email = $email; $this->type = $type; } } class vcard_source_data_homepage { public $homepage, $type; function __construct($type, $homepage) { $this->homepage = $homepage; $this->type = $type; } } class vcard_source_data_telephone { public $telephone, $type; function __construct($type, $telephone) { $this->telephone = $telephone; $this->type = $type; } } class vcard_source_data_socialnetwork { public $nick, $type, $url; function __construct($type, $nick, $url) { $this->nick = $nick; $this->type = $type; $this->url = $url; } } class vcard_source_data_address { public $street, $street2, $zip, $city, $country, $type; } class vcard_source_data_photo { public $binarydata; public $width, $height; public $type; } class vcard_source_data { function __construct($name_first, $name_middle, $name_last) { $this->name_first = $name_first; $this->name_middle = $name_middle; $this->name_last = $name_last; } public $name_first, $name_middle, $name_last; public $last_update; public $picture_data; /** @var array|vcard_source_data_telephone[] $telephones */ public $telephones; /** @var array|vcard_source_data_homepage[] $homepages */ public $homepages; /** @var array|vcard_source_data_socialnetwork[] $socialnetworks */ public $socialnetworks; /** @var array|vcard_source_data_email[] $email */ public $emails; /** @var array|vcard_source_data_addresses[] $addresses */ public $addresses; /** @var vcard_source_data_photo */ public $photo; } ; /** * @param vcard_source_data $vcardsource * @return string */ function vcard_source_compile($vcardsource) { $str = "BEGIN:VCARD\r\nVERSION:3.0\r\nPRODID:-//Friendica//DAV-Plugin//EN\r\n"; $str .= "N:" . str_replace(";", ",", $vcardsource->name_last) . ";" . str_replace(";", ",", $vcardsource->name_first) . ";" . str_replace(";", ",", $vcardsource->name_middle) . ";;\r\n"; $str .= "FN:" . str_replace(";", ",", $vcardsource->name_first) . " " . str_replace(";", ",", $vcardsource->name_middle) . " " . str_replace(";", ",", $vcardsource->name_last) . "\r\n"; $str .= "REV:" . str_replace(" ", "T", $vcardsource->last_update) . "Z\r\n"; $item_count = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($vcardsource->homepages); $i++) { if ($i == 0) $str .= "URL;type=" . $vcardsource->homepages[0]->type . ":" . $vcardsource->homepages[0]->homepage . "\r\n"; else { $c = ++$item_count; $str .= "item$c.URL;type=" . $vcardsource->homepages[0]->type . ":" . $vcardsource->homepages[0]->homepage . "\r\n"; $str .= "item$c.X-ABLabel:_\$!!\$_\r\n"; } } if (is_object($vcardsource->photo)) { $data = base64_encode($vcardsource->photo->binarydata); $str .= "PHOTO;ENCODING=BASE64;TYPE=" . $vcardsource->photo->type . ":" . $data . "\r\n"; } if (isset($vcardsource->socialnetworks) && is_array($vcardsource->socialnetworks)) foreach ($vcardsource->socialnetworks as $netw) switch ($netw->type) { case "dfrn": $str .= "X-SOCIALPROFILE;type=dfrn;x-user=" . $netw->nick . ":" . $netw->url . "\r\n"; break; case "facebook": $str .= "X-SOCIALPROFILE;type=facebook;x-user=" . $netw->nick . ":" . $netw->url . "\r\n"; break; case "twitter": $str .= "X-SOCIALPROFILE;type=twitter;x-user=" . $netw->nick . ":" . $netw->url . "\r\n"; break; } $str .