$dummy) { // Test all ids through (ignores failed) $done = (($done) && (SURFBAR_CHANGE_STATUS($id, "PENDING", "ACTIVE"))); } // END - if // Return total status return $done; } // Admin function for rejecting URLs function SURFBAR_ADMIN_REJECT_URL_IDS ($IDs) { // Is this an admin or invalid array? if (!IS_ADMIN()) { // Not admin or invalid IDs array return false; } elseif (!is_array($IDs)) { // No array return false; } elseif (count($IDs) == 0) { // Empty array return false; } // Set to true to make AND expression valid if first URL got unlocked $done = true; // Update the status for all ids foreach ($IDs as $id => $dummy) { // Test all ids through (ignores failed) $done = (($done) && (SURFBAR_CHANGE_STATUS($id, "PENDING", "REJECTED"))); } // END - if // Return total status return $done; } // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Member functions // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member has added an URL function SURFBAR_MEMBER_ADD_URL ($url, $limit) { global $_CONFIG; // Do some pre-checks if (!IS_MEMBER()) { // Not a member return false; } elseif (!VALIDATE_URL($url)) { // URL invalid return false; } elseif (SURFBAR_LOOKUP_BY_URL($url, $GLOBALS['userid'])) { // URL already found in surfbar! return false; } elseif (!SURFBAR_IF_USER_BOOK_MORE_URLS($GLOBALS['userid'])) { // No more allowed! return false; } elseif ("".($limit + 0)."" != "".$limit."") { // Invalid amount entered return false; } // Register the new URL return SURFBAR_REGISTER_URL($url, $GLOBALS['userid'], "PENDING", "reg", $limit); } // Create list of actions depending on status for the user function SURFBAR_MEMBER_ACTIONS ($urlId, $status) { // Load all actions in an array for given status $actionArray = SURFBAR_GET_ACTION_ARRAY($status); // Init HTML code $OUT = "\n"; // Calculate width $width = round(100 / count($actionArray)); // "Walk" through all actions and create forms foreach ($actionArray as $actionId=>$action) { // Add form for this action $OUT .= sprintf(" \n", $width, bigintval($urlId), strtolower($action), strtoupper($action), strtoupper($action) ); } // END - foreach // Close table $OUT .= "
\n"; // Return code return $OUT; } // Do the member form request function SURFBAR_MEMBER_DO_FORM ($formData, $URLs) { global $SURFBAR_CACHE; // By default no action is performed $performed = false; // Is this a member? if (!IS_MEMBER()) { // No member! return false; } elseif ((!isset($formData['id'])) || (!isset($formData['action']))) { // Important form elements are missing! return false; } elseif (!isset($URLs[$formData['id']])) { // ID not found in cache return false; } elseif (!SURFBAR_VALIDATE_MEMBER_ACTION_STATUS($formData['action'], $URLs[$formData['id']]['status'])) { // Action not allowed for current URL status return false; } // Create the function name for selected action $functionName = sprintf("SURFBAR_MEMBER_%s_ACTION", strtoupper(SQL_ESCAPE($formData['action']))); // Is the function there? if (function_exists($functionName)) { // Add new status $URLs[$formData['id']]['new_status'] = $SURFBAR_CACHE['new_status']; // Extract URL data for call-back $urlData = array($URLs[$formData['id']]); // Action found so execute it $performed = call_user_func_array($functionName, $urlData); } else { // Log invalid request DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.": action={$formData['action']},id={$formData['id']},function={$functionName}"); } // Return status return $performed; } // Validate if the requested action can be performed on current URL status function SURFBAR_VALIDATE_MEMBER_ACTION_STATUS ($action, $status) { global $SURFBAR_CACHE; // Search for the requested action/status combination in database $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT new_status FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_actions WHERE action='%s' AND status='%s' LIMIT 1", array($action, $status), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Is the entry there? $isValid = (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1); // Fetch the new status if found if ($isValid) { list($SURFBAR_CACHE['new_status']) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return status return $isValid; } // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Member actions // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Retreat an URL function SURFBAR_MEMBER_RETREAT_ACTION ($urlData) { // Create the data array for next function call $data = array( $urlData['id'] => $urlData ); // Simply change the status here return SURFBAR_CHANGE_STATUS ($urlData['id'], $urlData['status'], $urlData['new_status'], $data); } // Book an URL now (from migration) function SURFBAR_MEMBER_BOOKNOW_ACTION ($urlData) { // Create the data array for next function call $data = array( $urlData['id'] => $urlData ); // Simply change the status here return SURFBAR_CHANGE_STATUS ($urlData['id'], $urlData['status'], $urlData['new_status'], $data); } // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Self-maintenance functions // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Main function function SURFBAR_HANDLE_SELF_MAINTENANCE () { // Handle URLs which limit has depleted so we can stop them SURFBAR_HANDLE_DEPLETED_VIEWS(); // Handle low-points amounts SURFBAR_HANDLE_LOW_POINTS(); } // Handle URLs which limit has depleted function SURFBAR_HANDLE_DEPLETED_VIEWS () { // Get all URLs $urlArray = SURFBAR_GET_URL_DATA("0", "views_max", "id", "ASC", "id", " AND views_allowed>0 AND status='ACTIVE'"); // Do we have some entries? if (count($urlArray) > 0) { // Then handle all! foreach ($urlArray as $id => $urlData) { // Backup data $data = $urlData; // Rewrite array for next call $urlData[$id] = $data; // Handle the status SURFBAR_CHANGE_STATUS($id, "ACTIVE", "DEPLETED", $urlData); } // END - foreach } // END - if } // Alert users which have URLs booked and are low on points amount function SURFBAR_HANDLE_LOW_POINTS () { global $_CONFIG; // Get all userids $UIDs = SURFBAR_DETERMINE_DEPLETED_USERIDS($_CONFIG['surfbar_warn_low_points']); // "Walk" through all URLs foreach ($UIDs['uid'] as $uid => $dummy) { // Is the last notification far enougth away to notify again? if ((time() - $UIDs['notified'][$uid]) >= $_CONFIG['surfbar_low_interval']) { // Prepare content $content = array( 'uid' => $uid, 'low' => TRANSLATE_COMMA($_CONFIG['surfbar_warn_low_points']), 'points' => TRANSLATE_COMMA($UIDs['points'][$uid]), 'notified' => MAKE_DATETIME($UIDs['notified'][$uid]), 'interval' => CREATE_FANCY_TIME($_CONFIG['surfbar_low_interval']) ); // Notify this user SURFBAR_NOTIFY_USER("low_points", $content); // Update last notified SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data SET surfbar_low_notified=NOW() WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1", array($uid), __FILE__, __LINE__); } // END - if } // END - foreach } // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generic functions // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Looks up by an URL function SURFBAR_LOOKUP_BY_URL ($url, $uid) { // Now lookup that given URL by itself $urlArray = SURFBAR_GET_URL_DATA($url, "url", "id", "ASC", "id", sprintf(" AND userid=%s", bigintval($uid))); // Was it found? return (count($urlArray) > 0); } // Load URL data by given search term and column function SURFBAR_GET_URL_DATA ($searchTerm, $column="id", $order="id", $sort="ASC", $group="id", $add="") { global $lastUrlData; // By default nothing is found $lastUrlData = array(); // Is the column an id number? if (($column == "id") || ($column == "userid")) { // Extra secure input $searchTerm = bigintval($searchTerm); } // END - if // If the column is "id" there can be only one entry $limit = ""; if ($column == "id") { $limit = "LIMIT 1"; } // END - if // Look up the record $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id, userid, url, views_total, status, registered, last_locked, lock_reason, views_max, views_allowed FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_urls WHERE %s='%s'".$add." ORDER BY %s %s %s", array($column, $searchTerm, $order, $sort, $limit), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Is there at least one record? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) { // Then load all! while ($dataRow = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { // Shall we group these results? if ($group == "id") { // Add the row by id as index $lastUrlData[$dataRow['id']] = $dataRow; } else { // Group entries $lastUrlData[$dataRow[$group]][$dataRow['id']] = $dataRow; } } // END - while } // END - if // Free the result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return the result return $lastUrlData; } // Registers an URL with the surfbar. You should have called SURFBAR_LOOKUP_BY_URL() first! function SURFBAR_REGISTER_URL ($url, $uid, $status="PENDING", $addMode="reg", $limit=0) { global $_CONFIG; // Make sure by the user registered URLs are always pending if ($addMode == "reg") $status = "PENDING"; // Prepare content $content = array( 'url' => $url, 'frametester' => FRAMETESTER($url), 'uid' => $uid, 'status' => $status, 'limit' => $limit ); // Insert the URL into database $content['insert_id'] = SURFBAR_INSERT_URL_BY_ARRAY($content); // Is this ID valid? if ($content['insert_id'] == 0) { // INSERT did not insert any data! return false; } // END - if // Translate status and limit $content['status'] = SURFBAR_TRANSLATE_STATUS($content['status']); $content['limit'] = SURFBAR_TRANSLATE_LIMIT($content['limit']); // If in reg-mode we notify admin if (($addMode == "reg") || ($_CONFIG['surfbar_notify_admin_unlock'] == "Y")) { // Notify admin even when he as unlocked an email SURFBAR_NOTIFY_ADMIN("url_{$addMode}", $content); } // END - if // Send mail to user SURFBAR_NOTIFY_USER("url_{$addMode}", $content); // Return the insert id return $content['insert_id']; } // Inserts an url by given data array and return the insert id function SURFBAR_INSERT_URL_BY_ARRAY ($urlData) { // Get userid $uid = bigintval($urlData['uid']); // Is the id set? if (empty($uid)) $uid = 0; // Just run the insert query for now SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_urls (userid,url,status,views_max,views_allowed) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s','%s','%s')", array( $uid, $urlData['url'], $urlData['status'], $urlData['limit'], $urlData['limit'] ), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); // Return insert id return SQL_INSERTID(); } // Notify admin(s) with a selected message and content function SURFBAR_NOTIFY_ADMIN ($messageType, $content) { // Prepare template name $templateName = sprintf("admin_surfbar_%s", $messageType); // Set default subject if following eval() wents wrong $subject = ADMIN_SURFBAR_NOTIFY_DEFAULT_SUBJECT; // Prepare subject $subject = constant(sprintf("ADMIN_SURFBAR_NOTIFY_%s_SUBJECT", strtoupper($messageType) )); // Send the notification out return SEND_ADMIN_NOTIFICATION($subject, $templateName, $content, $content['uid']); } // Notify the user about the performed action function SURFBAR_NOTIFY_USER ($messageType, $content) { // Skip notification if userid is zero if ($content['uid'] == 0) { return false; } // END - if // Prepare template name $templateName = sprintf("member_surfbar_%s", $messageType); // Set default subject if following eval() wents wrong $subject = MEMBER_SURFBAR_NOTIFY_DEFAULT_SUBJECT; // Prepare subject $subject = constant(sprintf("MEMBER_SURFBAR_NOTIFY_%s_SUBJECT", strtoupper($messageType) )); // Load template $mailText = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE($templateName, $content, $content['uid']); // Send the email return SEND_EMAIL($content['uid'], $subject, $mailText); } // Translates the limit function SURFBAR_TRANSLATE_LIMIT ($limit) { // Is this zero? if ($limit == 0) { // Unlimited! $return = MEMBER_SURFBAR_UNLIMITED_VIEWS; } else { // Translate comma $return = TRANSLATE_COMMA($limit); } // Return value return $return; } // Translate the URL status function SURFBAR_TRANSLATE_STATUS ($status) { // Create constant name $constantName = sprintf("SURFBAR_URL_STATUS_%s", strtoupper($status)); // Set default translated status $statusTranslated = "!".$constantName."!"; // Generate eval() command if (defined($constantName)) { $eval = "\$statusTranslated = ".$constantName.";"; eval($eval); } // END - if // Return result return $statusTranslated; } // Determine reward function SURFBAR_DETERMINE_REWARD ($onlyMin=false) { global $_CONFIG; // Static values are default $reward = $_CONFIG['surfbar_static_reward']; // Do we have static or dynamic? if ($_CONFIG['surfbar_pay_model'] == "DYNAMIC") { // "Calculate" dynamic reward if ($onlyMin) { $reward += SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MIN_VALUE(); } else { $reward += SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_ADD(); } } // END - if // Return reward return $reward; } // Determine costs function SURFBAR_DETERMINE_COSTS ($onlyMin=false) { global $_CONFIG; // Static costs is default $costs = $_CONFIG['surfbar_static_costs']; // Do we have static or dynamic? if ($_CONFIG['surfbar_pay_model'] == "DYNAMIC") { // "Calculate" dynamic costs if ($onlyMin) { $costs += SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MIN_VALUE(); } else { $costs += SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_ADD(); } } // END - if // Return costs return $costs; } // "Calculate" dynamic add function SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_ADD () { // Get min/max values $min = SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MIN_VALUE(); $max = SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MAX_VALUE(); // "Calculate" dynamic part and return it return mt_rand($min, $max); } // Determine right template name function SURFBAR_DETERMINE_TEMPLATE_NAME() { // Default is the frameset $templateName = "surfbar_frameset"; // Any frame set? ;-) if (isset($_GET['frame'])) { // Use the frame as a template name part... ;-) $templateName = sprintf("surfbar_frame_%s", SQL_ESCAPE($_GET['frame']) ); } // END - if // Return result return $templateName; } // Check if the "reload lock" of the current user is full, call this function // before you call SURFBAR_CHECK_RELOAD_LOCK(). function SURFBAR_CHECK_RELOAD_FULL() { global $SURFBAR_CACHE, $_CONFIG; // Default is full! $isFull = true; // Cache static reload lock $SURFBAR_CACHE['surf_lock'] = $_CONFIG['surfbar_static_lock']; //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":Fixed surf lock is ".$_CONFIG['surfbar_static_lock'].""); // Do we have dynamic model? if ($_CONFIG['surfbar_pay_model'] == "DYNAMIC") { // "Calculate" dynamic lock $SURFBAR_CACHE['surf_lock'] += SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_ADD(); } // END - if // Ask the database $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT COUNT(id) AS cnt FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_locks WHERE userid=%s AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ".SURFBAR_GET_DATA('surf_lock').") < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_surfed) LIMIT 1", array($GLOBALS['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); // Fetch row list($SURFBAR_CACHE['user_locks']) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); // Is it null? if (is_null($SURFBAR_CACHE['user_locks'])) { // Then fix it to zero! $SURFBAR_CACHE['user_locks'] = 0; } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Get total URLs $total = SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_URLS(); // Do we have some URLs in lock? Admins can always surf on own URLs! //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":userLocks=".SURFBAR_GET_DATA('user_locks').",total={$total}"); $isFull = ((SURFBAR_GET_DATA('user_locks') == $total) && ($total > 0)); // Return result return $isFull; } // Get total amount of URLs of given status for current user or of ACTIVE URLs by default function SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_URLS ($status="ACTIVE", $excludeUserId=0) { // Determine depleted user account $UIDs = SURFBAR_DETERMINE_DEPLETED_USERIDS(); // Is the exlude userid set? if ($excludeUserId > 0) { // Then add it $UIDs['uid'][$excludeUserId] = $excludeUserId; } // END - if // Get