If you are reading this in hopes that you will find the answer to a specific question, please send the question to curt@flightgear.org and suggest that I include the answer here. I. Compilers and Portability ============================ FlightGear is known to build with egcs-1.1 and higher, as well as gcc-2.8 and higher. Your mileage may vary with earlier versions of these compilers although support for gcc-2.7.x is mostly there. For other platforms where you may have access to native compilers, again your mileage may vary. We would like to support as many different compilers and platforms as possible. Please relay any changes you make (or problems you encounter) back to curt@flightgear.org, so that in the future we can better support your platform and your compiler. I have access to a few different platforms, but I must depend on others to make sure their favorite platform and compiler is well supported. II. OpenGL ========== FlightGear requires accelerated OpenGL drivers to be properly installed and configured on your system. III. GLUT ========= FlightGear requires GLUT version 3.7 or later (aka GameGLUT._ GLUT needs to be installed on your system before you can build FlightGear. GLUT can be found at: http://reality.sgi.com/opengl/glut3/glut3.html GLUT (pronounced like the glut in gluttony) is the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a window system independent toolkit for writing OpenGL programs. It implements a simple windowing application programming interface (API) for OpenGL. GLUT makes it considerably easier to learn about and explore OpenGL programming. GLUT provides a portable API so you can write a single OpenGL program that works on both Win32 PCs and X11 workstations. IV. Joystick Support ===================== We use the plib joystick library for joystick support. To make sure joystick support is included when building under Linux: - make sure you have the proper joystick module installed. - make sure the proper devices are created in /dev. - /usr/include/linux/joystick.h must exist on your system.