0)) { // Value detected, is the message extension installed? // @TODO Extension 'msg' does not exist if (isExtensionActive('msg')) { ADD_MESSAGE_TO_BOX($toEmail, $subject, $message, $isHtml); return; } else { // Does the user exist? if (fetchUserData($toEmail)) { // Get the email $toEmail = getUserData('email'); } else { // Set webmaster $toEmail = getConfig('WEBMASTER'); } } } elseif ($toEmail == '0') { // Is the webmaster! $toEmail = getConfig('WEBMASTER'); } //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "TO={$toEmail}
"); // Check for PHPMailer or debug-mode if ((!checkPhpMailerUsage()) || (isDebugModeEnabled())) { // Prefix is '' for text mails $prefix = ''; // Is HTML? if ($isHTML == 'Y') { // Set prefix $prefix = 'html_'; } // END - if // Not in PHPMailer-Mode if (empty($mailHeader)) { // Load email header template $mailHeader = loadEmailTemplate($prefix . 'header'); } else { // Append header $mailHeader .= loadEmailTemplate($prefix . 'header'); } } // END - if // Fix HTML parameter (default is no!) if (empty($isHtml)) $isHtml = 'N'; // Debug mode enabled? if (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // In debug mode we want to display the mail instead of sending it away so we can debug this part outputHtml('
Headers : ' . htmlentities(utf8_decode(trim($mailHeader))) . '
To      : ' . htmlentities(utf8_decode($toEmail)) . '
Subject : ' . htmlentities(utf8_decode($subject)) . '
Message : ' . htmlentities(utf8_decode($message)) . '
'); // This is always fine return true; } elseif (!empty($toEmail)) { // Send Mail away return sendRawEmail($toEmail, $subject, $message, $mailHeader); } elseif ($isHtml != 'Y') { // Problem found! return sendRawEmail(getConfig('WEBMASTER'), '[PROBLEM:]' . $subject, $message, $mailHeader); } // Why did we end up here? This should not happen debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Ending up: template=' . $template); } // Check to use wether legacy mail() command or PHPMailer class // @TODO Rewrite this to an extension 'smtp' // @private function checkPhpMailerUsage() { return ((getConfig('SMTP_HOSTNAME') != '') && (getConfig('SMTP_USER') != '')); } // Send out a raw email with PHPMailer class or legacy mail() command function sendRawEmail ($toEmail, $subject, $message, $headers) { // Just compile all to put out all configs, etc. $eval = '$toEmail = decodeEntities("' . escapeQuotes(doFinalCompilation(compileRawCode($toEmail), false)) . '"); '; $eval .= '$subject = decodeEntities("' . escapeQuotes(doFinalCompilation(compileRawCode($subject), false)) . '"); '; $eval .= '$headers = decodeEntities("' . escapeQuotes(doFinalCompilation(compileRawCode($headers), false)) . '"); '; // Do not decode entities in the message because we also send HTML mails through this function $eval .= '$message = "' . escapeQuotes(doFinalCompilation(compileRawCode($message), false)) . '";'; // Run the final eval() command eval($eval); // Shall we use PHPMailer class or legacy mode? if (checkPhpMailerUsage()) { // Use PHPMailer class with SMTP enabled loadIncludeOnce('inc/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'); loadIncludeOnce('inc/phpmailer/class.smtp.php'); // get new instance $mail = new PHPMailer(); // Set charset to UTF-8 $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; // Path for PHPMailer $mail->PluginDir = sprintf("%sinc/phpmailer/", getPath()); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Host = getConfig('SMTP_HOSTNAME'); $mail->Port = 25; $mail->Username = getConfig('SMTP_USER'); $mail->Password = getConfig('SMTP_PASSWORD'); if (empty($headers)) { $mail->From = getConfig('WEBMASTER'); } else { $mail->From = $headers; } $mail->FromName = getMainTitle(); $mail->Subject = $subject; if ((isExtensionActive('html_mail')) && (secureString($message) != $message)) { $mail->Body = $message; $mail->AltBody = 'Your mail program required HTML support to read this mail!'; $mail->WordWrap = 70; $mail->IsHTML(true); } else { $mail->Body = decodeEntities($message); } $mail->AddAddress($toEmail, ''); $mail->AddReplyTo(getConfig('WEBMASTER'), getMainTitle()); $mail->AddCustomHeader('Errors-To:' . getConfig('WEBMASTER')); $mail->AddCustomHeader('X-Loop:' . getConfig('WEBMASTER')); $mail->AddCustomHeader('Bounces-To:' . getConfig('WEBMASTER')); $mail->Send(); // Has an error occured? if (!empty($mail->ErrorInfo)) { // Log message logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Error while sending mail: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo); // Raise an error return false; } else { // All fine! return true; } } else { // Use legacy mail() command return mail($toEmail, $subject, decodeEntities($message), $headers); } } // Generate a password in a specified length or use default password length function generatePassword ($length = '0') { // Auto-fix invalid length of zero if ($length == '0') $length = getConfig('pass_len'); // Initialize array with all allowed chars $ABC = explode(',', 'a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-,+,_,/,.'); // Start creating password $PASS = ''; for ($i = '0'; $i < $length; $i++) { $PASS .= $ABC[mt_rand(0, count($ABC) -1)]; } // END - for // When the size is below 40 we can also add additional security by scrambling // it. Otherwise we may corrupt hashes if (strlen($PASS) <= 40) { // Also scramble the password $PASS = scrambleString($PASS); } // END - if // Return the password return $PASS; } // Generates a human-readable timestamp from the Uni* stamp function generateDateTime ($time, $mode = '0') { // If the stamp is zero it mostly didn't "happen" if ($time == '0') { // Never happend return '{--NEVER_HAPPENED--}'; } // END - if // Filter out numbers $time = bigintval($time); // Is it cached? if (isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$time][$mode])) { // Then use it return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$time][$mode]; } // END - if // Detect language switch (getLanguage()) { case 'de': // German date / time format switch ($mode) { case '0': $ret = date("d.m.Y \u\m H:i \U\h\\r", $time); break; case '1': $ret = strtolower(date('d.m.Y - H:i', $time)); break; case '2': $ret = date('d.m.Y|H:i', $time); break; case '3': $ret = date('d.m.Y', $time); break; case '4': $ret = date('d.m.Y|H:i:s', $time); break; case '5': $ret = date('d-m-Y (l-F-T)', $time); break; case '6': $ret = date('Ymd', $time); break; default: logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid date mode %s detected.", $mode)); break; } break; default: // Default is the US date / time format! switch ($mode) { case '0': $ret = date('r', $time); break; case '1': $ret = strtolower(date('Y-m-d - g:i A', $time)); break; case '2': $ret = date('y-m-d|H:i', $time); break; case '3': $ret = date('y-m-d', $time); break; case '4': $ret = date('d.m.Y|H:i:s', $time); break; case '5': $ret = date('d-m-Y (l-F-T)', $time); break; case '6': $ret = date('Ymd', $time); break; default: logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid date mode %s detected.", $mode)); break; } // END - switch } // END - switch // Store it in cache $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$time][$mode] = $ret; // Return result return $ret; } // Translates Y/N to yes/no function translateYesNo ($yn) { // Is it cached? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$yn])) { // Default $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$yn] = '??? (' . $yn . ')'; switch ($yn) { case 'Y': $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$yn] = '{--YES--}'; break; case 'N': $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$yn] = '{--NO--}'; break; default: // Log unknown value logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown value %s. Expected Y/N!", $yn)); break; } // END - switch } // END - if // Return it return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$yn]; } // Translates the "pool type" into human-readable function translatePoolType ($type) { // Return "translation" return sprintf("{--POOL_TYPE_%s--}", $type); } // Translates the american decimal dot into a german comma function translateComma ($dotted, $cut = true, $max = '0') { // First, cast all to double, due to PHP changes $dotted = (double) $dotted; // Default is 3 you can change this in admin area "Misc -> Misc Options" if (!isConfigEntrySet('max_comma')) setConfigEntry('max_comma', 3); // Use from config is default $maxComma = getConfig('max_comma'); // Use from parameter? if ($max > 0) $maxComma = $max; // Cut zeros off? if (($cut === true) && ($max == '0')) { // Test for commata if in cut-mode $com = explode('.', $dotted); if (count($com) < 2) { // Don't display commatas even if there are none... ;-) $maxComma = '0'; } // END - if } // END - if // Debug log // Translate it now $translated = $dotted; switch (getLanguage()) { case 'de': // German language $translated = number_format($dotted, $maxComma, ',', '.'); break; default: // All others $translated = number_format($dotted, $maxComma, '.', ','); break; } // END - switch // Return translated value //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'dotted=' . $dotted . ',translated=' . $translated . ',maxComma=' . $maxComma); return $translated; } // Translate Uni*-like gender to human-readable function translateGender ($gender) { // Default $ret = '!' . $gender . '!'; // Male/female or company? switch ($gender) { case 'M': // Male case 'F': // Female case 'C': // Company $ret = sprintf("{--GENDER_%s--}", $gender); break; default: // Please report bugs on unknown genders debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown gender %s detected.", $gender)); break; } // END - switch // Return translated gender return $ret; } // "Translates" the user status function translateUserStatus ($status) { // Generate message depending on status switch ($status) { case 'UNCONFIRMED': case 'CONFIRMED': case 'LOCKED': $ret = sprintf("{--ACCOUNT_STATUS_%s--}", $status); break; case '': case null: $ret = '{--ACCOUNT_STATUS_DELETED--}'; break; default: // Please report all unknown status debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown status %s(%s) detected.", $status, gettype($status))); break; } // END - switch // Return it return $ret; } // "Translates" 'visible' and 'locked' to a CSS class function translateMenuVisibleLocked ($content, $prefix = '') { // Translate 'visible' and keep an eye on the prefix switch ($content['visible']) { // Should be visible case 'Y': $content['visible_css'] = $prefix . 'menu_visible' ; break; case 'N': $content['visible_css'] = $prefix . 'menu_invisible'; break; default: // Please report this debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Unsupported visible value detected. content=