= "END:VCARD\r\n"; return $str; } /** * @param array $start * @param array $end * @param bool $allday * @return vevent */ function dav_create_vevent($start, $end, $allday) { if ($end["year"] < $start["year"] || ($end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] < $start["month"]) || ($end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] == $start["month"] && $end["day"] < $start["day"]) || ($end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] == $start["month"] && $end["day"] == $start["day"] && $end["hour"] < $start["hour"]) || ($end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] == $start["month"] && $end["day"] == $start["day"] && $end["hour"] == $start["hour"] && $end["minute"] < $start["minute"]) || ($end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] == $start["month"] && $end["day"] == $start["day"] && $end["hour"] == $start["hour"] && $end["minute"] == $start["minute"] && $end["second"] < $start["second"]) ) { $end = $start; } // DTEND muss <= DTSTART $vevent = new vevent(); if ($allday) { $vevent->setDtstart($start["year"], $start["month"], $start["day"], FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, array("VALUE"=> "DATE")); $end = IntVal(mktime(0, 0, 0, $end["month"], $end["day"], $end["year"]) + 3600 * 24); // If a DST change occurs on the current day $end += IntVal(date("Z", ($end - 3600 * 24)) - date("Z", $end)); $vevent->setDtend(date("Y", $end), date("m", $end), date("d", $end), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, array("VALUE"=> "DATE")); } else { $vevent->setDtstart($start["year"], $start["month"], $start["day"], $start["hour"], $start["minute"], $start["second"], FALSE, array("VALUE"=> "DATE-TIME")); $vevent->setDtend($end["year"], $end["month"], $end["day"], $end["hour"], $end["minute"], $end["second"], FALSE, array("VALUE"=> "DATE-TIME")); } return $vevent; } /** * @param int $phpDate (UTC) * @return string (Lokalzeit) */ function wdcal_php2MySqlTime($phpDate) { return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $phpDate); } /** * @param string $sqlDate * @return int */ function wdcal_mySql2PhpTime($sqlDate) { $ts = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s", $sqlDate); return $ts->format("U"); } /** * @param string $myqlDate * @return array */ function wdcal_mySql2icalTime($myqlDate) { $x = explode(" ", $myqlDate); $y = explode("-", $x[0]); $ret = array("year"=> $y[0], "month"=> $y[1], "day"=> $y[2]); $y = explode(":", $x[1]); $ret["hour"] = $y[0]; $ret["minute"] = $y[1]; $ret["second"] = $y[2]; return $ret; } /** * @param string $str * @return string */ function icalendar_sanitize_string($str = "") { $str = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $str); $str = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $str); $str = str_replace("\r", "\n", $str); return $str; } /** * @param DBClass_friendica_calendars $calendar * @param DBClass_friendica_calendarobjects $calendarobject */ function renderCalDavEntry_data(&$calendar, &$calendarobject) { $a = get_app(); $v = new vcalendar(); $v->setConfig('unique_id', $a->get_hostname()); $v->parse($calendarobject->calendardata); $v->sort(); $eventArray = $v->selectComponents(2009, 1, 1, date("Y") + 2, 12, 30); $start_min = $end_max = ""; $allday = $summary = $vevent = $rrule = $color = $start = $end = null; $location = $description = ""; foreach ($eventArray as $yearArray) { foreach ($yearArray as $monthArray) { foreach ($monthArray as $day => $dailyEventsArray) { foreach ($dailyEventsArray as $vevent) { /** @var $vevent vevent */ $start = ""; $rrule = "NULL"; $allday = 0; $dtstart = $vevent->getProperty('X-CURRENT-DTSTART'); if (is_array($dtstart)) { $start = "'" . $dtstart[1] . "'"; if (strpos($dtstart[1], ":") === false) $allday = 1; } else { $dtstart = $vevent->getProperty('dtstart'); if (isset($dtstart["day"]) && $dtstart["day"] == $day) { // Mehrtägige Events nur einmal rein if (isset($dtstart["hour"])) $start = "'" . $dtstart["year"] . "-" . $dtstart["month"] . "-" . $dtstart["day"] . " " . $dtstart["hour"] . ":" . $dtstart["minute"] . ":" . $dtstart["secont"] . "'"; else { $start = "'" . $dtstart["year"] . "-" . $dtstart["month"] . "-" . $dtstart["day"] . " 00:00:00'"; $allday = 1; } } } $dtend = $vevent->getProperty('X-CURRENT-DTEND'); if (is_array($dtend)) { $end = "'" . $dtend[1] . "'"; if (strpos($dtend[1], ":") === false) $allday = 1; } else { $dtend = $vevent->getProperty('dtend'); if (isset($dtend["hour"])) $end = "'" . $dtend["year"] . "-" . $dtend["month"] . "-" . $dtend["day"] . " " . $dtend["hour"] . ":" . $dtend["minute"] . ":" . $dtend["second"] . "'"; else { $end = "'" . $dtend["year"] . "-" . $dtend["month"] . "-" . $dtend["day"] . " 00:00:00' - INTERVAL 1 SECOND"; $allday = 1; } } $summary = $vevent->getProperty('summary'); $description = $vevent->getProperty('description'); $location = $vevent->getProperty('location'); $rrule_prob = $vevent->getProperty('rrule'); if ($rrule_prob != null) { $rrule = $vevent->createRrule(); $rrule = "'" . dbesc($rrule) . "'"; } $color_ = $vevent->getProperty("X-ANIMEXX-COLOR"); $color = (is_array($color_) ? $color_[1] : "NULL"); if ($start_min == "" || preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $start) < preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $start_min)) $start_min = $start; if ($end_max == "" || preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $end) > preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $start_min)) $end_max = $end; } } } } if ($start_min != "") { if ($allday && mb_strlen($end_max) == 12) { $x = explode("-", str_replace("'", "", $end_max)); $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, IntVal($x[1]), IntVal($x[2]), IntVal($x[0])); $end_max = date("'Y-m-d H:i:s'", ($time - 1)); } q("INSERT INTO %s%sjqcalendar (`uid`, `namespace`, `namespace_id`, `ical_uri`, `Subject`, `Location`, `Description`, `StartTime`, `EndTime`, `IsAllDayEvent`, `RecurringRule`, `Color`) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, %s, %d, '%s', '%s')", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, IntVal($calendar->uid), IntVal($calendarobject->namespace), IntVal($calendarobject->namespace_id), dbesc($calendarobject->uri), dbesc($summary), dbesc($location), dbesc(str_replace("\\n", "\n", $description)), $start_min, $end_max, IntVal($allday), dbesc($rrule), dbesc($color) ); foreach ($vevent->components as $comp) { /** @var $comp calendarComponent */ $trigger = $comp->getProperty("TRIGGER"); $sql_field = ($trigger["relatedStart"] ? $start : $end); $sql_op = ($trigger["before"] ? "DATE_SUB" : "DATE_ADD"); $num = ""; $rel_type = ""; $rel_value = 0; if (isset($trigger["second"])) { $num = IntVal($trigger["second"]) . " SECOND"; $rel_type = "second"; $rel_value = IntVal($trigger["second"]); } if (isset($trigger["minute"])) { $num = IntVal($trigger["minute"]) . " MINUTE"; $rel_type = "minute"; $rel_value = IntVal($trigger["minute"]); } if (isset($trigger["hour"])) { $num = IntVal($trigger["hour"]) . " HOUR"; $rel_type = "hour"; $rel_value = IntVal($trigger["hour"]); } if (isset($trigger["day"])) { $num = IntVal($trigger["day"]) . " DAY"; $rel_type = "day"; $rel_value = IntVal($trigger["day"]); } if (isset($trigger["week"])) { $num = IntVal($trigger["week"]) . " WEEK"; $rel_type = "week"; $rel_value = IntVal($trigger["week"]); } if (isset($trigger["month"])) { $num = IntVal($trigger["month"]) . " MONTH"; $rel_type = "month"; $rel_value = IntVal($trigger["month"]); } if (isset($trigger["year"])) { $num = IntVal($trigger["year"]) . " YEAR"; $rel_type = "year"; $rel_value = IntVal($trigger["year"]); } if ($trigger["before"]) $rel_value *= -1; if ($rel_type != "") { $not_date = "$sql_op($sql_field, INTERVAL $num)"; q("INSERT INTO %s%snotifications (`uid`, `ical_uri`, `rel_type`, `rel_value`, `alert_date`, `notified`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, IF(%s < NOW(), 1, 0))", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, IntVal($calendar->uid), dbesc($calendarobject->uri), dbesc($rel_type), IntVal($rel_value), $not_date, $not_date); } } } } /** * */ function renderAllCalDavEntries() { q("DELETE FROM %s%sjqcalendar", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX); q("DELETE FROM %s%snotifications", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX); $calendars = q("SELECT * FROM %s%scalendars", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX); $anz = count($calendars); $i = 0; foreach ($calendars as $calendar) { $cal = new DBClass_friendica_calendars($calendar); $i++; if (($i % 100) == 0) echo "$i / $anz\n"; $calobjs = q("SELECT * FROM %s%scalendarobjects WHERE `namespace` = %d AND `namespace_id` = %d", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, IntVal($calendar["namespace"]), IntVal($calendar["namespace_id"])); foreach ($calobjs as $calobj) { $obj = new DBClass_friendica_calendarobjects($calobj); renderCalDavEntry_data($cal, $obj); } } } /** * @param string $uri * @return bool */ function renderCalDavEntry_uri($uri) { q("DELETE FROM %s%sjqcalendar WHERE `ical_uri` = '%s'", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, dbesc($uri)); q("DELETE FROM %s%snotifications WHERE `ical_uri` = '%s'", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, dbesc($uri)); $calobj = q("SELECT * FROM %s%scalendarobjects WHERE `uri` = '%s'", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, dbesc($uri)); if (count($calobj) == 0) return false; $cal = new DBClass_friendica_calendarobjects($calobj[0]); $calendars = q("SELECT * FROM %s%scalendars WHERE `namespace`=%d AND `namespace_id`=%d", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, IntVal($cal->namespace), IntVal($cal->namespace_id)); $calendar = new DBClass_friendica_calendars($calendars[0]); renderCalDavEntry_data($calendar, $cal); return true; } /** * @param $user_id * @return array|DBClass_friendica_calendars[] */ function dav_getMyCals($user_id) { $d = q("SELECT * FROM %s%scalendars WHERE `uid` = %d ORDER BY `calendarorder` ASC", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, IntVal($user_id), CALDAV_NAMESPACE_PRIVATE ); $cals = array(); foreach ($d as $e) $cals[] = new DBClass_friendica_calendars($e); return $cals; } /** * @param mixed $obj * @return string */ function wdcal_jsonp_encode($obj) { $str = json_encode($obj); if (isset($_REQUEST["callback"])) { $str = $_REQUEST["callback"] . "(" . $str . ")"; } return $str; } /** * @param string $day * @param int $weekstartday * @param int $num_days * @param string $type * @return array */ function wdcal_get_list_range_params($day, $weekstartday, $num_days, $type) { $phpTime = IntVal($day); switch ($type) { case "month": $st = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $phpTime), 1, date("Y", $phpTime)); $et = mktime(0, 0, -1, date("m", $phpTime) + 1, 1, date("Y", $phpTime)); break; case "week": //suppose first day of a week is monday $monday = date("d", $phpTime) - date('N', $phpTime) + 1; //echo date('N', $phpTime); $st = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $phpTime), $monday, date("Y", $phpTime)); $et = mktime(0, 0, -1, date("m", $phpTime), $monday + 7, date("Y", $phpTime)); break; case "multi_days": //suppose first day of a week is monday $monday = date("d", $phpTime) - date('N', $phpTime) + $weekstartday; //echo date('N', $phpTime); $st = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $phpTime), $monday, date("Y", $phpTime)); $et = mktime(0, 0, -1, date("m", $phpTime), $monday + $num_days, date("Y", $phpTime)); break; case "day": $st = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $phpTime), date("d", $phpTime), date("Y", $phpTime)); $et = mktime(0, 0, -1, date("m", $phpTime), date("d", $phpTime) + 1, date("Y", $phpTime)); break; default: return array(0, 0); } return array($st, $et); } /** * */ function wdcal_print_feed($base_path = "") { $user_id = dav_compat_get_curr_user_id(); $cals = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST["cal"])) foreach ($_REQUEST["cal"] as $c) { $x = explode("-", $c); $calendarSource = wdcal_calendar_factory($user_id, $x[0], $x[1]); $calp = $calendarSource->getPermissionsCalendar($user_id); if ($calp["read"]) $cals[] = $calendarSource; } $ret = null; /** @var $cals array|AnimexxCalSource[] */ $method = $_GET["method"]; switch ($method) { case "add": $cs = null; foreach ($cals as $c) if ($cs == null) { $x = $c->getPermissionsCalendar($user_id); if ($x["read"]) $cs = $c; } if ($cs == null) { echo wdcal_jsonp_encode(array('IsSuccess' => false, 'Msg' => t('No access'))); killme(); } try { $start = wdcal_mySql2icalTime(wdcal_php2MySqlTime($_REQUEST["CalendarStartTime"])); $end = wdcal_mySql2icalTime(wdcal_php2MySqlTime($_REQUEST["CalendarEndTime"])); $newuri = $cs->addItem($start, $end, $_REQUEST["CalendarTitle"], $_REQUEST["IsAllDayEvent"]); $ret = array( 'IsSuccess' => true, 'Msg' => 'add success', 'Data' => $newuri, ); } catch (Exception $e) { $ret = array( 'IsSuccess' => false, 'Msg' => $e->__toString(), ); } break; case "list": $weekstartday = (isset($_REQUEST["weekstartday"]) ? IntVal($_REQUEST["weekstartday"]) : 1); // 1 = Monday $num_days = (isset($_REQUEST["num_days"]) ? IntVal($_REQUEST["num_days"]) : 7); $ret = null; $date = wdcal_get_list_range_params($_REQUEST["showdate"], $weekstartday, $num_days, $_REQUEST["viewtype"]); $ret = array(); $ret['events'] = array(); $ret["issort"] = true; $ret["start"] = $date[0]; $ret["end"] = $date[1]; $ret['error'] = null; foreach ($cals as $c) { $events = $c->listItemsByRange($date[0], $date[1], $base_path); $ret["events"] = array_merge($ret["events"], $events); } $tmpev = array(); foreach ($ret["events"] as $e) { if (!isset($tmpev[$e["start"]])) $tmpev[$e["start"]] = array(); $tmpev[$e["start"]][] = $e; } ksort($tmpev); $ret["events"] = array(); foreach ($tmpev as $e) foreach ($e as $f) $ret["events"][] = $f; break; case "update": $found = false; $start = wdcal_mySql2icalTime(wdcal_php2MySqlTime($_REQUEST["CalendarStartTime"])); $end = wdcal_mySql2icalTime(wdcal_php2MySqlTime($_REQUEST["CalendarEndTime"])); foreach ($cals as $c) try { $permissions_item = $c->getPermissionsItem($user_id, $_REQUEST["calendarId"], ""); if ($permissions_item["write"]) { $c->updateItem($_REQUEST["calendarId"], $start, $end); $found = true; } } catch (Exception $e) { } ; if ($found) { $ret = array( 'IsSuccess' => true, 'Msg' => 'Succefully', ); } else { echo wdcal_jsonp_encode(array('IsSuccess' => false, 'Msg' => t('No access'))); killme(); } try { } catch (Exception $e) { $ret = array( 'IsSuccess' => false, 'Msg' => $e->__toString(), ); } break; case "remove": $found = false; foreach ($cals as $c) try { $permissions_item = $c->getPermissionsItem($user_id, $_REQUEST["calendarId"], ""); if ($permissions_item["write"]) $c->removeItem($_REQUEST["calendarId"]); } catch (Exception $e) { } if ($found) { $ret = array( 'IsSuccess' => true, 'Msg' => 'Succefully', ); } else { echo wdcal_jsonp_encode(array('IsSuccess' => false, 'Msg' => t('No access'))); killme(); } break; } echo wdcal_jsonp_encode($ret); killme(); }