= "0.1.4")) { //die("
".print_r($cacheArray['themes'], true)."
"); // Get theme from cookie $ret = get_session('mxchange_theme'); // Is it valid? if (THEME_GET_ID($ret) == 0) { // Fix it to default $ret = "default"; } // END - if } elseif ((!isBooleanConstantAndTrue('mxchange_installed')) && ((isBooleanConstantAndTrue('mxchange_installing')) || ($CSS == true)) && ((!empty($_GET['theme'])) || (!empty($_POST['theme'])))) { // Prepare FQFN for checking $theme = sprintf("%stheme/%s/theme.php", PATH, SQL_ESCAPE($_GET['theme'])); // Installation mode active if ((!empty($_GET['theme'])) && (FILE_READABLE($theme))) { // Set cookie from URL data set_session("mxchange_theme", SQL_ESCAPE($_GET['theme'])); } elseif (FILE_READABLE(sprintf("%stheme/%s/theme.php", PATH, SQL_ESCAPE($_POST['theme'])))) { // Set cookie from posted data set_session("mxchange_theme", SQL_ESCAPE($_POST['theme'])); } // Set return value $ret = get_session('mxchange_theme'); } else { // Invalid design, reset cookie set_session("mxchange_theme", $ret); } // Add (maybe) found theme.php file to inclusion list $theme = sprintf("%stheme/%s/theme.php", PATH, SQL_ESCAPE($ret)); // Try to load the requested include file if (FILE_READABLE($theme)) $INC_POOL[] = $theme; // Return theme value return $ret; } } // END - if function THEME_SELECTION_BOX($mod, $act, $wht, $result) { // Construction URL $FORM = URL."/modules.php?module=".$mod; if (!empty($act)) $FORM .= "&action=".$act; if (!empty($wht)) $FORM .= "&what=".$wht; define('__FORM_VALUE', $FORM); // Initialize array $THEMES = array( 'theme_unix' => array(), // Unix name from filesystem 'theme_name' => array() // Title ); // Load all themes while(list($theme) = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) { // Load it's theme.php file $INC = sprintf("%stheme/%s/theme.php", PATH, SQL_ESCAPE($theme)); if (FILE_READABLE($INC)) { // And save all data in array require($INC); $THEMES['theme_unix'][] = $theme; $THEMES['theme_name'][] = $THEME_NAME; } // END - if } // END - while // Sort whole array by title array_pk_sort($THEMES, array("theme_name")); // Construct selection form for the box template $OUT = ""; foreach ($THEMES['theme_unix'] as $key => $theme) { $OUT .= "