' . print_r($content, true) . '
'); break; } // END - switch // Translate 'locked' and keep an eye on the prefix switch ($content['locked']) { // Should be locked case 'Y': $content['locked_css'] = $prefix . 'menu_locked' ; break; case 'N': $content['locked_css'] = $prefix . 'menu_unlocked'; break; default: // Please report this debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Unsupported locked value detected. content=
' . print_r($content, true) . '
'); break; } // END - switch // Return the resulting array return $content; } // Generates an URL for the dereferer function generateDerefererUrl ($URL) { // Don't de-refer our own links! if (substr($URL, 0, strlen(getUrl())) != getUrl()) { // De-refer this link $URL = '{%url=modules.php?module=loader&url=' . encodeString(compileUriCode($URL)) . '%}'; } // END - if // Return link return $URL; } // Generates an URL for the frametester function generateFrametesterUrl ($URL) { // Prepare frametester URL $frametesterUrl = sprintf("{%%url=modules.php?module=frametester&url=%s%%}", encodeString(compileUriCode($URL)) ); // Return the new URL return $frametesterUrl; } // Count entries from e.g. a selection box function countSelection ($array) { // Integrity check if (!is_array($array)) { // Not an array! debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'No array provided.'); } // END - if // Init count $ret = '0'; // Count all entries foreach ($array as $key => $selected) { // Is it checked? if (!empty($selected)) $ret++; } // END - foreach // Return counted selections return $ret; } // Generates a timestamp (some wrapper for mktime()) function makeTime ($hours, $minutes, $seconds, $stamp) { // Extract day, month and year from given timestamp $days = getDay($stamp); $months = getMonth($stamp); $years = getYear($stamp); // Create timestamp for wished time which depends on extracted date return mktime( $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $months, $days, $years ); } // Redirects to an URL and if neccessarry extends it with own base URL function redirectToUrl ($URL, $allowSpider = true) { // Remove {%url= if (substr($URL, 0, 6) == '{%url=') $URL = substr($URL, 6, -2); // Compile out codes eval('$URL = "' . compileRawCode(encodeUrl($URL)) . '";'); // Default 'rel' value is external, nofollow is evil from Google and hurts the Internet $rel = ' rel="external"'; // Do we have internal or external URL? if (substr($URL, 0, strlen(getUrl())) == getUrl()) { // Own (=internal) URL $rel = ''; } // END - if // Three different ways to debug... //* DEBUG: */ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'URL=' . $URL); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'URL=' . $URL); //* DEBUG: */ die($URL); // Simple probe for bots/spiders from search engines if ((isSpider()) && ($allowSpider === true)) { // Set HTTP-Status setHttpStatus('200 OK'); // Set content-type here to fix a missing array element setContentType('text/html'); // Output new location link as anchor outputHtml('' . secureString($URL) . ''); } elseif (!headers_sent()) { // Clear output buffer clearOutputBuffer(); // Clear own output buffer $GLOBALS['output'] = ''; // Set header setHttpStatus('302 Found'); // Load URL when headers are not sent sendRawRedirect(doFinalCompilation(str_replace('&', '&', $URL), false)); } else { // Output error message loadInclude('inc/header.php'); loadTemplate('redirect_url', false, str_replace('&', '&', $URL)); loadInclude('inc/footer.php'); } // Shut the mailer down here shutdown(); } /************************************************************************ * * * Gaenderter Sortier-Algorythmus, $array wird nach dem Array (!) * * $a_sort sortiert: * * * * $array - Das 3-dimensionale Array, das paralell sortiert werden soll * * $a_sort - Array, das die Sortiereihenfolge der ersten Elementeben * * $primary_key - Prim.rschl.ssel aus $a_sort, nach dem sortiert wird * * $order - Sortiereihenfolge: -1 = a-Z, 0 = keine, 1 = Z-a * * $nums - true = Als Zahlen sortieren, false = Als Zeichen sortieren * * * * $a_sort muss Elemente enthalten, deren Wert Schluessel von $array * * sind... Klingt kompliziert, suchen Sie mal mein Beispiel, dann sehen * * Sie, dass es doch nicht so schwer ist! :-) * * * ************************************************************************/ function array_pk_sort (&$array, $a_sort, $primary_key = '0', $order = -1, $nums = false) { $dummy = $array; while ($primary_key < count($a_sort)) { foreach ($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]] as $key => $value) { foreach ($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]] as $key2 => $value2) { $match = false; if ($nums === false) { // Sort byte-by-byte (also numbers will be interpreted as chars! E.g.: "9" > "10") if (($key != $key2) && (strcmp(strtolower($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key]), strtolower($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key2])) == $order)) $match = true; } elseif ($key != $key2) { // Sort numbers (E.g.: 9 < 10) if (($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key] < $dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key2]) && ($order == -1)) $match = true; if (($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key] > $dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key2]) && ($order == 1)) $match = true; } if ($match) { // We have found two different values, so let's sort whole array foreach ($dummy as $sort_key => $sort_val) { $t = $dummy[$sort_key][$key]; $dummy[$sort_key][$key] = $dummy[$sort_key][$key2]; $dummy[$sort_key][$key2] = $t; unset($t); } // END - foreach } // END - if } // END - foreach } // END - foreach // Count one up $primary_key++; } // END - while // Write back sorted array $array = $dummy; } // // Deprecated : $length // Optional : $DATA // function generateRandomCode ($length, $code, $userid, $DATA = '') { // Build server string $server = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . getEncryptSeperator() . detectUserAgent() . getEncryptSeperator() . getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE') . getEncryptSeperator() . detectRemoteAddr(); // Build key string $keys = getConfig('SITE_KEY') . getEncryptSeperator() . getConfig('DATE_KEY'); if (isConfigEntrySet('secret_key')) $keys .= getEncryptSeperator().getSecretKey(); if (isConfigEntrySet('file_hash')) $keys .= getEncryptSeperator().getFileHash(); $keys .= getEncryptSeperator() . getDateFromPatchTime(); if (isConfigEntrySet('master_salt')) $keys .= getEncryptSeperator().getMasterSalt(); // Build string from misc data $data = $code . getEncryptSeperator() . $userid . getEncryptSeperator() . $DATA; // Add more additional data if (isSessionVariableSet('u_hash')) $data .= getEncryptSeperator() . getSession('u_hash'); // Add referal id, language, theme and userid $data .= getEncryptSeperator() . determineReferalId(); $data .= getEncryptSeperator() . getLanguage(); $data .= getEncryptSeperator() . getCurrentTheme(); $data .= getEncryptSeperator() . getMemberId(); // Calculate number for generating the code $a = $code + getConfig('_ADD') - 1; if (isConfigEntrySet('master_salt')) { // Generate hash with master salt from modula of number with the prime number and other data $saltedHash = generateHash(($a % getPrime()) . getEncryptSeperator() . $server . getEncryptSeperator() . $keys . getEncryptSeperator() . $data . getEncryptSeperator() . getConfig('DATE_KEY') . getEncryptSeperator() . $a, getMasterSalt()); // Create number from hash $rcode = hexdec(substr($saltedHash, strlen(getMasterSalt()), 9)) / abs(getConfig('rand_no') - $a + sqrt(getConfig('_ADD'))) / pi(); } else { // Generate hash with "hash of site key" from modula of number with the prime number and other data $saltedHash = generateHash(($a % getPrime()) . getEncryptSeperator() . $server . getEncryptSeperator() . $keys . getEncryptSeperator() . $data . getEncryptSeperator() . getConfig('DATE_KEY') . getEncryptSeperator() . $a, substr(sha1(getConfig('SITE_KEY')), 0, getSaltLength())); // Create number from hash $rcode = hexdec(substr($saltedHash, 8, 9)) / abs(getConfig('rand_no') - $a + sqrt(getConfig('_ADD'))) / pi(); } // At least 10 numbers shall be secure enought! $len = getConfig('code_length'); if ($len == '0') $len = $length; if ($len == '0') $len = 10; // Cut off requested counts of number $return = substr(str_replace('.', '', $rcode), 0, $len); // Done building code return $return; } // Does only allow numbers function bigintval ($num, $castValue = true, $abortOnMismatch = true) { // Filter all numbers out $ret = preg_replace('/[^0123456789]/', '', $num); // Shall we cast? if ($castValue === true) $ret = (double)$ret; // Has the whole value changed? if (('' . $ret . '' != '' . $num . '') && ($abortOnMismatch === true)) { // Log the values debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Problem with number found. ret=' . $ret . ', num='. $num); } // END - if // Return result return $ret; } // Creates a Uni* timestamp from given selection data and prefix function createTimestampFromSelections ($prefix, $postData) { // Initial return value $ret = '0'; // Do we have a leap year? $SWITCH = '0'; $TEST = getYear() / 4; $M1 = getMonth(); // If so and if current time is before 02/29 and estimated time is after 02/29 then add 86400 seconds (one day) if ((floor($TEST) == $TEST) && ($M1 == '02') && ($postData[$prefix . '_mo'] > '02')) $SWITCH = getConfig('ONE_DAY'); // First add years... $ret += $postData[$prefix . '_ye'] * (31536000 + $SWITCH); // Next months... $ret += $postData[$prefix . '_mo'] * 2628000; // Next weeks $ret += $postData[$prefix . '_we'] * 604800; // Next days... $ret += $postData[$prefix . '_da'] * 86400; // Next hours... $ret += $postData[$prefix . '_ho'] * 3600; // Next minutes.. $ret += $postData[$prefix . '_mi'] * 60; // And at last seconds... $ret += $postData[$prefix . '_se']; // Return calculated value return $ret; } // Creates a 'fancy' human-readable timestamp from a Uni* stamp function createFancyTime ($stamp) { // Get data array with years/months/weeks/days/... $data = createTimeSelections($stamp, '', '', '', true); $ret = ''; foreach($data as $k => $v) { if ($v > 0) { // Value is greater than 0 "eval" data to return string $ret .