* @version 0.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Roland Haeder, 2009 - 2022 Core Developer Team * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * @link http://www.shipsimu.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class ImageTemplateEngine extends BaseTemplateEngine implements CompileableTemplate { /** * Main nodes in the XML tree ('image' is ignored) */ private $mainNodes = array( 'base', 'type', 'resolution', 'background-color', 'foreground-color', 'image-string' ); /** * Sub nodes in the XML tree */ private $subNodes = array( 'name', 'string-name', 'x', 'y', 'font-size', 'width', 'height', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'text' ); /** * Current main node */ private $currMainNode = ''; /** * Instance of the image */ private $imageInstance = NULL; /** * Protected constructor * * @return void */ private function __construct () { // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(__CLASS__); } /** * Creates an instance of the class TemplateEngine and prepares it for usage * * @return $templateInstance An instance of TemplateEngine * @throws UnexpectedValueException If the provided $templateBasePath is empty or no string * @throws InvalidDirectoryException If $templateBasePath is no * directory or not found * @throws BasePathReadProtectedException If $templateBasePath is * read-protected */ public static final function createImageTemplateEngine () { // Get a new instance $templateInstance = new ImageTemplateEngine(); // Get the application instance from registry $applicationInstance = ApplicationHelper::getSelfInstance(); // Determine base path $templateBasePath = FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('application_base_path') . $applicationInstance->getAppShortName(). '/'; // Is the base path valid? if (empty($templateBasePath)) { // Base path is empty throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('[%s:%d] Variable templateBasePath is empty.', $templateInstance->__toString(), __LINE__), self::EXCEPTION_UNEXPECTED_EMPTY_STRING); } elseif (!is_dir($templateBasePath)) { // Is not a path throw new InvalidDirectoryException(array($templateInstance, $templateBasePath), self::EXCEPTION_INVALID_PATH_NAME); } elseif (!is_readable($templateBasePath)) { // Is not readable throw new BasePathReadProtectedException(array($templateInstance, $templateBasePath), self::EXCEPTION_READ_PROTECED_PATH); } // Set the base path $templateInstance->setTemplateBasePath($templateBasePath); // Set template extensions $templateInstance->setRawTemplateExtension(FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('raw_template_extension')); $templateInstance->setCodeTemplateExtension(FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('code_template_extension')); // Absolute output path for compiled templates $templateInstance->setCompileOutputPath(sprintf('%s%s/', $templateBasePath, FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('compile_output_path') )); // Return the prepared instance return $templateInstance; } /** * Getter for current main node * * @return $currMainNode Current main node */ public final function getCurrMainNode () { return $this->currMainNode; } /** * Getter for main node array * * @return $mainNodes Array with valid main node names */ public final function getMainNodes () { return $this->mainNodes; } /** * Getter for sub node array * * @return $subNodes Array with valid sub node names */ public final function getSubNodes () { return $this->subNodes; } /** * Setter for image instance * * @param $imageInstance An instance of an image * @return void */ public final function setImageInstance (BaseImage $imageInstance) { $this->imageInstance = $imageInstance; } /** * Getter for image instance * * @return $imageInstance An instance of an image */ public final function getImageInstance () { return $this->imageInstance; } /** * Handles the start element of an XML resource * * @param $resource XML parser resource (currently ignored) * @param $element The element we shall handle * @param $attributes All attributes * @return void * @throws InvalidXmlNodeException If an unknown/invalid XML node name was found */ public function startElement ($resource, string $element, array $attributes) { // Initial method name which will never be called... $methodName = 'initImage'; // Make the element name lower-case $element = strtolower($element); // Is the element a main node? //* DEBUG: */ echo "START: >".$element."<
\n"; if (in_array($element, $this->mainNodes)) { // Okay, main node found! $methodName = 'setImage' . StringUtils::convertToClassName($element); } elseif (in_array($element, $this->subNodes)) { // Sub node found $methodName = 'setImageProperty' . StringUtils::convertToClassName($element); } elseif ($element != 'image') { // Invalid node name found throw new InvalidXmlNodeException([$this, $element, $attributes], Parseable::EXCEPTION_XML_NODE_UNKNOWN); } // Call method //* DEBUG: */ echo "call: ".$methodName."