amount from database $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT COUNT(id) AS cnt FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_urls WHERE userid NOT IN (".implode(",", $UIDs['uid']).") AND status='%s'", array($status), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); // Fetch row list($cnt) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return result return $cnt; } // Check wether the user is allowed to book more URLs function SURFBAR_IF_USER_BOOK_MORE_URLS ($uid=0) { global $_CONFIG; // Is this admin and userid is zero or does the user has some URLs left to book? return ((($uid == 0) && (IS_ADMIN())) || (SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_USER_URLS($uid, "", array("REJECTED")) < $_CONFIG['surfbar_max_order'])); } // Get total amount of URLs of given status for current user function SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_USER_URLS ($uid=0, $status="",$exclude="") { global $_CONFIG; // Is the user 0 and user is logged in? if (($uid == 0) && (IS_MEMBER())) { // Then use this userid $uid = $GLOBALS['userid']; } elseif ($uid == 0) { // Error! return ($_CONFIG['surfbar_max_order'] + 1); } // Default is all URLs $ADD = ""; // Is the status set? if (is_array($status)) { // Only URLs with these status $ADD = sprintf(" AND status IN('%s')", implode("','", $status)); } elseif (!empty($status)) { // Only URLs with this status $ADD = sprintf(" AND status='%s'", $status); } elseif (is_array($exclude)) { // Exclude URLs with these status $ADD = sprintf(" AND status NOT IN('%s')", implode("','", $exclude)); } elseif (!empty($exclude)) { // Exclude URLs with this status $ADD = sprintf(" AND status != '%s'", $exclude); } // Get amount from database $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT COUNT(id) AS cnt FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_urls WHERE userid=%s".$ADD." LIMIT %s", array($uid, $_CONFIG['surfbar_max_order']), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); // Fetch row list($cnt) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return result return $cnt; } // Generate a validation code for the given id number function SURFBAR_GENERATE_VALIDATION_CODE ($urlId, $salt="") { global $_CONFIG, $SURFBAR_CACHE; // @TODO Invalid salt should be refused $SURFBAR_CACHE['salt'] = "INVALID"; // Get code length from config $length = $_CONFIG['code_length']; // Fix length to 10 if ($length == 0) $length = 10; // Generate a code until the length matches $valCode = ""; while (strlen($valCode) != $length) { // Is the salt set? if (empty($salt)) { // Generate random hashed string $SURFBAR_CACHE['salt'] = sha1(GEN_PASS(255)); //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":newSalt=".SURFBAR_GET_SALT().""); } else { // Use this as salt! $SURFBAR_CACHE['salt'] = $salt; //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":oldSalt=".SURFBAR_GET_SALT().""); } // ... and now the validation code $valCode = GEN_RANDOM_CODE($length, sha1(SURFBAR_GET_SALT().":".$urlId), $GLOBALS['userid']); //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":valCode={$valCode}"); } // END - while // Hash it with md5() and salt it with the random string $hashedCode = generateHash(md5($valCode), SURFBAR_GET_SALT()); // Finally encrypt it PGP-like and return it $valHashedCode = generatePassString($hashedCode); // Return hashed value //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":finalValCode={$valHashedCode}"); return $valHashedCode; } // Check validation code function SURFBAR_CHECK_VALIDATION_CODE ($urlId, $check, $salt) { global $SURFBAR_CACHE; // Secure id number $urlId = bigintval($urlId); // Now generate the code again $code = SURFBAR_GENERATE_VALIDATION_CODE($urlId, $salt); // Return result of checking hashes and salts //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":---".$code."|".$check."---"); //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":+++".$salt."|".SURFBAR_GET_DATA('last_salt')."+++"); return (($code == $check) && ($salt == SURFBAR_GET_DATA('last_salt'))); } // Lockdown the userid/id combination (reload lock) function SURFBAR_LOCKDOWN_ID ($urlId) { //* //DEBUG: */ print "LOCK!"); ///* //DEBUG: */ return; // Just add it to the database SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_locks (userid, url_id) VALUES (%s, %s)", array($GLOBALS['userid'], bigintval($urlId)), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Remove the salt from database SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_salts WHERE url_id=%s AND userid=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($urlId), $GLOBALS['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Pay points to the user and remove it from the sender function SURFBAR_PAY_POINTS ($urlId) { // Remove it from the URL owner //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":uid=".SURFBAR_GET_USERID().",costs=".SURFBAR_GET_COSTS().""); if (SURFBAR_GET_USERID() > 0) { SUB_POINTS(SURFBAR_GET_USERID(), SURFBAR_GET_COSTS()); } // END - if // Book it to the user //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":uid=".$GLOBALS['userid'].",reward=".SURFBAR_GET_REWARD().""); ADD_POINTS_REFSYSTEM($GLOBALS['userid'], SURFBAR_GET_DATA('reward')); } // Updates the statistics of current URL/userid function SURFBAR_UPDATE_INSERT_STATS_RECORD () { global $_CONFIG; // Init add $ADD = ""; // Get allowed views $allowed = SURFBAR_GET_ALLOWED_VIEWS(); // Do we have a limit? if ($allowed > 0) { // Then count views_max down! $ADD .