' . print_r($requestData, TRUE) . ''); // Is the requestData an array? if (!is_array($requestData)) { // Then abort here! return array( 'status' => 'failed_general', 'message' => '{--WERNIS_API_REQUEST_DATA_INVALID--}' ); } // END - if // Is the API id and MD5 hash there? if ((getWernisApiId() == '') || (getWernisApiMd5() == '')) { // Abort here... return array( 'status' => 'failed_general', 'message' => '{--WERNIS_API_REQUEST_DATA_MISSING--}' ); } // END - if // Add more request data $requestData['api_id'] = getWernisApiId(); $requestData['api_key'] = getWernisApiMd5(); // Is a purpose there? if (!empty($requestData['purpose'])) { // Eval the purpose eval('$purpose = "' . doFinalCompilation($requestData['purpose'], FALSE) . '";'); // Prepare the purpose, it needs encoding $requestData['purpose'] = encodeString($purpose); } // END - if // Construct the request string $requestString = getWernisApiUrl() . $scriptName; // Get the raw response from the lower function $response = sendHttpPostRequest($requestString, $requestData); // Check the response header if all is fine if (!isHttpStatusOkay($response[0])) { // Something bad happend... :( return array( 'status' => 'request_error', 'message' => '{%message,WERNIS_API_REQUEST_ERROR=' . $response[0] . '%}' ); } // END - if // All (maybe) fine so remove the response header from server $responseLine = '*INVALID*'; for ($idx = (count($response) - 1); $idx > 1; $idx--) { $line = trim($response[$idx]); if (!empty($line)) { $responseLine = $line; break; } // END - if } // END - for // Is the response leaded by a & symbol? if (substr($responseLine, 0, 1) != '&') { // Something badly happened on server-side return array( 'status' => 'request_problem', 'message' => sprintf(getMessage('WERNIS_API_REQUEST_PROBLEM'), $response[0], secureString($responseLine)) ); } // END - if // Remove the leading & (which can be used in Flash) $responseLine = substr($responseLine, 1); // Bring back the response $data = explode('=', $responseLine); // Default return array (should not stay empty) $return = array(); // We use only the first two entries (which shall be fine) if ($data[0] === 'error') { // The request has failed... $status = $data[1]; $extraData = ''; // Explode status code $exploded = explode(':', $status); // More extra data found? if (count($exploded) > 1) { // Then set all $status = $exploded[0]; $extraData = $exploded[1]; } // END - if switch ($status) { case '404': // Invalid API id case 'AUTH': // Authorization has failed $return = array( 'status' => 'auth_failed', 'message' => '{--WERNIS_API_REQUEST_FAILED_AUTH--}' ); break; case 'LOCKED': // User account is locked! case 'PASS': // Bad passphrase entered case 'USER': // Missing account or invalid password $return = array( 'status' => 'user_failed', 'message' => '{--WERNIS_API_REQUEST_FAILED_USER--}' ); break; case 'OWN': // Transfer to own account $return = array( 'status' => 'own_failed', 'message' => '{--WERNIS_API_REQUEST_FAILED_OWN--}' ); break; case 'AMOUNT': // Amount is depleted $return = array( 'status' => 'amount_failed', 'message' => '{--WERNIS_API_REQUEST_FAILED_AMOUNT--}' ); break; case 'AMOUNT-SEND': // API amount is depleted $return = array( 'status' => 'api_amount_failed', 'message' => '{--WERNIS_API_REQUEST_FAILED_API_AMOUNT--}' ); break; case 'AUTH-STATUS': // Unexpected auth status // Switch on extra data switch ($extraData) { case 'ACCEPTED': $return = array( 'status' => 'api_auth_status_accepted', 'message' => '{--WERNIS_API_REQUEST_FAILED_AUTH_STATUS_ACCEPTED--}' ); break; case 'REJECTED': $return = array( 'status' => 'api_auth_status_rejected', 'message' => '{--WERNIS_API_REQUEST_FAILED_AUTH_STATUS_REJECTED--}' ); break; case 'UNKNOWN': $return = array( 'status' => 'api_auth_status_unknown', 'message' => '{--WERNIS_API_REQUEST_FAILED_AUTH_STATUS_UNKNOWN--}' ); break; default: // Unknown $return = array( 'status' => 'api_auth_status_failed', 'message' => getMaskedMessage('WERNIS_API_REQUEST_FAILED_AUTH_STATUS', $extraData) ); break; } // END - switch break; default: // Unknown error (maybe new?) logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf('Unknown error %s from WDS66 API received.', $data[1])); $return = array( 'status' => 'request_failed', 'message' => '{%message,WERNIS_API_REQUEST_FAILED=' . $data[1] . '%}' ); break; } // END - switch } else { // All fine, then analyze API response $return = convertApiResponseToArray($responseLine, '&', '='); // Nothing is fine now $return['status'] = 'generic_failed'; $return['message'] = '--WERNIS_API_REQUEST_FAILED_GENERIC--}'; // Are 'encrypted', 'key' and 'iv' set? //* DEBUG-DIE */ die(__FUNCTION__ . ':return=