= ', ' . $v . ' {--_' . strtoupper($k) . '--}'; break; } // END - if } // END - foreach // Do we have something there? if (strlen($ret) > 0) { // Remove leading commata and space $ret = substr($ret, 2); } else { // Zero seconds $ret = '0 {--_SECONDS--}'; } // Return fancy time string return $ret; } // Extract host from script name function extractHostnameFromUrl (&$script) { // Use default SERVER_URL by default... ;) So? $url = getServerUrl(); // Is this URL valid? if (substr($script, 0, 7) == 'http://') { // Use the hostname from script URL as new hostname $url = substr($script, 7); $extract = explode('/', $url); $url = $extract[0]; // Done extracting the URL :) } // END - if // Extract host name $host = str_replace('http://', '', $url); if (isInString('/', $host)) $host = substr($host, 0, strpos($host, '/')); // Generate relative URL //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('SCRIPT=' . $script); if (substr(strtolower($script), 0, 7) == 'http://') { // But only if http:// is in front! $script = substr($script, (strlen($url) + 7)); } elseif (substr(strtolower($script), 0, 8) == 'https://') { // Does this work?! $script = substr($script, (strlen($url) + 8)); } //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('SCRIPT=' . $script); if (substr($script, 0, 1) == '/') $script = substr($script, 1); // Return host name return $host; } // Send a GET request function sendGetRequest ($script, $data = array()) { // Extract host name from script $host = extractHostnameFromUrl($script); // Add data $body = http_build_query($data, '', '&'); // There should be data, else we don't need to extend $script with $body if (empty($body)) { // Do we have a question-mark in the script? if (strpos($script, '?') === false) { // No, so first char must be question mark $body = '?' . $body; } else { // Ok, add & $body = '&' . $body; } // Add script data $script .= $body; // Remove trailed & to make it more conform if (substr($script, -1, 1) == '&') $script = substr($script, 0, -1); } // END - if // Generate GET request header $request = 'GET /' . trim($script) . ' HTTP/1.1' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'Host: ' . $host . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'Referer: ' . getUrl() . '/admin.php' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); if (isConfigEntrySet('FULL_VERSION')) { $request .= 'User-Agent: ' . getTitle() . '/' . getFullVersion() . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); } else { $request .= 'User-Agent: ' . getTitle() . '/' . getConfig('VERSION') . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); } $request .= 'Accept: image/png,image/*;q=0.8,text/plain,text/html,*/*;q=0.5' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'Accept-Charset: UTF-8,*' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'Connection: close' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); // Send the raw request $response = sendRawRequest($host, $request); // Return the result to the caller function return $response; } // Send a POST request function sendPostRequest ($script, $postData) { // Is postData an array? if (!is_array($postData)) { // Abort here logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("postData is not an array. Type: %s", gettype($postData))); return array('', '', ''); } // END - if // Extract host name from script $host = extractHostnameFromUrl($script); // Construct request body $body = http_build_query($postData, '', '&'); // Generate POST request header $request = 'POST /' . trim($script) . ' HTTP/1.0' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'Host: ' . $host . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'Referer: ' . getUrl() . '/admin.php' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'User-Agent: ' . getTitle() . '/' . getFullVersion() . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'Accept: text/plain;q=0.8' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'Accept-Charset: UTF-8,*' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'Cache-Control: no-cache' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($body) . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= 'Connection: close' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $request .= getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); // Add body $request .= $body; // Send the raw request $response = sendRawRequest($host, $request); // Return the result to the caller function return $response; } // Sends a raw request to another host function sendRawRequest ($host, $request) { // Init errno and errdesc with 'all fine' values $errno = '0'; $errdesc = ''; // Initialize array $response = array('', '', ''); // Default is not to use proxy $useProxy = false; // Are proxy settins set? if (isProxyUsed()) { // Then use it $useProxy = true; } // END - if // Load include loadIncludeOnce('inc/classes/resolver.class.php'); // Get resolver instance $resolver = new HostnameResolver(); // Open connection //* DEBUG: */ die('SCRIPT=' . $script); if ($useProxy === true) { // Resolve hostname into IP address $ip = $resolver->resolveHostname(compileRawCode(getConfig('proxy_host'))); // Connect to host through proxy connection $fp = fsockopen($ip, bigintval(getConfig('proxy_port')), $errno, $errdesc, 30); } else { // Resolve hostname into IP address $ip = $resolver->resolveHostname($host); // Connect to host directly $fp = fsockopen($ip, 80, $errno, $errdesc, 30); } // Is there a link? if (!is_resource($fp)) { // Failed! logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $errdesc . ' (' . $errno . ')'); return $response; } elseif ((!stream_set_blocking($fp, 0)) || (!stream_set_timeout($fp, 1))) { // Cannot set non-blocking mode or timeout logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, socket_strerror(socket_last_error())); return $response; } // Do we use proxy? if ($useProxy === true) { // Setup proxy tunnel $response = setupProxyTunnel($host, $fp); // If the response is invalid, abort if ((count($response) == 3) && (empty($response[0])) && (empty($response[1])) && (empty($response[2]))) { // Invalid response! logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Proxy tunnel not working?'); return $response; } // END - if } // END - if // Write request fwrite($fp, $request); // Start counting $start = microtime(true); // Read response while (!feof($fp)) { // Get info from stream $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); // Is it timed out? 15 seconds is a really patient... if (($info['timed_out'] == true) || (microtime(true) - $start) > 15) { // Timeout logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Timed out to get data from host ' . $host); // Abort here break; } // END - if // Get line from stream $line = fgets($fp, 128); // Ignore empty lines because of non-blocking mode if (empty($line)) { // uslepp a little to avoid 100% CPU load usleep(10); // Skip this continue; } // END - if // Add it to response $response[] = trim($line); } // END - while // Close socket fclose($fp); // Time request if debug-mode is enabled if (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Add debug message... logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Request took ' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ' seconds and returned ' . count($response) . ' line(s).'); } // END - if // Skip first empty lines $resp = $response; foreach ($resp as $idx => $line) { // Trim space away $line = trim($line); // Is this line empty? if (empty($line)) { // Then remove it array_shift($response); } else { // Abort on first non-empty line break; } } // END - foreach //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('Request:
'.print_r($request, true).'
'); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('Response:
'.print_r($response, true).'
'); // Proxy agent found or something went wrong? if (!isset($response[0])) { // No response, maybe timeout $response = array('', '', ''); logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Invalid empty response array, maybe timed out?'); } elseif ((substr(strtolower($response[0]), 0, 11) == 'proxy-agent') && ($useProxy === true)) { // Proxy header detected, so remove two lines array_shift($response); array_shift($response); } // END - if // Was the request successfull? if ((!isInStringIgnoreCase('200 OK', $response[0])) || (empty($response[0]))) { // Not found / access forbidden logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Unexpected status code ' . $response[0] . ' detected. "200 OK" was expected.'); $response = array('', '', ''); } // END - if // Return response return $response; } // Sets up a proxy tunnel for given hostname and through resource function setupProxyTunnel ($host, $resource) { // Initialize array $response = array('', '', ''); // Generate CONNECT request header $proxyTunnel = 'CONNECT ' . $host . ':80 HTTP/1.0' . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); $proxyTunnel .= 'Host: ' . $host . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); // Use login data to proxy? (username at least!) if (getConfig('proxy_username') != '') { // Add it as well $encodedAuth = base64_encode(compileRawCode(getConfig('proxy_username')) . ':' . compileRawCode(getConfig('proxy_password'))); $proxyTunnel .= 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' . $encodedAuth . getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); } // END - if // Add last new-line $proxyTunnel .= getConfig('HTTP_EOL'); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('proxyTunnel=
' . $proxyTunnel.'