= ",views_max=views_max-1"; } // END - if // Update URL stats SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_urls SET views_total=views_total+1".$ADD." WHERE id=%s LIMIT 1", array(SURFBAR_GET_ID()), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Update the stats entry SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_stats SET count=count+1 WHERE userid=%s AND url_id=%s LIMIT 1", array($GLOBALS['userid'], SURFBAR_GET_ID()), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Was that update okay? if (SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() < 1) { // No, then insert entry SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_stats (userid,url_id,count) VALUES (%s,%s,1)", array($GLOBALS['userid'], SURFBAR_GET_ID()), __FILE__, __LINE__); } // END - if // Update total/daily/weekly/monthly counter $_CONFIG['surfbar_total_counter']++; $_CONFIG['surfbar_daily_counter']++; $_CONFIG['surfbar_weekly_counter']++; $_CONFIG['surfbar_monthly_counter']++; // Update config as well UPDATE_CONFIG(array("surfbar_total_counter", "surfbar_daily_counter", "surfbar_weekly_counter", "surfbar_monthly_counter"), array(1,1,1,1), "+"); } // Update the salt for validation and statistics function SURFBAR_UPDATE_SALT_STATS () { // Update statistics record SURFBAR_UPDATE_INSERT_STATS_RECORD(); // Simply store the salt from cache away in database... SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_salts SET last_salt='%s' WHERE url_id=%s AND userid=%s LIMIT 1", array(SURFBAR_GET_SALT(), SURFBAR_GET_ID(), $GLOBALS['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Debug message //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":salt=".SURFBAR_GET_SALT().",id=".SURFBAR_GET_ID().",uid=".$GLOBALS['userid'].""); // Was that okay? if (SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() < 1) { // Insert missing entry! SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_salts (url_id,userid,last_salt) VALUES (%s, %s, '%s')", array(SURFBAR_GET_ID(), $GLOBALS['userid'], SURFBAR_GET_SALT()), __FILE__, __LINE__); } // END - if // Debug message //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":affectedRows=".SQL_AFFECTEDROWS().""); // Return if the update was okay return (SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() == 1); } // Check if the reload lock is active for given id function SURFBAR_CHECK_RELOAD_LOCK ($urlId) { //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":id={$urlId}"); // Ask the database $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT COUNT(id) AS cnt FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_locks WHERE userid=%s AND url_id=%s AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ".SURFBAR_GET_DATA('surf_lock').") < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_surfed) ORDER BY last_surfed ASC LIMIT 1", array($GLOBALS['userid'], bigintval($urlId)), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); // Fetch counter list($cnt) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return check //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":cnt={$cnt},".SURFBAR_GET_DATA('surf_lock').""); return ($cnt == 1); } // Determine which user hash no more points left function SURFBAR_DETERMINE_DEPLETED_USERIDS ($limit=0) { // Init array $UIDs = array( 'uid' => array(), 'points' => array(), 'notified' => array(), ); // Do we have a current user id? if ((IS_MEMBER()) && ($limit == 0)) { // Then add this as well $UIDs['uid'][$GLOBALS['userid']] = $GLOBALS['userid']; $UIDs['points'][$GLOBALS['userid']] = GET_TOTAL_DATA($GLOBALS['userid'], "user_points", "points") - GET_TOTAL_DATA($GLOBALS['userid'], "user_data", "used_points"); $UIDs['notified'][$GLOBALS['userid']] = 0; // Get all userid except logged in one $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT u.userid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(d.surfbar_low_notified) AS notified FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_urls AS u INNER JOIN "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data AS d ON u.userid=d.userid WHERE u.userid NOT IN (%s,0) AND u.status='ACTIVE' GROUP BY u.userid ORDER BY u.userid ASC", array($GLOBALS['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { // Get all userid $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT u.userid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(d.surfbar_low_notified) AS notified FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_urls AS u INNER JOIN "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data AS d ON u.userid=d.userid WHERE u.status='ACTIVE' GROUP BY u.userid ORDER BY u.userid ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Load all userid while (list($uid, $notified) = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) { // Get total points $points = GET_TOTAL_DATA($uid, "user_points", "points") - GET_TOTAL_DATA($uid, "user_data", "used_points"); //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":uid={$uid},points={$points}"); // Shall we add this to ignore? if ($points <= $limit) { // Ignore this one! //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":uid={$uid} has depleted points amount!"); $UIDs['uid'][$uid] = $uid; $UIDs['points'][$uid] = $points; $UIDs['notified'][$uid] = $notified; } // END - if } // END - while // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Debug message //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":UIDs::count=".count($UIDs)." (with own userid=".