* @version 0.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Roland Haeder, 2009 - 2020 Core Developer Team * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * @link http://www.ship-simu.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ final class FrameworkBootstrap { /** * Detected server address */ private static $serverAddress = NULL; /** * Instance of a Requestable class */ private static $requestInstance = NULL; /** * Instance of a Responseable class */ private static $responseInstance = NULL; /** * Instance of a FrameworkConfiguration class */ private static $configurationInstance = NULL; /** * Database instance */ private static $databaseInstance = NULL; /** * Language system instance */ private static $languageInstance = NULL; /* * Includes applications may have. They will be tried in the given order, * some will become soon deprecated. */ private static $configAppIncludes = array( // The ApplicationHelper class (required) 'class_ApplicationHelper' => 'required', // Some debugging stuff (optional but can be committed) 'debug' => 'optional', // Application's exception handler (optional but can be committed) 'exceptions' => 'optional', // Application's configuration file (committed, non-local specific) 'config' => 'required', // Local configuration file (optional, not committed, listed in .gitignore) 'config-local' => 'optional', // Application data (deprecated) 'data' => 'deprecated', // Application loader (deprecated) 'loader' => 'deprecated', // Application initializer (deprecated) 'init' => 'deprecated', // Application starter (deprecated) 'starter' => 'deprecated', ); /** * Private constructor, no instance is needed from this class as only * static methods exist. */ private function __construct () { // Prevent making instances from this "utilities" class } /** * Some "getter" for a configuration instance, making sure, it is unique * * @return $configurationInstance An instance of a FrameworkConfiguration class */ public static function getConfigurationInstance () { // Is the instance there? if (is_null(self::$configurationInstance)) { // Init new instance self::$configurationInstance = new FrameworkConfiguration(); } // END - if // Return it return self::$configurationInstance; } /** * "Getter" to get response/request type from analysis of the system. * * @return $requestType Analyzed request type */ public static function getRequestTypeFromSystem () { // Default is console $requestType = 'console'; // Is 'HTTP_HOST' set? if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { // Then it is a HTML response/request. $requestType = 'html'; } // END - if // Return it return $requestType; } /** * Checks whether the given file/path is in open_basedir(). This does not * gurantee that the file is actually readable and/or writeable. If you need * such gurantee then please use isReadableFile() instead. * * @param $fileInstance An instance of a SplFileInfo class * @return $isReachable Whether it is within open_basedir() */ public static function isReachableFilePath (SplFileInfo $fileInstance) { // Is not reachable by default $isReachable = false; // Get open_basedir parameter $openBaseDir = trim(ini_get('open_basedir')); // Is it set? if (!empty($openBaseDir)) { // Check all entries foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $openBaseDir) as $dir) { // Check on existence if (substr($fileInstance->getPathname(), 0, strlen($dir)) == $dir) { // Is reachable $isReachable = true; // Abort lookup as it has been found in open_basedir break; } // END - if } // END - foreach } else { // If open_basedir is not set, all is allowed $isReachable = true; } // Return status return $isReachable; } /** * Checks whether the give file is within open_basedir() (done by * isReachableFilePath()), is actually a file and is readable. * * @param $fileInstance An instance of a SplFileInfo class * @return $isReadable Whether the file is readable (and therefor exists) */ public static function isReadableFile (SplFileInfo $fileInstance) { // Default is not readable $isReadable = false; // Check if it is a file and readable $isReadable = ( ( self::isReachableFilePath($fileInstance) ) && ( $fileInstance->isFile() ) && ( $fileInstance->isReadable() ) ); // Return status return $isReadable; } /** * Loads given include file * * @param $fileInstance An instance of a SplFileInfo class * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If file was not found or not readable or deprecated */ public static function loadInclude (SplFileInfo $fileInstance) { // Trace message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d]: fileInstance=%s - CALLED!' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $fileInstance); // Should be there ... if (!self::isReadableFile($fileInstance)) { // Abort here throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cannot find fileInstance.pathname=%s.', $fileInstance->getPathname())); } // END - if // Load it require_once $fileInstance->getPathname(); // Trace message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d]: EXIT!' