* @version 0.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Roland Haeder, 2009 - 2023 Core Developer Team * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * @link http://www.shipsimu.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ abstract class BaseFrameworkSystem extends stdClass implements FrameworkInterface { /** * Self-referencing instance */ private static $selfInstance = NULL; /** * Debug instance */ private static $debugInstance = NULL; /** * Stub methods */ private static $stubMethods = [ 'partialStub' => true, '__call' => true, '__callStatic' => true, ]; /** * The real class name */ private $realClass = __CLASS__; /** * Call-back instance */ private $callbackInstance = NULL; /** * Generic array */ private $genericArray = []; /*********************** * Exception codes.... * ***********************/ // @todo Try to clean these constants up const EXCEPTION_IS_NULL_POINTER = 0x001; const EXCEPTION_IS_NO_OBJECT = 0x002; const EXCEPTION_IS_NO_ARRAY = 0x003; const EXCEPTION_MISSING_METHOD = 0x004; const EXCEPTION_CLASSES_NOT_MATCHING = 0x005; const EXCEPTION_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS = 0x006; const EXCEPTION_DIMENSION_ARRAY_INVALID = 0x007; const EXCEPTION_ITEM_NOT_TRADEABLE = 0x008; const EXCEPTION_ITEM_NOT_IN_PRICE_LIST = 0x009; const EXCEPTION_GENDER_IS_WRONG = 0x00a; const EXCEPTION_BIRTH_DATE_IS_INVALID = 0x00b; const EXCEPTION_EMPTY_STRUCTURES_ARRAY = 0x00c; const EXCEPTION_HAS_ALREADY_PERSONELL_LIST = 0x00d; const EXCEPTION_NOT_ENOUGTH_UNEMPLOYEES = 0x00e; const EXCEPTION_TOTAL_PRICE_NOT_CALCULATED = 0x00f; const EXCEPTION_HARBOR_HAS_NO_SHIPYARDS = 0x010; const EXCEPTION_CONTRACT_PARTNER_INVALID = 0x011; const EXCEPTION_CONTRACT_PARTNER_MISMATCH = 0x012; const EXCEPTION_CONTRACT_ALREADY_SIGNED = 0x013; const EXCEPTION_UNEXPECTED_EMPTY_STRING = 0x014; const EXCEPTION_PATH_NOT_FOUND = 0x015; const EXCEPTION_INVALID_PATH_NAME = 0x016; const EXCEPTION_READ_PROTECED_PATH = 0x017; const EXCEPTION_WRITE_PROTECED_PATH = 0x018; const EXCEPTION_DIR_POINTER_INVALID = 0x019; const EXCEPTION_FILE_POINTER_INVALID = 0x01a; const EXCEPTION_INVALID_RESOURCE = 0x01b; const EXCEPTION_LIMIT_ELEMENT_IS_UNSUPPORTED = 0x01d; const EXCEPTION_GETTER_IS_MISSING = 0x01e; const EXCEPTION_ARRAY_EXPECTED = 0x01f; const EXCEPTION_ARRAY_HAS_INVALID_COUNT = 0x020; const EXCEPTION_ID_IS_INVALID_FORMAT = 0x021; const EXCEPTION_MD5_CHECKSUMS_MISMATCH = 0x022; const EXCEPTION_UNEXPECTED_STRING_SIZE = 0x023; const EXCEPTION_SIMULATOR_ID_INVALID = 0x024; const EXCEPTION_MISMATCHING_COMPRESSORS = 0x025; const EXCEPTION_CONTAINER_ITEM_IS_NULL = 0x026; const EXCEPTION_ITEM_IS_NO_ARRAY = 0x027; const EXCEPTION_CONTAINER_MAYBE_DAMAGED = 0x028; const EXCEPTION_INVALID_STRING = 0x029; const EXCEPTION_VARIABLE_NOT_SET = 0x02a; const EXCEPTION_ATTRIBUTES_ARE_MISSING = 0x02b; const EXCEPTION_ARRAY_ELEMENTS_MISSING = 0x02c; const EXCEPTION_TEMPLATE_ENGINE_UNSUPPORTED = 0x02d; const EXCEPTION_FACTORY_REQUIRE_PARAMETER = 0x02e; const EXCEPTION_MISSING_ELEMENT = 0x02f; const EXCEPTION_HEADERS_ALREADY_SENT = 0x030; const EXCEPTION_DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_GONE = 0x031; const EXCEPTION_REQUIRED_INTERFACE_MISSING = 0x033; const EXCEPTION_FATAL_ERROR = 0x034; const EXCEPTION_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 0x035; const EXCEPTION_ASSERTION_FAILED = 0x036; const EXCEPTION_FILE_NOT_REACHABLE = 0x037; const EXCEPTION_FILE_CANNOT_BE_READ = 0x038; const EXCEPTION_FILE_CANNOT_BE_WRITTEN = 0x039; const EXCEPTION_PATH_CANNOT_BE_WRITTEN = 0x03a; const EXCEPTION_DATABASE_UPDATED_NOT_ALLOWED = 0x03b; const EXCEPTION_FILTER_CHAIN_INTERCEPTED = 0x03c; const EXCEPTION_INVALID_SOCKET = 0x03d; const EXCEPTION_SELF_INSTANCE = 0x03e; /** * Startup time in miliseconds */ private static $startupTime = 0; /** * Protected super constructor * * @param $className Name of the class * @return void */ protected function __construct (string $className) { // Set real class $this->setRealClass($className); // Is the startup time set? (0 cannot be true anymore) if (self::$startupTime == 0) { // Then set it self::$startupTime = microtime(true); } } /** * Destructor for all classes. You should not call this method on your own. * * @return void */ public function __destruct () { // Is this object already destroyed? if ($this->__toString() != 'DestructedObject') { // Destroy all informations about this class but keep some text about it alive $this->setRealClass('DestructedObject'); } elseif ((defined('DEBUG_DESTRUCTOR')) && (is_object($this->getDebugInstance()))) { // Already destructed object self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->warningMessage(sprintf('The object %s is already destroyed.', $this->__toString() )); } else { // Do not call this twice trigger_error(__METHOD__ . ': Called twice.'); exit(255); } } /** * The __call() method where all non-implemented methods end up * * @param $methodName Name of the missing method * @args $args Arguments passed to the method * @return void */ public final function __call (string $methodName, array $args = NULL) { // Set self-instance self::$selfInstance = $this; // Call static method self::__callStatic($methodName, $args); // Clear self-instance self::$selfInstance = NULL; } /** * The __callStatic() method where all non-implemented static methods end up * * @param $methodName Name of the missing method * @param $args Arguments passed to the method * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If self::$selfInstance is not a framework's own object */ public static final function __callStatic (string $methodName, array $args = NULL) { // Init argument string and class name //* PRINT-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d]: methodName=%s,args[]=%s - CALLED!' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $methodName, gettype($args)); $argsString = ''; $className = 'unknown'; // Is self-instance set? if (self::$selfInstance instanceof FrameworkInterface) { // Framework's own instance $className = self::$selfInstance->__toString(); } elseif (!is_null(self::$selfInstance)) { // Invalid argument! throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('self::instance[%s] is not expected.', gettype(self::$selfInstance)), self::EXCEPTION_SELF_INSTANCE); } // Is it NULL, empty or an array? if (is_null($args)) { // No arguments $argsString = 'NULL'; } elseif (is_array($args)) { // Start braces $argsString = '('; // Some arguments are there foreach ($args as $arg) { // Add data about the argument $argsString .= gettype($arg) . ':'; if (is_null($arg)) { // Found a NULL argument $argsString .= 'NULL'; } elseif (is_string($arg)) { // Add length for strings $argsString .= strlen($arg); } elseif ((is_int($arg)) || (is_float($arg))) { // ... integer/float $argsString .= $arg; } elseif (is_array($arg)) { // .. or size if array $argsString .= count($arg); } elseif (is_object($arg)) { // Get reflection $reflection = new ReflectionClass($arg); // Is an other object, maybe no __toString() available $argsString .