* @version 0.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Roland Haeder, 2009 - 2017 Core Developer Team * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * @link http://www.shipsimu.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class RandomNumberGenerator extends BaseFrameworkSystem { /** * Prime number for better pseudo random numbers */ private $prime = 0; /** * Add this calculated number to the rng */ private $extraNumber = 0; /** * Extra salt for secured hashing */ private $extraSalt = ''; /** * Fixed salt for secured hashing */ private $fixedSalt = ''; /** * Maximum length for random string */ private $rndStrLen = 0; /** * Self instance */ private static $selfInstance = NULL; /** * Protected constructor * * @param $className Name of this class * @return void */ protected function __construct ($className = __CLASS__) { // Call parent constructor parent::__construct($className); } /** * Creates an instance of this class * * @param $extraInstance An extra instance for more salt (default: null) * @return $rngInstance An instance of this random number generator */ public static final function createRandomNumberGenerator (FrameworkInterface $extraInstance = NULL) { // Is self instance set? if (is_null(self::$selfInstance)) { // Get a new instance $rngInstance = new RandomNumberGenerator(); // Initialize the RNG now $rngInstance->initRng($extraInstance); // Set it "self" self::$selfInstance = $rngInstance; } else { // Use from self instance $rngInstance = self::$selfInstance; } // Return the instance return $rngInstance; } /** * Initializes the random number generator * * @param $extraInstance An extra instance for more salt (default: null) * @return void * @todo Add site key for stronger salt! */ protected function initRng ($extraInstance) { // Get the prime number from config $this->prime = $this->getConfigInstance()->getConfigEntry('math_prime'); // Calculate the extra number which is always the same unless you give // a better prime number $this->extraNumber = ($this->prime * $this->prime / pow(pi(), 2)); // Seed mt_rand() mt_srand((double) sqrt(microtime(TRUE) * 100000000 * $this->extraNumber)); // Set the server IP to cluster $serverIp = 'cluster'; // Do we have a single server? if ($this->getConfigInstance()->getConfigEntry('is_single_server') == 'Y') { // Then use that IP for extra security $serverIp = $this->getConfigInstance()->detectServerAddress(); } // END - if // Yet-another fixed salt. This is not dependend on server software or date if ($extraInstance instanceof FrameworkInterface) { // With extra instance information $this->fixedSalt = sha1( $serverIp . ':' . $extraInstance->__toString() . ':' . json_encode($this->getDatabaseInstance()->getConnectionData()) ); } else { // Without extra information $this->fixedSalt = sha1($serverIp . ':' . json_encode($this->getDatabaseInstance()->getConnectionData())); } // One-way data we need for "extra-salting" the random number $this->extraSalt = sha1( $this->fixedSalt . ':' . getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE') . ':' . $this->getConfigInstance()->getConfigEntry('date_key') . ':' . $this->getConfigInstance()->getConfigEntry('base_url') ); // Get config entry for max salt length $this->rndStrLen = $this->getConfigInstance()->getConfigEntry('rnd_str_length'); } /** * Makes a pseudo-random string useable for salts * * @param $length Length of the string, default: 128 * @return $randomString The pseudo-random string */ public function randomString ($length = -1) { // Is the number <1, then fix it to default length if ($length < 1) { $length = $this->rndStrLen; } // END - if // Initialize the string $randomString = ''; // And generate it for ($idx = 0; $idx < $length; $idx++) { // Add a random character and add it to our string $randomString .= chr($this->randomNumber(0, 255)); } // END - for // Return the random string a little mixed up return str_shuffle($randomString); } /** * Generate a pseudo-random integer number in a given range * * @param $min Min value to generate * @param $max Max value to generate * @return $num Pseudo-random number * @todo I had a better random number generator here but now it is somewhere lost :( */ public function randomNumber ($min, $max) { return mt_rand($min, $max); } /** * Getter for extra salt * * @return $extraSalt */ public final function getExtraSalt () { return $this->extraSalt; } /** * Getter for fixed salt * * @return $fixedSalt */ public final function getFixedSalt () { return $this->fixedSalt; } /** * Generates a key based on if we have extra (default) or fixed salt enabled * * @return $key The generated key for encryption */ public function generateKey () { // Default is extra salt $key = md5($this->getExtraSalt()); // Get key if ($this->getConfigInstance()->getConfigEntry('crypt_fixed_salt') == 'Y') { $key = md5($this->getFixedSalt()); } // END - if // Return it return $key; } } // [EOF] ?>