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__); } /** * Does the actual bootstrap * * @return void */ public static function doBootstrap () { // Load basic include files to continue bootstrapping self::loadInclude(new SplFileInfo(sprintf('%smain%sinterfaces%sclass_FrameworkInterface.php', ApplicationEntryPoint::detectFrameworkPath(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))); self::loadInclude(new SplFileInfo(sprintf('%smain%sclasses%sclass_BaseFrameworkSystem.php', ApplicationEntryPoint::detectFrameworkPath(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))); self::loadInclude(new SplFileInfo(sprintf('%smain%sclasses%sutils%sstring%sclass_StringUtils.php', ApplicationEntryPoint::detectFrameworkPath(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))); self::loadInclude(new SplFileInfo(sprintf('%smain%sinterfaces%sregistry%sclass_Registerable.php', ApplicationEntryPoint::detectFrameworkPath(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))); self::loadInclude(new SplFileInfo(sprintf('%sconfig%sclass_FrameworkConfiguration.php', ApplicationEntryPoint::detectFrameworkPath(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))); // Load global configuration self::loadInclude(new SplFileInfo(sprintf('%s%s', ApplicationEntryPoint::detectFrameworkPath(), 'config-global.php'))); } /** * Initializes the framework by scanning for all framework-relevant * classes, interfaces and exception. Then determine the request type and * initialize a Requestable instance which will then contain all request * parameter, also from CLI. Next step is to validate the application * (very basic). * * @return void */ public static function initFramework () { /** * 1) Load class loader and scan framework classes, interfaces and * exceptions. */ self::scanFrameworkClasses(); /* * 2) Determine the request type, console or web and store request and * response here. This also initializes the request instance will * all given parameters (see doc-tag for possible sources of * parameters). */ self::determineRequestType(); /* * 3) Now, that there are all request parameters being available, check * if 'application' is supplied. If it is not found, abort execution, if * found, continue below with next step. */ self::validateApplicationParameter(); } /** * Initializes the detected application. This may fail if required files * are not found in the application's base path (not to be confused with * 'application_base_path' which only points to /some/foo/application/. * * @return void */ public static function prepareApplication () { // Configuration entry 'detected_app_name' must be set, get it here, including full path $application = self::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('detected_app_name'); $fullPath = self::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('detected_full_app_path'); /* * Now check and load all files, found deprecated files will throw a * warning at the user. */ foreach (self::$configAppIncludes as $fileName => $status) { // Construct file instance $fileInstance = new SplFileInfo(sprintf('%s%s.php', $fullPath, $fileName)); // Determine if this file is wanted/readable/deprecated if (($status == 'required') && (!self::isReadableFile($fileInstance))) { // Nope, required file cannot be found/read from ApplicationEntryPoint::exitApplication(sprintf('Application "%s" does not have required file "%s.php". Please add it.', $application, $fileInstance->getBasename())); } elseif (($fileInstance->isFile()) && (!$fileInstance->isReadable())) { // Found, not readable file ApplicationEntryPoint::exitApplication(sprintf('File "%s.php" from application "%s" cannot be read. Please fix CHMOD.', $fileInstance->getBasename(), $application)); } elseif (($status != 'required') && (!self::isReadableFile($fileInstance))) { // Not found but optional/deprecated file, skip it continue; } // Is the file deprecated? if ($status == 'deprecated') { // Issue warning trigger_error(sprintf('Deprecated file "%s.php" found, will not load it to avoid problems. Please remove it from your application "%s" to avoid this warning.', $fileName, $application), E_USER_WARNING); // Skip loading deprecated file continue; } // END - if // Load it self::loadInclude($fileInstance); } // END - foreach // Scan for application's classes, exceptions and interfaces ClassLoader::scanApplicationClasses(); } /** * Starts a fully initialized application, the class ApplicationHelper must * be loaded at this point. * * @return void */ public static function startApplication () { // Configuration entry 'detected_app_name' must be set, get it here $application = self::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('detected_app_name'); // Is there an application helper instance? $applicationInstance = call_user_func_array( array( 'Org\Mxchange\CoreFramework\Helper\Application\ApplicationHelper', 'getSelfInstance' ), [] ); // Some sanity checks if ((empty($applicationInstance)) || (is_null($applicationInstance))) { // Something went wrong! ApplicationEntryPoint::exitApplication(sprintf('[Main:] The application %s could not be launched because the helper class %s is not loaded.', $application, 'Org\Mxchange\CoreFramework\Helper\Application\ApplicationHelper' )); } elseif (!is_object($applicationInstance)) { // No object! ApplicationEntryPoint::exitApplication(sprintf('[Main:] The application %s could not be launched because 'app' is not an object (%s).', $application, gettype($applicationInstance) )); } elseif (!($applicationInstance instanceof ManageableApplication)) { // Missing interface ApplicationEntryPoint::exitApplication(sprintf('[Main:] The application %s could not be launched because 'app' is lacking required interface ManageableApplication.', $application )); } // Now call all methods in one go foreach (array('setupApplicationData', 'initApplication', 'launchApplication') as $methodName) { // Debug message //*NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d]: Calling methodName=%s ...' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $methodName); // Call method call_user_func(array($applicationInstance, $methodName)); } // END - foreach } /** * Initializes database instance, no need to double-call this method * * @return void */ public static function initDatabaseInstance () { // Get application instance $applicationInstance = ApplicationHelper::getSelfInstance(); // Is the database instance already set? if (self::getDatabaseInstance() instanceof DatabaseConnector) { // Yes, then abort here throw new BadMethodCallException('Method called twice.'); } // END - if // Initialize database layer $databaseInstance = ObjectFactory::createObjectByConfiguredName(self::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('database_type') . '_class'); // Prepare database instance $connectionInstance = DatabaseConnection::createDatabaseConnection(DebugMiddleware::getSelfInstance(), $databaseInstance); // Set it in application helper self::setDatabaseInstance($connectionInstance); } /** * Detects the server address (SERVER_ADDR) and set it in configuration * * @return $serverAddress The detected server address * @throws UnknownHostnameException If SERVER_NAME cannot be resolved to an IP address * @todo Have to check some more entries from $_SERVER here */ public static function detectServerAddress () { // Is the entry set? if (!isset(self::$serverAddress)) { // Is it set in $_SERVER? if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) { // Set it from $_SERVER self::$serverAddress = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { // Resolve IP address $serverIp = ConsoleTools::resolveIpAddress($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); // Is it valid? if ($serverIp === false) { /* * Why is gethostbyname() returning the host name and not * false as many other PHP functions are doing? ;-( */ throw new UnknownHostnameException(sprintf('Cannot resolve "%s" to an IP address. Please fix your setup.', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); } // END - if // Al fine, set it self::$serverAddress = $serverIp; } else { // Run auto-detecting through console tools lib self::$serverAddress = ConsoleTools::acquireSelfIpAddress(); } } // END - if // Return it return self::$serverAddress; } /** * Setter for default time zone (must be correct!) * * @param $timezone The timezone string (e.g. Europe/Berlin) * @return $success If timezone was accepted * @throws NullPointerException If $timezone is NULL * @throws InvalidArgumentException If $timezone is empty */ public static function setDefaultTimezone ($timezone) { // Is it null? if (is_null($timezone)) { // Throw NPE throw new NullPointerException(NULL, BaseFrameworkSystem::EXCEPTION_IS_NULL_POINTER); } elseif (!is_string($timezone)) { // Is not a string throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('timezone[]=%s is not a string', gettype($timezone))); } elseif ((is_string($timezone)) && (empty($timezone))) { // Entry is empty throw new InvalidArgumentException('timezone is empty'); } // Default success $success = FALSE; /* * Set desired time zone to prevent date() and related functions to * issue an E_WARNING. */ $success = date_default_timezone_set($timezone); // Return status return $success; } /** * Checks whether HTTPS is set in $_SERVER * * @return $isset Whether HTTPS is set * @todo Test more fields */ public static function isHttpSecured () { return ( ( ( isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ) && ( strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' ) ) || ( ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) ) && ( strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) == 'https' ) ) ); } /** * Dectect and return the base URL for all URLs and forms * * @return $baseUrl Detected base URL */ public static function detectBaseUrl () { // Initialize the URL $protocol = 'http'; // Do we have HTTPS? if (self::isHttpSecured()) { // Add the >s< for HTTPS $protocol = 'https'; } // END - if // Construct the full URL and secure it against CSRF attacks $baseUrl = sprintf('%s://%s%s', $protocol, self::detectDomain(), self::detectScriptPath()); // Return the URL return $baseUrl; } /** * Detect safely and return the full domain where this script is installed * * @return $fullDomain The detected full domain */ public static function detectDomain () { // Full domain is localnet.invalid by default $fullDomain = 'localnet.invalid'; // Is the server name there? if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { // Detect the full domain $fullDomain = htmlentities(strip_tags($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']), ENT_QUOTES); } // END - if // Return it return $fullDomain; } /** * Detect safely the script path without trailing slash which is the glue * between "http://your-domain.invalid/" and "script-name.php" * * @return $scriptPath The script path extracted from $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] */ public static function detectScriptPath () { // Default is empty $scriptPath = ''; // Is the scriptname set? if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) { // Get dirname from it and replace back-slashes with slashes for lame OSes... $scriptPath = str_replace("\\", '/', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); } // END - if // Return it return $scriptPath; } /** * 1) Loads class scanner and scans all framework's classes and interfaces. * This method also registers the class loader's method autoLoad() for the * SPL auto-load feature. Remember that you can register additional methods * (not functions, please) for other libraries. * * Yes, I know about Composer, but I like to keep my class loader around. * You can always use mine as long as your classes have a namespace * according naming-convention: Vendor\Project\Group[\SubGroup] * * @return void */ private static function scanFrameworkClasses () { // Include the class loader function require self::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('framework_base_path') . 