[], 'values' => [] ); // Check if sponsor already exists foreach ($postData as $k => $v) { if (!(array_search($k, $SKIPPED) > -1)) { // Check only posted input entries not the submit button switch ($k) { case 'email': $ALREADY = FALSE; if (!isEmailValid($v)) { // Email address is not valid $SAVE = FALSE; } else { // Add a new sponsor or update his data? $result = sqlQueryEscaped("SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` WHERE email='%s' LIMIT 1", array($postData['email']), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Is a sponsor alread in the db? if (sqlNumRows($result) == 1) { // Yes, he is! if ((getWhat() == 'add_sponsor') || ($update)) { // Already found $ALREADY = TRUE; } else { // Update his data $UPDATE = TRUE; } } // Free memory sqlFreeResult($result); } break; case 'password1': $k = ''; $v = ''; break; case 'password2': $k = 'password'; $v = md5($v); break; case 'url': if (!isUrlValid($v)) { // Don't save the URL $SAVE = FALSE; } // END - if break; default: // Test if there is are time selections convertSelectionsToEpocheTime($postData, $DATA, $k, $skip); break; } // END - switch if ((!empty($k)) && ($skip == FALSE)) { // Add data array_push($DATA['keys'] , $k); array_push($DATA['values'], $v); } // END - if } // END - if } // END - foreach // Save sponsor? if ($SAVE === TRUE) { // Default is no force even when a guest want to abuse this force switch if ((empty($postData['force'])) || (!isAdmin())) $postData['force'] = '0'; // SQL and message string is empty by default $sql = ''; $message = ''; // Update? if ($UPDATE) { // Update his data $sql = "UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` SET "; foreach ($DATA['keys'] as $k => $v) { $sql .= $v."='%s', "; } // END - foreach // Remove last ", " from SQL string $sql = substr($sql, 0, -2)." WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1"; array_push($DATA['values'], bigintval(getRequestElement('id'))); // Generate message $message = getMessageFromIndexedArray('{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_UPDATED--}', 'updated', $messageArray); $ret = 'updated'; } elseif (($ALREADY === FALSE) || (($postData['force'] == 1) && (isAdmin()))) { // Add new sponsor, first add more data array_push($DATA['keys'], 'status'); if (($update === TRUE) && (isAdmin()) && (getWhat() == 'add_sponsor')) { // Only allowed for admin array_push($DATA['values'], 'PENDING'); // Add remote IP address as well array_push($DATA['keys'], 'remote_addr'); array_push($DATA['values'], detectRemoteAddr()); } else { // Guest area array_push($DATA['values'], 'UNCONFIRMED'); // Generate hash code array_push($DATA['keys'], 'hash'); // @TODO Rewrite this to API function array_push($DATA['values'], md5(session_id() . getEncryptSeparator() . $postData['email'] . getEncryptSeparator() . detectRemoteAddr() . getEncryptSeparator() . detectUserAgent() . getEncryptSeparator() . time())); array_push($DATA['keys'], 'remote_addr'); array_push($DATA['values'], detectRemoteAddr()); } // Search the entry $key = array_search('force', $DATA['keys']); // Remove force from both arrays unset($DATA['keys'][$key]); unset($DATA['values'][$key]); // Implode all data into strings $keyArray = implode('`, `' , $DATA['keys']); $valueArray = str_repeat("%s', '", count($DATA['values']) - 1); // Generate string $sql = 'INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` (`' . $keyArray . "`) VALUES ('" . $valueArray . "%s')"; // Generate message $message = getMessageFromIndexedArray('{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_ADDED--}', 'added', $messageArray); $ret = 'added'; } elseif (($update === TRUE) && (isAdmin())) { // Add all data as hidden data $OUT = ''; foreach ($postData as $k => $v) { // Do not add 'force' ! if ($k != 'force') { $OUT .= ''; } // END - if } // END - foreach // Remember data $content['hidden'] = $OUT; $content['email'] = $postData['email']; // Ask for adding a sponsor with same email address loadTemplate('admin_add_sponsor_already', FALSE, $content); return; } else { // Already added! $message = '{%message,SPONSOR_ALREADY_FOUND=' . $postData['email'] . '%}'; $ret = 'already'; } if (!empty($sql)) { // Run SQL command $result = sqlQueryEscaped($sql, $DATA['values'], __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } // END - if } else { // Error detected $message = getMessageFromIndexedArray('{--SPONSOR_DATA_NOT_SAVED--}', 'failed', $messageArray); displayMessage($message); } // Always return the status return $ret; } // Translate the account status function translateSponsorStatus ($status) { // Construct constant name $constantName = sprintf("ACCOUNT_STATUS_%s", $status); // Is the