', $test)) { $check = strtolower(substr($test, strpos($test, '<') + 1, strpos($test, '>') - strpos($test, '<') - 1)); $check = str_replace('/', '', $check); if (!in_array($check, $GLOBALS['html_tags'])) { // Invalid tag found $html = ''; break; } // END - if $test = substr($test, strpos($test, '>') + 1); } // END - while // Return tested code return $html; } // function insertUrlsIntoHtml ($text) { $test = $text; // First replace URLs... while (isInString('http://', $test)) { $check = substr($test, strpos($test, 'http://')); $check2 = $check; // See ext-html.php if you want to add more URL ends... foreach ($GLOBALS['url_ends'] as $end) { if (isInString($end, $check)) $check = substr($check, 0, strpos($check, $end)); } // END - foreach // Now replace the URL against anchor container and pray... $text = substr($text, 0, strpos($text, $check2)) . '' . $check . '' . substr($text, strpos($text, $check2) + strlen($check)); // Finally remove the url from testing string (or we have a loop and maybe server overload!) $test = substr($test, strpos($test, $check) + strlen($check)); } // END - while // Now do the (nearly) same thing with email addresses // but now we have the problem that email addresses didn't have // a start mark like http:// and our templates are lame didn't have // a mailto: ... :-( $test = $text; // ... what will the email address be out the @... ;-) $PARTS = []; while (isInString('@', $test)) { $pos = strpos($test, '@'); $test2 = substr($test, 0, $pos); // First check backwards $idx = $pos - 1; while ($idx > 0) { $check = substr($test2, $idx, 1); if (!in_array($check, $GLOBALS['valid_email_chars'])) { // Char found so we end here break; } // END - if $idx--; } // END - while if ($idx > 0) { // Starting mark is found $check2 = substr($test, 0, ($idx + 1)); $test = substr($test, ($idx + 1)); } // END - if // And now go forward... $idx = 0; while ($idx < strlen($test)) { $check = substr($test, $idx, 1); if ((!in_array($check, $GLOBALS['valid_email_chars'])) && ($check != '@')) { // Char found so end here again break; } // END - if $idx++; } // END - while if ($idx > 0) { // Maybe this is the email address? $check = substr($test, 0, $idx); } // END - if // Now replace the email against anchor with mailto and pray... array_push($PARTS, $check2 . '' . $check . ''); // Remove email from testing string (see above why...) $test = substr($test, strlen($check)); } // Now put all parts together $text = ''; array_push($PARTS, $test); foreach ($PARTS as $part) { $text .= $part; } // END - foreach // Replace new-lines agains
-s and finally compile possible own HTML tags out... return preCompileCode(str_replace(PHP_EOL, '
' . PHP_EOL, $text)); } // [EOF] ?>