' . print_r($return, TRUE) . '
'); if ((isset($return['encrypted'])) && (isset($return['key'])) && (isset($return['iv']))) { // Fully decode it (URL-encoded BASE64) $decoded = decodeString($return['encrypted']); $iv = decodeString($return['iv']); // Generate decryption key $decryptionKey = generateWernisDecryptionKey($return['key']); // Decrypt string $decrypted = decrytStringByCipher($decoded, getWernisEncryptionAlgorithm(), getWernisEncryptionMode(), $decryptionKey, $iv); //* DEBUG-DIE */ die('key="' . $return['key'] . '"
decryptionKey="' . $decryptionKey . '"
decoded="' . $decoded . '"
decrypted="' . $decrypted . '"'); // First char must be an & assert(substr($decrypted, 0, 1) == '&'); // Now the string needs to be turned into an array, first explode all & $elements = explode('&', $decrypted); // And remove first element array_shift($elements); //* DEBUG-DIE */ die('elements=
' . print_r($elements, TRUE) . '
'); // Now "walk" all ements foreach ($elements as $idx => $element) { // Explode element $keyValue = explode('=', $element); // Make sure it is valid assert(count($keyValue) == 2); // Now handle all over $return[$keyValue[0]] = $keyValue[1]; } // END - foreach // Remove encryption stuff unset($return['encrypted'], $return['key'], $return['iv']); } // END - if // All fine ... $return['status'] = 'OK'; $return['message'] = NULL; } // Return the result //* DEBUG-DIE */ die(__FUNCTION__ . ':return=
' . print_r($return, TRUE) . '
'); return $return; } // Tests the function by calling balance.php on the API function doAdminTestWernisApi () { // Only as admin assert(isAdmin()); // Result is always failed $result = FALSE; // Prepare the request data $requestData = array( 't_uid' => getWernisRefid(), 't_md5' => getWernisPassMd5() ); // Return the result from the lower functions $return = sendWernisApiRequest('balance.php', $requestData); // Did it went smoothly? if (isHttpResponseStatusOkay($return)) { // All fine! $result = TRUE; } else { // Status failure text setWernisStatusMessage($return['message'], $return['status']); } // Return result return $result; } // Widthdraw this amount function executeWernisApiWithdraw ($wdsId, $userMd5, $amount) { // Is the sponsor extension installed? if (!isWernisWithdrawActive()) { if (!isExtensionActive('sponsor')) { // No, abort here return FALSE; } elseif (!isSponsor()) { // No sponsor, not allowed to withdraw! return FALSE; } } // END - if // Default is failed attempt $result = FALSE; // Prepare the request data $requestData = array( 'sub_request' => 'receive', 't_uid' => bigintval($wdsId), 't_md5' => $userMd5, 'r_uid' => getWernisRefid(), 'amount' => bigintval($amount), 'purpose' => getMaskedMessage('WERNIS_API_PURPOSE_WITHDRAW', getMemberId()) ); // Return the result from the lower functions $return = sendWernisApiRequest('book.php', $requestData); // Did it went smoothly? if (isHttpResponseStatusOkay($return)) { // All fine! $result = TRUE; // Log the transfer logWernisTransfer($wdsId, $amount, 'WITHDRAW'); } else { // Status failure text setWernisStatusMessage($return['message'], $return['status']); // Log the transfer logWernisTransfer($wdsId, $amount, 'FAILED', $return['message'], $return['status']); } // Return result return $result; } // Payout this amount function executeWernisApiPayout ($wdsId, $amount) { // Default is failed attempt $result = FALSE; // Prepare the request data $requestData = array( 'sub_request' => 'send', 't_uid' => getWernisRefid(), 't_md5' => getWernisPassMd5(), 'r_uid' => bigintval($wdsId), 'amount' => bigintval($amount), 'purpose' => getMaskedMessage('WERNIS_API_PURPOSE_PAYOUT', getMemberId()) ); // Return the result from the lower functions $return = sendWernisApiRequest('book.php', $requestData); if (isHttpResponseStatusOkay($return)) { // All fine! $result = TRUE; // Log the transfer logWernisTransfer($wdsId, $amount, 'PAYOUT'); } else { // Status failure text setWernisStatusMessage($return['message'], $return['status']); // Log the transfer logWernisTransfer($wdsId, $amount, 'FAILED', $return['message'], $return['status']); } // Return result return $result; } // Execute auth.php request function