$value) { $GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules'][$key][$module] = $value; } // END - foreach // Mark as found $found = TRUE; } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Debug message only in debug-mode... logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Module ' . $module . ' not found.'); } // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); } // Return status return $found; } // Checks whether the given module is locked by just checking the cache function isModuleLocked ($module) { // Determine if there a cache entry and is it set $return = ((isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['locked'][$module])) && ($GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['locked'][$module] == 'Y')); // Return determined value return $return; } // Checks whether the given module is hidden by just checking the cache function isModuleHidden ($module) { // Determine if there a cache entry and is it set $return = ((isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['hidden'][$module])) && ($GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['hidden'][$module] == 'Y')); // Return determined value return $return; } // Checks whether the given module is mem_only by just checking the cache function isModuleMemberOnly ($module) { // Determine if there a cache entry and is it set $return = ((isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['mem_only'][$module])) && ($GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['mem_only'][$module] == 'Y')); // Return determined value return $return; } // Checks whether the given module is admin_only by just checking the cache function isModuleAdminOnly ($module) { // Determine if there a cache entry and is it set $return = ((isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['admin_only'][$module])) && ($GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['admin_only'][$module] == 'Y')); // Return determined value return $return; } // Check validity of a given module name (no file extension) function checkModulePermissions ($module = '') { // Is it empty (default), then take the current one if (empty($module)) { // Use current module $module = getModule(); } // END - if // Is there cache? if (isModuleStatusSet($module)) { // Then use it return getModuleStatus($module); } // END - if // Filter module name (names with low chars and underlines are fine!) $module = preg_replace('/[^a-z_]/', '', $module); // Check for prefix is a extension... $modSplit = explode('_', $module); $extension = ''; $module_chk = $module; //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__LINE__.'*'.count($modSplit).'/'.$module.'*'); if (count($modSplit) == 2) { // Okay, there is a separator (_) in the name so is the first part a module? //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__LINE__.'*'.$modSplit[0].'*'); if (isExtensionActive($modSplit[0])) { // The prefix is an extension's name, so let's set it $extension = $modSplit[0]; $module = $modSplit[1]; } // END - if } // END - if // Major error in module registry is the default setModuleStatus($module_chk, 'major'); // Check if script is installed if not return a 'done' to prevent some errors if ((isInstallationPhase()) || (!isAdminRegistered())) { // Not installed or no admin registered or in installation phase setModuleStatus($module_chk, 'done'); // Return status return 'done'; } // END - if // Check if the module is registered $found = isModuleRegistered($module_chk); // Is the module found? if ($found === TRUE) { // Check returned values against current access permissions // // Admin access ----- Guest access ----- --- Guest or member? --- if ((isAdmin()) || ((!isModuleLocked($module_chk)) && (!isModuleAdminOnly($module_chk)) && ((!isModuleMemberOnly($module_chk)) || (isMember())))) { // If you are admin you are welcome for everything! setModuleStatus($module_chk, 'done'); } elseif (isModuleLocked($module_chk)) { // Module is locked setModuleStatus($module_chk, 'locked'); } elseif ((isModuleMemberOnly($module_chk)) && (!isMember())) { // You have to login first! setModuleStatus($module_chk, 'mem_only'); } elseif ((isModuleAdminOnly($module_chk)) && (!isAdmin())) { // Only the Admin is allowed to enter this module! setModuleStatus($module_chk, 'admin_only'); } else { // @TODO Nothing helped??? logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("ret=%s,locked=%d,hidden=%d,mem=%d,admin=%d", getModuleStatus($module_chk), intval(isModuleLocked($module_chk)), intval(isModuleHidden($module_chk)), intval(isModuleMemberOnly($module_chk)), intval(isModuleAdminOnly($module_chk)) )); } } // END - if // Still no luck or not found? if (($found === FALSE) && (!isExtensionActive('cache')) && (getModuleStatus($module_chk) != 'done')) { // ----- Default module ----- ---- Module in base folder ---- --- Module with extension's name --- if ((isIncludeReadable(sprintf("inc/modules/%s.php", $module))) || (isIncludeReadable(sprintf("%s.php", $module))) || (isIncludeReadable(sprintf("%s/%s.php", $extension, $module)))) { // Data is missing so we add it if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.3.6')) { /* * Since 0.3.6 we have a has_menu column, this took me a half * hour to find a loop here... *sigh* */ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` (`module`, `locked`, `hidden`, `mem_only`, `admin_only`, `has_menu`) VALUES ('%s','Y','N','N','N','N')", array($module_chk), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } else { // Wrong/missing sql_patches! SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` (`module`, `locked`, `hidden`, `mem_only`, `admin_only`) VALUES ('%s','Y','N','N','N')", array($module_chk), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } // Everthing is fine? if (SQL_HASZEROAFFECTED()) { // Something bad happend! setModuleStatus($module_chk, 'major'); return 'major'; } // END - if // Destroy cache here // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter if ((isHtmlOutputMode()) || (isRawOutputMode())) { rebuildCache('modules', 'modules'); } // END - if // And reload data unset($GLOBALS['module_status'][$module_chk]); return checkModulePermissions($module_chk); } else { // Module not found we don't add it to the database setModuleStatus($module_chk, '404'); } } elseif ((getModuleStatus($module_chk) == 'cache_miss') && (isHtmlOutputMode())) { // Rebuild the cache files rebuildCache('modules', 'modules'); } elseif ($found === FALSE) { // Problem with module detected logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Problem in module %s detected. getModuleStatus()=%s,locked=%d,hidden=%d,mem=%d,admin=%d,output_mode=%s", $module_chk, getModuleStatus($module_chk), intval(isModuleLocked($module_chk)), intval(isModuleHidden($module_chk)), intval(isModuleMemberOnly($module_chk)), intval(isModuleAdminOnly($module_chk)), getScriptOutputMode() )); } // Debug log //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("module=%s, status=%s", $module_chk, getModuleStatus($module_chk))); // Return the value return getModuleStatus($module_chk); } // Checks if the module has a menu function ifModuleHasMenu ($module, $forceDb = FALSE) { // All is false by default $ret = FALSE; // Extension installed and newer than or has version 0.1.2? if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('cache', '0.1.2')) { // Cache version is okay, so let's check the cache! if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['has_menu'][$module])) { // Check module cache and count hit $ret = ($GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['has_menu'][$module] == 'Y'); incrementStatsEntry('cache_hits'); } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_menu'][$module])) { // Check cache and count hit $ret = ($GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_menu'][$module] == 'Y'); incrementStatsEntry('cache_hits'); } else { // Admin/guest/member/sponsor modules have always a menu! $ret = in_array($module, array('admin', 'index', 'login', 'sponsor')); } } elseif ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.3.6')) && ((!isExtensionActive('cache')) || ($forceDb === TRUE))) { // Check database for entry $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `has_menu` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` WHERE `module`='%s' LIMIT 1", array($module), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Entry found? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Load "has_menu" column $data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result); // Fake cache... ;-) $GLOBALS['cache_array']['extension']['ext_menu'][$module] = $data['has_menu']; // Does it have a menu? $ret = ($data['has_menu'] == 'Y'); } // END - if // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); } elseif (!isExtensionInstalled('sql_patches')) { // No sql_patches installed, so maybe in admin/guest/member/sponsor area or no admin registered? $ret = in_array($module, array('admin', 'index', 'login', 'sponsor')); // Then there is a menu! } else { // Unsupported state! logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'This should never be reached.'); } // Return status return $ret; } // Adds a SQL for given module function addModuleSql ($module, $title, $locked, $hidden, $adminOnly, $memOnly) { // Is the module already registered? if (!isModuleRegistered($module)) { // Add it addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` (`module`, `title`, `locked`, `hidden`, `admin_only`, `mem_only`) VALUES ('" . $module . "','" . $title . "','" . $locked . "','" . $hidden . "','" . $adminOnly . "','" . $memOnly . "')"); } else { // Already registered logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Already registered: module=%s,locked=%s,hidden=%s,admin=%s,mem=%s", $module, $locked, $hidden, $adminOnly, $memOnly )); } } // Load the currently set module function loadModule () { // By default all modules are invalid $isModuleValid = FALSE; // Construct module name $GLOBALS['module_inc'] = sprintf("inc/modules/%s.php", getModule()); // Check module permission (again) $moduleState = checkModulePermissions(); // Which permission/error state do we have? switch ($moduleState) { case 'cache_miss': // The cache is gone case 'admin_only': // Admin-only access case 'mem_only': // Member-only access case 'done': // All fine! // Does the module exists on local file system? if ((isIncludeReadable($GLOBALS['module_inc'])) && (!ifFatalErrorsDetected())) { // Module is valid, active and located on the local disk... $isModuleValid = TRUE; } elseif (!ifFatalErrorsDetected()) { // Set HTTP status setHttpStatus('404'); // Module not found addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--MODULE_REGISTRY_404--}'); // Set module to error module (non-existent!) setModule('error'); } break; case '404': // Set HTTP status setHttpStatus('404'); // Add fatal message addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--MODULE_REGISTRY_404--}'); break; case 'locked': // Set HTTP status setHttpStatus('403 Forbidden'); if (!isIncludeReadable($GLOBALS['module_inc'])) { // Set HTTP status again setHttpStatus('404 Not Found'); // Module does addionally not exists addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--MODULE_REGISTRY_LOCKED_404--}'); } // END - if // Add fatal message addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--MODULE_REGISTRY_IS_LOCKED--}'); break; default: // Unknown module status logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown status %s return from module check. Module=%s", $moduleState, getModule())); addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{%message,UNKNOWN_MODULE_STATUS=' . $moduleState . '%}'); break; } // END - switch // Return status return $isModuleValid; } // Include module function doIncludeModule () { // Set content type setContentType('text/html'); // The header file loadIncludeOnce('inc/header.php'); // Modules are by default not valid! $isModuleValid = FALSE; // By default NULL is used $GLOBALS['module_inc'] = NULL; // Is the maintenance mode active or goes all well? if ((isExtensionActive('maintenance')) && (isMaintenanceEnabled()) && (!isAdmin()) && (getModule() != 'admin')) { // Maintain mode is active and you are no admin addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--MAILER_DOWN_FOR_MAINTENANCE--}'); } elseif ((SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) && (!ifFatalErrorsDetected())) { // Do the small "load module" call $isModuleValid = loadModule(); } elseif (!ifFatalErrorsDetected()) { // SQL problems detected addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--MYSQL_ERRORS--}'); } // Is the module valid? if (($isModuleValid === TRUE) && (!is_null($GLOBALS['module_inc']))) { // Run pre-filter runFilterChain('pre_module_load'); // Everything is okay so we can load the module loadIncludeOnce($GLOBALS['module_inc']); // Run post-filter runFilterChain('post_module_load'); } // END - if // Add the footer (this will call doShutdown()) loadIncludeOnce('inc/footer.php'); } // [EOF] ?>