$GLOBALS['userid'].")"); // Return result return $UIDs; } // Determine how many users are Online in surfbar function SURFBAR_DETERMINE_TOTAL_ONLINE () { global $_CONFIG; // Count all users in surfbar modue and return the value $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_stats WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_online)) <= %s GROUP BY userid", array($_CONFIG['online_timeout']), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Fetch count $cnt = SQL_NUMROWS($result); // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return result return $cnt; } // Determine waiting time for one URL function SURFBAR_DETERMINE_WAIT_TIME () { global $_CONFIG; // Static time is default $time = $_CONFIG['surfbar_static_time']; // Which payment model do we have? if ($_CONFIG['surfbar_pay_model'] == "DYNAMIC") { // "Calculate" dynamic time $time += SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_ADD(); } // END - if // Return value return $time; } // Changes the status of an URL from given to other function SURFBAR_CHANGE_STATUS ($urlId, $prevStatus, $newStatus, $data=array()) { global $_CONFIG; // Get URL data for status comparison if missing if (count($data) == 0) { $data = SURFBAR_GET_URL_DATA($urlId); } // END - if // Is the status like prevStatus is saying? if ($data[$urlId]['status'] != $prevStatus) { // No, then abort here return false; } // END - if // Update the status now // ---------------------- Commented out for debugging member actions! ----------------------- //SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_urls SET status='%s' WHERE id=%s LIMIT 1", // array($newStatus, bigintval($urlId)), __FILE__, __LINE__); // ---------------------- Commented out for debugging member actions! ----------------------- // Was that fine? if (SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() != 1) { // No, something went wrong return false; } // END - if // Prepare content for notification routines $data[$urlId]['uid'] = $data[$urlId]['userid']; $data[$urlId]['frametester'] = FRAMETESTER($data[$urlId]['url']); $data[$urlId]['reward'] = TRANSLATE_COMMA($_CONFIG['surfbar_static_reward']); $data[$urlId]['costs'] = TRANSLATE_COMMA($_CONFIG['surfbar_static_costs']); $data[$urlId]['status'] = SURFBAR_TRANSLATE_STATUS($newStatus); $data[$urlId]['registered'] = MAKE_DATETIME($data[$urlId]['registered'], "2"); $newStatus = strtolower($newStatus); // Send admin notification SURFBAR_NOTIFY_ADMIN("url_{$newStatus}", $data[$urlId]); // Send user notification SURFBAR_NOTIFY_USER("url_{$newStatus}", $data[$urlId]); // All done! return true; } // Calculate minimum value for dynamic payment model function SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MIN_VALUE () { global $_CONFIG; // Addon is zero by default $addon = 0; // Percentage part $percent = abs(log($_CONFIG['surfbar_dynamic_percent'] / 100 + 1)); // Get total users $totalUsers = GET_TOTAL_DATA("CONFIRMED", "user_data", "userid", "status", true); // Get online users $onlineUsers = SURFBAR_DETERMINE_TOTAL_ONLINE(); // Calculate addon $addon += abs(log($onlineUsers / $totalUsers + 1) * $percent * $totalUsers); // Get total URLs $totalUrls = SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_URLS("ACTIVE", "0"); // Get user's total URLs $userUrls = SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_USER_URLS(0, "ACTIVE"); // Calculate addon if ($totalUrls > 0) { $addon += abs(log($userUrls / $totalUrls + 1) * $percent * $totalUrls); } else { $addon += abs(log($userUrls / 1 + 1) * $percent * $totalUrls); } // Return addon return $addon; } // Calculate maximum value for dynamic payment model function SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MAX_VALUE () { global $_CONFIG; // Addon is zero by default $addon = 0; // Maximum value $max = log(2); // Percentage part $percent = abs(log($_CONFIG['surfbar_dynamic_percent'] / 100 + 1)); // Get total users $totalUsers = GET_TOTAL_DATA("CONFIRMED", "user_data", "userid", "status", true); // Calculate addon $addon += abs($max * $percent * $totalUsers); // Get total URLs $totalUrls = SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_URLS("ACTIVE", "0"); // Calculate addon $addon += abs($max * $percent * $totalUrls); // Return addon return $addon; } // Calculate dynamic lock function SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_LOCK () { global $_CONFIG; // Default lock is 30 seconds $addon = 30; // Get online users $onlineUsers = SURFBAR_DETERMINE_TOTAL_ONLINE(); // Calculate lock $addon = abs(log($onlineUsers / $addon + 1)); // Return value return $addon; } // "Getter" for lock ids array function SURFBAR_GET_LOCK_IDS () { // Prepare some arrays $IDs = array(); $USE = array(); $ignored = array(); // Get all id from locks within the timestamp $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id, url_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_surfed) AS last FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_locks WHERE userid=%s ORDER BY id ASC", array($GLOBALS['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Load all entries while (list($lid, $url, $last) = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) { // Debug message //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":next - lid={$lid},url={$url},rest=".