= $reflection->getName(); } elseif ($arg === true) { // ... is boolean 'true' $argsString .= 'true'; } elseif ($arg === false) { // ... is boolean 'false' $argsString .= 'false'; } // Comma for next one $argsString .= ', '; } // Last comma found? if (substr($argsString, -2, 1) == ',') { // Remove last comma $argsString = substr($argsString, 0, -2); } // Close braces $argsString .= ')'; } // Output stub message // @TODO __CLASS__ does always return BaseFrameworkSystem but not the extending (=child) class self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->warningMessage(sprintf('[%s::%s]: Stub! Args: %s', $className, $methodName, $argsString )); // Return nothing return NULL; } /** * Getter for $realClass * * @return $realClass The name of the real class (not BaseFrameworkSystem) */ public function __toString () { return $this->realClass; } /** * Magic method to catch setting of missing but set class fields/attributes * * @param $name Name of the field/attribute * @param $value Value to store * @return void */ public final function __set (string $name, $value) { $this->debugBackTrace(sprintf('Tried to set a missing field. name=%s, value[%s]=%s', $name, gettype($value), print_r($value, true) )); } /** * Magic method to catch getting of missing fields/attributes * * @param $name Name of the field/attribute * @return void */ public final function __get (string $name) { $this->debugBackTrace(sprintf('Tried to get a missing field. name=%s', $name )); } /** * Magic method to catch unsetting of missing fields/attributes * * @param $name Name of the field/attribute * @return void */ public final function __unset (string $name) { $this->debugBackTrace(sprintf('Tried to unset a missing field. name=%s', $name )); } /** * Magic method to catch object serialization * * @return $unsupported Unsupported method * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Objects of this framework cannot be serialized */ public final function __sleep () { throw new UnsupportedOperationException([$this, __FUNCTION__], FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_UNSPPORTED_OPERATION); } /** * Magic method to catch object deserialization * * @return $unsupported Unsupported method * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Objects of this framework cannot be serialized */ public final function __wakeup () { throw new UnsupportedOperationException([$this, __FUNCTION__], FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_UNSPPORTED_OPERATION); } /** * Magic method to catch calls when an object instance is called * * @return $unsupported Unsupported method * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Objects of this framework cannot be serialized */ public final function __invoke () { throw new UnsupportedOperationException([$this, __FUNCTION__], FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_UNSPPORTED_OPERATION); } /** * Setter for the real class name * * @param $realClass Class name (string) * @return void */ public final function setRealClass (string $realClass) { // Set real class $this->realClass = $realClass; } /** * Setter for debug instance * * @param $debugInstance The instance for debug output class * @return void */ public final function setDebugInstance (DebugMiddleware $debugInstance) { self::$debugInstance = $debugInstance; } /** * Getter for debug instance * * @return $debugInstance Instance to class DebugConsoleOutput or DebugWebOutput */ public final function getDebugInstance () { return self::$debugInstance; } /** * Setter for web output instance * * @param $webInstance The instance for web output class * @return void */ public final function setWebOutputInstance (OutputStreamer $webInstance) { ObjectRegistry::getRegistry('generic')->addInstance('web_output', $webInstance); } /** * Getter for web output instance * * @return $webOutputInstance - Instance to class WebOutput */ public final function getWebOutputInstance () { return ObjectRegistry::getRegistry('generic')->getInstance('web_output'); } /** * Setter for call-back instance * * @param $callbackInstance An instance of a FrameworkInterface class * @return void */ public final function setCallbackInstance (FrameworkInterface $callbackInstance) { $this->callbackInstance = $callbackInstance; } /** * Getter for call-back instance * * @return $callbackInstance An instance of a FrameworkInterface class */ protected final function getCallbackInstance () { return $this->callbackInstance; } /** * Checks whether an object equals this object. You should overwrite this * method to implement own equality checks * * @param $objectInstance An instance of a FrameworkInterface object * @return $equals Whether both objects equals */ public function equals (FrameworkInterface $objectInstance) { // Now test it $equals = (( $this->__toString() == $objectInstance->__toString() ) && ( $this->hashCode() == $objectInstance->hashCode() )); // Return the result return $equals; } /** * Generates a generic hash code of this class. You should really overwrite * this method with your own hash code generator code. But keep KISS in mind. * * @return $hashCode A generic hash code respresenting this whole class */ public function hashCode () { // Simple hash code return crc32($this->__toString()); } /** * Appends a trailing slash to a string * * @param $str A string (maybe) without trailing slash * @return $str A string with an auto-appended trailing slash * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a paramter has an invalid value */ public final function addMissingTrailingSlash (string $str) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: str=%s - CALLED!', $str)); if (empty($str)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "str" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Is there a trailing slash? if (substr($str, -1, 1) != '/') { $str .= '/'; } // Return string with trailing slash //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: str=%s - EXIT!', $str)); return $str; } /** * Debugs this instance by putting out it's full content * * @param $message Optional message to show in debug output * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a paramter has an invalid value */ public final function debugInstance (string $message = '') { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: message=%s - CALLED!', $message)); if (empty($message)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "message" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Restore the error handler to avoid trouble with missing array elements or undeclared variables restore_error_handler(); // Init content $content = ''; // Is a message set? if (!empty($message)) { // Construct message $content = sprintf('
Message: %s
' . PHP_EOL, $message); } // Generate the output $content .= sprintf('
', trim( htmlentities( print_r($this, true) ) ) ); // Output it ApplicationEntryPoint::exitApplication(sprintf('
%s debug output:
Loaded includes:
