".LANG_WARNING.": "; if (mxchange_installed) { // You have changed my configuration file! die(DIE_CONFIG_CHANGED_YOU); } else { // Please run the installation script (maybe again) die(DIE_RUN_INSTALL_MYSQL); } } elseif ((!mxchange_installing) && (!isset($_GET['installing'])) && (empty($MySQL['password'])) && (warn_no_pass)) { // No database password entered!!! echo "".LANG_WARNING.": ".WARN_NULL_PASSWORD; } // Check if this file is writeable or read-only and warn the user if ((!mxchange_installing) && (mxchange_installed)) { // Check for write-permission for config.php and inc directory if (empty($GLOBALS['module'])) $GLOBALS['module'] = "index"; if (($GLOBALS['module'] != "admin") && (admin_registered)) { if (is_INCWritable("config")) ADD_FATAL(FATAL_CONFIG_WRITABLE); if (is_INCWritable("dummy")) ADD_FATAL(FATAL_INC_WRITABLE); } // Init configuration arrays $_CONFIG = array( 'code_length' => 0 ); $EXT_CSS_FILES = array(); // Load general stuff, like... require_once(PATH."inc/extensions.php"); // Extension management require_once(PATH."inc/functions.php"); // Non-database functions require_once(PATH."inc/databases.php"); // Several hard-coded databases (arrays, constants) if ((!empty($MySQL['host'])) && (!empty($MySQL['login'])) && (!empty($MySQL['password'])) && (!empty($MySQL['dbase']))) { // Connect to DB $link = SQL_CONNECT($MySQL['host'], $MySQL['login'], $MySQL['password'], __FILE__, __LINE__); // Is the link valid? if (is_resource($link)) { // Choose the database $db = SQL_SELECT_DB($MySQL['dbase'], $link, __FILE__, __LINE__); // Is it a valid resource? if ($db === true) { // Load configuration stuff $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT pass_len, points_register, points_ref, least_cats, check_double_email, check_double_pass, admin_notify, url_tlock, test_text, max_tlength, test_subj, autosend_active, max_send, url_blacklist, auto_purge, auto_purge_active, last_update, unconfirmed, profile_lock, online_timeout, mad_timestamp, mad_count, profile_update, send_prof_update, resend_profile_update, code_length, patch_level, patch_ctime, guest_stats, ref_payout, activate_xchange, order_multi_page, display_refid, ip_timeout, allow_direct_pay, config FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config WHERE config='0' LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Load data when previous SQL query did not fail if (!$result) { // Something went wrong ADD_FATAL(FATAL_CANNOT_LOAD_CONFIG); return; } // Load the configuration $_CONFIG = array_merge($_CONFIG, SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)); // Initialize include-file-pool $INC_POOL = array(); // Load more include files require_once(PATH."inc/mysql-manager.php"); // Functions which interact with the database // Run daily reset if ((date("d", $_CONFIG['last_update']) != date("d", time()) || (DEBUG_MODE == true)) && (!mxchange_installing) && (mxchange_installed) && (admin_registered) && (!isset($_GET['register'])) && ($CSS != 1)) { // Do daily things in external PHP file but only when script is completely setup $INC_POOL[] = PATH."inc/reset/reset_daily.php"; // Daily reset was run! define('__DAILY_RESET', "1"); } // Load all extensions require_once(PATH."inc/load_extensions.php"); // Loading patching system is required here... require_once(PATH."inc/patch-system.php"); // Initialize patch system // Functions which are related to themes require_once(PATH."inc/theme-manager.php"); // Initialize session management require_once(PATH."inc/session.php"); // Load admin include file if he is admin if (IS_ADMIN()) { // Administrative functions require_once(PATH."inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php"); } // Get all values if (($CSS != 1) && ($CSS != -1)) { if (empty($GLOBALS['module'])) $GLOBALS['module'] = "empty"; if (empty($GLOBALS['what'])) $GLOBALS['what'] = GET_WHAT($GLOBALS['module']); if (empty($GLOBALS['action'])) $GLOBALS['action'] = GET_ACTION($GLOBALS['module'], $GLOBALS['what']); } else { // Set action/what to empty $GLOBALS['action'] = ""; $GLOBALS['what'] = ""; } // Secure and validate user ID from cookie UPDATE_LOGIN_DATA(); // Get session ID if (empty($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'])) $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'] = session_id(); // Update online list UPDATE_ONLINE_LIST($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'], $GLOBALS['module'], $GLOBALS['action'], $GLOBALS['what']); // Load theme name $CurrTheme = GET_CURR_THEME(); // Set default 'what' value //* DEBUG */ echo "-".$GLOBALS['module']."/".$GLOBALS['what']."-
\n"; if ((empty($GLOBALS['what'])) && (empty($GLOBALS['action'])) && ($CSS != 1) && ($CSS != -1)) { if ($GLOBALS['module'] == "admin") { // Set 'action' value to 'login' in admin menu $GLOBALS['action'] = GET_ACTION($GLOBALS['module'], $GLOBALS['what']); } elseif (($GLOBALS['module'] == "index") || ($GLOBALS['module'] == "login")) { // Set 'what' value to 'welcome' in guest and member menu $GLOBALS['what'] = "welcome"; if (!empty($_CONFIG['index_home'])) $GLOBALS['what'] = $_CONFIG['index_home']; } else { // Anything else like begging link $GLOBALS['what'] = ""; } } // Update sending pool if (($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) require_once(PATH."inc/pool-update.php"); // Sends out mails in configureable steps // Load all active extension including language files when not upgrading. // Check module for testing and count one click $dummy = CHECK_MODULE($GLOBALS['module']); if ($dummy == "done") COUNT_MODULE($GLOBALS['module']); unset($dummy); if ($_CONFIG['activate_xchange'] > 0) activateExchange(); } else { // If you will read following error message you probably need to contact me (webmaster@mxchange.org) // and download the sql-upgrades extension from my server. Please ask me which SQL file(s) you need to // import *BEFORE* you import them! ADD_FATAL(FATAL_CANNOT_LOAD_CONFIG); } // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); } else { // Wrong database? ADD_FATAL(WRONG_DB_SELECTED); } } else { // No link to database! ADD_FATAL(NO_DB_LINK); $db = false; } } else { // Maybe you forgot to enter your MySQL data? ADD_FATAL(MYSQL_DATA_MISSING); } } else { /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include neccessary functions for installation // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set CONFIG array $_CONFIG = array( 'code_length' => 0 ); // Set other missing variables $link = false; // No database link by default // Include required files require_once(PATH."inc/databases.php"); require_once(PATH."inc/extensions.php"); require_once(PATH."inc/theme-manager.php"); require_once(PATH."inc/load_extensions.php"); require_once(PATH."inc/session.php"); // Check if we are in installation routine $installPhp = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if (($installPhp != "install.php") && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != -1)) { // Redirect to the installation system LOAD_URL("install.php"); } // Double-check installation mode if ((!mxchange_installed) || (!admin_registered)) { // Check for file permissions if (!is_INCWritable("config")) { ADD_FATAL(CONFIG_IS_WRITE_PROTECTED); } if (!is_INCWritable("dummy")) { ADD_FATAL(DUMMY_IS_WRITE_PROTECTED); } if (!is_INCWritable(".secret/dummy")) { ADD_FATAL(SECRET_IS_WRITE_PROTECTED); } } } // Any fatal messages? if (!is_array($FATAL)) $FATAL = array(); if (((sizeof($FATAL) > 0) || (!empty($FATAL[0]))) && (mxchange_installed) && (!mxchange_installing) && ($CSS != "1")) { // One or more fatal error(s) occur during connect... include (PATH."inc/header.php"); include (PATH."inc/fatal_errors.php"); unset($FATAL); include (PATH."inc/footer.php"); exit; } // ?>