0) { // Replace german decimal comma with computer's decimal dot $points = bigintval(convertCommaToDot(postRequestParameter('points'))); // Add points to account SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` SET `points_amount`=`points_amount`+%s WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array($points, bigintval(getRequestParameter('id'))), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Remember points /reason for the template $content['points'] = $points; $content['reason'] = postRequestParameter('reason'); // Send email $message = loadEmailTemplate('sponsor_add_points', $content); sendEmail($content['email'], '{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_ADD_POINTS_SUBJECT--}', $message); $message = '{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_POINTS_ADDED--}'; } else { // No points entered to add! $message = '{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_NO_POINTS_TO_ADD--}'; } break; case 'sub_points': // Subtract points if (bigintval(postRequestParameter('points')) > 0) { // Replace german decimal comma with computer's decimal dot $points = bigintval(convertCommaToDot(postRequestParameter('points'))); // Add points to account SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` SET `points_used`=`points_used`+%s WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array($points, bigintval(getRequestParameter('id'))), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Remember points /reason for the template $content['points'] = $points; $content['reason'] = postRequestParameter('reason'); // Send email $message = loadEmailTemplate('sponsor_sub_points', $content); sendEmail($content['email'], '{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_SUB_POINTS_SUBJECT--}', $message); $message = '{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_POINTS_SUBTRACTED--}'; } else { // No points entered to add! $message = '{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_NO_POINTS_TO_SUBTRACT--}'; } break; case 'edit': // Edit sponsor account $PASS = true; if ((postRequestParameter('pass1') != postRequestParameter('pass2')) || ((!isPostRequestParameterSet('pass1')) && (!isPostRequestParameterSet('pass1')))) { // Remove passwords unsetPostRequestParameter('pass1'); unsetPostRequestParameter('pass2'); $PASS = false; } // END - if // Convert time selection $content = array(); $id = 'warning_interval_ye'; $skip = false; convertSelectionsToEpocheTime(postRequestArray(), $content, $id, $skip); // Save the sponsor handleSponsorRequest(postRequestArray()); // Convert some data for the email template postRequestParameter('gender' , '{%pipe,translateGender=' . postRequestParameter('gender') . '%}'); postRequestParameter('warning_interval', '{%pipe,createFancyTime=' . postRequestParameter('warning_interval') . '%}'); if ($PASS === false) setPostRequestParameter('pass1', '{--SPONSOR_PASS_UNCHANGED--}'); // Load email template and send the mail away $message = loadEmailTemplate('admin_sponsor_edit', postRequestArray(), false); sendEmail(postRequestParameter('email'), '{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_EDIT_SUBJECT--}', $message); break; default: // Unknown mode logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown mode %s detected.", getRequestParameter('mode'))); $message = '{%message,ADMIN_SPONSOR_INVALID_MODE=' . getRequestParameter('mode') . '%}'; break; } if (!empty($message)) { // Output message displayMessage($message); } // END - if } elseif (isFileReadable(sprintf("%stemplates/%s/html/admin/%s.tpl", getPath(), getLanguage(), $TPL))) { // Create mailto link $content['contact'] = '' . $content['surname'] . ' ' . $content['family'] . ''; // Load mode template loadTemplate($TPL, false, $content); } else { // Template not found displayMessage('{%message,ADMIN_SPONSOR_MODUS_TPL_404', getRequestParameter('mode') . '%}'); } } else { // Sponsor not found displayMessage('{%message,ADMIN_SPONSOR_404=' . bigintval(getRequestParameter('id')) . '%}'); } // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result_main); } else { // Not called by what-list_sponsor.php displayMessage('{--ADMIN_CALL_NOT_DIRECTLY--}'); } // [EOF] ?>