executeWernisApiAuth ($wernisId, $wernisPassword) { // Prepare request data $requestData = array( 't_uid' => bigintval($wernisId), 't_md5' => hashSha256($wernisPassword), ); // Call auth.php $return = sendWernisApiRequest('auth.php', $requestData); // Return full array return $return; } // Execute get.php reguest with given auth data (not all are used) function executeWernisApiGet ($authData, $subRequest, $fields) { // It must be an array assert(is_array($authData)); // Check required array elements assert(isset($authData['wernis_userid'])); assert(isset($authData['api_auth_key'])); assert(isset($authData['api_redirect_challenge'])); // Then create request array $requestData = array( 'sub_request' => $subRequest, 'fields' => $fields, 't_uid' => bigintval($authData['wernis_userid']), 't_md5' => getWernisPassMd5(), 'auth_key' => $authData['api_auth_key'], 'challenge' => $authData['api_redirect_challenge'] ); // Call get.php $return = sendWernisApiRequest('get.php', $requestData); // Return full array return $return; } // Translate auth status function translateWernisAuthStatu ($status) { return '{%message,WERNIS_AUTH_STATUS_' . strtoupper($status) . '%}'; } // Translate the status IN/OUT function translateWernisTransferStatus ($status) { // Default status is unknown $return = '{%message,WERNIS_TRANSFER_STATUS_UNKNWOWN=' . $status . '%}'; // Construct message id $messageId = 'WERNIS_TRANSFER_STATUS_' . $status; // Is it there? if (isMessageIdValid($messageId)) { // Then use it as message string $return = '{--' . $messageId . '--}'; } // END - if // Return the status return $return; } // Log the transfer function logWernisTransfer ($wdsId, $amount, $type = 'FAILED', $message = '', $status = '') { // Register this wernis movement sqlQueryEscaped("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_wernis` (`userid`, `wernis_account`, `wernis_amount`, `wernis_timestamp`, `wernis_type`, `wernis_api_message`, `wernis_api_status`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '%s', '%s', '%s')", array( getMemberId(), bigintval($wdsId), bigintval($amount), $type, $message, $status ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } // Calulcate fees and factor function calculateWernisFee ($points, $mode) { // Payout or withdraw are allowed modes! //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('mode=' . $mode . ',points=' . $points); if (!in_array($mode, array('payout', 'withdraw'))) { // Log error and abort logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'userid=' . getMemberId() . ',mode=' . $mode . ',points=' . $points . ' - unknown mode detected.'); return FALSE; } // END - if // Is there a percentage or fixed fee? if (getConfig('wernis_' . $mode . '_fee_percent') > 0) { // Percentage fee $points -= $points * getConfig('wernis_'.$mode.'_fee_percent') / 100; } elseif (getConfig('wernis_' . $mode . '_fee_fix') > 0) { // Fixed fee $points -= getConfig('wernis_' . $mode . '_fee_fix'); } // Divide/multiply the factor if ($mode == 'payout') { // Divide for payout $points = $points / getWernisPayoutFactor(); } else { // Multiply for withdraw $points = $points * getWernisWithdrawFactor(); } // Return value //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('mode=' . $mode . ',points=' . $points); return $points; } // Add withdraw fees and factor // @TODO Unused? function calulcateWernisWithdrawFee ($points) { // Is there a percentage or fixed fee? if (getWernisWithdrawFeePercent() > 0) { // Percentage fee $points += $points * getWernisWithdrawFeePercent() / 100; } elseif (getWernisWithdrawFeeFix() > 0) { // Fixed fee $points += getWernisWithdrawFeeFix(); } // Return value return $points; } // Displays registration form for WDS66 registration function doDisplayWernisUserRegistrationForm () { // Is the form sent? if (isFormSent('register')) { // Is wernis_id set? if (!isPostRequestElementSet('wernis_id')) { // Id not set displayMessage('{--GUEST_WERNIS_REGISTRATION_ID_NOT_SET--}'); } elseif (!isPostRequestElementSet('wernis_password')) { // Password not set displayMessage('{--GUEST_WERNIS_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD_NOT_SET--}'); } else { // So far, all fine, then let's do the call-back on auth.php ... $args = executeWernisApiAuth(postRequestElement('wernis_id'), postRequestElement('wernis_password')); // Status was okay? if (isHttpResponseStatusOkay($args)) { // Is auth_status set? //* DEBUG-DIE */ die('response=