', $this->__toString(), $content, ClassLoader::getSelfInstance()->getPrintableIncludeList() )); } /** * Outputs a debug backtrace and stops further script execution * * @param $message An optional message to output * @param $doExit Whether exit the program (true is default) * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a paramter has an invalid value */ public function debugBackTrace (string $message = '', bool $doExit = true) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: message=%s,doExit=%d - CALLED!', $message, intval($doExit))); if (empty($message)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "message" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Sorry, there is no other way getting this nice backtrace if (!empty($message)) { // Output message printf('Message: %s
' . PHP_EOL, $message); } print('
'); // Exit program? if ($doExit === true) { // Yes, with error code exit(255); } } /** * Creates an instance of a debugger instance * * @param $className Name of the class (currently unsupported) * @param $lineNumber Line number where the call was made * @return $debugInstance An instance of a debugger class * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter has an invalid value * @deprecated Not fully, as the new Logger facilities are not finished yet. */ public final static function createDebugInstance (string $className, int $lineNumber = NULL) { // Validate parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d]: className=%s,lineNumber[%s]=%d - CALLED!' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $className, gettype($lineNumber), $lineNumber); if (empty($className)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "className" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Is the debug instance set? //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d]: self::debugInstance[]=%s' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, gettype(self::$debugInstance)); if (is_null(self::$debugInstance)) { // Init debug instance self::$debugInstance = NULL; // Try it try { // Get a debugger instance //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d]: className=%s' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $className); self::$debugInstance = DebugMiddleware::createDebugMiddleware(FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('debug_' . FrameworkBootstrap::getRequestTypeFromSystem() . '_class'), $className); } catch (NullPointerException $e) { // Didn't work, no instance there exit(sprintf('[%s:%d]: Cannot create debugInstance! Exception=%s,message=%s,className=%s,lineNumber=%d' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $e->__toString(), $e->getMessage(), $className, $lineNumber)); } } // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d]: self::debugInstance=%s - EXIT!' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, self::$debugInstance->__toString()); return self::$debugInstance; } /** * Simple output of a message with line-break * * @param $message Message to output * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a paramter has an invalid value */ public function outputLine (string $message) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: message=%s - CALLED!', $message)); if (empty($message)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "message" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Simply output it print($message . PHP_EOL); } /** * Marks up the code by adding e.g. line numbers * * @param $phpCode Unmarked PHP code * @return $markedCode Marked PHP code * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a paramter has an invalid value */ public function markupCode (string $phpCode) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: phpCode=%s - CALLED!', $phpCode)); if (empty($phpCode)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "phpCode" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Init marked code $markedCode = ''; // Get last error $errorArray = error_get_last(); // Init the code with error message if (is_array($errorArray)) { // Get error infos $markedCode = sprintf('
File: %s, Line: %s, Message: %s, Type: %s
', basename($errorArray['file']), $errorArray['line'], $errorArray['message'], $errorArray['type'] ); } // Add line number to the code foreach (explode(chr(10), $phpCode) as $lineNo => $code) { // Add line numbers $markedCode .= sprintf('%s: %s' . PHP_EOL, ($lineNo + 1), htmlentities($code, ENT_QUOTES) ); } // Return the code return $markedCode; } /** * "Getter" for databse entry * * @return $entry An array with database entries * @throws NullPointerException If the database result is not found * @throws InvalidDatabaseResultException If the database result is invalid * @deprecated Monolithic method, should be moved to proper classes */ protected final function getDatabaseEntry () { // This method is deprecated /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: CALLED!'); $this->deprecationWarning('Monolithic method, should be moved to proper classes'); // Is there an instance? /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: this->resultInstance[]=%s', gettype($this->getResultInstance()))); if (!$this->getResultInstance() instanceof SearchableResult) { // Throw an exception here throw new NullPointerException($this, self::EXCEPTION_IS_NULL_POINTER); } // Rewind it /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: Invoking this->resultInstance->rewind() ...'); $this->getResultInstance()->rewind(); // Do we have an entry? /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: this->resultInstance->isValid()=%d', intval($this->getResultInstance()->isValid()))); if ($this->getResultInstance()->valid() === false) { // @TODO Move the constant to e.g. BaseDatabaseResult when there is a non-cached database result available throw new InvalidDatabaseResultException(array($this, $this->getResultInstance()), CachedDatabaseResult::EXCEPTION_INVALID_DATABASE_RESULT); } // Get next entry /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: Invoking this->resultInstance->next() ...'); $this->getResultInstance()->next(); // Fetch it $entry = $this->getResultInstance()->current(); // And return it /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: entry[]=%s - EXIT!', gettype($entry))); return $entry; } /** * Getter for field name * * @param $fieldName Field name which we shall get * @return $fieldValue Field value from the user * @throws NullPointerException If the result instance is null * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @deprecated Monolithic method, should be moved to proper classes */ public final function getField (string $fieldName) { // Check parameter /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: fieldName=%s - CALLED!', $fieldName)); if (empty($fieldName)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "fieldName" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // This method is deprecated $this->deprecationWarning('Monolithic method, should be moved to proper classes'); // Default field value $fieldValue = NULL; // Get result instance $resultInstance = $this->getResultInstance(); // Is this instance null? /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: resultInstance[]=%s', gettype($resultInstance))); if (is_null($resultInstance)) { // Then the user instance is no longer valid (expired cookies?) throw new NullPointerException($this, self::EXCEPTION_IS_NULL_POINTER); } // Get current array $fieldArray = $resultInstance->current(); // Convert dashes to underscore /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: fieldArray()=%d', count($fieldArray))); $fieldName2 = StringUtils::convertDashesToUnderscores($fieldName); // Does the field exist? /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: fieldName2=%s', $fieldName2)); if ($this->isFieldSet($fieldName)) { // Get it $fieldValue = $fieldArray[$fieldName2]; } elseif (FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->isEnabled('developer_mode')) { // Missing field entry, may require debugging self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->warningMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: fieldArray
