email = $email; $this->type = $type; } } class vcard_source_data_homepage { public $homepage, $type; function __construct($type, $homepage) { $this->homepage = $homepage; $this->type = $type; } } class vcard_source_data_telephone { public $telephone, $type; function __construct($type, $telephone) { $this->telephone = $telephone; $this->type = $type; } } class vcard_source_data_socialnetwork { public $nick, $type, $url; function __construct($type, $nick, $url) { $this->nick = $nick; $this->type = $type; $this->url = $url; } } class vcard_source_data_address { public $street, $street2, $zip, $city, $country, $type; } class vcard_source_data_photo { public $binarydata; public $width, $height; public $type; } class vcard_source_data { function __construct($name_first, $name_middle, $name_last) { $this->name_first = $name_first; $this->name_middle = $name_middle; $this->name_last = $name_last; } public $name_first, $name_middle, $name_last; public $last_update; public $picture_data; /** @var array|vcard_source_data_telephone[] $telephones */ public $telephones; /** @var array|vcard_source_data_homepage[] $homepages */ public $homepages; /** @var array|vcard_source_data_socialnetwork[] $socialnetworks */ public $socialnetworks; /** @var array|vcard_source_data_email[] $email */ public $emails; /** @var array|vcard_source_data_address[] $addresses */ public $addresses; /** @var vcard_source_data_photo */ public $photo; } ; /** * @param vcard_source_data $vcardsource * @return string */ function vcard_source_compile($vcardsource) { $str = "BEGIN:VCARD\r\nVERSION:3.0\r\nPRODID:-//" . DAV_APPNAME . "//DAV-Plugin//EN\r\n"; $str .= "N:" . str_replace(";", ",", $vcardsource->name_last) . ";" . str_replace(";", ",", $vcardsource->name_first) . ";" . str_replace(";", ",", $vcardsource->name_middle) . ";;\r\n"; $str .= "FN:" . str_replace(";", ",", $vcardsource->name_first) . " " . str_replace(";", ",", $vcardsource->name_middle) . " " . str_replace(";", ",", $vcardsource->name_last) . "\r\n"; $str .= "REV:" . str_replace(" ", "T", $vcardsource->last_update) . "Z\r\n"; $item_count = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($vcardsource->homepages); $i++) { if ($i == 0) $str .= "URL;type=" . $vcardsource->homepages[0]->type . ":" . $vcardsource->homepages[0]->homepage . "\r\n"; else { $c = ++$item_count; $str .= "item$c.URL;type=" . $vcardsource->homepages[0]->type . ":" . $vcardsource->homepages[0]->homepage . "\r\n"; $str .= "item$c.X-ABLabel:_\$!!\$_\r\n"; } } if (is_object($vcardsource->photo)) { $data = base64_encode($vcardsource->photo->binarydata); $str .= "PHOTO;ENCODING=BASE64;TYPE=" . $vcardsource->photo->type . ":" . $data . "\r\n"; } if (isset($vcardsource->socialnetworks) && is_array($vcardsource->socialnetworks)) foreach ($vcardsource->socialnetworks as $netw) switch ($netw->type) { case "dfrn": $str .= "X-SOCIALPROFILE;type=dfrn;x-user=" . $netw->nick . ":" . $netw->url . "\r\n"; break; case "facebook": $str .= "X-SOCIALPROFILE;type=facebook;x-user=" . $netw->nick . ":" . $netw->url . "\r\n"; break; case "twitter": $str .= "X-SOCIALPROFILE;type=twitter;x-user=" . $netw->nick . ":" . $netw->url . "\r\n"; break; } $str .= "END:VCARD\r\n"; return $str; } /** * @param int $phpDate (UTC) * @return string (Lokalzeit) */ function wdcal_php2MySqlTime($phpDate) { return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $phpDate); } /** * @param string $sqlDate * @return int */ function wdcal_mySql2PhpTime($sqlDate) { $ts = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s", $sqlDate); return $ts->format("U"); } /** * @param string $myqlDate * @return array */ function wdcal_mySql2icalTime($myqlDate) { $x = explode(" ", $myqlDate); $y = explode("-", $x[0]); $ret = array("year"=> $y[0], "month"=> $y[1], "day"=> $y[2]); $y = explode(":", $x[1]); $ret["hour"] = $y[0]; $ret["minute"] = $y[1]; $ret["second"] = $y[2]; return $ret; } /** * @param string $str * @return string */ function icalendar_sanitize_string($str = "") { return preg_replace("/[\\r\\n]+/siu", "\r\n", $str); } /** * @return Sabre_CalDAV_AnimexxCalendarRootNode */ function dav_createRootCalendarNode() { $backends = array(Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Private::getInstance()); foreach ($GLOBALS["CALDAV_PRIVATE_SYSTEM_BACKENDS"] as $backendclass) $backends[] = $backendclass::getInstance(); return new Sabre_CalDAV_AnimexxCalendarRootNode(Sabre_DAVACL_PrincipalBackend_Std::getInstance(), $backends); } /** * @return Sabre_CardDAV_AddressBookRootFriendica */ function dav_createRootContactsNode() { $backends = array(Sabre_CardDAV_Backend_Std::getInstance()); foreach ($GLOBALS["CARDDAV_PRIVATE_SYSTEM_BACKENDS"] as $backendclass) $backends[] = $backendclass::getInstance(); return