============================================ AddressbookApplication management: ============================================ Inernet("public" service) and Intranet Version 1.0+: - Single-user local application - Fields: + Personal title + Surname + Family name + Company name + Street + number + ZIP code + City + Landline number + Fax number + Cell phone number + Email address + Birth day + Comment (?) - Edit own data - Add new contact - Edit contacts - Delete contacts - Categorization of contacts Version 1.1+: - Permanent storage in database Version 2.0+: - Multi-user web application - Local user registration / login / resend confirmation link / password recovery - User groups (aka. teams) - Administration area (user role) + Create/edit/delete groups + Edit/delete/lock/unlock user + Assign user roles/rights - Allow other users / groups to view addressbook + Full addressbook + Only some categories - VCard export + Allow users/guests (not recommended) - XML export of addressbook and compressable (ZIP) - Form to contact other user/group without need of mail program + User can disabled this - Directory for ussers/groups (who allowed to be listed) + Simple click to add user to own addressbook + Search form? Version 2.1+: - Multi-language support Version 2.2+:("socialized") - "Social login" (OpenID consumer) + Connect user account to social account + Sync own data? - "Social profile" + OpenID provider + RSS/activity feed ============================================ Time esitmation: ============================================ 1.0 (console): + 2 days 1.1 (database): + 2 day + Initial tables: contacts, categories, contact_category 2.0 (web): + 3 days + Additional tables: admins (?), admin_rights, groups, users, user_contacts, user_user_rights, user_category_rights, 2.1 (language) + 1 day + Additional tables: languages (disable, enable language "pack" ?) 2.2 (social): + 3 days + Additional tables: ???