=' . print_r($fieldArray, true) . '
,fieldName=' . $fieldName . ' not found!'); } else { // Missing field entry, may require debugging self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->warningMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: fieldName=' . $fieldName . ' not found!'); } // Return it /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: fieldValue[]=%s - EXIT!', gettype($fieldValue))); return $fieldValue; } /** * Checks if given field is set * * @param $fieldName Field name to check * @return $isSet Whether the given field name is set * @throws NullPointerException If the result instance is null * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ public function isFieldSet (string $fieldName) { // Check parameter /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: fieldName=%s - CALLED!', $fieldName)); if (empty($fieldName)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "fieldName" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Get result instance $resultInstance = $this->getResultInstance(); // Is this instance null? /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: resultInstance[]=%s', gettype($resultInstance))); if (is_null($resultInstance)) { // Then the user instance is no longer valid (expired cookies?) throw new NullPointerException($this, self::EXCEPTION_IS_NULL_POINTER); } // Get current array $fieldArray = $resultInstance->current(); // Convert dashes to underscore /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: fieldArray()=%d,fieldName=%s - BEFORE!', count($fieldArray), $fieldName)); $fieldName = StringUtils::convertDashesToUnderscores($fieldName); // Determine it /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: fieldName=%s - AFTER!', $fieldName)); $isset = isset($fieldArray[$fieldName]); // Return result /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: isset=%d - EXIT!', intval($isset))); return $isset; } /** * Outputs a deprecation warning to the developer. * * @param $message The message we shall output to the developer * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a paramter has an invalid value * @todo Write a logging mechanism for productive mode */ public function deprecationWarning (string $message) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: message=%s - CALLED!', $message)); if (empty($message)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "message" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Is developer mode active? if (FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->isEnabled('developer_mode')) { // Debug instance is there? if (!is_null($this->getDebugInstance())) { // Output stub message self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->warningMessage($message); } else { // Trigger an error trigger_error($message . "
\n"); exit(255); } } else { // @TODO Finish this part! DebugMiddleware::getSelfInstance()->partialStub('Developer mode inactive. Message:' . $message); } // Trace mesage //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: EXIT!'); } /** * Checks whether the given PHP extension is loaded * * @param $phpExtension The PHP extension we shall check * @return $isLoaded Whether the PHP extension is loaded * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ public final function isPhpExtensionLoaded (string $phpExtension) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: phpExtension=%s - CALLED!', $phpExtension)); if (empty($phpExtension)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "phpExtension" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Is it loaded? $isLoaded = in_array($phpExtension, get_loaded_extensions()); // Return result //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: isLoaded=%d - EXIT!', intval($isLoaded))); return $isLoaded; } /** * "Getter" as a time() replacement but with milliseconds. You should use this * method instead of the encapsulated getimeofday() function. * * @return $milliTime Timestamp with milliseconds */ public function getMilliTime () { // Get the time of day as float //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: CALLED!'); $milliTime = gettimeofday(true); // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: milliTime=%s - EXIT!', $milliTime)); return $milliTime; } /** * Idles (sleeps) for given milliseconds * * @return $hasSlept Whether it goes fine * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ public function idle (int $milliSeconds) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: milliSeconds=%s - CALLED!', $milliSeconds)); if ($milliSeconds < 1) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('milliSeconds=%d are not a reasonable value to idle', $milliSeconds)); } // Sleep is fine by default $hasSlept = true; // Idle so long with found function if (function_exists('time_sleep_until')) { // Get current time and add idle time $sleepUntil = $this->getMilliTime() + abs($milliSeconds) / 1000; // New PHP 5.1.0 function found, ignore errors $hasSlept = @time_sleep_until($sleepUntil); } else { /* * My Sun station doesn't have that function even with latest PHP * package. :( */ usleep($milliSeconds * 1000); } // Return result //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: hasSlept=%d - EXIT!', intval($hasSlept))); return $hasSlept; } /** * Checks whether the given encoded data was encoded with Base64 * * @param $encodedData Encoded data we shall check * @return $isBase64 Whether the encoded data is Base64 * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ protected function isBase64Encoded (string $encodedData) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: encodedData=%s - CALLED!', $encodedData)); if (empty($encodedData)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "encodedData" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Determine it $isBase64 = (@base64_decode($encodedData, true) !