* @version 0.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Roland Haeder, 2009 - 2015 Core Developer Team * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * @link http://www.ship-simu.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class FileIterator extends BaseIterator implements SeekableWritableFileIterator { /** * Protected constructor * * @return void */ protected function __construct () { // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(__CLASS__); } /** * Creates an instance of this class * * @param $pointerInstance An instance of a Block class * @return $iteratorInstance An instance of a Iterator class */ public final static function createFileIterator (Block $blockInstance) { // Get new instance $iteratorInstance = new FileIterator(); // Set the instance here /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput(sprintf('[%s:%d] Setting blockInstance=%s ...', __METHOD__, __LINE__, $blockInstance->__toString())); $iteratorInstance->setBlockInstance($blockInstance); // Return the prepared instance return $iteratorInstance; } /** * Gets currently read data * * @return $current Currently read data */ public function current () { // Call block instance return $this->getBlockInstance()->current(); } /** * Gets current seek position ("key"). * * @return $key Current key in iteration */ public function key () { // Return it return $this->getBlockInstance()->determineSeekPosition(); } /** * Advances to next "block" of bytes * * @return void */ public function next () { // Call block instance $this->getBlockInstance()->next(); } /** * Rewinds to the beginning of the file * * @return $status Status of this operation */ public function rewind () { // Call block instance return $this->getBlockInstance()->rewind(); } /** * Checks wether the current entry is valid (not at the end of the file). * This method will return TRUE if an emptied (nulled) entry has been found. * * @return $isValid Whether the next entry is valid */ public function valid () { // Call block instance return $this->getBlockInstance()->valid(); } /** * Seeks to given position * * @param $seekPosition Seek position in file * @return $status Status of this operation */ public function seek ($seekPosition) { // Call block instance return $this->getBlockInstance()->seek($seekPosition); } /** * Size of file stack * * @return $size Size (in bytes) of file */ public function size () { // Call the block object $size = $this->getBlockInstance()->size(); // Return result return $size; } /** * Reads given amount of bytes from file. * * @param $bytes Amount of bytes to read * @return $data Data read from file */ public function read ($bytes = NULL) { // Call block instance return $this->getBlockInstance()->read($bytes); } /** * Analyzes entries in index file. This will count all found (and valid) * entries, mark invalid as damaged and count gaps ("fragmentation"). If * only gaps are found, the file is considered as "virgin" (no entries). * * @return void */ public function analyzeFile () { // Just call the block instance $this->getBlockInstance()->analyzeFile(); } /** * Checks whether the file header is initialized * * @return $isInitialized Whether the file header is initialized */ public function isFileHeaderInitialized () { // Just call the block instance return $this->getBlockInstance()->isFileHeaderInitialized(); } /** * Creates the assigned file * * @return void */ public function createFileHeader () { // Just call the block instance $this->getBlockInstance()->createFileHeader(); } /** * Pre-allocates file (if enabled) with some space for later faster write access. * * @param $type Type of the file * @return void */ public function preAllocateFile ($type) { // Just call the block instance $this->getBlockInstance()->preAllocateFile($type); } /** * Initializes counter for valid entries, arrays for damaged entries and * an array for gap seek positions. If you call this method on your own, * please re-analyze the file structure. So you are better to call * analyzeFile() instead of this method. * * @return void */ public function initCountersGapsArray () { // Call block instance $this->getBlockInstance()->initCountersGapsArray(); } /** * Getter for header size * * @return $totalEntries Size of file header */ public final function getHeaderSize () { // Call block instance return $this->getBlockInstance()->getHeaderSize(); } /** * Setter for header size * * @param $headerSize Size of file header * @return void */ public final function setHeaderSize ($headerSize) { // Call block instance $this->getBlockInstance()->setHeaderSize($headerSize); } /** * Getter for header array * * @return $totalEntries Size of file header */ public final function getHeader () { // Call block instance return $this->getBlockInstance()->getHeader(); } /** * Setter for header * * @param $header Array for a file header * @return void */ public final function setHeader (array $header) { // Call block instance $this->getBlockInstance()->setHeader($header); } /** * Updates seekPosition attribute from file to avoid to much access on file. * * @return void */ public function updateSeekPosition () { // Call block instance $this->getBlockInstance()->updateSeekPosition(); } /** * Getter for total entries * * @return $totalEntries Total entries in this file */ public final function getCounter () { // Call block instance return $this->getBlockInstance()->getCounter(); } /** * "Getter" for file size * * @return $fileSize Size of currently loaded file */ public function getFileSize () { // Call block instance return $this->getBlockInstance()->getFileSize(); } /** * Writes data at given position * * @param $seekPosition Seek position * @param $data Data to be written * @param $flushHeader Whether to flush the header (default: flush) * @return void */ public function writeData ($seekPosition, $data, $flushHeader = TRUE) { // Call block instance $this->getBlockInstance()->writeData($seekPosition, $data, $flushHeader); } /** * Getter for seek position * * @return $seekPosition Current seek position (stored here in object) */ public function getSeekPosition () { // Call block instance return $this->getBlockInstance()->getSeekPosition(); } } // [EOF] ?>