'); // Write request fwrite($fp, $proxyTunnel); // Got response? if (feof($fp)) { // No response received return $response; } // END - if // Read the first line $resp = trim(fgets($fp, 10240)); $respArray = explode(' ', $resp); if ((strtolower($respArray[0]) !== 'http/1.0') || ($respArray[1] != '200')) { // Invalid response! return $response; } // END - if // All fine! return $respArray; } // Taken from www.php.net isInStringIgnoreCase() user comments function isEmailValid ($email) { // Check first part of email address $first = '[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_<{|}~]+(\.[-a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_<{|}~]+)*'; // Check domain $domain = '[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]{2,5})+'; // Generate pattern $regex = '@^' . $first . '\@' . $domain . '$@iU'; // Return check result return preg_match($regex, $email); } // Function taken from user comments on www.php.net / function isInStringIgnoreCase() function isUrlValid ($URL, $compile=true) { // Trim URL a little $URL = trim(urldecode($URL)); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput($URL); // Compile some chars out... if ($compile === true) $URL = compileUriCode($URL, false, false, false); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput($URL); // Check for the extension filter if (isExtensionActive('filter')) { // Use the extension's filter set return FILTER_VALIDATE_URL($URL, false); } // END - if // If not installed, perform a simple test. Just make it sure there is always a http:// or // https:// in front of the URLs return isUrlValidSimple($URL); } // Generate a hash for extra-security for all passwords function generateHash ($plainText, $salt = '', $hash = true) { // Debug output //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('plainText('.strlen($plainText).')=' . $plainText . ',salt('.strlen($salt).')=' . $salt . ',hash=' . intval($hash)); // Is the required extension 'sql_patches' there and a salt is not given? // 123 4 43 3 4 432 2 3 32 2 3 32 2 3 3 21 if (((isExtensionInstalledAndOlder('sql_patches', '0.3.6')) && (empty($salt))) || (!isExtensionActive('sql_patches')) || (!isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('other', '0.2.5')) || (strlen($salt) == 32)) { // Extension sql_patches is missing/outdated so we hash the plain text with MD5 if ($hash === true) { // Is plain password return md5($plainText); } else { // Is already a hash return $plainText; } } // END - if // Do we miss an arry element here? if (!isConfigEntrySet('file_hash')) { // Stop here debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Missing file_hash in ' . __FUNCTION__ . '.'); } // END - if // When the salt is empty build a new one, else use the first x configured characters as the salt if (empty($salt)) { // Build server string for more entropy $server = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . getEncryptSeperator() . detectUserAgent() . getEncryptSeperator() . getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE') . getEncryptSeperator() . detectRemoteAddr(); // Build key string $keys = getConfig('SITE_KEY') . getEncryptSeperator() . getConfig('DATE_KEY') . getEncryptSeperator() . getSecretKey() . getEncryptSeperator() . getFileHash() . getEncryptSeperator() . getDateFromPatchTime() . getEncryptSeperator() . getMasterSalt(); // Additional data $data = $plainText . getEncryptSeperator() . uniqid(mt_rand(), true) . getEncryptSeperator() . time(); // Calculate number for generating the code $a = time() + getConfig('_ADD') - 1; // Generate SHA1 sum from modula of number and the prime number $sha1 = sha1(($a % getPrime()) . $server . getEncryptSeperator() . $keys . getEncryptSeperator() . $data . getEncryptSeperator() . getConfig('DATE_KEY') . getEncryptSeperator() . $a); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('SHA1=' . $sha1.' ('.strlen($sha1).')
'); $sha1 = scrambleString($sha1); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('Scrambled=' . $sha1.' ('.strlen($sha1).')
'); //* DEBUG: */ $sha1b = descrambleString($sha1); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('Descrambled=' . $sha1b.' ('.strlen($sha1b).')
'); // Generate the password salt string $salt = substr($sha1, 0, getSaltLength()); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput($salt.' ('.strlen($salt).')
'); } else { // Use given salt //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('salt=' . $salt); $salt = substr($salt, 0, getSaltLength()); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('salt=' . $salt . '(' . strlen($salt) . '/' . getSaltLength() . ')
'); // Sanity check on salt if (strlen($salt) != getSaltLength()) { // Not the same! debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'salt length mismatch! ('.strlen($salt).'/'.getSaltLength().')'); } // END - if } // Generate final hash (for debug output) $finalHash = $salt . sha1($salt . $plainText); // Debug output //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('finalHash('.strlen($finalHash).')=' . $finalHash); // Return hash return $finalHash; } // Scramble a string function scrambleString ($str) { // Init $scrambled = ''; // Final check, in case of failture it will return unscrambled string if (strlen($str) > 40) { // The string is to long return $str; } elseif (strlen($str) == 40) { // From database $scrambleNums = explode(':', getPassScramble()); } else { // Generate new numbers $scrambleNums = explode(':', genScrambleString(strlen($str))); } // Compare both lengths and abort if different if (strlen($str) != count($scrambleNums)) return $str; // Scramble string here //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('***Original=' . $str.'***
'); for ($idx = 0; $idx < strlen($str); $idx++) { // Get char on scrambled position $char = substr($str, $scrambleNums[$idx], 1); // Add it to final output string $scrambled .= $char; } // END - for // Return scrambled string //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('***Scrambled=' . $scrambled.'***
'); return $scrambled; } // De-scramble a string scrambled by scrambleString() function descrambleString ($str) { // Scramble only 40 chars long strings if (strlen($str) != 40) return $str; // Load numbers from config $scrambleNums = explode(':', getPassScramble()); // Validate numbers if (count($scrambleNums) != 40) return $str; // Begin descrambling $orig = str_repeat(' ', 40); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('+++Scrambled=' . $str.'+++
'); for ($idx = 0; $idx < 40; $idx++) { $char = substr($str, $idx, 1); $orig = substr_replace($orig, $char, $scrambleNums[$idx], 1); } // END - for // Return scrambled string //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('+++Original=' . $orig.'+++
'); return $orig; } // Generated a "string" for scrambling function genScrambleString ($len) { // Prepare array for the numbers $scrambleNumbers = array(); // First we need to setup randomized numbers from 0 to 31 for ($idx = 0; $idx < $len; $idx++) { // Generate number $rand = mt_rand(0, ($len -1)); // Check for it by creating more numbers while (array_key_exists($rand, $scrambleNumbers)) { $rand = mt_rand(0, ($len -1)); } // END - while // Add number $scrambleNumbers[$rand] = $rand; } // END - for // So let's create the string for storing it in database $scrambleString = implode(':', $scrambleNumbers); return $scrambleString; } // Generate an PGP-like encrypted hash of given hash for e.g. cookies function encodeHashForCookie ($passHash) { // Return vanilla password hash $ret = $passHash; // Is a secret key and master salt already initialized? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, intval(isExtensionInstalled('sql_patches')) . '/' . intval(isConfigEntrySet('_PRIME')) . '/' . intval(isConfigEntrySet('secret_key')) . '/' . intval(isConfigEntrySet('master_salt'))); if ((isExtensionInstalled('sql_patches')) && (isConfigEntrySet('_PRIME')) && (isConfigEntrySet('secret_key')) && (isConfigEntrySet('master_salt'))) { // Only calculate when the secret key is generated //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, strlen($passHash) . '/' . strlen(getSecretKey())); if ((strlen($passHash) != 49) || (strlen(getSecretKey()) != 40)) { // Both keys must have same length so return unencrypted //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, strlen($passHash) . '!=49/' . strlen(getSecretKey()) . '!=40'); return $ret; } // END - if $newHash = ''; $start = 9; //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'passHash=' . $passHash . '(' . strlen($passHash) . ')'); for ($idx = 0; $idx < 20; $idx++) { $part1 = hexdec(substr($passHash, ($idx * 2) + (strlen($passHash) - strlen(getSecretKey())), 2)); $part2 = hexdec(substr(getSecretKey(), $start, 2)); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'part1=' . $part1 . '/part2=' . $part2); $mod = dechex($idx); if ($part1 > $part2) { $mod = dechex(sqrt(($part1 - $part2) * getPrime() / pi())); } elseif ($part2 > $part1) { $mod = dechex(sqrt(($part2 - $part1) * getPrime() / pi())); } $mod = substr($mod, 0, 2); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'part1=' . $part1 . '/part2=' . $part2 . '/mod=' . $mod . '(' . strlen($mod) . ')'); $mod = str_repeat(0, (2 - strlen($mod))) . $mod; //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'mod(' . ($idx * 2) . ')=' . $mod . '*'); $start += 2; $newHash .