0) && (postRequestParameter('receiver') > 0)) { // Continue with the frametester, we first need to store the data temporary in the pool // // First we would like to store the data and get it's pool position back... $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`data_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `sender`=%s AND `url`='%s' AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - `timestamp`) >= {?url_tlock?} LIMIT 1", array( getMemberId(), postRequestParameter('url') ), __FILE__, __LINE__); $type = 'TEMP'; $id = '0'; if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Load id and mail type // @TODO Rewrite this to SQL_FETCHARRAY() list($id, $type) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); if ($type == 'TEMP') { // No entry found, so we need to check out the stats table as well... :) // We have to add that suff here, now we continue WITHOUT checking and check the text and subject against some filters $url = ''; if (getConfig('allow_url_in_text') == 'Y') { // Test submitted text against some filters (length, URLs in text etc.) if ((strpos(strtolower(postRequestParameter('text')), 'https://') > -1) || (strpos(strtolower(postRequestParameter('text')), 'http://') > -1) || (strpos(strtolower(postRequestParameter('text')), "www") > -1)) { // URL found $url = 'modules.php?module=login&what=order&code=' . getCode('URL_FOUND'); } // END - if // Remove new-line and carriage-return characters $TEST = str_replace("\n", '', str_replace("\r", '', postRequestParameter('text'))); // Text length within allowed length? if (strlen($TEST) > getConfig('max_tlength')) { // Text is too long! $url = 'modules.php?module=login&what=order&code=' . getCode('OVERLENGTH'); } // END - if } // END - if // Shall I test the subject line against URLs? if (getConfig('allow_url_in_subject') == 'Y') { // Check the subject line for issues setPostRequestParameter('subject', str_replace("\\", '[nl]', substr(postRequestParameter('subject'), 0, 200))); if ((strpos(strtolower(postRequestParameter('subject')), 'http://') > -1) || (strpos(strtolower(postRequestParameter('subject')), "www") > -1)) { // URL in subject found $url = 'modules.php?module=login&what=order&code=' . getCode('SUBJECT_URL'); } // END - if } // END - if // And shall I check that his URL is not in the black list? if (isUrlBlacklistEnabled()) { // Ok, I do that for you know... $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`timestamp`) AS tstamp FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_url_blacklist` WHERE `url`='%s' LIMIT 1", array(postRequestParameter('url')), __FILE__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Jupp, we got one listed list($blist) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); // Create redirect-URL $url = 'modules.php?module=login&what=order&code=' . getCode('BLIST_URL') . '&blist=' . $blist; } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); } // END - if // Enougth receivers entered? if ((postRequestParameter('receiver') < getConfig('order_min')) && (!isAdmin())) { // Less than allowed receivers entered! $url = 'modules.php?module=login&what=order&code=' . getCode('MORE_RECEIVERS3'); } // END - if // Validate URL if (!isUrlValid(postRequestParameter('url'))) { // URL is invalid! $url = 'modules.php?module=login&what=order&code=' . getCode('INVALID_URL'); } // END - if // Probe for HTML extension if (isExtensionActive('html_mail')) { // HTML or regular text mail? if (postRequestParameter('html') == 'Y') { // Chek for valid HTML tags setPostRequestParameter('text', checkHtmlTags(postRequestParameter('text'))); // Maybe invalid tags found? if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('text')) $url = 'modules.php?module=login&what=order&code=' . getCode('INVALID_TAGS')."&id=".$id; } else { // Remove any HTML code setPostRequestParameter('text', str_replace('<', '{OPEN_HTML}', str_replace('>', '{CLOSE_HTML}', postRequestParameter('text')))); } } // END - if // Is mail type set? if ((!isPostRequestParameterSet('mail_type')) || (postRequestParameter('mail_type') < 1)) { // Not correctly set $url = 'modules.php?module=login&what=order&code=' . getCode('NO_MAIL_TYPE'); } // END - if } elseif (!isAdmin()) { // He has already sent a mail within a specific time $url = 'modules.php?module=login&what=order&code=' . getCode('URL_TIME_LOCK') . '&id=' . $id; } // Still no error? if (empty($url)) { // Check if category and number of receivers is okay $add = ''; if ((isOrderMultiPageEnabled()) && (isPostRequestParameterSet('zip')) && (postRequestParameter('zip') != '')) { // Choose recipients by ZIP code $add = sprintf(" AND d.zip LIKE '%s%%'", bigintval(postRequestParameter('zip')) ); } // END - if // Check for userids $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT c.userid FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_cats` AS c LEFT JOIN `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` AS d ON c.userid=d.userid WHERE c.cat_id=%s AND c.userid != '%s' AND d.