* @version 0.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Roland Haeder, 2009 - 2015 Core Developer Team * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * @link http://www.shipsimu.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class BaseListener extends BaseFrameworkSystem implements Visitable { // Exception code constants const EXCEPTION_INVALID_SOCKET = 0xa00; const EXCEPTION_SOCKET_ALREADY_REGISTERED = 0xa01; const EXCEPTION_SOCKET_CREATION_FAILED = 0xa02; const EXCEPTION_NO_SOCKET_ERROR = 0xa03; const EXCEPTION_CONNECTION_ALREADY_REGISTERED = 0xa04; const EXCEPTION_UNEXPECTED_PACKAGE_STATUS = 0xa05; const EXCEPTION_UNSUPPORTED_PACKAGE_CODE_HANDLER = 0xa06; const EXCEPTION_FINAL_CHUNK_VERIFICATION = 0xa07; const EXCEPTION_INVALID_DATA_CHECKSUM = 0xa08; /** * Address (IP mostly) we shall listen on */ private $listenAddress = ''; // This is the default and listens on all interfaces /** * Port we shall listen on (or wait for incoming data) */ private $listenPort = 0; // This port MUST be changed by your application /** * Whether we are in blocking or non-blocking mode (default: non-blocking */ private $blockingMode = FALSE; /** * A peer pool instance */ private $poolInstance = NULL; /** * Protected constructor * * @param $className Name of the class * @return void */ protected function __construct ($className) { // Call parent constructor parent::__construct($className); } /** * Checks whether the given socket resource is a server socket * * @param $socketResource A valid socket resource * @return $isServerSocket Whether the socket resource is a server socket */ protected function isServerSocketResource ($socketResource) { // Check it $isServerSocket = ((is_resource($socketResource)) && (!@socket_getpeername($socketResource, $peerName))); // We need to clear the error here if it is a resource if ($isServerSocket === TRUE) { // Clear the error //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('socketResource[]=' . gettype($socketResource)); socket_clear_error($socketResource); } // END - if // Check peer name, it must be empty $isServerSocket = (($isServerSocket) && (empty($peerName))); // Return result return $isServerSocket; } /** * Setter for listen address * * @param $listenAddress The address this listener should listen on * @return void */ protected final function setListenAddress ($listenAddress) { $this->listenAddress = (string) $listenAddress; } /** * Getter for listen address * * @return $listenAddress The address this listener should listen on */ public final function getListenAddress () { return $this->listenAddress; } /** * Setter for listen port * * @param $listenPort The port this listener should listen on * @return void */ protected final function setListenPort ($listenPort) { $this->listenPort = (int) $listenPort; } /** * Getter for listen port * * @return $listenPort The port this listener should listen on */ public final function getListenPort () { return $this->listenPort; } /** * "Setter" to set listen address from configuration entry * * @param $configEntry The configuration entry holding our listen address * @return void */ public final function setListenAddressByConfiguration ($configEntry) { $this->setListenAddress($this->getConfigInstance()->getConfigEntry($configEntry)); } /** * "Setter" to set listen port from configuration entry * * @param $configEntry The configuration entry holding our listen port * @return void */ public final function setListenPortByConfiguration ($configEntry) { $this->setListenPort($this->getConfigInstance()->getConfigEntry($configEntry)); } /** * Setter for blocking-mode * * @param $blockingMode Whether blocking-mode is disabled (default) or enabled * @return void */ protected final function setBlockingMode ($blockingMode) { $this->blockingMode = (boolean) $blockingMode; } /** * Checks whether blocking-mode is enabled or disabled * * @return $blockingMode Whether blocking mode is disabled or enabled */ public final function isBlockingModeEnabled () { return $this->blockingMode; } /** * Setter for peer pool instance * * @param $poolInstance The peer pool instance we shall set * @return void */ protected final function setPoolInstance (PoolablePeer $poolInstance) { $this->poolInstance = $poolInstance; } /** * Getter for peer pool instance * * @return $poolInstance The peer pool instance we shall set */ public final function getPoolInstance () { return $this->poolInstance; } /** * Getter for connection type * * @return $connectionType Connection type for this listener */ public final function getConnectionType () { // Wrap the real getter return $this->getProtocolName(); } /** * Registeres the given socket resource for "this" listener instance. This * will be done in a seperate class to allow package writers to use it * again. * * @param $socketResource A valid server socket resource * @return void * @throws InvalidServerSocketException If the given resource is no server socket * @throws SocketAlreadyRegisteredException If the given resource is already registered */ protected function registerServerSocketResource ($socketResource) { // First check if it is valid if (!