constant there? if (isMessageIdValid($constantName)) { // Then use it $ret = getMessage($constantName); } else { // Not found //* DEBUG: */ reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown status %s detected.", $status)); logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown status %s detected.", $status)); $ret = '{%message,ACCOUNT_STATUS_UNKNOWN=' . $status . '%}'; } // Return status return $ret; } // Search for an email address in the database function isSponsorRegisteredWithEmail ($email) { // Is there already the provided email address in database? $ret = (countSumTotalData($email, 'sponsor_data', 'id', 'email', TRUE) == 1); // Return result return $ret; } // Wether the current user is a sponsor function isSponsor () { // Failed is default $ret = FALSE; // Determine it $ret = ( (isSessionVariableSet('sponsor_id')) && (isSessionVariableSet('sponsor_pass')) && (fetchSponsorData(getSession('sponsor_id'))) ); // Return status return $ret; } // function addSponsorMenu ($current) { $OUT = ''; $WHERE = " AND `active`='Y'"; if (isAdmin()) $WHERE = ''; // Load main menu entries $result_main = sqlQuery("SELECT `action` AS `main_action`, `title` AS `main_title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) " . $WHERE . " ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (!ifSqlHasZeroNumRows($result_main)) { // Load every menu and it's sub menus while ($content = sqlFetchArray($result_main)) { // Load sub menus $result_sub = sqlQueryEscaped("SELECT `what` AS `sub_what`, `title` AS `sub_title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_menu` WHERE `action`='%s' AND `what` != '' AND `what` IS NOT NULL " . $WHERE . " ORDER BY `sort` ASC", array($content['main_action']), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (!ifSqlHasZeroNumRows($result_sub)) { // Load sub menus $SUB = ''; while ($content2 = sqlFetchArray($result_sub)) { // Check if current selected menu is matching the loaded one if ($current == $content2['sub_what']) $content2['sub_title'] = '' . $content2['sub_title'] . ''; // Load row template $SUB .= loadTemplate('sponsor_what', TRUE, $content2); } // END - while // Prepare data for the main template $content['menu'] = $SUB; // Load menu template $OUT .= loadTemplate('sponsor_action', TRUE, $content); } else { // No sub menus active $OUT .= displayMessage('{--SPONSOR_NO_SUB_MENUS_ACTIVE--}', TRUE); } // Free memory sqlFreeResult($result_sub); } // END - while } else { // No main menus active $OUT .= displayMessage('{--SPONSOR_NO_MAIN_MENUS_ACTIVE--}', TRUE); } // Free memory sqlFreeResult($result_main); // Return content return $OUT; } // function addSponsorContent ($what) { // Init sponsor content $GLOBALS['sponsor_output'] = ''; // Generate IFN (Include FileName) $INC = sprintf('inc/modules/sponsor/%s.php', $what); if (isIncludeReadable($INC)) { // Every sponsor action will output nothing directly. It will be written into $GLOBALS['sponsor_output']! loadIncludeOnce($INC); } else { // File not found $GLOBALS['sponsor_output'] .= displayMessage('{%message,SPONSOR_CONTENT_404=' . $what . '%}', TRUE); } // Return content return $GLOBALS['sponsor_output']; } // function updateSponsorLogin () { // Failed by default $login = FALSE; // Is sponsor? if (isSponsor()) { // Update last online timestamp sqlQueryEscaped("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` SET `last_online`=NOW() WHERE `id`=%s AND `password`='%s' LIMIT 1", array( bigintval(getSession('sponsor_id')), getSession('sponsor_pass') ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // This update went fine? $login = (!ifSqlHasZeroAffectedRows()); } // END - if // Return status return $login; } // Saves sponsor's data function saveSponsorData ($postData, $content) { $EMAIL = FALSE; // Unsecure data which we don't want $UNSAFE = array('password', 'id', 'remote_addr', 'sponsor_created', 'last_online', 'status', 'ref_count', 'points_amount', 'points_used', 'refid', 'hash', 'last_payment', 'last_currency', 'pass_old', 'ok', 'password1', 'password2'); // Set default message ("not saved") $message = '{--SPONSOR_ACCOUNT_DATA_NOT_SAVED--}'; // Check for submitted passwords if ((!empty($postData['password1'])) && (!empty($postData['password2']))) { // Are both passwords the same? if ($postData['password1'] == $postData['password2']) { // Okay, then set password and remove password1 and password2 $postData['password'] = md5($postData['password1']); } // END - if } // END - if // Remove all (maybe spoofed) unsafe data from array foreach ($UNSAFE as $remove) { unset($postData[$remove]); } // END - foreach // This array is for the submitted data which we will use with the sqlQueryEscaped() function to // secure the data $DATA = []; // Prepare SQL string $sql = "UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` SET"; foreach ($postData as $key => $value) { // Mmmmm, too less security here??? $sql .