new Sabre_CardDAV_AddressBookRootFriendica(Sabre_DAVACL_PrincipalBackend_Std::getInstance(), $backends); } /** * @param bool $force_authentication * @param bool $needs_caldav * @param bool $needs_carddav * @return Sabre_DAV_Server */ function dav_create_server($force_authentication = false, $needs_caldav = true, $needs_carddav = true) { $arr = array( new Sabre_DAV_SimpleCollection('principals', array( new Sabre_CalDAV_Principal_Collection(Sabre_DAVACL_PrincipalBackend_Std::getInstance(), "principals/users"), )), ); if ($needs_caldav) $arr[] = dav_createRootCalendarNode(); if ($needs_carddav) $arr[] = dav_createRootContactsNode(); $tree = new Sabre_DAV_SimpleCollection('root', $arr); // The object tree needs in turn to be passed to the server class $server = new Sabre_DAV_Server($tree); if (CALDAV_URL_PREFIX != "") $server->setBaseUri(CALDAV_URL_PREFIX); $authPlugin = new Sabre_DAV_Auth_Plugin(Sabre_DAV_Auth_Backend_Std::getInstance(), 'SabreDAV'); $server->addPlugin($authPlugin); if ($needs_caldav) { $caldavPlugin = new Sabre_CalDAV_Plugin(); $server->addPlugin($caldavPlugin); } if ($needs_carddav) { $carddavPlugin = new Sabre_CardDAV_Plugin(); $server->addPlugin($carddavPlugin); } if ($GLOBALS["CALDAV_ACL_PLUGIN_CLASS"] != "") { $aclPlugin = new $GLOBALS["CALDAV_ACL_PLUGIN_CLASS"](); $aclPlugin->defaultUsernamePath = "principals/users"; $server->addPlugin($aclPlugin); } if ($force_authentication) $server->broadcastEvent('beforeMethod', array("GET", "/")); // Make it authenticate return $server; } /** * @param Sabre_DAV_Server $server * @param string $with_privilege * @return array|Sabre_CalDAV_Calendar[] */ function dav_get_current_user_calendars(&$server, $with_privilege = "") { if ($with_privilege == "") $with_privilege = DAV_ACL_READ; $a = get_app(); $calendar_path = "/calendars/" . strtolower($a->user["nickname"]) . "/"; /** @var Sabre_CalDAV_AnimexxUserCalendars $tree */ $tree = $server->tree->getNodeForPath($calendar_path); /** @var array|Sabre_CalDAV_Calendar[] $calendars */ $children = $tree->getChildren(); $calendars = array(); /** @var Sabre_DAVACL_Plugin $aclplugin */ $aclplugin = $server->getPlugin("acl"); foreach ($children as $child) if (is_a($child, "Sabre_CalDAV_Calendar") || is_subclass_of($child, "Sabre_CalDAV_Calendar")) { if ($with_privilege != "") { $caluri = $calendar_path . $child->getName(); if ($aclplugin->checkPrivileges($caluri, $with_privilege, Sabre_DAVACL_Plugin::R_PARENT, false)) $calendars[] = $child; } else { $calendars[] = $child; } } return $calendars; } /** * @param Sabre_DAV_Server $server * @param Sabre_CalDAV_Calendar $calendar * @param string $calendarobject_uri * @param string $with_privilege * @return null|Sabre_VObject_Component_VCalendar */ function dav_get_current_user_calendarobject(&$server, &$calendar, $calendarobject_uri, $with_privilege = "") { $obj = $calendar->getChild($calendarobject_uri); if ($with_privilege == "") $with_privilege = DAV_ACL_READ; $a = get_app(); $uri = "/calendars/" . strtolower($a->user["nickname"]) . "/" . $calendar->getName() . "/" . $calendarobject_uri; /** @var Sabre_DAVACL_Plugin $aclplugin */ $aclplugin = $server->getPlugin("acl"); if (!$aclplugin->checkPrivileges($uri, $with_privilege, Sabre_DAVACL_Plugin::R_PARENT, false)) return null; $data = $obj->get(); $vObject = Sabre_VObject_Reader::read($data); return $vObject; } /** * @param Sabre_DAV_Server $server * @param int $id * @param string $with_privilege * @return null|Sabre_CalDAV_Calendar */ function dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id(&$server, $id, $with_privilege = "") { $calendars = dav_get_current_user_calendars($server, $with_privilege); $calendar = null; foreach ($calendars as $cal) { $prop = $cal->getProperties(array("id")); if (isset($prop["id"]) && $prop["id"] == $id) $calendar = $cal; } return $calendar; } /** * @param string $uid * @return Sabre_VObject_Component_VCalendar $vObject */ function dav_create_empty_vevent($uid = "") { $a = get_app(); if ($uid == "") $uid = uniqid(); return Sabre_VObject_Reader::read("BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\nVERSION:2.0\r\nPRODID:-//" . DAV_APPNAME . "//DAV-Plugin//EN\r\nBEGIN:VEVENT\r\nUID:" . $uid . "@" . dav_compat_get_hostname() . "\r\nDTSTAMP:" . date("Ymd") . "T" . date("His") . "Z\r\nEND:VEVENT\r\nEND:VCALENDAR\r\n"); } /** * @param Sabre_VObject_Component_VCalendar $vObject * @return Sabre_VObject_Component_VEvent|null */ function dav_get_eventComponent(&$vObject) { $component = null; $componentType = ""; foreach ($vObject->getComponents() as $component) { if ($component->name !== 'VTIMEZONE') { $componentType = $component->name; break; } } if ($componentType != "VEVENT") return null; return $component; }