= '0.1.2') && (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['module'])) && (in_array($mod, $GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['module']))) { // Load from cache $name = $GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['title'][$mod]; // Update cache hits incrementConfigEntry('cache_hits'); } elseif (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE('cache')) { // Load from database $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT title FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_mod_reg` WHERE `module`='%s' LIMIT 1", array($mod), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); list($name) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); SQL_FREERESULT($result); } } // END - if // Trim name $name = trim($name); // Still no luck or empty title? if (empty($name)) { // No name found $name = sprintf("%s (%s)", getMessage('LANG_UNKNOWN_MODULE'), $mod); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 0) { // Add module to database $dummy = checkModulePermissions($mod); } // END - if } // END - if // Return name return $name; } // "Getter" for module description function getModuleDescription ($mode, $wht, $column = 'what') { // Fix empty 'what' if (empty($wht)) { $wht = 'welcome'; if (getConfig('index_home') != '') $wht = getConfig('index_home'); } // END - if // Default is not found $ret = '??? (' . $wht . ')'; // Look for title $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT title FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_%s_menu` WHERE %s='%s' LIMIT 1", array($mode, $column, $wht), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Is there an entry? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Fetch the title list($ret) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); return $ret; } // Check validity of a given module name (no file extension) function checkModulePermissions ($mod) { // Filter module name (names with low chars and underlines are fine!) $mod = preg_replace('/[^a-z_]/', '', $mod); // Check for prefix is a extension... $modSplit = explode("_", $mod); $extension = ''; $mod_chk = $mod; //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."*".count($modSplit)."*/".$mod."*
"; if (count($modSplit) == 2) { // Okay, there is a seperator (_) in the name so is the first part a module? //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."*".$modSplit[0]."*
"; if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE($modSplit[0])) { // The prefix is an extension's name, so let's set it $extension = $modSplit[0]; $mod = $modSplit[1]; } // END - if } // END - if // Major error in module registry is the default $ret = 'major'; // Check if script is installed if not return a 'done' to prevent some errors if ((!isInstalled()) || (isInstalling()) || (!isAdminRegistered())) { // Not installed or no admin registered or in installation phase return 'done'; } // END - if // Init variables $locked = 'Y'; $hidden = 'N'; $admin = 'N'; $mem = 'N'; $found = false; // Check if cache is latest version if (GET_EXT_VERSION('cache') >= '0.1.2') { // Is the cache there? //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Using cache.'); if (!isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules'])) { // This happens when a new extension is registered while ext-cache is installed $ret = 'cache_miss'; } // END - if // Is the module cached? if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['locked'][$mod_chk])) { // Check cache //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Cache found.'); $locked = $GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['locked'][$mod_chk]; $hidden = $GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['hidden'][$mod_chk]; $admin = $GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['admin_only'][$mod_chk]; $mem = $GLOBALS['cache_array']['modules']['mem_only'][$mod_chk]; // Update cache hits incrementConfigEntry('cache_hits'); $found = true; } else { // No, then we have to update it! $ret = 'cache_miss'; } } elseif (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE('cache')) { // Check for module in database //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Using database.'); $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `locked`, `hidden`, `admin_only`, `mem_only` FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_mod_reg` WHERE `module`='%s' LIMIT 1", array($mod_chk), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Read data //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Entry found.'); list($locked, $hidden, $admin, $mem) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); $found = true; } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Debug message only in debug-mode... DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Module ' . $mod_chk . ' not found!'); } // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); } //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ret=' . $ret); // Is