= " `" . secureString($key) . "`='%s',"; // We will secure this later inside the sqlQueryEscaped() function array_push($DATA, secureString($value)); } // END - foreach // Check if email has changed if ((!empty($content['email'])) && (!empty($postData['email']))) { if ($content['email'] != $postData['email']) { // Change email address $EMAIL = TRUE; // Okay, has changed then add status with UNCONFIRMED and new hash code $sql .= " `status`='EMAIL',`hash`='%s',"; // Generate hash code // @TODO Rewrite this to API function $HASH = md5(session_id() . getEncryptSeparator() . $postData['email'] . getEncryptSeparator() . detectRemoteAddr() . getEncryptSeparator() . detectUserAgent() . getEncryptSeparator() . time()); array_push($DATA, $HASH); } // END - if } // END - if // Remove last commata $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1); // Add last_change $sql .= ',`last_change`=NOW()'; // Add SQL tail data $sql .= " WHERE `id`=%s AND `password`='%s' LIMIT 1"; array_push($DATA, bigintval(getSession('sponsor_id')), getSession('sponsor_pass')); // Saving data was completed... ufff... switch (getWhat()) { case 'account': // Change account data if ($EMAIL === TRUE) { $message = '{--SPONSOR_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_CHANGED--}'; $templ = 'admin_sponsor_change_email'; $subject = '{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_ACC_EMAIL_SUBJECT--}'; } else { $message = '{--SPONSOR_ACCOUNT_DATA_SAVED--}'; $templ = 'admin_sponsor_change_data'; $subject = '{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_ACC_DATA_SUBJECT--}'; } break; case 'settings': // Change settings // Set message template and subject for admin $message = '{--SPONSOR_SETTINGS_SAVED--}'; $templ = 'admin_sponsor_settings'; $subject = '{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_SETTINGS_SUBJECT--}'; break; default: // Unknown sponsor what value! logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown sponsor module (what) %s detected.", getWhat())); $message = '{--SPONSOR_UNKNOWN_WHAT--}'; $templ = ''; $subject = ''; break; } // END - switch // Has an entry updated? if (!ifSqlHasZeroAffectedRows()) { // Template and subject are set? if (!empty($templ) && !empty($subject)) { // Run SQL command and check for success $result = sqlQueryEscaped($sql, $DATA, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Add all data to content $content['new_data'] = $postData; // Send email to admins sendAdminNotification($subject, $templ, $content); // Shall we send mail to the sponsor's new email address? if ($content['receive_warnings'] == 'Y') { /* * Okay send email with confirmation link to new address and with no confirmation link * to the old address. */ // First to old address switch (getWhat()) { case 'account': // Change account data $email_msg = loadEmailTemplate('sponsor_change_data', $content); sendEmail($content['email'], '{--SPONSOR_ACC_DATA_SUBJECT--}', $email_msg); if ($EMAIL === TRUE) { // Add hash code to content array $content['hash'] = $HASH; // Second mail goes to the new address $email_msg = loadEmailTemplate('sponsor_change_email', $content); sendEmail($content['email'], '{--SPONSOR_ACC_EMAIL_SUBJECT--}', $email_msg); } // END - if break; case 'settings': // Change settings // Send email $email_msg = loadEmailTemplate('sponsor_settings', $content); sendEmail($content['email'], '{--SPONSOR_SETTINGS_SUBJECT--}', $email_msg); break; } // END - switch } // END - if } // END - if } // END - if // Return final message return $message; } // Create email link to sponsor's account function generateSponsorEmailLink ($email, $mod = 'admin') { // Show contact link only if sponsor is confirmed by default $locked = " AND `status`='CONFIRMED'"; // But admins shall always see it if (isAdmin()) $locked = ''; $result = sqlQueryEscaped("SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` WHERE '%s' REGEXP `email` " . $locked . " LIMIT 1", array($email), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (sqlNumRows($result) == 1) { // Load sponsor_id list($sponsor_id) = sqlFetchRow($result); // Rewrite email address to contact link $email = '{%url=modules.php?module=' . $mod . '&what=sponsor_contct&sponsor_id=' . bigintval($sponsor_id) . '%}'; } // END - if // Free memory sqlFreeResult($result); // Return rewritten (?) email address return $email; } // Processes a sponsor request and handles it function doProcessSponsorFormRequest ($messageArray = []) { // Default message $message = ''; // Handle the request $status = handleSponsorRequest(postRequestArray(), TRUE, $messageArray, TRUE); // Check the status of the registration process switch ($status) { case 'added': // Sponsor successfully added with account status = UNCONFIRMED! // Check for his id number $result = sqlQueryEscaped("SELECT `id`, `hash` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` WHERE '%s' REGEXP `email` LIMIT 1", array(postRequestElement('email')), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (sqlNumRows($result) == 1) { // id found so let's load it for the confirmation email list($id, $hash) = sqlFetchRow($result); // Prepare data for the email template $content['id'] = $id; $content['hash'] = $hash; $content['email'] = postRequestElement('email'); $content['surname'] = postRequestElement('surname'); $content['family'] = postRequestElement('family'); $content['timestamp'] = generateDateTime(time(), 0); $content['password'] = postRequestElement('password1'); // Generate email and send it to the new sponsor $message = loadEmailTemplate('sponsor_confirm', $content, $id); sendEmail(postRequestElement('email'), '{--SPONSOR_PLEASE_CONFIRM_SUBJECT--}', $message); // Send mail to admin sendAdminNotification('{--ADMIN_NEW_SPONSOR--}', 'admin_sponsor_reg', $content); // Output message: DONE $message = $messageArray['added']; } else { // Sponsor account not found??? $message = '{%message,SPONSOR_EMAIL_404=' . postRequestElement('email') . '%}'; } // Free memory sqlFreeResult($result); break; default: logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown status %s detected.", $status)); if (!isAdmin()) { // Message for testing admin $message = '{%message,ADMIN_SPONSOR_UNKNOWN_STATUS=' . $status . '%}'; } else { // Message for the guest $message = '{%message,SPONSOR_UNKNOWN_STATUS=' . $status . '%}'; } break; } // END - switch // Return message return $message; } // Expression call-back function for fetching sponsor data function doExpressionSponsor ($data) { // Use current sponsor_id by default $functionName = 'getSponsorId()'; // Sponsor-related data, so is there a sponsor_id? if (!empty($data['matches'][4][$data['key']])) { // Is there a sponsor_id or $sponsor_id? if ($data['matches'][4][$data['key']] == '$userid') { // Use dynamic call $functionName = "getFetchedSponsorData('id', \$userid, '" . $data['callback'] . "')"; } elseif (!empty($data['matches'][4][$data['key']])) { // Sponsor data found $functionName = "getFetchedSponsorData('id', " . $data['matches'][4][$data['key']] . ", '" . $data['callback'] . "')"; } } elseif ((!empty($data['callback'])) && (isValidSponsorData())) { // "Call-back" alias column for current logged in sponsor's data $functionName = "getSponsorData('" . $data['callback'] . "')"; } // Is there another function to run (e.g. translations) if (!empty($data['extra_func'])) { // Surround the original function call with it $functionName = $data['extra_func'] . '(' . $functionName . ')'; } // END - if // Generate replacer $replacer = '{DQUOTE} . ' . $functionName . ' . {DQUOTE}'; // Now replace the code $code = replaceExpressionCode($data, $replacer); // Return replaced code return $code; } // Fetch sponsor data for given sponsor id function fetchSponsorData ($sponsor_id, $column = 'id') { // If we should look for sponsor_id secure&set it here if ($column == 'id') { // Secure sponsor_id $sponsor_id = bigintval($sponsor_id); // Set it here setCurrentSponsorId($sponsor_id); // Don't look for invalid sponsor_ids... if (!isValidId($sponsor_id)) { // Invalid, so abort here reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Sponsor id ' . $sponsor_id . ' is invalid.'); } elseif (isValidSponsorData()) { // Use cache, so it is fine return TRUE; } } elseif (isValidSponsorData()) { // Use cache, so it is fine return TRUE; } // By default none was found $found = FALSE; // Extra statements $ADD = ''; // Query for the sponsor $result = sqlQueryEscaped("SELECT *".