= $mod; } // END - for //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $passHash . ',' . $newHash . ' (' . strlen($newHash) . ')'); $ret = generateHash($newHash, getMasterSalt()); } // END - if // Return result //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ret=' . $ret . ''); return $ret; } // Fix "deleted" cookies function fixDeletedCookies ($cookies) { // Is this an array with entries? if ((is_array($cookies)) && (count($cookies) > 0)) { // Then check all cookies if they are marked as deleted! foreach ($cookies as $cookieName) { // Is the cookie set to "deleted"? if (getSession($cookieName) == 'deleted') { setSession($cookieName, ''); } // END - if } // END - foreach } // END - if } // Checks if a given apache module is loaded function isApacheModuleLoaded ($apacheModule) { // Check it and return result return (((function_exists('apache_get_modules')) && (in_array($apacheModule, apache_get_modules()))) || (!function_exists('apache_get_modules'))); } // Get current theme name function getCurrentTheme () { // The default theme is 'default'... ;-) $ret = 'default'; // Do we have ext-theme installed and active? if (isExtensionActive('theme')) { // Call inner method $ret = getActualTheme(); } // END - if // Return theme value return $ret; } // Generates an error code from given account status function generateErrorCodeFromUserStatus ($status = '') { // If no status is provided, use the default, cached if ((empty($status)) && (isMember())) { // Get user status $status = getUserData('status'); } // END - if // Default error code if unknown account status $errorCode = getCode('ACCOUNT_STATUS_UNKNOWN'); // Generate constant name $codeName = sprintf("ACCOUNT_STATUS_%s", strtoupper($status)); // Is the constant there? if (isCodeSet($codeName)) { // Then get it! $errorCode = getCode($codeName); } else { // Unknown status logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown error status %s detected.", $status)); } // Return error code return $errorCode; } // Back-ported from the new ship-simu engine. :-) function debug_get_printable_backtrace () { // Init variable $backtrace = '
    '; // Get and prepare backtrace for output $backtraceArray = debug_backtrace(); foreach ($backtraceArray as $key => $trace) { if (!isset($trace['file'])) $trace['file'] = __FUNCTION__; if (!isset($trace['line'])) $trace['line'] = __LINE__; if (!isset($trace['args'])) $trace['args'] = array(); $backtrace .= '
  1. ' . basename($trace['file']) . ':' . $trace['line'] . ', ' . $trace['function'] . '(' . count($trace['args']) . ')
  2. '; } // END - foreach // Close it $backtrace .= '
'; // Return the backtrace return $backtrace; } // A mail-able backtrace function debug_get_mailable_backtrace () { // Init variable $backtrace = ''; // Get and prepare backtrace for output $backtraceArray = debug_backtrace(); foreach ($backtraceArray as $key => $trace) { if (!isset($trace['file'])) $trace['file'] = __FUNCTION__; if (!isset($trace['line'])) $trace['line'] = __LINE__; if (!isset($trace['args'])) $trace['args'] = array(); $backtrace .= ($key+1) . '.:' . basename($trace['file']) . ':' . $trace['line'] . ', ' . $trace['function'] . '(' . count($trace['args']) . ")\n"; } // END - foreach // Return the backtrace return $backtrace; } // Generates a ***weak*** seed function generateSeed () { return microtime(true) * 100000; } // Converts a message code to a human-readable message function getMessageFromErrorCode ($code) { $message = ''; switch ($code) { case '': break; case getCode('LOGOUT_DONE') : $message = '{--LOGOUT_DONE--}'; break; case getCode('LOGOUT_FAILED') : $message = '{--LOGOUT_FAILED--}'; break; case getCode('DATA_INVALID') : $message = '{--MAIL_DATA_INVALID--}'; break; case getCode('POSSIBLE_INVALID') : $message = '{--MAIL_POSSIBLE_INVALID--}'; break; case getCode('USER_404') : $message = '{--USER_404--}'; break; case getCode('STATS_404') : $message = '{--MAIL_STATS_404--}'; break; case getCode('ALREADY_CONFIRMED') : $message = '{--MAIL_ALREADY_CONFIRMED--}'; break; case getCode('WRONG_PASS') : $message = '{--LOGIN_WRONG_PASS--}'; break; case getCode('WRONG_ID') : $message = '{--LOGIN_WRONG_ID--}'; break; case getCode('ACCOUNT_LOCKED') : $message = '{--LOGIN_STATUS_LOCKED--}'; break; case getCode('ACCOUNT_UNCONFIRMED'): $message = '{--LOGIN_STATUS_UNCONFIRMED--}'; break; case getCode('COOKIES_DISABLED') : $message = '{--LOGIN_COOKIES_DISABLED--}'; break; case getCode('BEG_SAME_AS_OWN') : $message = '{--BEG_SAME_UID_AS_OWN--}'; break; case getCode('LOGIN_FAILED') : $message = '{--GUEST_LOGIN_FAILED_GENERAL--}'; break; case getCode('MODULE_MEMBER_ONLY') : $message = getMaskedMessage('MODULE_MEMBER_ONLY', getRequestParameter('mod')); break; case getCode('OVERLENGTH') : $message = '{--MEMBER_TEXT_OVERLENGTH--}'; break; case getCode('URL_FOUND') : $message = '{--MEMBER_TEXT_CONTAINS_URL--}'; break; case getCode('SUBJECT_URL') : $message = '{--MEMBER_SUBJECT_CONTAINS_URL--}'; break; case getCode('BLIST_URL') : $message = '{--MEMBER_URL_BLACK_LISTED--}
{--MEMBER_BLIST_TIME--}: ' . generateDateTime(getRequestParameter('blist'), 0); break; case getCode('NO_RECS_LEFT') : $message = '{--MEMBER_SELECTED_MORE_RECS--}'; break; case getCode('INVALID_TAGS') : $message = '{--MEMBER_HTML_INVALID_TAGS--}'; break; case getCode('MORE_POINTS') : $message = '{--MEMBER_MORE_POINTS_NEEDED--}'; break; case getCode('MORE_RECEIVERS1') : $message = '{--MEMBER_ENTER_MORE_RECEIVERS--}'; break; case getCode('MORE_RECEIVERS2') : $message = '{--MEMBER_NO_MORE_RECEIVERS_FOUND--}'; break; case getCode('MORE_RECEIVERS3') : $message = '{--MEMBER_ENTER_MORE_MIN_RECEIVERS--}'; break; case getCode('INVALID_URL') : $message = '{--MEMBER_ENTER_INVALID_URL--}'; break; case getCode('NO_MAIL_TYPE') : $message = '{--MEMBER_NO_MAIL_TYPE_SELECTED--}'; break; case getCode('UNKNOWN_ERROR') : $message = '{--LOGIN_UNKNOWN_ERROR--}'; break; case getCode('UNKNOWN_STATUS') : $message = '{--LOGIN_UNKNOWN_STATUS--}'; break; case getCode('ERROR_MAILID'): if (isExtensionActive('mailid', true)) { $message = '{--ERROR_CONFIRMING_MAIL--}'; } else { $message = getMaskedMessage('EXTENSION_PROBLEM_EXTENSION_NOT_INSTALLED', 'mailid'); } break; case getCode('EXTENSION_PROBLEM'): if (isGetRequestParameterSet('ext')) { $message = generateExtensionInactiveNotInstalledMessage(getRequestParameter('ext')); } else { $message = '{--EXTENSION_PROBLEM_UNSET_EXT--}'; } break; case getCode('URL_TLOCK'): // @TODO Move this SQL code into a function, let's say 'getTimestampFromPoolId($id) ? $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `timestamp` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('id'))), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Load timestamp from last order list($timestamp) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Translate it for templates $timestamp = generateDateTime($timestamp, 1); // Calculate hours... $STD = round(getConfig('url_tlock') / 60 / 60); // Minutes... $MIN = round((getConfig('url_tlock') - $STD * 60 * 60) / 60); // And seconds $SEC = getConfig('url_tlock') - $STD * 60 * 60 - $MIN * 60; // Finally contruct the message // @TODO Rewrite this old lost code to a template $message = '{--MEMBER_URL_TIME_LOCK--}
{--CONFIG_URL_TLOCK--} ' . $STD . ' {--_HOURS--}, ' . $MIN . ' {--_MINUTES--} {--_AND--} ' . $SEC . ' {--_SECONDS--}
