0) { $content['links'] = $base . '&what=list_links&userid=' . $userid . '%}">' . $content['links'] . ']'; } // END - if if ($content['refs'] > 0) { $content['refs'] = $base . '&what=list_refs&userid=' . $userid . '%}">{%pipe,translateComma=' . $content['refs'] . '%}]'; } // END - if if ($content['cats'] > 0) { $content['cats'] = $base . '&what=list_user_cats&userid=' . $userid . '%}">{%pipe,translateComma=' . $content['cats'] . '%}]'; } // END - if // Calculate timestamp for birthday // @TODO Refacture birth_foo to avoid uni* timetstamps as older members cannot be greeded correctly $stamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $content['birth_month'], $content['birth_day'], $content['birth_year']); // Is this above zero? if ($stamp > 0) { // Then use it $content['birthday'] = generateDateTime($stamp, '2'); } else { // Zero or below so set zero! $content['birthday'] = generateDateTime(0, '2'); } // Prepare data for template $content['email_link'] = generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'user_data'); $content['last_online'] = generateDateTime($content['last_online'], '2'); $content['joined'] = generateDateTime($content['joined'], '2'); $content['last_update'] = generateDateTime($content['last_update'], '2'); $content['last_profile_sent'] = generateDateTime($content['last_profile_sent'], '2'); $content['locked_points'] = countSumTotalData($content['userid'], 'user_points', 'locked_points') + countSumTotalData($content['userid'], 'user_points', 'locked_order_points'); // Prepare array for filter $data = array( 'userid' => $content['userid'], 'points' => 0 ); // Run the filter chain $data = runFilterChain('get_own_points', $data); // Add more data $content['own_points'] = $data['points']; $content['lock_timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['lock_timestamp'], '2'); // Link to email_details if some are sent if ($content['emails_sent'] > 0) { $content['emails_sent'] = $base . '&what=email_details&userid=' . $content['userid'] . '%}">{%pipe,translateComma=' . $content['emails_sent'] . '%}]'; } // END - if // Clickrate $content['click_rate'] = calculatePercentageRate($content['mails_confirmed'], $content['emails_received']); // Is the extension 'country' installed? if (isExtensionActive('country')) { // Then overwrite country information $content['country'] = generateCountryInfo($content['country_code']); } elseif ($content['country'] == '0') { // Zero id??? $content['country'] = '???'; } // Add userid $content['userid'] = $userid; // Load user-details template loadTemplate('admin_user_details', FALSE, $content); } else { // Account does not exist! displayMessage('{%message,ADMIN_MEMBER_404=' . $userid . '%}'); } // Free the result sqlFreeResult($result_user); } else { $whereStatement = ''; if (isGetRequestElementSet('letter')) { // List only persons w $whereStatement = " WHERE `family` LIKE '".getRequestElement('letter') . "%%'"; } // END - if // Parse the status or mode parameter if (isGetRequestElementSet('status')) { // Is a WHERE statement already there? if (!empty($whereStatement)) { // Then append the status column $whereStatement .= sprintf(" AND `status`='%s'", sqlEscapeString(strtoupper(getRequestElement('status')))); } else { // Start a new one $whereStatement = sprintf(" WHERE `status`='%s'", sqlEscapeString(strtoupper(getRequestElement('status')))); } // Exclude other users $whereStatement = runFilterChain('user_exclusion_sql', ' ' . $whereStatement); } elseif (isGetRequestElementSet('do')) { // Choose what we need to list switch (getRequestElement('do')) { case 'norefs': // Users w/o refs if (!empty($whereStatement)) { // Add AND statement $whereStatement .= ' AND (`refid`=0 OR `refid` IS NULL)'; } else { // Add WHERE statement $whereStatement = ' WHERE (`refid`=0 OR `refid` IS NULL)'; } break; case 'random_refid': // Users available for random referral id if (!empty($whereStatement)) { // Add AND statement $whereStatement .= ' AND `rand_confirmed` >= {?user_min_confirmed?}'; } else { // Add WHERE statement $whereStatement = ' WHERE `rand_confirmed` >= {?user_min_confirmed?