`status`='CONFIRMED' AND d.receive_mails > 0 ".$add." ORDER BY d.{?order_select?} {?order_mode?}", array( bigintval(postRequestParameter('cat')), getMemberId() ), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Do we enougth receivers left? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) >= postRequestParameter('receiver')) { // Load receivers from database $TEST = array(); $count = '0'; while ($holidayContent = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('holiday', '0.1.3')) { // Check for his holiday status $result_holiday = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_holidays` WHERE `userid`=%s AND `holiday_start` < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND `holiday_end` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() LIMIT 1", array($holidayContent['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_holiday) == 1) { // Exclude user who are in holiday $holidayContent['userid'] = '0'; } // END - if // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result_holiday); } // END - if if ($holidayContent['userid'] > 0) { // Add receiver $TEST[] = $holidayContent['userid']; $count++; } // END - if } // END - while // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Implode array into string for the sending pool $receiver = implode($TEST, ';'); // Count array for maximum sent $content['target_send'] = count($TEST); // Update receiver list SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` SET `receive_mails`=`receive_mails`-1 WHERE `userid` IN (%s) LIMIT %s", array( convertReceivers($receiver), bigintval($content['target_send']) ), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Is calculated max receivers larger than wanted receivers then reset it if ($content['target_send'] > postRequestParameter('receiver')) { $content['target_send'] = bigintval(postRequestParameter('receiver')); } // END - if // Calculate used points $USED = $content['target_send'] * getPaymentPoints(bigintval(postRequestParameter('mail_type'))); // Fix empty zip code if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('zip')) { setPostRequestParameter('zip', 0); } // END - if // Check if he has enougth points for this order and selected more than 0 receivers if (($USED > 0) && ($USED <= $total) && ($content['target_send'] > 0)) { // Gettings points is okay, so we can add $USED later from if (($id == '0') || ($type != 'TEMP')) { // New order $id = '0'; if (isExtensionActive('html_mail')) { // HTML extension is active SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` ( `sender`, `subject`, `text`, `receivers`, `payment_id`, `data_type`, `timestamp`, `url`, `cat_id`, `target_send`, `zip`, `html_msg` ) VALUES ( %s, '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, 'TEMP', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '%s', %s, %s, %s, '%s' )", array( getMemberId(), postRequestParameter('subject'), postRequestParameter('text'), $receiver, bigintval(postRequestParameter('mail_type')), postRequestParameter('url'), bigintval(postRequestParameter('cat')), bigintval($content['target_send']), bigintval(postRequestParameter('zip'), true, false), postRequestParameter('html') ), __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { // No HTML extension is active SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` ( `sender`, `subject`, `text`, `receivers`, `payment_id`, `data_type`, `timestamp`, `url`, `cat_id`, `target_send`, `zip` ) VALUES ( %s, '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, 'TEMP', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '%s', %s, %s, %s )", array( getMemberId(), postRequestParameter('subject'), postRequestParameter('text'), $receiver, bigintval(postRequestParameter('mail_type')), postRequestParameter('url'), bigintval(postRequestParameter('cat')), bigintval($content['target_send']), bigintval(postRequestParameter('zip'), true, false), ), __FILE__, __LINE__); } } else { // Change current order if (isExtensionActive('html_mail')) { // HTML extension is active SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` SET `subject`='%s', `text`='%s', `receivers`='%s', `payment_id`=%s, `timestamp`=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `url`='%s', `cat_id`=%s, `target_send`=%s, `zip`=%s, `html_msg`='%s' WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array( postRequestParameter('subject'), postRequestParameter('text'), $receiver, bigintval(postRequestParameter('mail_type')), postRequestParameter('url'), bigintval(postRequestParameter('cat')), $content['target_send'], bigintval(postRequestParameter('zip')), postRequestParameter('html'), bigintval($id) ), __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { // No HTML extension is active SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` SET `subject`='%s', `text`='%s', `receivers`='%s', `payment_id`=%s, `timestamp`=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `url`='%s', `cat_id`=%s, `target_send`=%s, `zip`=%s WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array( postRequestParameter('subject'), postRequestParameter('text'), $receiver, bigintval(postRequestParameter('mail_type')), postRequestParameter('url'), bigintval(postRequestParameter('cat')), $content['target_send'], bigintval(postRequestParameter('zip')), bigintval($id) ), __FILE__, __LINE__); } } // Do we need to get the id number? if ($id == '0') { // Order is placed as temporary. We need to get it's id for the frametester $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `sender`=%s AND `subject`='%s' AND `payment_id`=%s AND `data_type`='TEMP' AND `timestamp`=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() LIMIT 1", array( getMemberId(), postRequestParameter('subject'), bigintval(postRequestParameter('mail_type')) ), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Get pool id list($id) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); } // END - if // id is received so we can redirect the user, used points will be added when he send's out the mail $url = 'modules.php?module=frametester&order=' . $id; } elseif ($content['target_send'] == '0') { // Not enougth receivers found which can receive mails $url = 'modules.php?module=login&what=order&code=' . getCode('MORE_RECEIVERS2'); } else { // No enougth points left! $url = 'modules.php?module=login&what=order&code=' . getCode('MORE_POINTS'); } } else { // Ordered more mails than he can send in this category $url = 'modules.php?module=login&what=order&code=' . getCode('NO_RECS_LEFT'); } } // END - if } elseif (postRequestParameter('receiver') == '0') { // Not enougth receivers selected $url = 'modules.php?module=login&what=order&code=' . getCode('MORE_RECEIVERS1'); } elseif (($ALLOWED == '0') && (getConfig('order_max_full') == 'ORDER')) { // No more mail orders allowed displayMessage('{--MEMBER_ORDER_ALLOWED_EXHAUSTED--}'); } elseif ($links < getConfig('unconfirmed')) { // Show only enabled categories to the user ... $whereStatement = " WHERE `visible`='Y'"; // ... but all to the admin if (isAdmin()) $whereStatement = ''; // Display order form $result_cats = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`cat` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` ".$whereStatement." ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result_cats)) { if ($total > 0) { // Initialize array... $categories = array( 'id' => array(), 'name' => array(), 'userids' => array() ); // Enable HTML checking // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter $HTML = ''; $HOL_STRING = ''; if ((isExtensionActive('html_mail')) && (postRequestParameter('html') == 'Y')) { $HTML = " AND `html`='Y'"; } // END - if if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('holiday', '0.1.3')) { // Extension's version is fine $HOL_STRING = " AND `holiday_active`='N'"; } // END - if // ... and begin loading stuff while ($categoriesContent = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_cats)) { $categories['id'][] = bigintval($categoriesContent['id']); $categories['name'][] = $categoriesContent['cat']; // Select users in current category $result_userids = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `userid` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_cats` WHERE `cat_id`=%s AND `userid` != '%s' ORDER BY `userid` ASC", array(bigintval($categoriesContent['id']), getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__); $userid_cnt = '0'; while (list($userid) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_userids)) { // Check for holiday system $isHolidayActive = false; if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('holiday', '0.1.3')) { // Check user's holiday status $result_holiday = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT COUNT(d.userid) AS `cnt` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` AS d LEFT JOIN `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_holidays` AS h ON d.userid=h.userid WHERE d.userid=%s AND d.receive_mails > 0 AND d.