(time() - $last)."/".SURFBAR_GET_DATA('surf_lock').""); // Skip entries that are too old if (($last > (time() - SURFBAR_GET_DATA('surf_lock'))) && (!in_array($url, $ignored))) { // Debug message //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":okay - lid={$lid},url={$url},last={$last}"); // Add only if missing or bigger if ((!isset($IDs[$url])) || ($IDs[$url] > $last)) { // Debug message //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":ADD - lid={$lid},url={$url},last={$last}"); // Add this ID $IDs[$url] = $last; $USE[$url] = $lid; } // END - if } else { // Debug message //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":ignore - lid={$lid},url={$url},last={$last}"); // Ignore these old entries! $ignored[] = $url; unset($IDs[$url]); unset($USE[$url]); } } // END - while // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return array return $USE; } // "Getter" for maximum random number function SURFBAR_GET_MAX_RANDOM ($UIDs, $ADD) { global $_CONFIG; // Count max availabe entries $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT sbu.id AS cnt FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_urls AS sbu LEFT JOIN "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_salts AS sbs ON sbu.id=sbs.url_id LEFT JOIN "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_locks AS l ON sbu.id=l.url_id WHERE sbu.userid NOT IN (".implode(",", $UIDs).") AND (sbu.views_allowed=0 OR (sbu.views_allowed > 0 AND sbu.views_max > 0)) AND sbu.status='ACTIVE'".$ADD." GROUP BY sbu.id", __FILE__, __LINE__); // Log last query //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":lastQuery=".$_CONFIG['db_last_query']."|numRows=".SQL_NUMROWS($result)."|Affected=".SQL_AFFECTEDROWS().""); // Fetch max rand $maxRand = SQL_NUMROWS($result); // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return value return $maxRand; } // Load all URLs of the current user and return it as an array function SURFBAR_GET_USER_URLS () { // Init array $URLs = array(); // Begin the query $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT u.id, u.userid, u.url, u.views_total, u.status, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(u.registered) AS registered, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(u.last_locked) AS last_locked, u.lock_reason AS lock_reason FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_urls AS u WHERE u.userid=%s AND u.status != 'DELETED' ORDER BY u.id ASC", array($GLOBALS['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Are there entries? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) { // Load all rows while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { // Add the row $URLs[$row['id']] = $row; } // END - while } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return the array return $URLs; } // "Getter" for member action array for given status function SURFBAR_GET_ACTION_ARRAY ($status) { // Init array $returnArray = array(); // Get all assigned actions $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT action FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_actions WHERE status='%s' ORDER BY id ASC", array($status), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Some entries there? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) { // Load all actions while (list($action) = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) { $returnArray[] = $action; } // END - if } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return result return $returnArray; } // Reload to configured stop page function SURFBAR_RELOAD_TO_STOP_PAGE($page="stop") { global $_CONFIG; // Internal or external? if (($_CONFIG['surfbar_pause_mode'] == "INTERNAL") || (empty($_CONFIG['surfbar_pause_url']))) { // Reload to internal page LOAD_URL("surfbar.php?frame=".$page); } else { // Reload to external page LOAD_URL($_CONFIG['surfbar_pause_url']); } } // Determine next id for surfbar or get data for given id, always call this before you call other // getters below this function!!! function SURFBAR_DETERMINE_NEXT_ID ($urlId = 0) { global $SURFBAR_CACHE, $_CONFIG; // Default is no id and no random number $nextId = 0; $randNum = 0; // Is the ID set? if ($urlId == 0) { // Get array with lock ids $USE = SURFBAR_GET_LOCK_IDS(); // Shall we add some URL ids to ignore? $ADD = ""; if (count($USE) > 0) { // Ignore some! $ADD = " AND sbu.id NOT IN ("; foreach ($USE as $url_id => $lid) { // Add URL id $ADD .= $url_id.","; } // END - foreach // Add closing bracket $ADD = substr($ADD, 0, -1) . ")"; } // END - if // Determine depleted user account $UIDs = SURFBAR_DETERMINE_DEPLETED_USERIDS(); // Get maximum randomness factor $maxRand = SURFBAR_GET_MAX_RANDOM($UIDs['uid'], $ADD); // If more than one URL can be called generate the random number! if ($maxRand > 1) { // Generate random number $randNum = mt_rand(0, ($maxRand - 1)); } // END - if // And query the database //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":randNum={$randNum},maxRand={$maxRand},surfLock=".SURFBAR_GET_DATA('surf_lock').""); $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT sbu.id, sbu.userid, sbu.url, sbs.last_salt, sbu.views_total, sbu.views_max, sbu.views_allowed, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(l.last_surfed) AS last_surfed FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_urls AS sbu LEFT JOIN "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_salts AS sbs ON sbu.id=sbs.url_id LEFT JOIN "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_locks AS l ON sbu.id=l.url_id WHERE sbu.userid NOT IN (".implode(",", $UIDs['uid']).") AND sbu.status='ACTIVE' AND (sbu.views_allowed=0 OR (sbu.views_allowed > 0 AND sbu.views_max > 0))".