}'; } break; case 'testers': // Test accounts // Add statement through filter $whereStatement = runFilterChain('user_inclusion_sql', $whereStatement); break; default: // Invalid list mode reportBug(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf('Invalid do %s detected.', sqlEscapeString(getRequestElement('do')))); break; } // END - switch // If it is not 'testers', add exclusion SQL if (getRequestElement('do') != 'testers') { // Exclude tester users $whereStatement = runFilterChain('user_exclusion_sql', ' ' . $whereStatement); } // END - if } // END - if // Generate master query string $sql = sprintf('SELECT `userid`, `email`, `emails_sent`, `mails_confirmed`, `emails_received` ' . $moreColumns . ' FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` ' . $whereStatement . ' ORDER BY `%s` ASC', getRequestElement('sortby') ); // Prepare SQL and run it $result_master = sqlQuery($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); // Is the user limit zero? if (getUserLimit() == '0') { // Then set it to default ... setConfigEntry('user_limit', 100); // ... but output warning displayMessage('{--EXTENSION_WARNING_USER_LIMIT--}'); } // END - if // Calculate page count (0.5 fixes a bug with page count) $numPages = round(sqlNumRows($result_master) / getUserLimit() + 0.5); if (!isGetRequestElementSet('page')) setGetRequestElement('page' , 1); if (!isGetRequestElementSet('offset')) setGetRequestElement('offset', getUserLimit()); // Add limitation to SQL string and run him again $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . (getRequestElement('offset') * getRequestElement('page') - getRequestElement('offset')) . ', ' . getRequestElement('offset'); $result = sqlQuery($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); // Are there some entries? if (!ifSqlHasZeroNumRows($result_master)) { // Sorting links and number of pages $templateContent['sort_links'] = addSortLinks(getRequestElement('letter'), getRequestElement('sortby')); $templateContent['num_pages'] = $numPages; // Column with nickname when nickname extension is present // @TODO Rewrite this into a filter $templateContent['nickname_th'] = ''; if (isExtensionActive('nickname')) { // Nickname extension found $templateContent['nickname_th'] = '{--NICKNAME--}'; } // END - if // Load all users $OUT = ''; while ($content = sqlFetchArray($result)) { // Merge more data in $content = merge_array($content, $templateContent); // Get number of unconfirmed mails $content['links'] = getTotalUnconfirmedMails($content['userid']); if ($content['links'] > 0) { $content['links'] = $base . '&what=list_links&userid=' . $content['userid'] . '%}">{%pipe,translateComma=' . $content['links'] . '%}]'; } // END - if // Set link to sent mails if present if ($content['emails_sent'] > 0) { $content['emails_sent'] = $base . '&what=email_details&userid=' . $content['userid'] . '%}">{%pipe,translateComma=' . $content['emails_sent'] . '%}]'; } // END - if // Click rate $content['click_rate'] = calculatePercentageRate($content['mails_confirmed'], $content['emails_received']); // Transfer data to array $content['email'] = '[' . $content['email'] . ']'; $content['lock_timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['lock_timestamp'], '2'); $content['refs'] = countSumTotalData($content['userid'], 'user_refs', 'id', 'userid', TRUE); // Prepare array for filter $data = array( 'userid' => $content['userid'], 'points' => 0 ); // Run the filter chain $data = runFilterChain('get_own_points', $data); // Copy points $content['own_points'] = $data['points']; // Prepare array for filter again $data = array( 'userid' => $content['userid'], 'points' => 0 ); // Run the filter chain $data = runFilterChain('get_locked_points', $data); // Copy points $content['locked_points'] = $data['points']; // If we have at least one referral, make it clickable to referral list if ($content['refs'] > 0) { $content['refs'] = $base . '&what=list_refs&userid=' . $content['userid'] . '%}">{%pipe,translateComma=' . $content['refs'] . '%}]'; } // END - if // Is the extension 'country' installed? // @TODO Rewrite this into a filter if (isExtensionActive('country')) { // Then overwrite country information $content['country'] = generateCountryInfo($content['country_code']); } elseif ($content['country'] == '') { // Zero id??? $content['country'] = '???'; } // Load row template and switch colors $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_user_row', TRUE, $content); } // END - while // Free memory sqlFreeResult($result); // Free some memory sqlFreeResult($result_master); // Remember all rows $content['rows'] = $OUT; // Merge more data again $content = merge_array($content, $templateContent); // Load main template loadTemplate('admin_list_user', FALSE, $content); } else { // No one as registered so far! :-( displayMessage('{--ADMIN_NO_NONE_REGISTERED--}'); } // Free memory sqlFreeResult($result_master); } // [EOF] ?>