== false); // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: isBase64=%d - EXIT!', intval($isBase64))); return $isBase64; } /** * Getter for startup time in miliseconds * * @return $startupTime Startup time in miliseconds */ protected function getStartupTime () { return self::$startupTime; } /** * "Getter" for a printable currently execution time in nice braces * * @return $executionTime Current execution time in nice braces */ protected function getPrintableExecutionTime () { // Calculate execution time and pack it in nice braces $executionTime = sprintf('[ %01.5f ] ', (microtime(true) - $this->getStartupTime())); // And return it return $executionTime; } /** * Determines if an element is set in the generic array * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to check * @param $element Element to check * @return $isset Whether the given key is set * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ protected final function isGenericArrayElementSet (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key, string $element) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s,element=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif ($element === '') { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "element" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Is it there? $isset = isset($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key][$element]); // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: isset=%d - EXIT!', intval($isset))); return $isset; } /** * Determines if a key is set in the generic array * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to check * @return $isset Whether the given key is set * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ protected final function isGenericArrayKeySet (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Is it there? $isset = isset($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key]); // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: isset=%d - EXIT!', intval($isset))); return $isset; } /** * Determines if a group is set in the generic array * * @param $keyGroup Main group * @param $subGroup Sub group * @return $isset Whether the given group is set * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ protected final function isGenericArrayGroupSet (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Is it there? $isset = isset($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup]); // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: isset=%d - EXIT!', intval($isset))); return $isset; } /** * Getter for sub key group * * @param $keyGroup Main key group * @param $subGroup Sub key group * @return $array An array with all array elements * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @throws BadMethodCallException If key/sub group isn't there but this method is invoked */ protected final function getGenericSubArray (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (!$this->isGenericArrayGroupSet($keyGroup, $subGroup)) { // No, then abort here throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s not found.', $keyGroup, $subGroup), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: this->genericArray[%s][%s][]=%s - EXIT!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, gettype($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup]))); return $this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup]; } /** * Unsets a given key in generic array * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to unset * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ protected final function unsetGenericArrayKey (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Remove it unset($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key]); // Trace mesage //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: EXIT!'); } /** * Unsets a given element in generic array * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to unset * @param $element Element to unset * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ protected final function unsetGenericArrayElement (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key, string $element) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s,element=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif ($element === '') { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "element" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Remove it unset($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key][$element]); // Trace mesage //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: EXIT!'); } /** * Append a string to a given generic array key * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to unset * @param $value Value to add/append * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ protected final function appendStringToGenericArrayKey (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key, string $value, string $appendGlue = '') { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s,value=%s,appendGlue=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $value, $appendGlue)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Is it already there? if ($this->isGenericArrayKeySet($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)) { // Append it $this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key] .= $appendGlue . $value; } else { // Add it $this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key] = $value; } // Trace mesage //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: EXIT!'); } /** * Append a string to a given generic array element * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to unset * @param $element Element to check * @param $value Value to add/append * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ protected final function appendStringToGenericArrayElement (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key, string $element, string $value, string $appendGlue = '') { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s,element=%s,value=%s,appendGlue=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element, $value, $appendGlue)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif ($element === '') { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "element" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Is it already there? if ($this->isGenericArrayElementSet($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element)) { // Append it $this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key][$element] .