0) && ($ID == '-1')) { $ID = $poolData['id']; } // END - if // Bonus mails do always have a sender 'NULL' if ($col == 'bonus_id') { $poolData['sender'] = NULL; } // END - if // Load unconfirmed mail links. Hmmm, this select query is pretty cool // but it does only show unconfirmed mail links from existing user // accounts. So if you have delete one you did not see those links $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT l.`userid`, u.`status`, u.`surname`, u.`family`, u.`gender`, u.`email` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` AS `l` LEFT JOIN `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` AS `u` ON l.`userid`=u.`userid` WHERE l.`%s`=%s ORDER BY l.`userid` ASC LIMIT %s", array( $col, $ID, bigintval($poolData['max_rec']) ),__FILE__, __LINE__); // Are there entries? if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) { // At least one link left to confirm $OUT = ''; while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { // User data found? We can take any field of u. if (!is_null($row['status'])) { // Prepare data for the row template $row = array( 'userid' => $row['userid'], 'link' => $mailType, 'id' => $ID, 'email' => '{%pipe,translateGender=' . $row['gender'] . '%} ' . $row['surname'] . ' ' . $row['family'] . '', 'status' => $row['status'], ); // Load row template and switch colors $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_unconfirmed_row', TRUE, $row); } else { // No user data found $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_unconfirmed_row_404', TRUE, $row); } } // END - while // Render it in our new listing $OUT = loadTemplate('admin_list_unconfirmed_list', TRUE, $OUT); } else { // All links are confirmed... strange, you shall normally not get a link to this place in this scenario... hmmm. $OUT = displayMessage('{--ADMIN_UNCONFIRMED_NO_LINK_LEFT--}', TRUE); } // Prepare content $content = $poolData; $content['unconfirmed'] = SQL_NUMROWS($result); $content['timestamp'] = generateDateTime($poolData['timestamp'], 2); $content['rows'] = $OUT; // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Load final template loadTemplate('admin_list_unconfirmed', FALSE, $content); } elseif (getRequestElement('mid') > 0) { // Data in pool or in user_stats not found, so let's find out where data is missing if (countSumTotalData(bigintval($ID), 'pool', 'id', 'id', TRUE) == 1) { // pool table displayMessage('{%message,ADMIN_UNCONFIRMED_POOL_MISSING=' . $ID . '%}'); } elseif (countSumTotalData(bigintval($ID), 'user_stats', 'id', 'pool_id', TRUE) == 1) { // user_stats table displayMessage('{%message,ADMIN_UNCONFIRMED_STATS_MISSING=' . $ID . '%}'); } else { // both or link is invalid displayMessage('{--ADMIN_UNCONFIRMED_INVALID_LINK--}'); } } elseif (isGetRequestElementSet('bid')) { // Data in bonus table not found displayMessage('{--ADMIN_UNCONFIRMED_INVALID_LINK--}'); } // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result_master); } // END - if // [EOF] ?>