// Possible newly installed extension found so we extract extension's name
$ext = strtolower(substr($file, 4, -4)); // Keep always extension names on lower case!!!
// Init variables
$ext_ver = "";
$result = false;
// Check if extension is installed or not
if ((is_array($cacheArray['extensions']['ext_version'])) && (isset($cacheArray['extensions']['ext_version'][$ext]))) {
// Load version from cache
if (!empty($cacheArray['extensions']['ext_version'][$ext])) {
// Extension is installed so we can get it's version number
$ext_ver = $cacheArray['extensions']['ext_version'][$ext];
} else {
// Extension is not installed so no version number was found
$ext_ver = "";
} elseif (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("cache")) {
// Load data from database
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id, ext_version FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_extensions WHERE ext_name='%s' LIMIT 1",
array($ext), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Is the extension not yet installed?
if ((SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 0) && (empty($ext_ver))) {
// Generate subject line
$ext_subj = sprintf("[%s:]", $ext);
// Create a task for newly installed extension
CREATE_NEW_EXTENSION_TASK(GET_ADMIN_ID(get_session('admin_login')), $ext_subj, $ext);
// We maybe want to install an extension so let's test-drive it...
} else {
// Maybe we want to update?
if ((empty($cacheArray['extensions']['ext_version'][$ext])) && (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)) {
list($dummy, $ext_ver) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
} // END - if
// Update extension
if (!empty($ext_ver)) EXTENSION_UPDATE($file, $ext, $ext_ver);
if (!empty($cacheArray['active_extensions'][$ext])) {
// Maybe we want to keept the current extension active?
if (($cacheArray['active_extensions'][$ext] == "Y") && (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE($ext))) {
// Reactivate this extension!
} // END - if
} // END - if
} // END - if
} // END - while
// Close directory handle
// At last - but not least - check for own and new unassigned tasks...
$result_tasks = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id, assigned_admin, userid, task_type, subject, text, task_created
FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_task_system
WHERE assigned_admin='%s' OR (assigned_admin='0' AND status='NEW')
ORDER BY userid DESC, task_type DESC, subject, task_created DESC",
array(GET_ADMIN_ID(get_session('admin_login'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_tasks) > 0) {
// New jobs found!
$JOBS_DONE = false;
} // END - if
// Free the result
// Return status
return $JOBS_DONE;
function OUTPUT_SELECTED_TASKS($_POST, $result_tasks) {
global $_CONFIG, $NOTES;
if ((isset($_POST['assign'])) && (count($_POST['task']) > 0)) {
// Assign / do tasks
$OUT = ""; $SW = 2;
foreach ($_POST['task'] as $id => $sel) {
$result_task = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id, userid, task_type, subject, text, task_created, status, assigned_admin FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_task_system WHERE id=%s AND (assigned_admin='%s' OR (assigned_admin='0' AND status='NEW')) LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id), GET_ADMIN_ID(get_session('admin_login'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_task) == 1) {
// Task is valid...
list($tid, $uid, $type, $subj, $text, $created, $status, $aid) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_task);
if ($aid == "0") {
// Assgin current admin to unassgigned task
$result_assign = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_task_system SET assigned_admin='%s' WHERE id=%s LIMIT 1",
array(GET_ADMIN_ID(get_session('admin_login')), bigintval($tid)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} // END - if
$ADD = "";
if ($type == "SUPPORT_MEMBER") {
$mode = substr($text, 0, strpos($text, ":"));
$text = substr($text, strpos($text, ":") + 1);
$ADD = "
".ADMIN_TASK_SUPPORT_MODE.": ".$mode."";
} // END - if
if ($uid > 0) {
$result_user = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT gender, surname, family, email FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($uid)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_user) == 1) {
list($gender, $sname, $fname, $email) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_user);
$ADD = "".ADMIN_MEMBER_UID.": ".ADMIN_USER_PROFILE_LINK($uid)." (".TRANSLATE_GENDER($gender)." ".$sname." ".$fname.")";
} // END - if
} // END - if
// Decode entities of the text
$text = html_entity_decode($text);
// Compile and insert text from task into table template
$text = LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_extensions_text", true, $text);
// Initialize variables (no title for SQL commands by default)
$ext_name = "";
$title = TASK_NO_TITLE;
// Shall I list SQL commands assigned to an extension installation or update task?
if (((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") != '') && ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == "Y")) || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sql_patches"))) {
$ext_name = substr($subj, 1, strpos($subj, ":") - 1);
if ($type == "EXTENSION") {
// Load SQL commands for registering
$SQLs = EXTENSION_REGISTER($ext_name, $id, true);
// Add notes to text
$text .= $NOTES;
// Set title
} elseif ($type == "EXTENSION_UPDATE") {
// Load SQL commands for update (already done!)
$ext_name = substr($ext_name, 7);
$ext_name = substr($ext_name, 0, strpos($ext_name, "-"));
$test = "[UPDATE-".$ext_name."-";
$ext_ver = substr($subj, strlen($test));
$ext_ver = substr($ext_ver, 0, strpos($ext_ver, ":"));
// Load SQLs from file
$SQLs = EXTENSION_UPDATE("ext-".$ext_name.".php", $ext_name, $ext_ver, true);
// Add notes to text
$text .= $NOTES;
// Set title
} else {
// Remove extension's name
$ext_name = "";
// Add SQLs to a table
if (empty($SQLs)) $SQLs = array();
if (empty($title)) $title = "";
if ((!empty($ext_name)) && (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches")) && ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == "Y")) {
// Add verbose SQL table
$text .= EXTENSION_VERBOSE_TABLE($SQLs, $title, " class=\"admin_table top2 left2 right2\"", true, "100%")."