{--MEMBER_LAST_TLOCK--}: ' . $timestamp; break; default: // Missing/invalid code $message = getMaskedMessage('UNKNOWN_MAILID_CODE', $code); // Log it logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $message); break; } // END - switch // Return the message return $message; } // Function taken from user comments on www.php.net / function isInStringIgnoreCase() function isUrlValidSimple ($url) { // Prepare URL $url = secureString(str_replace("\\", '', compileRawCode(urldecode($url)))); // Allows http and https $http = "(http|https)+(:\/\/)"; // Test domain $domain1 = "([[:alnum:]]([-[:alnum:]])*\.)?([[:alnum:]][-[:alnum:]\.]*[[:alnum:]])(\.[[:alpha:]]{2,5})?"; // Test double-domains (e.g. .de.vu) $domain2 = "([-[:alnum:]])?(\.[[:alnum:]][-[:alnum:]\.]*[[:alnum:]])(\.[[:alpha:]]{2,5})(\.[[:alpha:]]{2,5})?"; // Test IP number $ip = "([[:digit:]]{1,3})\.([[:digit:]]{1,3})\.([[:digit:]]{1,3})\.([[:digit:]]{1,3})"; // ... directory $dir = "((/)+([-_\.[:alnum:]])+)*"; // ... page $page = "/([-_[:alnum:]][-\._[:alnum:]]*\.[[:alnum:]]{2,5})?"; // ... and the string after and including question character $getstring1 = "([\?/]([[:alnum:]][-\._%[:alnum:]]*(=)?([-\@\._:%[:alnum:]])+)(&([[:alnum:]]([-_%[:alnum:]])*(=)?([-\@\[\._:%[:alnum:]])+(\])*))*)?"; // Pattern for URLs like http://url/dir/doc.html?var=value $pattern['d1dpg1'] = $http . $domain1 . $dir . $page . $getstring1; $pattern['d2dpg1'] = $http . $domain2 . $dir . $page . $getstring1; $pattern['ipdpg1'] = $http . $ip . $dir . $page . $getstring1; // Pattern for URLs like http://url/dir/?var=value $pattern['d1dg1'] = $http . $domain1 . $dir.'/' . $getstring1; $pattern['d2dg1'] = $http . $domain2 . $dir.'/' . $getstring1; $pattern['ipdg1'] = $http . $ip . $dir.'/' . $getstring1; // Pattern for URLs like http://url/dir/page.ext $pattern['d1dp'] = $http . $domain1 . $dir . $page; $pattern['d1dp'] = $http . $domain2 . $dir . $page; $pattern['ipdp'] = $http . $ip . $dir . $page; // Pattern for URLs like http://url/dir $pattern['d1d'] = $http . $domain1 . $dir; $pattern['d2d'] = $http . $domain2 . $dir; $pattern['ipd'] = $http . $ip . $dir; // Pattern for URLs like http://url/?var=value $pattern['d1g1'] = $http . $domain1 . '/' . $getstring1; $pattern['d2g1'] = $http . $domain2 . '/' . $getstring1; $pattern['ipg1'] = $http . $ip . '/' . $getstring1; // Pattern for URLs like http://url?var=value $pattern['d1g12'] = $http . $domain1 . $getstring1; $pattern['d2g12'] = $http . $domain2 . $getstring1; $pattern['ipg12'] = $http . $ip . $getstring1; // Test all patterns $reg = false; foreach ($pattern as $key => $pat) { // Debug regex? if (isDebugRegularExpressionEnabled()) { // @TODO Are these convertions still required? $pat = str_replace('.', '\.', $pat); $pat = str_replace('@', '\@', $pat); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput($key . '= ' . $pat); } // END - if // Check if expression matches $reg = ($reg || preg_match(('^' . $pat . '^'), $url)); // Does it match? if ($reg === true) break; } // Return true/false return $reg; } // Wtites data to a config.php-style file // @TODO Rewrite this function to use readFromFile() and writeToFile() function changeDataInFile ($FQFN, $comment, $prefix, $suffix, $DATA, $seek=0) { // Initialize some variables $done = false; $seek++; $next = -1; $found = false; // Is the file there and read-/write-able? if ((isFileReadable($FQFN)) && (is_writeable($FQFN))) { $search = 'CFG: ' . $comment; $tmp = $FQFN . '.tmp'; // Open the source file $fp = fopen($FQFN, 'r') or debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Cannot read. file=' . basename($FQFN)); // Is the resource valid? if (is_resource($fp)) { // Open temporary file $fp_tmp = fopen($tmp, 'w') or debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Cannot write. tmp=' . basename($tmp) . ',file=' . $FQFN); // Is the resource again valid? if (is_resource($fp_tmp)) { // Mark temporary file as readable $GLOBALS['file_readable'][$tmp] = true; // Start reading while (!feof($fp)) { // Read from source file $line = fgets ($fp, 1024); if (strpos($line, $search) > -1) { $next = '0'; $found = true; } // END - if if ($next > -1) { if ($next === $seek) { $next = -1; $line = $prefix . $DATA . $suffix . "\n"; } else { $next++; } } // END - if // Write to temp file fwrite($fp_tmp, $line); } // END - while // Close temp file fclose($fp_tmp); // Finished writing tmp file $done = true; } // END - if // Close source file fclose($fp); if (($done === true) && ($found === true)) { // Copy back tmp file and delete tmp :-) copyFileVerified($tmp, $FQFN, 0644); return removeFile($tmp); } elseif ($found === false) { outputHtml('CHANGE: 404!'); } else { outputHtml('TMP: UNDONE!'); } } } else { // File not found, not readable or writeable debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'File not readable/writeable. file=' . basename($FQFN)); } // An error was detected! return false; } // Send notification to admin function sendAdminNotification ($subject, $templateName, $content=array(), $userid = '0') { if ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('admins', '0.4.1')) && (function_exists('sendAdminsEmails'))) { // Send new way sendAdminsEmails($subject, $templateName, $content, $userid); } else { // Send out out-dated way $message = loadEmailTemplate($templateName, $content, $userid); sendAdminEmails($subject, $message); } } // Debug message logger function logDebugMessage ($funcFile, $line, $message, $force=true) { // Is debug mode enabled? if ((isDebugModeEnabled()) || ($force === true)) { // Remove CRLF $message = str_replace("\r", '', str_replace("\n", '', $message)); // Log this message away $fp = fopen(getCachePath() . 'debug.log', 'a') or debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Cannot write logfile debug.log!'); fwrite($fp, generateDateTime(time(), '4') . '|' . getModule(false) . '|' . basename($funcFile) . '|' . $line . '|' . $message . "\n"); fclose($fp); } // END - if } // Handle extra values function handleExtraValues ($filterFunction, $value, $extraValue) { // Default is the value itself $ret = $value; // Do we have a special filter function? if (!empty($filterFunction)) { // Does the filter function exist? if (function_exists($filterFunction)) { // Do we have extra parameters here? if (!empty($extraValue)) { // Put both parameters in one new array by default $args = array($value, $extraValue); // If we have an array simply use it and pre-extend it with our value if (is_array($extraValue)) { // Make the new args array $args = merge_array(array($value), $extraValue); } // END - if // Call the multi-parameter call-back $ret = call_user_func_array($filterFunction, $args); } else { // One parameter call $ret = call_user_func($filterFunction, $value); } } // END - if } // END - if // Return the value return $ret; } // Converts timestamp selections into a timestamp function convertSelectionsToTimestamp (&$postData, &$DATA, &$id, &$skip) { // Init test variable $skip = false; $test2 = ''; // Get last three chars $test = substr($id, -3); // Improved way of checking! :-) if (in_array($test, array('_ye', '_mo', '_we', '_da', '_ho', '_mi', '_se'))) { // Found a multi-selection for timings? $test = substr($id, 0, -3); if ((isset($postData[$test.'_ye'])) && (isset($postData[$test.'_mo'])) && (isset($postData[$test.'_we'])) && (isset($postData[$test.'_da'])) && (isset($postData[$test.'_ho'])) && (isset($postData[$test.'_mi'])) && (isset($postData[$test.'_se'])) && ($test != $test2)) { // Generate timestamp $postData[$test] = createTimestampFromSelections($test, $postData); $DATA[] = sprintf("`%s`='%s'", $test, $postData[$test]); $GLOBALS['skip_config'][$test] = true; // Remove data from array foreach (array('ye', 'mo', 'we', 'da', 'ho', 'mi', 'se') as $rem) { unset($postData[$test . '_' . $rem]); } // END - foreach // Skip adding unset($id); $skip = true; $test2 = $test; } // END - if } // END - if } // Reverts the german decimal comma into Computer decimal dot function convertCommaToDot ($str) { // Default float is not a float... ;-) $float = false; // Which language is selected? switch (getLanguage()) { case 'de': // German language // Remove german thousand dots first $str = str_replace('.', '', $str); // Replace german commata with decimal dot and cast it $float = (float)str_replace(',', '.', $str); break; default: // US and so on // Remove thousand dots first and cast $float = (float)str_replace(',', '', $str); break; } // Return float return $float; } // Handle menu-depending failed logins and return the rendered content function handleLoginFailures ($accessLevel) { // Default output is empty ;-) $OUT = ''; // Is the session data set? if ((isSessionVariableSet('mailer_' . $accessLevel . '_failures')) && (isSessionVariableSet('mailer_' . $accessLevel . '_last_failure'))) { // Ignore zero values if (getSession('mailer_' . $accessLevel . '_failures') > 0) { // Non-guest has login failures found, get both data and prepare it for template //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'accessLevel=' . $accessLevel . '
'); $content = array( 'login_failures' => 'mailer_' . $accessLevel . '_failures', 'last_failure' => generateDateTime(getSession('mailer_' . $accessLevel . '_last_failure'), 2) ); // Load template $OUT = loadTemplate('login_failures', true, $content); } // END - if // Reset session data setSession('mailer_' . $accessLevel . '_failures', ''); setSession('mailer_' . $accessLevel . '_last_failure', ''); } // END - if // Return rendered content return $OUT; } // Rebuild cache function rebuildCache ($cache, $inc = '', $force = false) { // Debug message /* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("cache=%s, inc=%s, force=%s", $cache, $inc, intval($force))); // Shall I remove the cache file? if (isCacheInstanceValid()) { // Rebuild cache if ($GLOBALS['cache_instance']->loadCacheFile($cache)) { // Destroy it $GLOBALS['cache_instance']->removeCacheFile($force); } // END - if // Include file given? if (!empty($inc)) { // Construct FQFN $inc = sprintf("inc/loader/load_cache-%s.php", $inc); // Is the include there? if (isIncludeReadable($inc)) { // And rebuild it from scratch //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "inc={$inc} - LOADED!