' . print_r($response, TRUE) . '
,args=' . '
'.print_r($args, TRUE).'
'); assert(isset($args['auth_status'])); // Add WDS66 userid $args['wernis_userid'] = postRequestElement('wernis_id'); // "Detect" auth status $callbackFunction = 'doWernisAuth' . capitalizeUnderscoreString($args['auth_status']); // Is the call-back there? if (!is_callable($callbackFunction, FALSE, $callableName)) { // Not there, could be bad. :( reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Unsupported auth_status=' . $args['auth_status'] . ',args()=' . count($args) . ',callbackFunction=' . $callbackFunction . ' detected.'); } // END - if // Then call it $status = call_user_func($callbackFunction, $args); // @TODO Something more to do here? die(__FUNCTION__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ': status[' . gettype($status) . ']=' . $status . ' - Unfinished.'); } else { // Something bad happened displayMessage($args['message']); } } } // END - if // Is there a challenge + response? if ((isGetRequestElementSet('status')) && (isGetRequestElementSet('challenge')) && (isGetRequestElementSet('__challenge_response'))) { // Redirect from modules.php?module=auth, so validate challenge response ... // 1) Get first 24 characters = salt $salt = substr(getRequestElement('__challenge_response'), 0, 24); // 2) Generate hash for challenge response $challengeResponse = $salt . hashSha256($salt . getWernisApiMd5() . getRequestElement('challenge')); // Is the response valid? if ($challengeResponse != getRequestElement('__challenge_response')) { // Not valid displayMessage('{--GUEST_WERNIS_REGISTRATION_INVALID_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE--}'); return; } // END - if /* * Now, that the challenge-response is the same, the challenge itself * is also the same. Next get the data from wernis_regs table by * challenge. There is currently no other way to get the data as there * is no Wernis user id provided. Later on the stored challenge response * can be compared with provided. */ $return = doWernisFinishUserRegistration(getRequestElement('challenge'), getRequestElement('__challenge_response'), getRequestElement('status')); // Is the registration finished? if ($return === FALSE) { // No, then abort here silently as the function should have already displayed a message return; } // END - if } elseif (!isFormSent('register')) { // Form not send, so load form template loadTemplate('guest_wernis_registration_rpc_form'); } } // Finish user registration with WDS66 API function doWernisFinishUserRegistration ($challenge, $challengeResponse, $status) { // Is the status 1? (= all fine with API call) if ($status == '1') { // Get mapped data based on challenge $return = getWernisMappedDataFromApiByChallenge($challenge, $challengeResponse, $status); // Is the array filled? //* DEBUG-DIE */ die(__METHOD__ . ':return=
' . print_r($return, TRUE) . '
- EXIT!'); if ((isset($return['mapped_data'])) && (count($return['mapped_data']) > 0) && (empty($return['message']))) { // Set must-fillout fields $return['mapped_data'] = runFilterChain('register_must_fillout', $return['mapped_data']); // Add missing elements $return['mapped_data']['gender'] = NULL; $return['mapped_data']['birthday_selection'] = generateDayMonthYearSelectionBox($return['mapped_data']['birth_day'], $return['mapped_data']['birth_month'], $return['mapped_data']['birth_year']); $return['mapped_data']['challenge'] = getRequestElement('challenge'); $return['mapped_data']['__challenge_response'] = getRequestElement('__challenge_response'); // Display form loadTemplate('guest_wernis_registration_form', FALSE, $return['mapped_data']); // All fine return TRUE; } else { // Something unexpected happened (e.g. no API requests left) displayMessage($return['message']); return FALSE; } } else { // Not accepted displayMessage('{--GUEST_WERNIS_REGISTRATION_AUTH_REJECTED--}'); } } // "Getter" for mapped data by calling the API and given challenge and status function getWernisMappedDataFromApiByChallenge ($challenge, $challengeResponse, $status) { // Get stored registration data $rows = getWernisRegistrationDataByKey('api_redirect_challenge', $challenge); // Zero result found? if (count($rows) == 0) { // Nothing found displayMessage('{--GUEST_WERNIS_REGISTRATION_ZERO_ROWS_FOUND--}'); // Display form loadTemplate('guest_wernis_registration_rpc_form'); return array(); } // END - if // Init array $return = array( // Mapped data 'mapped_data' => array(), // Any error message from API 'message' => '' ); // Has the auth status changed? if ($rows[0]['api_auth_status'] != 'ACCEPTED') { /* * The authorization of this application has been accepted, so * update it and ignore result from function because the update * will always run. */ updateWernisRegistrationDataByKey('api_auth_status', 'api_redirect_challenge', $challenge, 'ACCEPTED'); updateWernisRegistrationDataByKey('api_challenge_response', 'api_redirect_challenge', $challenge, $challengeResponse); } // END - if // Now call "get.php" $response = executeWernisApiGet($rows[0], 'data', 'vorname|name|strasse|plz|ort|birth_day|birth_month|birth_year|email|werber'); // Was the status okay? //* DEBUG-DIE */ die(__FUNCTION__ . ':response=
' . print_r($response, TRUE) . '
'); if (isHttpResponseStatusOkay($response)) { // API returned non-errous response, 'data=' must be found assert(isset($response['data'])); // And decode it (all steps separated to later "easily" debug them) $decodedData = base64_decode(urldecode($response['data'])); //* DEBUG-DIE */ die(__FUNCTION__ . ':decodedData=' . $decodedData); /* * Do some checks on the decoded string, it should be a * serialized array with 10 entries (see above * executeWernisApiGet() call). */ assert(substr($decodedData, 0, 6) == 'a:10:{'); assert(substr($decodedData, -1, 1) == '}'); // The array seems to be fine, unserialize it $userData = unserialize($decodedData); //* DEBUG-DIE */ die(__METHOD__ . ':userData=
' . print_r($userData, TRUE) . '
- EXIT!'); // All mappings WDS66->mailer $mappings = array( 'vorname' => 'surname', 'name' => 'family', 'strasse' => 'street_nr', 'plz' => 'zip', 'ort' => 'city', 'email' => 'email', 'birth_day' => 'birth_day', 'birth_month' => 'birth_month', 'birth_year' => 'birth_year', 'werber' => 'wernis_refid' ); // Map all WDS66 entries into mailer entries foreach ($mappings as $from => $to) { // All must exist if (!isset($userData[$from])) { // Element $from does not exist reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Cannot map from=' . $from . ' -> to=' . $to . ': element does not exist.'); } // END - if // "Map" all and make empty strings to NULL $return['mapped_data'][$to] = convertEmptyToNull($userData[$from]); } // END - foreach // Both arrays must have same size assert(count($userData) == count($return['mapped_data'])); // Now add userid from WDS66 $return['mapped_data']['wernis_userid'] = bigintval($rows[0]['wernis_userid']); } else { // Something bad happened so copy the message $return['message'] = $response['message']; } // Return mapped data array //* DEBUG-DIE */ die(__METHOD__ . ':return=
' . print_r($return, TRUE) . '
- EXIT!'); return $return; } // Updates auth status by given key/value pair function updateWernisRegistrationDataByKey ($updatedColumn, $key, $oldValue, $newValue) { // Run the update sqlQueryEscaped("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_wernis_regs` SET `%s` = '%s' WHERE `%s` = '%s' AND `%s` != '%s' LIMIT 1", array( $updatedColumn, $newValue, $key, $oldValue, $updatedColumn, $oldValue ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ ); // Check if rows as been affected return ifSqlHasZeroAffectedRows(); } // "Getter" for Wernis registration data by given key and value function getWernisRegistrationDataByKey ($key, $value, $limit = 1) { // Init array $rows = array(); // Now search for it $result = sqlQueryEscaped("SELECT `local_userid`, `wernis_userid`, `api_auth_status`, `api_auth_key`, `api_redirect_challenge`, `api_challenge_response`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`record_inserted`) AS `record_inserted` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_wernis_regs` WHERE `%s`='%s' ORDER BY `id` LIMIT %d", array( $key, $value, $limit ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ ); // Is there an entry? if (sqlNumRows($result) > 0) { // At least one entry has been found, so loop through all while ($row = sqlFetchArray($result)) { // Add it array_push($rows, $row); } // END - while } // END - if // Free result sqlFreeResult($result); // Return found entries return $rows; } // Do local user registration with data from WDS66 API function doWernisUserRegistration () { // Call generic registration function $status = doGenericUserRegistration(); // Does this went fine? if ($status === FALSE) { // No, then abort here silently return FALSE; } // END - if // Make sure the user id is valid assert(isset($GLOBALS['register_userid'])); assert(isValidId($GLOBALS['register_userid'])); // Generic registration is finished, so add more data: } // Generates decrption key based on private key, public key and API key function generateWernisDecryptionKey ($publicKey) { // Generate key from most known data $key = hashSha256(sprintf( '%s:%s:%s', getWernisApiMd5(), getWernisPrivateKey(), $publicKey )); // Return it return $key; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Auth status callback functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler for auth_status=PENDING function doWernisAuthPending ($args) { // $args must always be an array assert(is_array($args)); // auth_key and wernis_userid must be set assert(isset($args['auth_key'])); assert(isset($args['wernis_userid'])); // Generate a challenge that will be added to the URL $challenge = hashSha256(generatePassword(128)); // Search entry in database by auth_key if (countSumTotalData($args['auth_key'], 'wernis_regs', 'id', 'api_auth_key', TRUE) == 0) { // "Register" this call sqlQueryEscaped("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_wernis_regs` ( `wernis_userid`, `api_auth_status`, `api_auth_key`, `api_redirect_challenge` ) VALUES ( %s, 'PENDING', '%s', '%s' )", array( bigintval($args['wernis_userid']), $args['auth_key'], $challenge ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ ); } else { // Update challenge sqlQueryEscaped("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_wernis_regs` SET `api_redirect_challenge`='%s' WHERE `api_auth_key`='%s' AND `wernis_userid`=%s AND `api_auth_status`='PENDING' LIMIT 1", array( $challenge, $args['auth_key'], bigintval($args['wernis_userid']) ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ ); } // Should always update/insert assert(sqlAffectedRows() == 1); // Redirect to WDS66 module=auth ... //* DEBUG-DIE */ die(__FUNCTION__ . ':' . __LINE__ . '
' . print_r($args, TRUE) . '
'); redirectToUrl(getWernisBaseUrl() . '/modules.php?module=auth&auth_key=' . trim($args['auth_key']) . '&params=' . urlencode(base64_encode('&module=' . getModule() . '&what=' . getWhat())) . '&challenge=' . $challenge, FALSE, FALSE); } // Handler for auth_status=ACCEPTED function doWernisAuthAccepted ($args) { // $args must always be an array assert(is_array($args)); // auth_key and wernis_userid must be set assert(isset($args['auth_key'])); assert(isset($args['wernis_userid'])); // Get registration data by auth_key $rows = getWernisRegistrationDataByKey('api_auth_key', $args['auth_key']); // The userid should be same assert(isset($rows[0]['wernis_userid'])); assert($rows[0]['wernis_userid'] === $args['wernis_userid']); // Check both challenge + response assert(isset($rows[0]['api_redirect_challenge'])); assert(isset($rows[0]['api_challenge_response'])); // Both are fine, so get the data $return = doWernisFinishUserRegistration($rows[0]['api_redirect_challenge'], $rows[0]['api_challenge_response'], '1'); // All fine? if ($return === FALSE) { // @TODO Should not happen??? reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'args=
' . print_r($args, TRUE) . '
' . print_r($rows, TRUE) . '
- Failed!'); } // END - if // Generate URL $url = basename(detectRequestUri()) . '&challenge=' . $rows[0]['api_redirect_challenge'] . '&__challenge_response=' . $rows[0]['api_challenge_response'] . '&status=1'; // Redirect to URL redirectToUrl($url); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Template helper functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Template helper to generate a selection box for encryption alogrithms function doTemplateSelectWernisEncryptionAlgorithm ($templateName, $clear = FALSE, $default = NULL) { // Get all available algorithms $algorithms = getSupportedEncryptionAlgorithms(); //* DEBUG-DIE */ die('algorithms=
' . print_r($algorithms, TRUE) . '