$ADD." FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` WHERE `%s`='%s' LIMIT 1", array($column, $sponsor_id), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Is there a record? if (sqlNumRows($result) == 1) { // Load data from cookies $data = sqlFetchArray($result); // Set the sponsor_id for later use setCurrentSponsorId($data['id']); $GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()] = $data; // Rewrite 'last_failure' if found if (isset($GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]['last_failure'])) { // Backup the raw one and zero it $GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]['last_failure_raw'] = $GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]['last_failure']; $GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]['last_failure'] = NULL; // Is it not zero? if (!is_null($GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]['last_failure_raw'])) { // Seperate data/time $array = explode(' ', $GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]['last_failure_raw']); // Seperate data and time again $array['date'] = explode('-', $array[0]); $array['time'] = explode(':', $array[1]); // Now pass it to mktime() $GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]['last_failure'] = mktime( $array['time'][0], $array['time'][1], $array['time'][2], $array['date'][1], $array['date'][2], $array['date'][0] ); } // END - if } // END - if // Found, but valid? $found = isValidSponsorData(); } // END - if // Free memory sqlFreeResult($result); // Return result return $found; } // Wrapper for fetchSponsorData() and getSponsorData() calls function getFetchedSponsorData ($keyColumn, $sponsor_id, $valueColumn) { // Zero ids are not valid if (!isValidId($sponsor_id)) { // Abort here reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Zero sponsor_id provided'); } // END - if // Is it cached? if (!isset($GLOBALS['sponsor_data_cache'][$sponsor_id][$keyColumn][$valueColumn])) { // Default is empty $data = ''; // Can we fetch the sponsor data? if ((isValidId($sponsor_id)) && (fetchSponsorData($sponsor_id, $keyColumn))) { // Now get the data back $data = getSponsorData($valueColumn); } // END - if // Cache it /* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'cached:id=' . $sponsor_id . ',keyColumn=' . $keyColumn . ',valueColumn=' . $valueColumn . ',data=' . $data); $GLOBALS['sponsor_data_cache'][$sponsor_id][$keyColumn][$valueColumn] = $data; } // END - if // Return it return $GLOBALS['sponsor_data_cache'][$sponsor_id][$keyColumn][$valueColumn]; } // Checks if the sponsor data is valid, this may indicate that the sponsor has logged // in, but you should use isMember() if you want to find that out. function isValidSponsorData () { // Sponsor id should not be zero so abort here if (!isCurrentSponsorIdSet()) return FALSE; // Is it cached? if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_sponsor_data_valid'][getCurrentSponsorId()])) { // Determine it $GLOBALS['is_sponsor_data_valid'][getCurrentSponsorId()] = ((isset($GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()])) && (count($GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]) > 1)); } // END - if // Return the result return $GLOBALS['is_sponsor_data_valid'][getCurrentSponsorId()]; } // Setter for current sponsor_id function setCurrentSponsorId ($sponsor_id) { // Set sponsor_id $GLOBALS['current_sponsor_id'] = bigintval($sponsor_id); // Unset it to re-determine the actual state unset($GLOBALS['is_sponsor_data_valid'][$sponsor_id]); } // Getter for current sponsor_id function getCurrentSponsorId () { // Sponsorid must be set before it can be used if (!isCurrentSponsorIdSet()) { // Not set reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Sponsor id is not set.'); } // END - if // Return the sponsor_id return $GLOBALS['current_sponsor_id']; } // Checks if current sponsor_id is set function isCurrentSponsorIdSet () { return ((isset($GLOBALS['current_sponsor_id'])) && (isValidId($GLOBALS['current_sponsor_id']))); } // Getter for sponsor data function getSponsorData ($column) { // Sponsor id should not be zero if (!isValidId(getCurrentSponsorId())) { reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Sponsor id is zero.'); } // END - if // Return the value return $GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()][$column]; } // Determines the country of the given sponsor id function determineSponsorCountry ($sponsor_id) { // Then handle it over $country = getSponsorData('country'); // Return it return $country; } // Destroy sponsor session function destroySponsorSession () { // Remove all user data from session return ( (setSession('sponsor_id', '')) && (setSession('sponsor_pass', '')) && ( ((isExtensionActive('theme')) && (setMailerTheme(''))) || (!isExtensionActive('theme')) ) ); } // Getter for sponsor_min_points function getSponsorMinPoints () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Determine it $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('sponsor_min_points'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Getter for sponsor_ref_points function getSponsorRefPoints () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Determine it $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('sponsor_ref_points'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // [EOF] ?>