"); loadInclude($inc); } else { // Include not found! logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Include ' . $inc . ' not found. cache=' . $cache); } } // END - if } // END - if } // Determines the real remote address function determineRealRemoteAddress () { // Is a proxy in use? if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { // Proxy was used $address = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { // Yet, another proxy $address = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else { // The regular address when no proxy was used $address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } // This strips out the real address from proxy output if (strstr($address, ',')) { $addressArray = explode(',', $address); $address = $addressArray[0]; } // END - if // Return the result return $address; } // Adds a bonus mail to the queue // This is a high-level function! function addNewBonusMail ($data, $mode = '', $output=true) { // Use mode from data if not set and availble ;-) if ((empty($mode)) && (isset($data['mode']))) $mode = $data['mode']; // Generate receiver list $receiver = generateReceiverList($data['cat'], $data['receiver'], $mode); // Receivers added? if (!empty($receiver)) { // Add bonus mail to queue addBonusMailToQueue( $data['subject'], $data['text'], $receiver, $data['points'], $data['seconds'], $data['url'], $data['cat'], $mode, $data['receiver'] ); // Mail inserted into bonus pool if ($output === true) { loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, '{--ADMIN_BONUS_SEND--}'); } // END - if } elseif ($output === true) { // More entered than can be reached! loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, '{--ADMIN_MORE_SELECTED--}'); } else { // Debug log logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'cat=' . $data['cat'] . ',receiver=' . $data['receiver'] . ',data=' . base64_encode(serialize($data)) . ' More selected, than available!'); } } // Determines referal id and sets it function determineReferalId () { // Skip this in non-html-mode and outside ref.php if ((!isHtmlOutputMode()) && (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != 'ref.php')) return false; // Check if refid is set if ((isset($GLOBALS['refid'])) && ($GLOBALS['refid'] > 0)) { // This is fine... } elseif ((isGetRequestParameterSet('user')) && (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'click.php')) { // The variable user comes from the click-counter script click.php and we only accept this here $GLOBALS['refid'] = bigintval(getRequestParameter('user')); } elseif (isPostRequestParameterSet('refid')) { // Get referal id from variable refid (so I hope this makes my script more compatible to other scripts) $GLOBALS['refid'] = secureString(postRequestParameter('refid')); } elseif (isGetRequestParameterSet('refid')) { // Get referal id from variable refid (so I hope this makes my script more compatible to other scripts) $GLOBALS['refid'] = secureString(getRequestParameter('refid')); } elseif (isGetRequestParameterSet('ref')) { // Set refid=ref (the referal link uses such variable) $GLOBALS['refid'] = secureString(getRequestParameter('ref')); } elseif ((isSessionVariableSet('refid')) && (isValidUserId(getSession('refid')))) { // Set session refid als global $GLOBALS['refid'] = bigintval(getSession('refid')); } elseif ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('user', '0.3.4')) && (isRandomReferalIdEnabled())) { // Select a random user which has confirmed enougth mails $GLOBALS['refid'] = determineRandomReferalId(); } elseif ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.1.2')) && (isValidUserId(getConfig('def_refid')))) { // Set default refid as refid in URL $GLOBALS['refid'] = getConfig('def_refid'); } else { // No default id when sql_patches is not installed or none set $GLOBALS['refid'] = '0'; } // Set cookie when default refid > 0 if (!isSessionVariableSet('refid') || (!empty($GLOBALS['refid'])) || ((!isValidUserId(getSession('refid'))) && (isConfigEntrySet('def_refid')) && (isValidUserId(getConfig('def_refid'))))) { // Default is not found $found = false; // Do we have nickname or userid set? if ((isExtensionActive('nickname')) && (isNicknameUsed($GLOBALS['refid']))) { // Nickname in URL, so load the id $found = fetchUserData($GLOBALS['refid'], 'nickname'); } elseif ($GLOBALS['refid'] > 0) { // Direct userid entered $found = fetchUserData($GLOBALS['refid']); } // Is the record valid? if ((($found === false) || (!isUserDataValid())) && (isConfigEntrySet('def_refid'))) { // No, then reset referal id $GLOBALS['refid'] = getConfig('def_refid'); } // END - if // Set cookie setSession('refid', $GLOBALS['refid']); } // END - if // Return determined refid return $GLOBALS['refid']; } // Enables the reset mode and runs it function doReset () { // Enable the reset mode $GLOBALS['reset_enabled'] = true; // Run filters runFilterChain('reset'); } // Our shutdown-function function shutdown () { // Call the filter chain 'shutdown' runFilterChain('shutdown', null); // Check if not in installation phase and the link is up if ((!isInstallationPhase()) && (SQL_IS_LINK_UP())) { // Close link SQL_CLOSE(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } elseif (!isInstallationPhase()) { // No database link addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--NO_DB_LINK_SHUTDOWN--}'); } // Stop executing here exit; } // Init member id function initMemberId () { $GLOBALS['member_id'] = '0'; } // Setter for member id function setMemberId ($memberid) { // We should not set member id to zero if ($memberid == '0') debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Userid should not be set zero.'); // Set it secured $GLOBALS['member_id'] = bigintval($memberid); } // Getter for member id or returns zero function getMemberId () { // Default member id $memberid = '0'; // Is the member id set? if (isMemberIdSet()) { // Then use it $memberid = $GLOBALS['member_id']; } // END - if // Return it return $memberid; } // Checks ether the member id is set function isMemberIdSet () { return (isset($GLOBALS['member_id'])); } // Setter for extra title function setExtraTitle ($extraTitle) { $GLOBALS['extra_title'] = $extraTitle; } // Getter for extra title function getExtraTitle () { // Is the extra title set? if (!isExtraTitleSet()) { // No, then abort here debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'extra_title is not set!'); } // END - if // Return it return $GLOBALS['extra_title']; } // Checks if the extra title is set function isExtraTitleSet () { return ((isset($GLOBALS['extra_title'])) && (!empty($GLOBALS['extra_title']))); } // Reads a directory recursively by default and searches for files not matching // an exclusion pattern. You can now keep the exclusion pattern empty for reading // a whole directory. function getArrayFromDirectory ($baseDir, $prefix, $fileIncludeDirs = false, $addBaseDir = true, $excludeArray = array(), $extension = '.php', $excludePattern = '@(\.|\.\.)$@', $recursive = true, $suffix = '') { // Add default entries we should exclude $excludeArray[] = '.'; $excludeArray[] = '..'; $excludeArray[] = '.svn'; $excludeArray[] = '.htaccess'; //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'baseDir=' . $baseDir . ',prefix=' . $prefix . ' - Entered!'); // Init includes $files = array(); // Open directory $dirPointer = opendir(getPath() . $baseDir) or debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Cannot read directory ' . basename($baseDir) . '.'); // Read all entries while ($baseFile = readdir($dirPointer)) { // Exclude '.', '..' and entries in $excludeArray automatically if (in_array($baseFile, $excludeArray, true)) { // Exclude them //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('excluded=' . $baseFile); continue; } // END - if // Construct include filename and FQFN $fileName = $baseDir . $baseFile; $FQFN = getPath() . $fileName; // Remove double slashes $FQFN = str_replace('//', '/', $FQFN); // Check if the base filenname matches an exclusion pattern and if the pattern is not empty if ((!empty($excludePattern)) && (preg_match($excludePattern, $baseFile, $match))) { // These Lines are only for debugging!! //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('baseDir:' . $baseDir); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('baseFile:' . $baseFile); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('FQFN:' . $FQFN); // Exclude this one continue; } // END - if // Skip also files with non-matching prefix genericly if (($recursive === true) && (isDirectory($FQFN))) { // Is a redirectory so read it as well $files = merge_array($files, getArrayFromDirectory($baseDir . $baseFile . '/', $prefix, $fileIncludeDirs, $addBaseDir, $excludeArray, $extension, $excludePattern, $recursive)); // And skip further processing continue; } elseif (substr($baseFile, 0, strlen($prefix)) != $prefix) { // Skip this file //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Invalid prefix in file ' . $baseFile . ', prefix=' . $prefix); continue; } elseif ((!empty($suffix)) && (substr($baseFile, -(strlen($suffix . $extension)), (strlen($suffix . $extension))) != $suffix . $extension)) { // Skip wrong suffix as well //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Invalid suffix in file ' . $baseFile . ', suffix=' . $suffix); continue; } elseif (!isFileReadable($FQFN)) { // Not readable so skip it //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'File ' . $FQFN . ' is not readable!'); continue; } // Is the file a PHP script or other? