$value) { // Check all fields that must register $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` WHERE `field_name`='%s' AND `field_required`='Y' LIMIT 1", array($key), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Entry found? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Check if extension country is not found (you have to enter the 2-chars long country code) or // if extensions is present check if country code was selected // 01 2 21 12 3 32 234 5 54 4 43 34 4 4 5 5432 2 3 3210 $country = ((!isExtensionActive('country')) || ((isExtensionActive('country')) && (((empty($value)) && ($key == 'cntry')) || (($key == 'country_code') && (!empty($value)))) && (!empty($array['country_code'])))); if ((empty($value)) && ($country === false)) { // Required field not set $array[$key] = '!'; $ret = false; } // END - if } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); } // END - foreach // Return result return $ret; } // Generates a 'category table' for the registration form function registerGenerateCategoryTable ($mode, $return=false) { $OUT = ''; // Guests are mostly not interested in how many members has // choosen an individual category $AND = "WHERE `visible`='Y' "; // Admins are allowed to see every category... if (isAdmin()) $AND = ''; // Look for categories $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `cat`, `visible` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` ".$AND." ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) { // List alle visible modules (or all to the admin) $OUT .= ''; while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { // Prepare array for the template $content['default_yes'] = ''; $content['default_no'] = ''; // Mark categories if ((postRequestParameter('cat', $content['id']) == 'Y') || ((getConfig('register_default') == 'Y') && (!isPostRequestParameterSet('cat', $content['id'])))) { $content['default_yes'] = ' checked="checked"'; } else { $content['default_no'] = ' checked="checked"'; } // Load template and switch color $OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_cat_row', true, $content); } // END - while $OUT .= '
'; // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); } else { // No categories setted up so far... $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', true, '{--NO_CATEGORIES_VISIBLE--}'); } if ($return === true) { // Return generated HTML code return $OUT; } else { // Output directly (default) outputHtml($OUT); } } // Outputs a 'failed message' function registerOutputFailedMessage ($messageId, $extra='') { if (empty($messageId)) { outputHtml('
' . $extra . '
'); } else { outputHtml('
{--' . $messageId . '--}' . $extra . '
'); } } // Run a filter for must-fillout fields function FILTER_REGISTER_MUST_FILLOUT ($content) { // Get all fields for output $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `field_name`, `field_required` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` ORDER BY `id` ASC", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Walk through all entries while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { // Must the user fill out this element? $value = ''; if ($row['field_required'] == 'Y') $value = '(*)'; // Add it $content['must_fillout_' . strtolower($row['field_name']) . ''] = $value; } // END - while // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return it return $content; } // Checks wether the registration data is complete function isRegistrationDataComplete () { // Init elements $GLOBALS['registration_ip_timeout'] = false; $GLOBALS['registration_short_password'] = false; $GLOBALS['register_selected_cats'] = '0'; // Default is okay $isOkay = true; // First we only check the submitted data then we continue... :) // // Did he agree to our Terms Of Usage? if (postRequestParameter('agree') != 'Y') { setPostRequestParameter('agree', '!'); $isOkay = false; } // END - if // Did he enter a valid email address? (we really don't care about // that, he has to click on a confirmation link :P ) if ((!isPostRequestParameterSet('email')) || (!isEmailValid(postRequestParameter('email')))) { setPostRequestParameter('email', '!'); $isOkay = false; } // END - if // And what about surname and family's name? if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('surname')) { setPostRequestParameter('surname', '!'); $isOkay = false; } // END - if if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('family')) { setPostRequestParameter('family', '!'); $isOkay = false; } // END - if // Get temporary array for modification $postArray = postRequestArray(); // Check for required fields $isOkay = ($isOkay && ifRequiredRegisterFieldsAreSet($postArray)); // Set it back in request setPostRequestArray($postArray); // Did he enter his password twice? if (((!isPostRequestParameterSet('pass1')) || (!isPostRequestParameterSet('pass2'))) || ((postRequestParameter('pass1') != postRequestParameter('pass2')) && (isPostRequestParameterSet('pass1')) && (isPostRequestParameterSet('pass2')))) { if ((postRequestParameter('pass1') != postRequestParameter('pass2')) && (isPostRequestParameterSet('pass1')) && (isPostRequestParameterSet('pass2'))) { setPostRequestParameter('pass1', '!'); setPostRequestParameter('pass2', '!'); } else { if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('pass1')) { setPostRequestParameter('pass1', '!'); } else { setPostRequestParameter('pass1', ''); } if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('pass2')) { setPostRequestParameter('pass2', '!'); } else { setPostRequestParameter('pass2', ''); } } $isOkay = false; } // END - if // Is the password long enouth? if ((strlen(postRequestParameter('pass1')) < getConfig('pass_len')) && ($isOkay === true)) { $GLOBALS['registration_short_password'] = true; $isOkay = false; } // END - if // Do this check only when no admin is logged in if (is_array(postRequestParameter('cat'))) { // Only continue with array foreach (postRequestParameter('cat') as $id => $answer) { // Is this category choosen? if ($answer == 'Y') { $GLOBALS['register_selected_cats']++; } // END - if } // END - foreach } // END - if // Enougth categories selected? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'isOkay='.intval($isOkay).',selected='.$GLOBALS['register_selected_cats'].'/'.getConfig('least_cats')); $isOkay = (($isOkay) && ($GLOBALS['register_selected_cats'] >= getConfig('least_cats'))); if ((postRequestParameter('email') != '!') && (getConfig('check_double_email') == 'Y')) { // Does the email address already exists in our database? if ((!isAdmin()) && (isEmailTaken(postRequestParameter('email')))) { setPostRequestParameter('email', '?'); $isOkay = false; } // END - if } // END - if // Check for IP timeout? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'isOkay='.intval($isOkay)); if ((!isAdmin()) && (getConfig('ip_timeout') > 0)) { // Check his IP number $GLOBALS['registration_ip_timeout'] = (countSumTotalData(detectRemoteAddr() , 'user_data', 'userid', 'REMOTE_ADDR', true, " AND ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - `joined`) < {?ip_timeout?} OR (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - `last_update`) < {?ip_timeout?}) LIMIT 1") == 1); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'isOkay='.intval($isOkay).',timeout='.intval($GLOBALS['registration_ip_timeout'])); $isOkay = (($isOkay) && (!$GLOBALS['registration_ip_timeout'])); } // END - if // Return result //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'isOkay='.intval($isOkay)); return $isOkay; } // Do the registration function doRegistration () { // Prepapre month and day of birth if (strlen(postRequestParameter('day')) == 1) setPostRequestParameter('day' , '0' . postRequestParameter('day')); if (strlen(postRequestParameter('month')) == 1) setPostRequestParameter('month', '0' . postRequestParameter('month')); // Get total ... // ... confirmed, ... $confirmedUsers = getTotalConfirmedUser(); // ... unconfirmed ... $unconfirmedUsers = getTotalUnconfirmedUser(); // ... and locked users! $lockedUsers = getTotalLockedUser(); // Generate hash which will be inserted into confirmation mail $hash = generateHash(sha1( $confirmedUsers . getEncryptSeperator() . $unconfirmedUsers . getEncryptSeperator() . $lockedUsers . getEncryptSeperator() . postRequestParameter('month') . '-' . postRequestParameter('day') . '-' . postRequestParameter('year') . getEncryptSeperator() . detectServerName() . getEncryptSeperator() . detectRemoteAddr() . getEncryptSeperator() . detectUserAgent() . '/' . getConfig('SITE_KEY') . '/' . getConfig('DATE_KEY') . '/' . getConfig('CACHE_BUSTER') )); // Old way with enterable two-char-code $countryRow = '`country`'; $countryData = substr(postRequestParameter('cntry'), 0, 2); // Add design when extension sql_patches is v0.2.7 or greater // @TODO Rewrite these all to a single filter $GLOBALS['register_sql_columns'] = ''; $GLOBALS['register_sql_data'] = ''; if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('theme', '0.0.8')) { // Okay, add design here $GLOBALS['register_sql_columns'] .= ', `curr_theme`'; $GLOBALS['register_sql_data'] .= ", '" . getCurrentTheme() . "'"; } // END - if // Check if I shall disable sending mail to newly registered members out about active/begging rallye // // First comes first: begging rallye if (!isBegNewMemberNotifyEnabled()) { $GLOBALS['register_sql_columns'] .= ', `beg_rallye_enable_notify`, `beg_rallye_disable_notify`'; $GLOBALS['register_sql_data'] .= ', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()'; } // END - if // Second: active rallye if (!isBonusNewMemberNotifyEnabled()) { $GLOBALS['register_sql_columns'] .= ', `bonus_rallye_enable_notify`, `bonus_rallye_disable_notify`'; $GLOBALS['register_sql_data'] .= ', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()'; } // END - if // Write user data to table if (isExtensionActive('country')) { // Save with new selectable country code $countryRow = '`country_code`'; $countryData = bigintval(postRequestParameter('country_code')); } // END - if ////////////////////////////// // Create user's account... // ////////////////////////////// // SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` (`gender`, `surname`, `family`, `street_nr`,%s, `zip`, `city`, `email`, `birth_day`, `birth_month`, `birth_year`, `password`, `max_mails`, `receive_mails`, `refid`, `status`, `user_hash`, `REMOTE_ADDR`, `joined`, `last_update`".$GLOBALS['register_sql_columns'].") VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%s,'%s','%s',%s, %s,%s,'%s',%s, %s,'%s','UNCONFIRMED','%s','%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()".$GLOBALS['register_sql_data'].")", array( $countryRow, substr(postRequestParameter('gender'), 0, 1), postRequestParameter('surname'), postRequestParameter('family'), postRequestParameter('street_nr'), $countryData, bigintval(postRequestParameter('zip')), postRequestParameter('city'), postRequestParameter('email'), bigintval(postRequestParameter('day')), bigintval(postRequestParameter('month')), bigintval(postRequestParameter('year')), generateHash(postRequestParameter('pass1')), bigintval(postRequestParameter('max_mails')), bigintval(postRequestParameter('max_mails')), bigintval(postRequestParameter('refid')), $hash, detectRemoteAddr(), ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Get his userid $userid = bigintval(SQL_INSERTID()); // Did this work? if ($userid == '0') { // Something bad happened! loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, '{--USER_NOT_REGISTERED--}'); // Stop here return; } // END - if // Is the refback extension there? // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter if (isExtensionActive('refback')) { // Update refback table updateRefbackTable($userid); } // END - if // Write his welcome-points // @TODO Wether the registration bonus should only be added to user directly or through referal system should be configurable addPointsDirectly('register_welcome', $userid, getPointsRegister()); // Write catgories if ((is_array(postRequestParameter('cat'))) && (count(postRequestParameter('cat')))) { foreach (postRequestParameter('cat') as $cat => $joined) { if ($joined == 'Y') { // Insert category entry SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_cats` (`userid`, `cat_id`) VALUES (%s, %s)", array($userid, bigintval($cat)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } // END - if } // END - foreach } // END - if // ... rewrite a zero referal id to the main title if (postRequestParameter('refid') == '0') setPostRequestParameter('refid', getMainTitle()); // Is ZIP code set? if (isPostRequestParameterSet('zip')) { // Prepare data array for the email template // Start with the gender... $content = array( 'hash' => $hash, 'userid' => $userid, 'gender' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('gender')), 'surname' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('surname')), 'family' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('family')), 'email' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('email')), 'street' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('street_nr')), 'city' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('city')), 'zip' => bigintval(postRequestParameter('zip')), 'country' => $countryData, 'refid' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('refid')), 'pass' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('pass1')), ); } else { // No ZIP code entered $content = array( 'hash' => $hash, 'userid' => $userid, 'gender' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('gender')), 'surname' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('surname')), 'family' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('family')), 'email' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('email')), 'street' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('street_nr')), 'city' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('city')), 'zip' => '', 'country' => $countryData, 'refid' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('refid')), 'pass' => SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestParameter('pass1')), ); } // Continue with birthday... switch (getLanguage()) { case 'de': $content['birthday'] = bigintval(postRequestParameter('day')) . '.' . bigintval(postRequestParameter('month')) . '.' . bigintval(postRequestParameter('year')); break; default: $content['birthday'] = bigintval(postRequestParameter('month')) . '/' . bigintval(postRequestParameter('day')) . '/' . bigintval(postRequestParameter('year')); break; } // END - switch // Display information to the user that he got mail and send it away $messageGuest = loadEmailTemplate('register-member', $content, $userid); // Send mail to user (confirmation link!) $email = $content['email']; sendEmail($content['email'], '{--GUEST_CONFIRM_LINK_SUBJECT--}', $messageGuest); $content['email'] = $email; // Send mail to admin sendAdminNotification('{--ADMIN_NEW_ACCOUNT_SUBJECT--}', 'register-admin', $content, $userid); } // [EOF] ?>