$baseDir:'.print_r($baseDir, true).''; //echo '
$baseDir:'.print_r(constant('PATH') . $baseDir, true).'
'; //echo '
constant(\'PATH\'):'.print_r(constant('PATH'), true).'
'; //echo '
$FQFN:'.print_r($FQFN, true).'
'; break; } // END - if // Construct include filename and FQFN $INC = $baseDir . "/" . $baseFile; $FQFN = constant('PATH') . $INC; // repalecment of // to / is needed, whenn $baseDir is an emty String $FQFN = str_replace('//', '/', $FQFN); // Is this a valid reset file? //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "baseDir={$baseDir},prefix={$prefix},baseFile={$baseFile}"); if (((FILE_READABLE($FQFN)) && (substr($baseFile, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) && (substr($baseFile, -4, 4) == ".php")) || (($includeDirs) && (isDirectory($FQFN)))) { // Remove both for extension name $extName = substr($baseFile, strlen($prefix), -4); // Try to find it $extId = GET_EXT_ID($extName); // Is the extension valid and active? if (($extId > 0) && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE($extName))) { // Then add this file //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, " Extension entry ".$baseFile." added."); $INCs[] = $INC; } elseif ($extId == 0) { // Add non-extension files as well //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, " Regular entry ".$baseFile." added."); if ($addBaseDir) { $INCs[] = $INC; } else { $INCs[] = $baseFile; } } } // END - if } // END - while // Close directory closedir($dirPointer); // Sort array asort($INCs); // Return array with include files //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, " - Left!"); return $INCs; } // Init INC_POOL function INIT_INC_POOL () { $GLOBALS['inc_pool'] = array(); } // Setter for INC_POOL function SET_INC_POOL ($includePool) { $GLOBALS['inc_pool'] = (array) $includePool; } // Getter for INC_POOL function GET_INC_POOL () { return $GLOBALS['inc_pool']; } // Count INC_POOL function COUNT_INC_POOL () { return count($GLOBALS['inc_pool']); } // Merge INC_POOL into given function MERGE_INC_POOL ($includePool) { SET_INC_POOL(merge_array(GET_INC_POOL(), $includePool)); } // Add single include file to INC_POOL function ADD_INC_TO_POOL ($INC) { $GLOBALS['inc_pool'][] = (string) $INC; } // Remove an include file from INC_POOL function REMOVE_INC_FROM_POOL ($INC) { // First look it up $key = array_search($INC, GET_INC_POOL()); // Is it valid? if ($key !== false) { // Then remove it unset($GLOBALS['inc_pool'][$key]); // And sort the list asort($GLOBALS['inc_pool']); } // END - if } // [EOF] ?>