= $appendGlue . $value; } else { // Add it $this->setGenericArrayElement($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element, $value); } // Trace mesage //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: EXIT!'); } /** * Initializes given generic array group * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to use * @param $forceInit Optionally force initialization * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @throws BadMethodCallException If key/sub group has already been initialized */ protected final function initGenericArrayGroup (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, bool $forceInit = false) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,forceInit=%d - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, intval($forceInit))); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (($forceInit === false) && ($this->isGenericArrayGroupSet($keyGroup, $subGroup))) { // Already initialized throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s already initialized.', $keyGroup, $subGroup), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Initialize it $this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup] = []; // Trace mesage //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: EXIT!'); } /** * Initializes given generic array key * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to use * @param $forceInit Optionally force initialization * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @throws BadMethodCallException If key/sub group has already been initialized */ protected final function initGenericArrayKey (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key, bool $forceInit = false) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s,forceInit=%d - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, intval($forceInit))); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (($forceInit === false) && ($this->isGenericArrayKeySet($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key))) { // Already initialized throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key[%s]=%s already initialized.', $keyGroup, $subGroup, gettype($key), $key), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Initialize it $this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key] = []; // Trace mesage //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: EXIT!'); } /** * Initializes given generic array element * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to use * @param $element Element to use * @param $forceInit Optionally force initialization * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @throws BadMethodCallException If key/sub group isn't there but this method is invoked */ protected final function initGenericArrayElement (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key, string $element, bool $forceInit = false) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s,element=%s,forceInit=%d - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element, intval($forceInit))); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif ($element === '') { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "element" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (($forceInit === false) && ($this->isGenericArrayElementSet($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element))) { // Already initialized throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key[%s]=%s,element[%s]=%s already initialized.', $keyGroup, $subGroup, gettype($key), $key, gettype($element), $element), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Initialize it $this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key][$element] = []; // Trace mesage //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: EXIT!'); } /** * Pushes an element to a generic key. If the key isn't found, it will be initialized. * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to use * @param $value Value to add/append * @return $count Number of array elements * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ protected final function pushValueToGenericArrayKey (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key, $value) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s,value[]=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, gettype($value))); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (!$this->isGenericArrayKeySet($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)) { // Initialize array $this->initGenericArrayKey($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key); } // Then push it $count = array_push($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key], $value); // Return count //* DEBUG: */ print(__METHOD__ . ': genericArray=' . print_r($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key], true)); //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: count=%d - EXIT!', $count)); return $count; } /** * Pushes an element to a generic array element. If the key isn't found, it will be initialized. * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to use * @param $element Element to check * @param $value Value to add/append * @return $count Number of array elements * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ protected final function pushValueToGenericArrayElement (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key, string $element, $value) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s,element=%s,value[]=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element, gettype($value))); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif ($element === '') { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "element" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (!$this->isGenericArrayElementSet($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element)) { // Initialize array //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: Invoking this->initGenericArrayElement(%s,%s,%s,%s) ...', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element)); $this->initGenericArrayElement($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element); } // Then push it $count = array_push($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key][$element], $value); // Return count //* DEBUG: */ print(__METHOD__ . ': genericArray=' . print_r($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key], true)); //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: count=%d - EXIT!', $count)); return $count; } /** * Pops an element from a generic group * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to unset * @return $value Last "popped" value * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @throws BadMethodCallException If key/sub group isn't there but this method is invoked */ protected final function popGenericArrayElement (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (!$this->isGenericArrayKeySet($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)) { // Not found throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key[%s]=%s not found.', $keyGroup, $subGroup, gettype($key), $key), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Then "pop" it $value = array_pop($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key]); // Return value //* DEBUG: */ print(__METHOD__ . ': genericArray=' . print_r($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key], true)); //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: value[]=%s - EXIT!', gettype($value))); return $value; } /** * Shifts an element from a generic group * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to unset * @return $value Last "shifted" value * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @throws BadMethodCallException If key/sub group isn't there but this method is invoked */ protected final function shiftGenericArrayElement (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (!$this->isGenericArrayKeySet($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)) { // Not found throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key[%s]=%s not found.', $keyGroup, $subGroup, gettype($key), $key), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Then "shift" it $value = array_shift($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key]); // Return value //* DEBUG: */ print(__METHOD__ . ': genericArray=' . print_r($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key], true)); //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: value[]=%s - EXIT!', gettype($value))); return $value; } /** * Count generic array group * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @return $count Count of given group * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @throws BadMethodCallException If key group isn't there but this method is invoked */ protected final function countGenericArray (string $keyGroup) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (!isset($this->genericArray[$keyGroup])) { // Not found throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s not found.', $keyGroup), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Then count it $count = count($this->genericArray[$keyGroup]); // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: count=%d - EXIT!', $count)); return $count; } /** * Count generic array sub group * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @return $count Count of given group * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @throws BadMethodCallException If key/sub group isn't there but this method is invoked */ protected final function countGenericArrayGroup (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (!$this->isGenericArrayGroupSet($keyGroup, $subGroup)) { // Abort here throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s not found.', $keyGroup, $subGroup), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Then count it $count = count($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup]); // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: count=%d - EXIT!', $count)); return $count; } /** * Count generic array elements * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to count * @return $count Count of given key * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @throws BadMethodCallException If key/sub group isn't there but this method is invoked */ protected final function countGenericArrayElements (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (!$this->isGenericArrayKeySet($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)) { // Abort here throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key[%s]=%s not found.', $keyGroup, $subGroup, gettype($key), $key), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } elseif (!$this->isValidGenericArrayGroup($keyGroup, $subGroup)) { // Not valid throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s is not a valid key/sub group.', $keyGroup, $subGroup), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Then count it $count = count($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key]); // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: count=%d - EXIT!', $count)); return $count; } /** * Getter for whole generic group array * * @param $keyGroup Key group to get * @return $array Whole generic array group * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @throws BadMethodCallException If key/sub group isn't there but this method is invoked */ protected final function getGenericArray (string $keyGroup) { // Check parameters //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (!isset($this->genericArray[$keyGroup])) { // Then abort here throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s not found', $keyGroup), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: this->genericArray[%s][]=%s - EXIT!', $keyGroup, gettype($this->genericArray[$keyGroup]))); return $this->genericArray[$keyGroup]; } /** * Setter for generic array key * * @param $keyGroup Key group to get * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to unset * @param $value Mixed value from generic array element * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @throws BadMethodCallException If key/sub group isn't there but this method is invoked */ protected final function setGenericArrayKey (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key, $value) { // Check parameters //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s,value[]=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, gettype($value))); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (!$this->isValidGenericArrayGroup($keyGroup, $subGroup)) { // Then abort here throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s not found', $keyGroup), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Set value here $this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key] = $value; // Trace mesage //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: EXIT!'); } /** * Getter for generic array key * * @param $keyGroup Key group to get * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to unset * @return $value Mixed value from generic array element * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @throws BadMethodCallException If key/sub group isn't there but this method is invoked */ protected final function getGenericArrayKey (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key) { // Check parameters //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (!$this->isGenericArrayKeySet($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)) { // Then abort here throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key[%s]=%s not found.', $keyGroup, $subGroup, gettype($key), $key), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: this->genericArray[%s][%s][%s][]=%s - EXIT!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, gettype($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key]))); return $this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key]; } /** * Sets a value in given generic array key/element * * @param $keyGroup Main group for the key * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to set * @param $element Element to set * @param $value Value to set * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ protected final function setGenericArrayElement (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key, string $element, $value) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s,element=%s,value[]=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element, gettype($value))); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif ($element === '') { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "element" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (!$this->isGenericArrayElementSet($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element)) { // Initialize array $this->initGenericArrayElement($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element); } // Then set it $this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key][$element] = $value; // Trace mesage //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: EXIT!'); } /** * Getter for generic array element * * @param $keyGroup Key group to get * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to look for * @param $element Element to look for * @return $value Mixed value from generic array element * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid * @throws BadMethodCallException If key/sub group isn't there but this method is invoked */ protected final function getGenericArrayElement (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key, string $element) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s,element=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif ($element === '') { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "element" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (!$this->isGenericArrayElementSet($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, $element)) { // Then abort here throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key[%s]=%s,element[%s]=%s not found.', $keyGroup, $subGroup, gettype($key), $key, gettype($element), $element), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: this->genericArray[%s][%s][%s][%s][]=%s - EXIT!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key, gettype($this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key][$element]))); return $this->genericArray[$keyGroup][$subGroup][$key][$element]; } /** * Checks if a given sub group is valid (array) * * @param $keyGroup Key group to get * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @return $isValid Whether given sub group is valid * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid */ protected final function isValidGenericArrayGroup (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup) { // Check parameter //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Determine it $isValid = (($this->isGenericArrayGroupSet($keyGroup, $subGroup)) && (is_array($this->getGenericSubArray($keyGroup, $subGroup)))); // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: isValid=%d - EXIT!', intval($isValid))); return $isValid; } /** * Checks if a given key is valid (array) * * @param $keyGroup Key group to get * @param $subGroup Sub group for the key * @param $key Key to check * @return $isValid Whether given sub group is valid */ protected final function isValidGenericArrayKey (string $keyGroup, string $subGroup, string $key) { // Check parameters //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: keyGroup=%s,subGroup=%s,key=%s - CALLED!', $keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)); if (empty($keyGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "keyGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($subGroup)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "subGroup" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } elseif (empty($key)) { // Throw IAE throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "key" is empty', FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } // Determine it $isValid = (($this->isGenericArrayKeySet($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)) && (is_array($this->getGenericArrayKey($keyGroup, $subGroup, $key)))); // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: isValid=%d - EXIT!', intval($isValid))); return $isValid; } /** * Initializes the web output instance * * @return void */ protected function initWebOutputInstance () { // Init web output instance //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: CALLED!'); $outputInstance = ObjectFactory::createObjectByConfiguredName('output_class'); // Set it locally $this->setWebOutputInstance($outputInstance); // Trace mesage //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: EXIT!'); } /** * Translates boolean true to 'Y' and false to 'N' * * @param $boolean Boolean value * @return $translated Translated boolean value */ public static final function translateBooleanToYesNo (bool $boolean) { // "Translate" it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: boolean=%d - CALLED!', intval($boolean))); $translated = ($boolean === true) ? 'Y' : 'N'; // ... and return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: translated=%s - EXIT!', $translated)); return $translated; } /** * Creates a full-qualified file name (FQFN) for given file name by adding * a configured temporary file path to it. * * @param $infoInstance An instance of a SplFileInfo class * @return $fileInfoInstance An instance of a SplFileInfo class (temporary file) * @throw PathWriteProtectedException If the path in 'temp_file_path' is write-protected * @throws FileIoException If the file cannot be written */ protected static function createTempPathForFile (SplFileInfo $infoInstance) { // Get config entry //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: infoInstance=%s - CALLED!', $infoInstance->__toString())); $basePath = FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('temp_file_path'); // Is the path writeable? //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: basePath=%s', $basePath)); if (!is_writable($basePath)) { // Path is write-protected throw new PathWriteProtectedException($infoInstance, self::EXCEPTION_PATH_CANNOT_BE_WRITTEN); } // Add it $fileInfoInstance = new SplFileInfo($basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $infoInstance->getBasename()); // Is it reachable? if (!FrameworkBootstrap::isReachableFilePath($fileInfoInstance)) { // Not reachable throw new FileIoException($fileInfoInstance, self::EXCEPTION_FILE_NOT_REACHABLE); } // Return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: fileInfoInstance=%s - EXIT!', $fileInfoInstance->__toString())); return $fileInfoInstance; } /** * "Getter" for a printable state name * * @return $stateName Name of the node's state in a printable format * @throws BadMethodCallException If this instance doesn't have a callable getter for stateInstance * @todo Move this class away from this monolithic place (not whole class is monolithic) */ public final function getPrintableState () { // Check if getter is there //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: CALLED!'); if (!is_callable($this, 'getStateInstance')) { // Throw BMCE throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('this=%s has no callable getter for stateInstance', $this->__toString()), FrameworkInterface::EXCEPTION_BAD_METHOD_CALL); } // Default is 'null' $stateName = 'null'; // Get the state instance $stateInstance = $this->getStateInstance(); // Is it an instance of Stateable? //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: stateInstance[]=%s', gettype($stateInstance))); if ($stateInstance instanceof Stateable) { // Then use that state name $stateName = $stateInstance->getStateName(); } // Return result //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->traceMessage(sprintf('BASE-FRAMEWORK-SYSTEM: stateName=%s - EXIT!', $stateName)); return $stateName; } }