} // END - if
} else {
// Run SQL commands in dry mode but only return the notes
$SQLs = EXTENSION_UPDATE("ext-".$ext_name.".php", $ext_name, $ext_ver, true);
$text .= $NOTES;
// Prepare array for the template
$content = array(
'sw' => $SW,
'subj' => $subj,
'add' => $ADD,
'text' => $text,
'created' => MAKE_DATETIME($created, "1"),
'extension' => $ext_name
// Load template
$OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_overview_row", true, $content);
// Which task do we actually have here?
switch ($type)
case "EXTENSION": // Install new extensions
$ext_name = substr($subj, 1, strpos($subj, ":") - 1);
$result_lines = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_extensions WHERE ext_name='%s' LIMIT 1",
array($ext_name), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$lines = SQL_NUMROWS($result_lines);
if ($lines == "0") {
// New extension found
$OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_ext_reg_form", true, array(
'id' => bigintval($id),
'ext_name' => $ext_name
} else {
// Task is closed so nothing is todo
// Close task but not already closes or deleted or update tasks
if (($status != "CLOSED") && ($status != "DELETED") && ($type != "EXTENSION_UPDATE")) {
} // END - if
// Extension updates are installed automatically
// Close task
if (($status != "CLOSED") && ($status != "DELETED")) {
// Solve the task
} // END - if
case "SUPPORT_MEMBER": // Assign on member's support request
switch ($mode)
default: // Unknown support mode
DEBUG_LOG(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown support mode %s detected. This part is under construction!", $mode));
case "PAYOUT_REQUEST": // Payout requests
if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("payout")) {
// Extension is installed so let him send a notification to the user
$result_pay = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_payouts WHERE userid=%s AND payout_timestamp=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($uid), bigintval($created)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
list($pid) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_pay);
if ((!empty($pid)) && ($pid > 0)) {
// Payout ID can be obtained
$content = array(
'pid' => $pid,
'tid' => $tid,
$OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_payout_overview_form", true, $content);
} else {
// Problem obtaining payout ID
} else {
// Extension is not installed
case "WERNIS_REQUEST": // Wernis requests
if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("wernis")) {
// Extension is installed so let him send a notification to the user
$result_pay = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_wernis WHERE userid=%s AND wernis_timestamp=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($uid), bigintval($created)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
list($pid) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_pay);
if ((!empty($pid)) && ($pid > 0)) {
// Payout ID can be obtained
$content = array(
'pid' => $pid,
'tid' => $tid,
$OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_wernis_overview_form", true, $content);
} else {
// Problem obtaining wernis ID
} else {
// Extension is not installed
case "HOLIDAY_REQUEST": // Holiday requests
$OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_task_holiday", true, $uid);
case "NL_UNSUBSCRIBE": // Newsletter unsubscriptions
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT nl_timespan FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($uid)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
list($span) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
if ($span > 0) {
// Undone unscubscribe request
$content = array(
'uid' => $uid,
'id' => $tid
$OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_newsletter_tsk", true, $content);
} else {
// Already unsubscribed
default: // Unknown task type
DEBUG_LOG(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown task type %s detected.", $type));
$OUT .= "
} // END - if
$SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
define('__TASK_ROWS', $OUT);
// Load final template
} else {
if ((isset($_POST['task'])) && ((sizeof($_POST['task']) > 0) || ($_POST['task'][0] == "1"))) {
// Only unassign / delete tasks when there are selected tasks posted
if (!empty($_POST['unassign'])) {
// Unassign from tasks
foreach ($_POST['task'] as $id => $sel) {
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_task_system SET assigned_admin=0 WHERE id=%s AND assigned_admin=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id), GET_ADMIN_ID(get_session('admin_login'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} elseif (isset($_POST['del'])) {
// Delete tasks
foreach ($_POST['task'] as $id => $sel) {
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_task_system WHERE id=%s AND assigned_admin IN (%s,0) LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id), GET_ADMIN_ID(get_session('admin_login'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Update query
$result_tasks = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id, assigned_admin, userid, task_type, subject, text, task_created FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_task_system WHERE assigned_admin=%s OR (assigned_admin=0 AND status='NEW') ORDER BY task_created DESC",
array(GET_ADMIN_ID(get_session('admin_login'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} // END - if
// There are uncompleted jobs!
$SW = 2;
while (list($id, $admin, $uid, $type, $subj, $text, $created) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_tasks)) {
$infos = "---";
if ($admin == "0") {
// No admin currently is assigned
} else {
// Load admin's data
$login = GET_ADMIN_LOGIN($admin);
if ($login != "***") {
// Admin found
$admin = "".$login."";
} else {
// Maybe deleted?
$admin = "".ADMIN_ID_404_1.$admin.ADMIN_ID_404_2."";
// Get task type
$type_out = constant('ADMIN_TASK_IS_'.strtoupper($type).'');
$type2 = substr($text, 0, strpos($text, ":"));
// Generate infos
switch ($type)
$infos = substr($subj, 1, strpos($subj, ":") - 1);
if ($uid > 0) {
// Member found otherwise it's a system task
} else {
$uid = "".ADMIN_IS_SYSTEM_TASK."";
// Prepare content
$content = array(
'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $id,
'admin' => $admin,
'infos' => $infos,
'uid' => $uid,
'type' => $type_out,
'created' => MAKE_DATETIME($created, "2")
// Do we have extension task?
if (($type == "EXTENSION") && (GET_EXT_VERSION($infos) == "")) {
// Load extension row template
LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_overview_list_ext_rows", false, $content);
} else {
// Load default row template
LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_overview_list_rows", false, $content);
// Switch color
$SW = 3 - $SW;
// Free memory
// Load footer template