0) {
// Init rows
$OUT = ""; $content = array();
// Walk through all entries
while ($pool = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_list)) {
// Unconfirmed mails and sent mails
$result_uncon = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT max_rec, clicks FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_stats` WHERE pool_id=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($pool['id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__);
list($pool['sent_email'], $pool['clicks']) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_uncon);
// Unconfirmed mails
$pool['unconfirmed'] = $pool['sent_email'] - $pool['clicks'];
if ($pool['unconfirmed'] > 0) {
// Add link to list_unconfirmed what-file
$pool['unconfirmed'] = "".$pool['unconfirmed']."";
} elseif ($pool['unconfirmed'] < 0) {
// Sometimes rarely displayed minus values will be "fixed" to zero
$pool['unconfirmed'] = 0;
// Prepare content
$content = $pool;
$content['sender_link'] = ADMIN_USER_PROFILE_LINK($pool['sender']);
$content['subject'] = COMPILE_CODE($pool['subject']);
$content['text'] = COMPILE_CODE($pool['text']);
$content['payment'] = GET_PAYMENT($pool['payment_id']);
$content['category'] = GET_CATEGORY($pool['cat_id']);
$content['receivers'] = str_replace(";", ", ", $pool['receivers']);
$content['type'] = TRANSLATE_POOL_TYPE($pool['data_type']);
$content['frametester'] = FRAMETESTER($pool['url']);
$content['url'] = COMPILE_CODE($pool['url']);
$content['timestamp'] = MAKE_DATETIME($pool['timestamp'], "0");
// Load row template
$OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_list_emails_row", true, $content);
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Add navigation (with change box and colspan=3)
$content['nav'] = "";
if ($PAGES > 1) $content['nav'] = ADD_EMAIL_NAV($PAGES, getConfig('mails_page'), false, "3", true);
// Prepare content
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
$content['who'] = $WHO;
// Mail orders are in pool so we can display them
LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_list_emails", false, $content);
$MAIL = true;
if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("bonus")) && ($WHO == _ALL)) {
// Check only if bonus extension is active
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_bonus) > 0) OUTPUT_HTML("
if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("bonus")) && ($WHO == _ALL)) {
// Load bonus mails only when extension is active
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_bonus) > 0) {
// Calculate pages
$PAGES = round(SQL_NUMROWS($result_bonus) / getConfig('mails_page') + 0.5);
// List emails
$OUT = ""; $content = array();
while ($bonus = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_bonus)) {
// Calculate unconfirmed emails
$bonus['unconfirmed'] = $bonus['mails_sent'] - $bonus['clicks'];
// Add link?
if ($bonus['unconfirmed'] > 0) {
// Add link to list_unconfirmed what-file
$bonus['unconfirmed'] = "".$bonus['unconfirmed']."";
} // END - if
// Prepare content
$content = $bonus;
$content['time'] = CREATE_FANCY_TIME($content['time']);
$content['category'] = GET_CATEGORY($content['cat_id']);
$content['receivers'] = str_replace(";", ", ", $content['receivers']);
$content['type'] = TRANSLATE_POOL_TYPE($content['data_type']);
$content['frametester'] = FRAMETESTER($content['url']);
$content['timestamp'] = MAKE_DATETIME($content['timestamp'], "0");
// Load row template
$OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_list_bonus_emails_row", true, $content);
} // END - while
// Add navigation (without change box but with colspan=3)
$content['nav'] = "";
if ($PAGES > 1) $content['nav'] = ADD_EMAIL_NAV($PAGES, getConfig('mails_page'), false, "3", true);
// Prepare content
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
// Load main template
LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_list_bonus_emails", false, $content);
$MAIL = true;
} // END - if
} // END - if
if (!$MAIL) {
// No mail orders fond
LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, getMessage('ADMIN_NO_MAILS_IN_POOL'));
} // END - if