$v) { if ((empty($v)) && ($v != 0)) $content[$k] = '---'; } // END - foreach // Prepare all data for the template // Sponsor's id $content['id'] = getRequestElement('id'); // Contact data $content['email_link'] = generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'sponsor_data'); // Epoche times $content['sponsor_created'] = generateDateTime($content['sponsor_created'], 2); $content['last_online'] = generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 2); $content['last_change'] = generateDateTime($content['last_change'], 2); // Orders total $content['orders'] = countSumTotalData(bigintval(getRequestElement('id')), 'sponsor_orders', 'id', 'sponsor_id', true); // Load template loadTemplate('admin_list_sponsor_details', false, $content); } else { // Sponsor not found displayMessage('{%message,ADMIN_SPONSOR_404=' . bigintval(getRequestElement('id')) . '%}'); } // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); } elseif (isGetRequestElementSet('refid')) { // Search for sponsor $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval(getRequestElement('refid'))), __FILE__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Sponsor found so let's list all his referrals $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `email`, `status`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`sponsor_created`) AS `sponsor_created`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_online`) AS `last_online`, `points_amount`, `points_used`, `remote_addr`, `ref_count` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` WHERE `refid`='%s' ORDER BY `id` ASC", array(bigintval(getRequestElement('refid'))), __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) { // List refs now // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); } else { // No refs made so far displayMessage(getMaskedMessage('ADMIN_SPONSOR_REFS_404', '' . bigintval(getRequestElement('refid')) . '')); } } else { // Sponsor not found displayMessage('{%message,ADMIN_SPONSOR_404=' . bigintval(getRequestElement('refid')) . '%}'); } } else { // List all sponsors $result_main = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `email`, `status`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`sponsor_created`) AS `sponsor_created`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_online`) AS `last_online`, `points_amount`, `points_used`, (`points_amount` + `points_used`) AS `points`, `remote_addr` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` ORDER BY `id` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result_main)) { // At least one sponsor found $OUT = ''; while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_main)) { // Transfer data to array $content['email'] = generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'sponsor_data'); $content['sponsor_created'] = generateDateTime($content['sponsor_created'], 2); $content['last_online'] = generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 2); // Load row template $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_sponsor_row', true, $content); } // END - while // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result_main); // Load final template loadTemplate('admin_list_sponsor', false, $OUT); } else { // No sponsors registered so far displayMessage('{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_NONE_REGISTERED--}'); } } // [EOF] ?>