$this->isServerSocketResource($socketResource)) { // No server socket throw new InvalidServerSocketException(array($this, $socketResource), self::EXCEPTION_INVALID_SOCKET); } elseif ($this->isServerSocketRegistered($socketResource)) { // Already registered throw new SocketAlreadyRegisteredException($this, self::EXCEPTION_SOCKET_ALREADY_REGISTERED); } // Get a socket registry instance (singleton) $registryInstance = SocketRegistryFactory::createSocketRegistryInstance(); // Get a connection info instance $infoInstance = ConnectionInfoFactory::createConnectionInfoInstance($this->getProtocolName(), 'listener'); // Will the info instance with listener data $infoInstance->fillWithListenerInformation($this); // Register the socket $registryInstance->registerSocket($infoInstance, $socketResource); // And set it here $this->setSocketResource($socketResource); } /** * Checks whether given socket resource is registered in socket registry * * @param $socketResource A valid server socket resource * @return $isRegistered Whether given server socket is registered */ protected function isServerSocketRegistered ($socketResource) { // Get a socket registry instance (singleton) $registryInstance = SocketRegistryFactory::createSocketRegistryInstance(); // Get a connection info instance $infoInstance = ConnectionInfoFactory::createConnectionInfoInstance($this->getProtocolName(), 'listener'); // Will the info instance with listener data $infoInstance->fillWithListenerInformation($this); // Check it $isRegistered = $registryInstance->isSocketRegistered($infoInstance, $socketResource); // Return result return $isRegistered; } /** * Accepts the visitor to process the visit "request" * * @param $visitorInstance An instance of a Visitor class * @return void */ public function accept (Visitor $visitorInstance) { // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput(strtoupper($this->getProtocolName()) . '-LISTENER[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: ' . $visitorInstance->__toString() . ' has visited ' . $this->__toString() . ' - CALLED!'); // Visit this listener $visitorInstance->visitListener($this); // Visit the pool if set if ($this->getPoolInstance() instanceof Poolable) { $this->getPoolInstance()->accept($visitorInstance); } // END - if // Debug message //* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput(strtoupper($this->getProtocolName()) . '-LISTENER[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: ' . $visitorInstance->__toString() . ' has visited ' . $this->__toString() . ' - EXIT!'); } /** * Monitors incoming raw data from the handler and transfers it to the * given receiver instance. This method should not be called, please call * the decorator's version instead to separator node/client traffic. * * @return void * @throws UnsupportedOperatorException If this method is called by a mistake */ public function monitorIncomingRawData () { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(array($this, __FUNCTION__), self::EXCEPTION_UNSPPORTED_OPERATION); } /** * Constructs a callable method name from given socket error code. If the * method is not found, a generic one is used. * * @param $errorCode Error code from socket_last_error() * @return $handlerName Call-back method name for the error handler * @throws UnsupportedSocketErrorHandlerException If the error handler is not implemented */ protected function getSocketErrorHandlerFromCode ($errorCode) { // Create a name from translated error code $handlerName = 'socketError' . self::convertToClassName($this->translateSocketErrorCodeToName($errorCode)) . 'Handler'; // Is the call-back method there? if (!method_exists($this, $handlerName)) { // Please implement this throw new UnsupportedSocketErrorHandlerException(array($this, $handlerName, $errorCode), BaseConnectionHelper::EXCEPTION_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR_HANDLER); } // END - if // Return it return $handlerName; } /** * Handles socket error for given socket resource and peer data. This method * validates $socketResource if it is a valid resource (see is_resource()) * but assumes valid data in array $recipientData, except that * count($recipientData) is always 2. * * @param $method Value of __METHOD__ from calling method * @param $line Value of __LINE__ from calling method * @param $socketResource A valid socket resource * @param $socketData A valid socket data array (0 = IP/file name, 1 = port) * @return void * @throws InvalidSocketException If $socketResource is no socket resource * @throws NoSocketErrorDetectedException If socket_last_error() gives zero back */ protected final function handleSocketError ($method, $line, $socketResource, array $socketData) { // This method handles only socket resources if (!is_resource($socketResource)) { // No resource, abort here throw new InvalidSocketException(array($this, $socketResource), BaseListener::EXCEPTION_INVALID_SOCKET); } // END - if // Check socket array, 1st element is mostly IP address (or file name), 2nd is port number //* DEBUG-DIE: */ die(__METHOD__ . ':socketData=' . print_r($socketData, TRUE)); assert(isset($socketData[0])); assert(isset($socketData[1])); // Get error code for first validation (0 is not an error) $errorCode = socket_last_error($socketResource); // If the error code is zero, someone called this method without an error if ($errorCode == 0) { // No error detected (or previously cleared outside this method) throw new NoSocketErrorDetectedException(array($this, $socketResource), BaseListener::EXCEPTION_NO_SOCKET_ERROR); } // END - if // Get handler (method) name $handlerName = $this->getSocketErrorHandlerFromCode($errorCode); // Call-back the error handler method call_user_func_array(array($this, $handlerName), array($socketResource, $socketData)); // Finally clear the error because it has been handled socket_clear_error($socketResource); } /** * Translates socket error codes into our own internal names which can be * used for call-backs. * * @param $errorCode The error code from socket_last_error() to be translated * @return $errorName The translated name (all lower-case, with underlines) */ public function translateSocketErrorCodeToName ($errorCode) { // Nothing bad happened by default $errorName = BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_CONNECTED; // Is the code a number, then we have to change it switch ($errorCode) { case 0: // Silently ignored, the socket is connected break; case 11: // "Resource temporary unavailable" $errorName = BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE; break; case 13: // "Permission denied" $errorName = BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED; break; case 32: // "Broken pipe" $errorName = BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE; break; case 104: // "Connection reset by peer" $errorName = BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_CONNECTION_RESET_BY_PEER; break; case 107: // "Transport end-point not connected" case 134: // On some (?) systems for 'transport end-point not connected' // @TODO On some systems it is 134, on some 107? $errorName = BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_TRANSPORT_ENDPOINT; break; case 110: // "Connection timed out" $errorName = BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT; break; case 111: // "Connection refused" $errorName = BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED; break; case 113: // "No route to host" $errorName = BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_NO_ROUTE_TO_HOST; break; case 114: // "Operation already in progress" $errorName = BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_OPERATION_ALREADY_PROGRESS; break; case 115: // "Operation now in progress" $errorName = BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS; break; default: // Everything else <> 0 // Unhandled error code detected, so first debug it because we may want to handle it like the others self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('BASE-HUB[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . '] UNKNOWN ERROR CODE = ' . $errorCode . ', MESSAGE = ' . socket_strerror($errorCode)); // Change it only in this class $errorName = BaseRawDataHandler::SOCKET_ERROR_UNKNOWN; break; } // Return translated name return $errorName; } /** * Shuts down a given socket resource. This method does only ease calling * the right visitor. * * @param $socketResource A valid socket resource * @return void */ public function shutdownSocket ($socketResource) { // Debug message self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('HUB-SYSTEM: Shutting down socket resource ' . $socketResource . ' with state ' . $this->getPrintableState() . ' ...'); // Set socket resource $this->setSocketResource($socketResource); // Get a visitor instance $visitorInstance = ObjectFactory::createObjectByConfiguredName('shutdown_socket_visitor_class'); // Debug output self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('HUB-SYSTEM:' . $this->__toString() . ': visitorInstance=' . $visitorInstance->__toString()); // Call the visitor $this->accept($visitorInstance); } /** * Half-shuts down a given socket resource. This method does only ease calling * an other visitor than shutdownSocket() does. * * @param $socketResource A valid socket resource * @return void */ public function halfShutdownSocket ($socketResource) { // Debug message self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('HUB-SYSTEM: Half-shutting down socket resource ' . $socketResource . ' with state ' . $this->getPrintableState() . ' ...'); // Set socket resource $this->setSocketResource($socketResource); // Get a visitor instance $visitorInstance = ObjectFactory::createObjectByConfiguredName('half_shutdown_socket_visitor_class'); // Debug output self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('HUB-SYSTEM:' . $this->__toString() . ': visitorInstance=' . $visitorInstance->__toString()); // Call the visitor $this->accept($visitorInstance); } // ************************************************************************ // Socket error handler call-back methods // ************************************************************************ /** * Handles socket error 'permission denied', but does not clear it for * later debugging purposes. * * @param $socketResource A valid socket resource * @param $socketData A valid socket data array (0 = IP/file name, 1 = port) * @return void * @throws SocketBindingException The socket could not be bind to */ protected function socketErrorPermissionDeniedHandler ($socketResource, array $socketData) { // Get socket error code for verification $socketError = socket_last_error($socketResource); // Get error message $errorMessage = socket_strerror($socketError); // Shutdown this socket $this->shutdownSocket($socketResource); // Throw it again throw new SocketBindingException(array($this, $socketData, $socketResource, $socketError, $errorMessage), BaseListener::EXCEPTION_INVALID_SOCKET); } } // [EOF] ?>