'loader/class_ClassLoader.php'; // Register auto-load function with the SPL spl_autoload_register('Org\Mxchange\CoreFramework\Loader\ClassLoader::autoLoad'); // Scan for all framework classes, exceptions and interfaces ClassLoader::scanFrameworkClasses(); } /** * 2) Determines request/response type and stores the created * request/response instances in this object for later usage. * * @return void */ private static function determineRequestType () { // Determine request type $request = self::getRequestTypeFromSystem(); $requestType = self::getRequestTypeFromSystem(); // Create a new request object $requestInstance = ObjectFactory::createObjectByName(sprintf('Org\Mxchange\CoreFramework\Request\%sRequest', StringUtils::convertToClassName($request))); // Remember request instance here self::setRequestInstance($requestInstance); // Do we have another response? if ($requestInstance->isRequestElementSet('request')) { // Then use it $request = strtolower($requestInstance->getRequestElement('request')); $requestType = $request; } // END - if // ... and a new response object $responseClass = sprintf('Org\Mxchange\CoreFramework\Response\%sResponse', StringUtils::convertToClassName($request)); $responseInstance = ObjectFactory::createObjectByName($responseClass); // Remember response instance here self::setResponseInstance($responseInstance); } /** * 3) Validate parameter 'application' if it is set and the application is there. * * @return void */ private static function validateApplicationParameter () { // Is the parameter set? if (!self::getRequestInstance()->isRequestElementSet('app')) { /* * Don't continue here, the application 'selector' is no longer * supported and only existed as an idea to select the proper * application (by user). */ ApplicationEntryPoint::exitApplication('No application specified. Please provide a parameter "app" and retry.'); } // END - if // Get it for local usage $application = self::getRequestInstance()->getRequestElement('app'); // Secure it, by keeping out tags $application = htmlentities(strip_tags($application), ENT_QUOTES); // Secure it a little more with a reg.exp. $application = preg_replace('/([^a-z0-9_-])+/i', '', $application); // Construct FQPN (Full-Qualified Path Name) for ApplicationHelper class $applicationPath = sprintf( '%s%s%s', self::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('application_base_path'), $application, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); // Full path for application // Is the path there? This secures a bit the parameter (from untrusted source). if ((!is_dir($applicationPath)) || (!is_readable($applicationPath))) { // Not found or not readable ApplicationEntryPoint::exitApplication(sprintf('Application "%s" not found.', $application)); } // END - if // Set the detected application's name and full path for later usage self::getConfigurationInstance()->setConfigEntry('detected_full_app_path', $applicationPath); self::getConfigurationInstance()->setConfigEntry('detected_app_name' , $application); } /** * Getter for request instance * * @return $requestInstance An instance of a Requestable class */ public static function getRequestInstance () { return self::$requestInstance; } /** * Getter for response instance * * @return $responseInstance An instance of a Responseable class */ public static function getResponseInstance () { return self::$responseInstance; } /** * Setter for request instance * * @param $requestInstance An instance of a Requestable class * @return void */ private static function setRequestInstance (Requestable $requestInstance) { self::$requestInstance = $requestInstance; } /** * Setter for response instance * * @param $responseInstance An instance of a Responseable class * @return void */ private static function setResponseInstance (Responseable $responseInstance) { self::$responseInstance = $responseInstance; } /** * Setter for database instance * * @param $databaseInstance An instance of a DatabaseConnection class * @return void */ public static function setDatabaseInstance (DatabaseConnection $databaseInstance) { self::$databaseInstance = $databaseInstance; } /** * Getter for database instance * * @return $databaseInstance An instance of a DatabaseConnection class */ public static function getDatabaseInstance () { // Return instance return self::$databaseInstance; } /** * Private getter for language instance * * @return $languageInstance An instance of a ManageableLanguage class */ public static function getLanguageInstance () { return self::$languageInstance; } /** * Setter for language instance * * @param $languageInstance An instance of a ManageableLanguage class * @return void */ public static function setLanguageInstance (ManageableLanguage $languageInstance) { self::$languageInstance = $languageInstance; } }