$ADD." GROUP BY sbu.id ORDER BY l.last_surfed ASC, sbu.id ASC LIMIT %s,1", array($randNum), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } else { // Get data from specified id number $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT sbu.id, sbu.userid, sbu.url, sbs.last_salt, sbu.views_total, sbu.views_max, sbu.views_allowed, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(l.last_surfed) AS last_surfed FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_urls AS sbu LEFT JOIN "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_salts AS sbs ON sbu.id=sbs.url_id LEFT JOIN "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_surfbar_locks AS l ON sbu.id=l.url_id WHERE sbu.userid != %s AND sbu.status='ACTIVE' AND sbu.id=%s AND (sbu.views_allowed=0 OR (sbu.views_allowed > 0 AND sbu.views_max > 0)) LIMIT 1", array($GLOBALS['userid'], bigintval($urlId)), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } // Is there an id number? //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":lastQuery=".$_CONFIG['db_last_query']."|numRows=".SQL_NUMROWS($result)."|Affected=".SQL_AFFECTEDROWS().""); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Load/cache data //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":count(".count($SURFBAR_CACHE).") - BEFORE"); $SURFBAR_CACHE = merge_array($SURFBAR_CACHE, SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)); //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":count(".count($SURFBAR_CACHE).") - AFTER"); // Determine waiting time $SURFBAR_CACHE['time'] = SURFBAR_DETERMINE_WAIT_TIME(); // Is the last salt there? if (is_null($SURFBAR_CACHE['last_salt'])) { // Then repair it wit the static! //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":last_salt - FIXED!"); $SURFBAR_CACHE['last_salt'] = ""; } // END - if // Fix missing last_surfed if ((!isset($SURFBAR_CACHE['last_surfed'])) || (is_null($SURFBAR_CACHE['last_surfed']))) { // Fix it here //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":last_surfed - FIXED!"); $SURFBAR_CACHE['last_surfed'] = 0; } // END - if // Get base/fixed reward and costs $SURFBAR_CACHE['reward'] = SURFBAR_DETERMINE_REWARD(); $SURFBAR_CACHE['costs'] = SURFBAR_DETERMINE_COSTS(); //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":BASE/STATIC - reward=".SURFBAR_GET_REWARD()."|costs=".SURFBAR_GET_COSTS().""); // Only in dynamic model add the dynamic bonus! if ($_CONFIG['surfbar_pay_model'] == "DYNAMIC") { // Calculate dynamic reward/costs and add it $SURFBAR_CACHE['reward'] += SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_ADD(); $SURFBAR_CACHE['costs'] += SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_ADD(); //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":DYNAMIC+ - reward=".SURFBAR_GET_REWARD()."|costs=".SURFBAR_GET_COSTS().""); } // END - if // Now get the id $nextId = SURFBAR_GET_ID(); } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return result //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":nextId={$nextId}"); return $nextId; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLEASE DO NOT ADD ANY OTHER FUNCTIONS BELOW THIS LINE ELSE THEY "WRAP" THE // $SURFBAR_CACHE ARRAY! // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private getter for data elements function SURFBAR_GET_DATA ($element) { global $SURFBAR_CACHE; //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":element={$element}"); // Default is null $data = null; // Is the entry there? if (isset($SURFBAR_CACHE[$element])) { // Then take it $data = $SURFBAR_CACHE[$element]; } else { // END - if print("
"); } // Return result //DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__.":element[$element]={$data}"); return $data; } // Getter for reward from cache function SURFBAR_GET_REWARD () { // Get data element and return its contents return SURFBAR_GET_DATA('reward'); } // Getter for costs from cache function SURFBAR_GET_COSTS () { // Get data element and return its contents return SURFBAR_GET_DATA('costs'); } // Getter for URL from cache function SURFBAR_GET_URL () { // Get data element and return its contents return SURFBAR_GET_DATA('url'); } // Getter for salt from cache function SURFBAR_GET_SALT () { // Get data element and return its contents return SURFBAR_GET_DATA('salt'); } // Getter for id from cache function SURFBAR_GET_ID () { // Get data element and return its contents return SURFBAR_GET_DATA('id'); } // Getter for userid from cache function SURFBAR_GET_USERID () { // Get data element and return its contents return SURFBAR_GET_DATA('userid'); } // Getter for user reload locks function SURFBAR_GET_USER_RELOAD_LOCK () { // Get data element and return its contents return SURFBAR_GET_DATA('user_locks'); } // Getter for reload time function SURFBAR_GET_RELOAD_TIME () { // Get data element and return its contents return SURFBAR_GET_DATA('time'); } // Getter for allowed views function SURFBAR_GET_ALLOWED_VIEWS () { // Get data element and return its contents return SURFBAR_GET_DATA('views_allowed'); } // ?>