ret = "failed";
// Remeber path
$this->path = $path;
// Check if path exists
if ((is_dir($path)) && (!$tested)) {
// Check if we can create a file inside the path
touch($path."dummy.tmp", 'w');
if (FILE_READABLE($path."dummy.tmp")) {
// Yes, we can do. So let's remove it
// Is there a .htaccess file?
if (FILE_READABLE($path.".htaccess")) {
// Update database that we have tested it
UPDATE_CONFIG("cache_tested", 1);
// All done!
$this->ret = "done";
} else {
// Stop! Set a .htaccess file first
$this->ret = "htaccess";
} elseif ($tested) {
// System already tested
$this->ret = "done";
// Checks validity of cache file and if content is given
function loadCacheFile ($file, $forceContent = false) {
// Remember cache file
$this->name = $file;
// Construct FQFN (full qualified file name)
$this->inc = $this->path.$file.".cache";
// Check if file exists and if version matches
$status = (FILE_READABLE($this->inc) && (is_writeable($this->inc)) && ($this->extensionVersionMatches("cache")));
// Return status
return $status;
function init () {
// This will destory an existing cache file!
if ($this->ret == "done") {
// Create file
if (FILE_READABLE($this->inc)) chmod($this->inc, 0666);
$this->pointer = fopen($this->inc, 'w') or mxchange_die("Cannot write to cache ".$this->inc." !");
// Add open PHP tag
fwrite($this->pointer, "storeExtensionVersion("cache");
} else {
// Cannot create file
addFatalMessage(__FILE__."(".__LINE__."): ".CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED);
function addRow ($data) {
global $cacheArray;
if (is_resource($this->pointer)) {
// Write every array element to cache file
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
// Write global cache array for immediate access
if ((substr($k, 0, 4) == "ext_") && (isset($data['ext_name'])) && (isset($data['ext_id']))) {
if ($k != "ext_name") {
$cacheArray['extensions'][$k][$data['ext_name']] = $v;
} else {
$cacheArray['extensions'][$k][$data['ext_id']] = $v;
if (($k == "ext_keep") && ($v == "Y")) {
$cacheArray['active_extensions'][$data['ext_name']] = $v;
} // END - if
} elseif (is_array($v)) {
// Serialize and BASE64-encode the array
$v = base64_encode(serialize($v));
// Write cache line to file
fwrite($this->pointer, $this->rewriteEntry($k, $v));
} else {
// Cannot create file
addFatalMessage(__FILE__."(".__LINE__."): ".CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED);
function finalize () {
// Quit function when no pointer is set
if (is_resource($this->pointer)) {
// Write footer
fwrite($this->pointer, "?>\n");
// Close file add destroy handler
// Set rights
if (FILE_READABLE($this->inc)) chmod($this->inc, 0666);
// Remove pointer
$this->pointer = false;
//* DEBUG: */ print __METHOD__."(".__LINE__."): {$this->name} - FINALIZED!
} // END - if
function getArrayFromCache () {
// Is the cache already loaded?
if (isset($this->data[$this->name])) {
// Return it's content!
return $this->data[$this->name];
} // END - if
// Is the cache file there?
if (FILE_READABLE($this->inc)) {
// Prepare temporary array
$data = array();
$cache_version = null;
// Load cache file
// Is there an array?
if (is_array($data)) {
// Cache data
$this->data[$this->name] = $data;
// Cache version found?
if ((is_array($cache_version)) && (count($cache_version) > 0)) {
// Remember it as well...
$this->version[$this->name] = $cache_version;
} else {
// Invalid cache so destroy it
// Clear cached data
$this->data[$this->name] = array();
// Return cache
return $this->data[$this->name];
} else {
// Cache problem detected!
} else {
// Cache file not found or not readable
addFatalMessage(__FILE__."(".__LINE__."): ".CACHE_CANNOT_LOAD_1.$this->inc.CACHE_CANNOT_LOAD_2);
// Destroy an existing cache file
function destroyCacheFile () {
// Is the cache file there?
if ((!isset($this->rebuilt[$this->name])) && (FILE_READABLE($this->inc))) {
// Close cache
// Remove cache file from system
//* DEBUG: */ print __METHOD__."(".__LINE__."): {$this->name} - DESTROYED!
// Is the file there?
if (!FILE_READABLE($this->inc)) {
// The cache does no longer exist so kill the content
$this->rebuilt[$this->name] = true;
} else {
// Not removed!
addFatalMessage(__FILE__."(".__LINE__."): ".CACHE_CANNOT_UNLINK_1.$this->inc.CACHE_CANNOT_UNLINK_2);
} // END - if
// Unused method:
function removeEntry ($search, $data, $array) {
if ((FILE_READABLE($this->inc)) && (is_writeable($this->inc))) {
// Load cache into dummy array
$dummy = $this->getArrayFromCache();
// Search for key in array
$key = array_search($data, $dummy[$search]);
if (!empty($key)) {
// Key (hopefully) found?
foreach ($array as $a) {
// So we can remove all elements as requested
} // END - foreach
// Flush array to cache file
// Write array out
// Close cache file
} else {
// Cannot write to cache!
addFatalMessage(__FILE__."(".__LINE__."): ".CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED);
function writeArray ($array) {
if (is_resource($this->pointer)) {
foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
// Multi line(s) found
$LINE = "";
foreach($v as $k2 => $v2) {
// Put every array element in a row...