\n"; call_user_func_array(array($this, $methodName), $attributes); } /** * Ends the main or sub node by sending out the gathered data * * @param $resource An XML resource pointer (currently ignored) * @param $nodeName Name of the node we want to finish * @return void * @throws XmlNodeMismatchException If current main node mismatches the closing one */ public function finishElement ($resource, string $nodeName) { // Does this match with current main node? //* DEBUG: */ echo "END: >".$nodeName."<
\n"; if (($nodeName != $this->getCurrMainNode()) && (in_array($nodeName, $this->getMainNodes()))) { // Did not match! throw new XmlNodeMismatchException (array($this, $nodeName, $this->getCurrMainNode()), Parseable::EXCEPTION_XML_NODE_MISMATCH); } elseif (in_array($nodeName, $this->getSubNodes())) { // Silently ignore sub nodes return; } // Construct method name $methodName = sprintf('finish%s', StringUtils::convertToClassName($nodeName)); // Call the corresponding method call_user_func_array(array($this->getImageInstance(), $methodName), []); } /** * Currently not used * * @param $resource XML parser resource (currently ignored) * @param $characters Characters to handle * @return void * @todo Find something usefull with this! */ public function characterHandler ($resource, string $characters) { // Trim all spaces away $characters = trim($characters); // Is this string empty? if (empty($characters)) { // Then skip it silently return; } // Unfinished work! $this->partialStub('Handling extra characters is not yet supported!'); } /** * Intializes the image * * @return void * @todo Add cache creation here */ private function initImage () { // Unfinished work! } /** * Set the image type * * @param $imageType Code fragment or direct value holding the image type * @return void */ private function setImageType (string $imageType) { // Set group to general $this->setVariableGroup('general'); // Try to compile it first to get the value from variable stack $imageType = $this->compileRawCode($imageType); // Now make a class name of it $className = StringUtils::convertToClassName($imageType.'_image'); // And try to initiate it $this->setImageInstance(ObjectFactory::createObjectByName($className, [$this])); // Set current main node to type $this->currMainNode = 'type'; } /** * "Setter" for resolution, we first need to collect the resolution from the * sub-nodes. So first, this method will prepare an array for it * * @return void */ private function setImageResolution () { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->initResolution(); // Current main node is resolution $this->currMainNode = 'resolution'; } /** * "Setter" for base information. For more details see above method! * * @return void * @see ImageTemplateEngine::setImageResolution */ private function setImageBase () { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->initBase(); // Current main node is resolution $this->currMainNode = 'base'; } /** * "Setter" for background-color. For more details see above method! * * @return void * @see ImageTemplateEngine::setImageResolution */ private function setImageBackgroundColor () { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->initBackgroundColor(); // Current main node is background-color $this->currMainNode = 'background-color'; } /** * "Setter" for foreground-color. For more details see above method! * * @return void * @see ImageTemplateEngine::setImageResolution */ private function setImageForegroundColor () { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->initForegroundColor(); // Current main node is foreground-color $this->currMainNode = 'foreground-color'; } /** * "Setter" for image-string. For more details see above method! * * @param $groupable Whether this image string is groupable * @return void * @see ImageTemplateEngine::setImageResolution */ private function setImageImageString (string $groupable = 'single') { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->initImageString($groupable); // Current main node is foreground-color $this->currMainNode = 'image-string'; } /** * Setter for image name * * @param $imageName Name of the image * @return void */ private function setImagePropertyName (string $imageName) { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->setImageName($imageName); } /** * Setter for image width * * @param $width Width of the image or variable * @return void */ private function setImagePropertyWidth (int $width) { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->setWidth($width); } /** * Setter for image height * * @param $height Height of the image or variable * @return void */ private function setImagePropertyHeight (int $height) { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->setHeight($height); } /** * Setter for image red color * * @param $red Red color value * @return void */ private function setImagePropertyRed ($red) { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->setRed($red); } /** * Setter for image green color * * @param $green Green color value * @return void */ private function setImagePropertyGreen ($green) { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->setGreen($green); } /** * Setter for image blue color * * @param $blue Blue color value * @return void */ private function setImagePropertyBlue ($blue) { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->setBlue($blue); } /** * Setter for string name (identifier) * * @param $stringName String name (identifier) * @return void */ private function setImagePropertyStringName (string $stringName) { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->setStringName($stringName); } /** * Setter for font size * * @param $fontSize Size of the font * @return void */ private function setImagePropertyFontSize (int $fontSize) { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->setFontSize($fontSize); } /** * Setter for image string * * @param $imageString Image string to set * @return void */ private function setImagePropertyText (string $imageString) { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->setString($imageString); } /** * Setter for X coordinate * * @param $x X coordinate * @return void */ private function setImagePropertyX (int $x) { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->setX($x); } /** * Setter for Y coordinate * * @param $y Y coordinate * @return void */ private function setImagePropertyY (int $y) { // Call the image class $this->getImageInstance()->setY($y); } /** * Getter for image cache file instance * * @return $fileInstance An instance of a SplFileInfo class */ public function getImageCacheFile () { // Get the instance ready $fileInstance = new SplFileInfo(sprintf('%s%s%s/%s.%s', FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('root_base_path'), $this->getGenericBasePath(), 'images/_cache', md5( $this->getImageInstance()->getImageName() . ':' . $this->__toString() . ':' . $this->getImageInstance()->__toString() ), $this->getImageInstance()->getImageType() )); // Return it return $fileInstance; } /** * Outputs the image to the world * * @param $responseInstance An instance of a Responseable class * @return void * @todo Nothing to really "transfer" here? */ public function transferToResponse (Responseable $responseInstance) { // Set the image instance $responseInstance->setImageInstance($this->getImageInstance()); } /** * Load a specified image template into the engine * * @param $template The image template we shall load which is * located in 'image' by default * @return void */ public function loadImageTemplate (string $template) { // Set template type $this->setTemplateType(FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('image_template_type')); // Load the special template $this->loadTemplate($template); } }