* @version 0.0.0 * @copyright Copyright(c) 2007, 2008 Roland Haeder, this is free software * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * @link http://www.ship-simu.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * The extended headers are taken from phpMyAdmin setup tool, written by * Michal Cihar , licensed under GNU GPL 2.0. */ class HttpResponse extends BaseFrameworkSystem implements Responseable { /** * Response status */ private $responseStatus = "200 OK"; /** * Array with all headers */ private $responseHeaders = array(); /** * Cookies we shall sent out */ private $cookies = array(); /** * Body of the response */ private $responseBody = ""; /** * Instance of the template engine */ private $templateEngine = null; /** * Fatal resolved messages from filters and so on */ private $fatalMessages = array(); /** * Protected constructor * * @return void */ protected function __construct () { // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(__CLASS__); // Set part description $this->setObjectDescription("HTTP response"); // Create unique ID number $this->generateUniqueId(); // Clean up a little $this->removeNumberFormaters(); $this->removeSystemArray(); } /** * Creates an object of this class * * @param $appInstance An instance of a manageable application * @return $responseInstance A prepared instance of this class */ public final static function createHttpResponse (ManageableApplication $appInstance) { // Get a new instance $responseInstance = new HttpResponse(); // Set the application instance $responseInstance->setApplicationInstance($appInstance); // Initialize the template engine here $responseInstance->initTemplateEngine($appInstance); // Return the prepared instance return $responseInstance; } /** * Setter for status * * @param $status New response status * @return void */ public final function setResponseStatus ($status) { $this->responseStatus = (string) $status; } /** * Add header element * * @param $name Name of header element * @param $value Value of header element * @return void */ public final function addHeader ($name, $value) { $this->responseHeaders[$name] = $value; } /** * Reset the header array * * @return void */ public final function resetResponseHeaders () { $this->responseHeaders = array(); } /** * "Writes" data to the response body * * @param $output Output we shall sent in the HTTP response * @return void */ public function writeToBody ($output) { $this->responseBody .= $output; } /** * Sets the response body to something new * * @param $output Output we shall sent in the HTTP response * @return void */ public function setResponseBody ($output) { $this->responseBody = $output; } /** * Flushs the cached HTTP response to the outer world * * @param $foce Wether we shall force the output or abort if headers are * already sent with an exception * @return void * @throws ResponseHeadersAlreadySentException Thrown if headers are * already sent */ public function flushBuffer ($force=false) { if ((headers_sent()) && (!$force)) { // Headers are already sent! throw new ResponseHeadersAlreadySentException($this, self::EXCEPTION_HEADERS_ALREADY_SENT); } elseif (!headers_sent()) { // Send headers out header("HTTP/1.1 {$this->responseStatus}"); // Used later $now = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'; // General header for no caching $this->addHeader('Expired', $now); // rfc2616 - Section 14.21 $this->addHeader('Last-Modified', $now); $this->addHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0'); // HTTP/1.1 $this->addHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache'); // HTTP/1.0 // Define the charset to be used //$this->addHeader('Content-Type:', sprintf("text/html; charset=%s", $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig('header_charset'))); foreach ($this->responseHeaders as $name=>$value) { header("{$name}: {$value}"); } // END - foreach // Send cookies out? if (count($this->cookies) > 0) { // Send all cookies $cookieString = implode(" ", $this->cookies); header("Set-Cookie: {$cookieString}"); // Remove them all $this->cookies = array(); } // END - if } // Are there some error messages? if (count($this->fatalMessages) == 0) { // Flush the output to the world $this->getWebOutputInstance()->output($this->responseBody); } else { // Display all error messages $this->getApplicationInstance()->handleFatalMessages($this->fatalMessages); // Send the error messages out to the world $this->getWebOutputInstance()->output($this->responseBody); } // Clear response header and body $this->setResponseBody(""); $this->resetResponseHeaders(); } /** * Initializes the template engine instance * * @param $appInstance An instance of a manageable application * @return void */ public final function initTemplateEngine (ManageableApplication $appInstance) { $this->templateEngine = $this->prepareTemplateEngine($appInstance); } /** * Getter for the template engine instance * * @return $templateEngine An instance of the used template engine */ public final function getTemplateEngine () { return $this->templateEngine; } /** * Adds a fatal message id to the response. The added messages can then be * processed and outputed to the world * * @param $messageId The message id we shall add * @return void */ public final function addFatalMessage ($messageId) { // Adds the resolved message id to the fatal message list $this->fatalMessages[] = $this->getApplicationInstance()->getLanguageInstance()->getMessage($messageId); } /** * Adds a cookie to the response * * @param $cookieName Cookie's name * @param $cookieValue Value to store in the cookie * @param $encrypted Do some extra encryption on the value * @return void * @throws ResponseHeadersAlreadySentException If headers are already sent */ public function addCookie ($cookieName, $cookieValue, $encrypted = false) { // Are headers already sent? if (headers_sent()) { // Throw an exception here throw new ResponseHeadersAlreadySentException($this, self::EXCEPTION_HEADERS_ALREADY_SENT); } // END - if // Shall we encrypt the cookie? if ($encrypted === true) { // @TODO Encryption of cookie data not yet supported } // END - if // For slow browsers set the cookie array element first $_COOKIE[$cookieName] = $cookieValue; // Get a config entries $expires = (time() + $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig('cookie_expire')); $path = $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig('cookie_path'); $domain = $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig('cookie_domain'); setcookie($cookieName, $cookieValue, $expires); // TODO Why are these parameters conflicting? //, $path, $domain, (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) return; // TODO This will send only one cookie out, the first one. // Now construct the full header $cookieString = $cookieName . "=" . $cookieValue . "; "; $cookieString .= "expires=" . date("D, d-F-Y H:i:s", $expires) . " GMT"; // TODO Why are these parameters conflicting? // $cookieString .= "; path=".$path."; domain=".$domain; // Set the cookie as a header $this->cookies[$cookieName] = $cookieString; } /** * Redirect to a configured URL. The URL can be absolute or relative. In * case of relative URL it will be extended automatically. * * @param $configEntry The configuration entry which holds our URL * @return void * @throws ResponseHeadersAlreadySentException If headers are already sent */ public function redirectToConfiguredUrl ($configEntry) { // Is the header not yet sent? if (headers_sent()) { // Throw an exception here throw new ResponseHeadersAlreadySentException($this, self::EXCEPTION_HEADERS_ALREADY_SENT); } // END - if // Get the url from config $url = $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig($configEntry); // Do we have a "http" in front of the URL? if (substr(strtolower($url), 0, 4) != "http") { // Is there a / in front of the relative URL? if (substr($url, 0, 1) == "/") $url = substr($url, 1); // No, then extend it with our base URL $url = $this->getConfigInstance()->readConfig('base_url') . "/" . $url; } // END - if // Add redirect header $this->addHeader("Location", $url); // Set correct response status $this->setResponseStatus("301 Moved Permanently"); // Clear the body $this->setResponseBody(""); // Flush the result $this->flushBuffer(); // All done here... exit(); } } // [EOF] ?>