$LINE .= $this->rewriteEntry($k, $v2);
} else {
// Single line found
$LINE = $this->rewriteEntry($k, $v);
// Write line(s)
fwrite($this->pointer, $LINE);
} // END - foreach
} else {
// Cannot write array!
addFatalMessage(__FILE__."(".__LINE__."): ".CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED);
// Unused method
function replaceEntry ($search, $replace, $search_key, $array) {
if ((FILE_READABLE($this->inc)) && (is_writeable($this->inc))) {
// Load cache into dummy array
$dummy = $this->getArrayFromCache();
// Check if $dummy is valid (prevents some errors)
if ((is_array($dummy)) && (isset($dummy[$search])) && (is_array($dummy[$search]))) {
// Search for key in array
$key_found = array_key_exists($search_key, $dummy[$search]);
if ($key_found == true) {
$key = $search_key;
// Key (hopefully) found?
foreach ($dummy as $a => $v) {
// So we can update all entries
if ($a == $search) {
// Update now...
$dummy[$a][$search_key] = $replace;
} // END - if
} // END - foreach
// Flush array to cache file
// Write array out
// Close cache file
} // END - if
} // END - if
} else {
// Cannot write to cache!
addFatalMessage(__FILE__."(".__LINE__."): ".CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED);
function storeExtensionVersion ($ext_name) {
// Valid cache pointer?
if (is_resource($this->pointer)) {
// Get extension version
$ext_ver = GET_EXT_VERSION($ext_name);
// Write cache line to file
fwrite($this->pointer, "\$cache_version['".$ext_name."'] = \"".$ext_ver."\";\n");
// Add the extension version to object (DO NOT REMOVE IT! Endless loop...)
$this->version[$this->name][$ext_name] = $ext_ver;
//* DEBUG: */ print __METHOD__."(".__LINE__."): {$this->name} - {$ext_name}={$ext_ver}
} else {
// Cannot create file
addFatalMessage(__FILE__."(".__LINE__."): ".CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED);
function extensionVersionMatches ($ext_name) {
// Load cache (dummy)
// Get extension version
$ext_ver = GET_EXT_VERSION($ext_name);
// Debug messages
if (isset($this->version[$this->name][$ext_name])) {
//* DEBUG: */ print __METHOD__."(".__LINE__."): cache={$this->name},ext_name={$ext_name} - {$ext_ver}/{$this->version[$this->name][$ext_name]}
} else {
// No cache version found!
DEBUG_LOG(__METHOD__, __LINE__, "Cache {$this->name} has missing entry for extension {$ext_name}!");
// Compare both
return ((isset($this->version[$this->name][$ext_name])) && ($this->version[$this->name][$ext_name] == $ext_ver));
function rewriteEntry ($key, $value) {
// Init line
$line = "";
// String or non-string? ;-)
if (is_string($value)) {
// String...
$line = "\$data['".$key."'][] = \"".$value."\";\n";
} elseif (is_null($value)) {
// Null
$line = "\$data['".$key."'][] = null;\n";
} elseif (is_bool($value)) {
// Boolean value
if ($value === true) {
$line = "\$data['".$key."'][] = true;\n";
} else {
$line = "\$data['".$key."'][] = false;\n";
} else {
// Non-string
$line = "\$data['".$key."'][] = ".$value.";\n";
// Return line
return $line;
function getStatus () {
return $this->ret;
// Destroy the cache on extension changes
global $cacheInstance;
// Remove cache
if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("cache")) {
if ($cacheInstance->loadCacheFile("config")) $cacheInstance->destroyCacheFile();
if ($cacheInstance->loadCacheFile("extensions")) $cacheInstance->destroyCacheFile();
if ($cacheInstance->loadCacheFile("mod_reg")) $cacheInstance->destroyCacheFile();
} // END - if
// Return it
return $data;
// Destroy the cache on changing admin
global $cacheInstance;
// Remove cache
if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("cache")) {
if ($cacheInstance->loadCacheFile("admins")) $cacheInstance->destroyCacheFile();
} // END - if
// Destroy all cache files
global $cacheInstance;
// Remove cache
if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("cache")) {
if ($cacheInstance->loadCacheFile("admins")) $cacheInstance->destroyCacheFile();
if ($cacheInstance->loadCacheFile("admins_acls")) $cacheInstance->destroyCacheFile();
if ($cacheInstance->loadCacheFile("config")) $cacheInstance->destroyCacheFile();
if ($cacheInstance->loadCacheFile("extensions")) $cacheInstance->destroyCacheFile();
if ($cacheInstance->loadCacheFile("mod_reg")) $cacheInstance->destroyCacheFile();
if ($cacheInstance->loadCacheFile("refdepths")) $cacheInstance->destroyCacheFile();
if ($cacheInstance->loadCacheFile("refsystem")) $cacheInstance->destroyCacheFile();
if ($cacheInstance->loadCacheFile("themes")) $cacheInstance->destroyCacheFile();
} // END - if
// Filter for purging entire admin menu cache
// Just call the function