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'baseDir=' . $baseDir . ',prefix=' . $prefix . ',baseFile=' . $baseFile); if ((substr($baseFile, -4, 4) == '.php') || (($fileIncludeDirs === true) && (isDirectory($FQFN)))) { // Is this a valid include file? if ($extension == '.php') { // Remove both for extension name $extName = substr($baseFile, strlen($prefix), -4); // Is the extension valid and active? if (isExtensionNameValid($extName)) { // Then add this file //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Extension entry ' . $baseFile . ' added.'); $files[] = $fileName; } else { // Add non-extension files as well //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Regular entry ' . $baseFile . ' added.'); if ($addBaseDir === true) { $files[] = $fileName; } else { $files[] = $baseFile; } } } else { // We found .php file but should not search for them, why? debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'We should find files with extension=' . $extension . ', but we found a PHP script.'); } } elseif (substr($baseFile, -4, 4) == $extension) { // Other, generic file found $files[] = $fileName; } } // END - while // Close directory closedir($dirPointer); // Sort array sort($files); // Return array with include files //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '- Left!'); return $files; } // Maps a module name into a database table name function mapModuleToTable ($moduleName) { // Map only these, still lame code... switch ($moduleName) { // 'index' is the guest's menu case 'index': $moduleName = 'guest'; break; // ... and 'login' the member's menu case 'login': $moduleName = 'member'; break; // Anything else will not be mapped, silently. } // END - switch // Return result return $moduleName; } // Add SQL debug data to array for later output function addSqlToDebug ($result, $sqlString, $timing, $F, $L) { // Do we have cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS['debug_sql_available'])) { // Check it and cache it in $GLOBALS $GLOBALS['debug_sql_available'] = ((isConfigurationLoaded()) && (isDisplayDebugSqlEnabled())); } // END - if // Don't execute anything here if we don't need or ext-other is missing if ($GLOBALS['debug_sql_available'] === false) { return; } // END - if // Already executed? if (isset($GLOBALS['debug_sqls'][$F][$L][$sqlString])) { // Then abort here, we don't need to profile a query twice return; } // END - if // Remeber this as profiled (or not, but we don't care here) $GLOBALS['debug_sqls'][$F][$L][$sqlString] = true; // Generate record $record = array( 'num_rows' => SQL_NUMROWS($result), 'affected' => SQL_AFFECTEDROWS(), 'sql_str' => $sqlString, 'timing' => $timing, 'file' => basename($F), 'line' => $L ); // Add it $GLOBALS['debug_sqls'][] = $record; } // Initializes the cache instance function initCacheInstance () { // Load include for CacheSystem class loadIncludeOnce('inc/classes/cachesystem.class.php'); // Initialize cache system only when it's needed $GLOBALS['cache_instance'] = new CacheSystem(); if ($GLOBALS['cache_instance']->getStatus() != 'done') { // Failed to initialize cache sustem addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '(' . __LINE__ . '): {--CACHE_CANNOT_INITIALIZE--}'); } // END - if } // Getter for message from array or raw message function getMessageFromIndexedArray ($message, $pos, $array) { // Check if the requested message was found in array if (isset($array[$pos])) { // ... if yes then use it! $ret = $array[$pos]; } else { // ... else use default message $ret = $message; } // Return result return $ret; } // Convert ';' to ', ' for e.g. receiver list function convertReceivers ($old) { return str_replace(';', ', ', $old); } // Get a module from filename and access level function getModuleFromFileName ($file, $accessLevel) { // Default is 'invalid'; $modCheck = 'invalid'; // @TODO This is still very static, rewrite it somehow switch ($accessLevel) { case 'admin': $modCheck = 'admin'; break; case 'sponsor': case 'guest': case 'member': $modCheck = getModule(); break; default: // Unsupported file name / access level debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Unsupported file name=' . basename($file) . '/access level=' . $accessLevel); break; } // Return result return $modCheck; } // Encodes an URL for adding session id, etc. function encodeUrl ($url, $outputMode = '0') { // Do we have already have a PHPSESSID inside or view.php is called? Then abort here if ((strpos($url, session_name()) !== false) || (isRawOutputMode())) return $url; // Do we have a valid session? if (((!isset($GLOBALS['valid_session'])) || ($GLOBALS['valid_session'] === false) || (!isset($_COOKIE[session_name()]))) && (isSpider() === false)) { // Invalid session // Determine right seperator $seperator = '&'; if (strpos($url, '?') === false) { // No question mark $seperator = '?'; } elseif ((!isHtmlOutputMode()) || ($outputMode != '0')) { // Non-HTML mode $seperator = '&'; } // Add it to URL if (session_id() != '') { $url .= $seperator . session_name() . '=' . session_id(); } // END - if } // END - if // Add {?URL?} ? if ((substr($url, 0, strlen(getUrl())) != getUrl()) && (substr($url, 0, 7) != '{?URL?}') && (substr($url, 0, 7) != 'http://') && (substr($url, 0, 8) != 'https://')) { // Add it $url = '{?URL?}/' . $url; } // END - if // Return the URL return $url; } // Simple check for spider function isSpider () { // Get the UA and trim it down $userAgent = trim(strtolower(detectUserAgent(true))); // It should not be empty, if so it is better a spider/bot if (empty($userAgent)) return true; // Is it a spider? return ((strpos($userAgent, 'spider') !== false) || (strpos($userAgent, 'slurp') !== false) || (strpos($userAgent, 'bot') !== false) || (strpos($userAgent, 'archiver') !== false)); } // Function to search for the last modified file function searchDirsRecursive ($dir, &$last_changed, $lookFor = 'Date') { // Get dir as array //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'dir=' . $dir); // Does it match what we are looking for? (We skip a lot files already!) // RegexPattern to exclude ., .., .revision, .svn, debug.log or .cache in the filenames $excludePattern = '@(\.revision|\.svn|debug\.log|\.cache|config\.php)$@'; $ds = getArrayFromDirectory($dir, '', false, true, array(), '.php', $excludePattern); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'count(ds)='.count($ds)); // Walk through all entries foreach ($ds as $d) { // Generate proper FQFN $FQFN = str_replace('//', '/', getPath() . $dir . '/' . $d); // Is it a file and readable? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'dir=' . $dir . ',d=' . $d); if (isFileReadable($FQFN)) { // $FQFN is a readable file so extract the requested data from it $check = extractRevisionInfoFromFile($FQFN, $lookFor); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'File: ' . $d . ' found. check=' . $check); // Is the file more recent? if ((!isset($last_changed[$lookFor])) || ($last_changed[$lookFor] < $check)) { // This file is newer as the file before //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'NEWER!'); $last_changed['path_name'] = $FQFN; $last_changed[$lookFor] = $check; } // END - if } else { // Not readable /* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'File: ' . $d . ' not readable or directory.'); } } // END - foreach } // Handles the braces [] of a field (e.g. value of 'name' attribute) function handleFieldWithBraces ($field) { // Are there braces [] at the end? if (substr($field, -2, 2) == '[]') { // Try to find one and replace it. I do it this way to allow easy // extending of this code. foreach (array('admin_list_builder_id_value') as $key) { // Is the cache entry set? if (isset($GLOBALS[$key])) { // Insert it $field = str_replace('[]', '[' . $GLOBALS[$key] . ']', $field); // And abort break; } // END - if } // END - foreach } // END - if // Return it return $field; } // Converts a userid so it can be used in SQL queries function makeDatabaseUserId ($userid) { // Is it a valid username? if (isValidUserId($userid)) { // Always secure it $userid = bigintval($userid); } else { // Is not valid or zero $userid = 'NULL'; } // Return it return $userid; } // Capitalizes a string with underscores, e.g.: some_foo_string will become SomeFooString // Note: This function is cached function capitalizeUnderscoreString ($str) { // Do we have cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$str])) { // Init target string $capitalized = ''; // Explode it with the underscore, but rewrite dashes to underscore before $strArray = explode('_', str_replace('-', '_', $str)); // "Walk" through all elements and make them lower-case but first upper-case foreach ($strArray as $part) { // Capitalize the string part $capitalized .= ucfirst(strtolower($part)); } // END - foreach // Store the converted string in cache array $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$str] = $capitalized; } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$str]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Automatically re-created functions, all taken from user comments on www.php.net //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (!function_exists('html_entity_decode')) { // Taken from documentation on www.php.net function html_entity_decode ($string) { $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl); return strtr($string, $trans_tbl); } } // END - if if (!function_exists('http_build_query')) { // Taken from documentation on www.php.net, credits to Marco K. (Germany) and some light mods by R.Haeder function http_build_query($data, $prefix = '', $sep = '', $key = '') { $ret = array(); foreach ((array)$data as $k => $v) { if (is_int($k) && $prefix != null) { $k = urlencode($prefix . $k); } // END - if if ((!empty($key)) || ($key === 0)) $k = $key . '[' . urlencode($k) . ']'; if (is_array($v) || is_object($v)) { array_push($ret, http_build_query($v, '', $sep, $k)); } else { array_push($ret, $k.'='.urlencode($v)); } } // END - foreach if (empty($sep)) $sep = ini_get('arg_separator.output'); return implode($sep, $ret); } } // END - if // [EOF] ?>