`status`='CONFIRMED' AND d.`holiday_active`='Y' AND h.holiday_start < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND h.holiday_end > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($userid)), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Fetch entry list($count) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_holiday); // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result_holiday); // Is holiday is active? $isHolidayActive = ($count == 1); } // END - if if ($isHolidayActive === false) { // Check if the user want's to receive mails? $result_ver = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `zip` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE `userid`=%s".$HTML." AND `receive_mails` > 0 AND `status`='CONFIRMED' LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($userid)), __FILE__, __LINE__); if ((SQL_NUMROWS($result_ver) == 1) && (isPostRequestParameterSet('zip')) && (isOrderMultiPageEnabled())) { // Get zip code list($zip) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_ver); if (substr($zip, 0, strlen(postRequestParameter('zip'))) == postRequestParameter('zip')) { // Ok, ZIP code part is found $userid_cnt++; } // END - if } else { // Count numbers up! $userid_cnt += SQL_NUMROWS($result_ver); } // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result_ver); } // END - if } // END - while // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result_userids); $categories['userids'][] = $userid_cnt; } // END - while // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result_cats); // Now we need to load the mail types... $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`price`,`payment`,`mail_title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` ORDER BY `payment` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__); $types = array(); if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) { // Check for message id in URL $message = getMessageFromErrorCode(getRequestParameter('code')); if (!empty($message)) { // We got system message so we drop it out to the user displayMessage($message); } // END - if // Load all email types... while ($types[] = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) { // Nothing to do here... ;-) } // END - while // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Output user's points $content['total_points'] = $total; // Check how many mail orders he has placed today and how many he's allowed to send switch (getConfig('order_max_full')) { case 'MAX': // He is allowed to send as much as possible $content['order_max_full'] = '{--MEMBER_ORDER_ALLOWED_MAX--}'; break; case 'ORDER': // He is allowed to send as much as he setup the receiving value $content['order_max_full'] = sprintf(getMessage('MEMBER_ORDER_ALLOWED_RECEIVE'), $ALLOWED, getUserData('receive_mails')); break; default: // Unknown/invalid logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown order_mas_full config detected.", getConfig('order_max_full'))); $content['order_max_full'] = '{--MEMBER_ORDER_ALLOWED_UNKNOWN--}'; break; } // END - switch // Load final template loadTemplate('member_order_points', false, $content); // Reset variables $OLD_ORDER = false; $subject = ''; $text = ''; $target = ''; // Check if we already have an order placed and make it editable $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `subject`,`text`,`payment_id`,`timestamp`,`url`,`target_send`,`cat_id`,`zip` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `sender`=%s AND `data_type`='TEMP' LIMIT 1", array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Old order found $content = merge_array($content, SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)); // Fix max receivers when it is too much if ((isset($categories['userids'][$content['cat_id']])) && ($content['target_send'] > $categories['userids'][$content['cat_id']])) { // Fix it $content['target_send'] = $categories['userids'][$content['cat_id']]; } // END - if // Old order is grabbed $OLD_ORDER = true; } else { // Default output for that your members don't forget it... $content['url'] = 'http://'; $content['target_send'] = '{?order_min?}'; $content['subject'] = '{--ORDER_DEFAULT_SUBJECT--}'; $content['text'] = '{--ORDER_DEFAULT_TEXT--}'; } // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); if ((isPostRequestParameterSet('data')) || ((getOrderMultiPage() != 'Y') && ((!isAdmin()) && (!isExtensionActive('html_mail'))))) { // Pre-output categories $content['category_selection'] = ''; foreach ($categories['id'] as $key => $value) { $content['category_selection'] .= '