailmicroid = 17 language = 2 timezone = 2 emailpost = 17 sms = 2 carrier = 1 smsnotify = 17 smsreplies = 17 smsemail = 2 uri = 2 autosubscribe = 17 urlshorteningservice = 2 inboxed = 17 design_id = 1 viewdesigns = 17 created = 142 modified = 384 [user__keys] id = K nickname = U email = U incomingemail = U sms = U uri = U [user_group] id = 129 nickname = 2 fullname = 2 homepage = 2 description = 34 location = 2 original_logo = 2 homepage_logo = 2 stream_logo = 2 mini_logo = 2 design_id = 1 created = 142 modified = 384 uri = 2 mainpage = 2 [user_group__keys] id = N [user_openid] canonical = 130 display = 130 user_id = 129 created = 142 modified = 384 [user_openid__keys] canonical = K display = U [user_openid_trustroot] trustroot = 130 user_id = 129 created = 142 modified = 384 [user_openid__keys] trustroot = K user_id = K [user_location_prefs] user_id = 129 share_location = 17 created = 142 modified = 384 [user_location_prefs__keys] user_id = K [user_im_prefs] user_id = 129 screenname = 130 transport = 130 notify = 17 replies = 17 microid = 17 updatefrompresence = 17 created = 142 modified = 384 [user_im_prefs__keys] user_id = K transport = K ; There's another unique index on (transport, screenname) ; but we have no way to represent a compound index other than ; the primary key in here. To ensure proper cache purging, ; we need to tweak the class. [user_urlshortener_prefs] user_id = 129 urlshorteningservice = 2 maxurllength = 129 maxnoticelength = 129 created = 142 modified = 384 [user_urlshortener_prefs__keys] user_id = K