'); // Init array $options = array(); // And fill it foreach ($algorithms as $key => $dummy) { $options[$key] = array('algorithms' => $key); } // END - if // Handle it over to generateSelectionBoxFromArray() $content = generateSelectionBoxFromArray($options, 'wernis_encryption_algorithm', 'algorithms', '', '_wernis', '', $default, '', TRUE, FALSE); // Return prepared content return $content; } // Template helper to generate a selection box for encryption alogrithms function doTemplateSelectWernisEncryptionMode ($templateName, $clear = FALSE, $default = NULL) { // Get all available modes $modes = getSupportedEncryptionModes(); // Init array $options = array(); // And fill it foreach ($modes as $key => $dummy) { $options[$key] = array('modes' => $key); } // END - if // Handle it over to generateSelectionBoxFromArray() $content = generateSelectionBoxFromArray($options, 'wernis_encryption_mode', 'modes', '', '_wernis', '', $default, '', TRUE, FALSE); // Return prepared content return $content; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Wrapper functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Wrapper function for 'wernis_refid' function getWernisRefid () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_refid'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_pass_md5' function getWernisPassMd5 () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_pass_md5'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_api_id' function getWernisApiId () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_api_id'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_api_md5' function getWernisApiMd5 () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_api_md5'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_api_url' function getWernisApiUrl () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_api_url'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_withdraw_active' function getWernisWithdrawActive () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_withdraw_active'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_payout_active' function getWernisPayoutActive () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_payout_active'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_withdraw_active' function isWernisWithdrawActive () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getConfig('wernis_withdraw_active') == 'Y'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_payout_active' function isWernisPayoutActive () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getConfig('wernis_payout_active') == 'Y'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_withdraw_factor' function getWernisWithdrawFactor () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_withdraw_factor'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_payout_factor' function getWernisPayoutFactor () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_payout_factor'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_withdraw_fee_percent' function getWernisWithdrawFeePercent () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_withdraw_fee_percent'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_withdraw_fee_fix' function getWernisWithdrawFeeFix () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_withdraw_fee_fix'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_payout_fee_percent' function getWernisPayoutFeePercent () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_payout_fee_percent'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_payout_fee_fix' function getWernisPayoutFeeFix () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_payout_fee_fix'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_min_payout' function getWernisMinPayout () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_min_payout'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_min_withdraw' function getWernisMinWithdraw () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_min_withdraw'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_base_url' function getWernisBaseUrl () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_base_url'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_encryption_algorithm' function getWernisEncryptionAlgorithm () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_encryption_algorithm'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_encryption_mode' function getWernisEncryptionMode () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_encryption_mode'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Wrapper function for 'wernis_private_key' function getWernisPrivateKey () { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get config entry $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('wernis_private_key'); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // [EOF] ?>