the module found? if ($found === true) { // Check returned values against current access permissions // // Admin access ----- Guest access ----- --- Guest or member? --- if ((IS_ADMIN()) || (($locked == 'N') && ($admin == 'N') && (($mem == 'N') || (IS_MEMBER())))) { // Count module countModuleHit($mod_chk); // If you are admin you are welcome for everything! $ret = 'done'; } elseif ($locked == 'Y') { // Module is locked $ret = 'locked'; } elseif (($mem == 'Y') && (!IS_MEMBER())) { // You have to login first! $ret = 'mem_only'; } elseif (($admin == 'Y') && (!IS_ADMIN())) { // Only the Admin is allowed to enter this module! $ret = 'admin_only'; } else { // @TODO Nothing helped??? DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("ret=%s,locked=%s,admin=%s,mem=%s", $ret, $locked, $admin, $mem )); } } // END - if // Still no luck or not found? if (($found === false) && (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE('cache')) && ($ret != 'done')) { // ----- Legacy module ----- ---- Module in base folder ---- --- Module with extension's name --- if ((isFileReadable(sprintf("%sinc/modules/%s.php", constant('PATH'), $mod))) || (isFileReadable(sprintf("%s%s.php", constant('PATH'), $mod))) || (isFileReadable(sprintf("%s%s/%s.php", constant('PATH'), $extension, $mod)))) { // Data is missing so we add it if (GET_EXT_VERSION('sql_patches') >= '0.3.6') { // Since 0.3.6 we have a has_menu column, this took me a half hour // to find a loop here... *sigh* SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_mod_reg` (`module`, `locked`, `hidden`, `mem_only`, `admin_only`, `has_menu`) VALUES ('%s','Y','N','N','N','N')", array($mod_chk), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } else { // Wrong/missing sql_patches! SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_mod_reg` (`module`, `locked`, `hidden`, `mem_only`, `admin_only`) VALUES ('%s','Y','N','N','N')", array($mod_chk), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } // Everthing is fine? if (SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() < 1) { // Something bad happend! return 'major'; } // END - if // Destroy cache here // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter rebuildCacheFiles('modreg', 'modreg'); // And reload data $ret = checkModulePermissions($mod_chk); } else { // Module not found we don't add it to the database $ret = '404'; } } elseif ($ret == 'cache_miss') { // Rebuild the cache files rebuildCacheFiles('modreg', 'modreg'); } elseif ($found === false) { // Problem with module detected DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Problem in module %s detected. ret=%s, locked=%s, hidden=%s, mem=%s, admin=%s", $mod, $ret, $locked, $hidden, $mem, $admin )); } // Return the value //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ret=' . $ret); return $ret; } // Add menu description pending on given file name (without path!) function ADD_DESCR ($accessLevel, $FQFN, $return = false, $output = true) { // Use only filename of the FQFN... $file = basename($FQFN); // Init variables $LINK_ADD = ''; $OUT = ''; $AND = ''; // First we have to do some analysis... if (substr($file, 0, 7) == 'action-') { // This is an action file! $type = 'action'; $search = substr($file, 7); switch ($accessLevel) { case 'admin': $modCheck = 'admin'; break; case 'sponsor': case 'guest': case 'member': $modCheck = getModule(); break; } $AND = " AND (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL)"; } elseif (substr($file, 0, 5) == 'what-') { // This is an admin what file! $type = 'what'; $search = substr($file, 5); $AND = ''; switch ($accessLevel) { case 'admin': $modCheck = 'admin'; break; case 'guest': case 'member': $modCheck = getModule(); if (!IS_ADMIN()) { $AND = " AND `visible`='Y' AND `locked`='N'"; } break; } $dummy = substr($search, 0, -4); $AND .= " AND `action`='".getModeAction($accessLevel, $dummy)."'"; } elseif (($accessLevel == 'sponsor') || ($accessLevel == "engine")) { // Sponsor / engine menu $type = 'what'; $search = $file; $modCheck = getModule(); $AND = ''; } else { // Other $type = 'menu'; $search = $file; $modCheck = getModule(); $AND = ''; } // Begin the navigation line if ((!isset($GLOBALS['nav_depth'])) && (!$return)) { $GLOBALS['nav_depth'] = 0; $prefix = "
{--YOU_ARE_HERE--} Home"; } else { if (!$return) $GLOBALS['nav_depth']++; $prefix = ''; } $prefix .= ' -> '; // We need to remove .php and the end if (substr($search, -4, 4) == '.php') { // Remove the .php $search = substr($search, 0, -4); } // END - i // Get the title from menu $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT title FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_%s_menu` WHERE %s='%s' ".$AND." LIMIT 1", array($accessLevel, $type, $search), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Menu found? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Load title list($ret) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); // Shall we return it? if ($return === true) { // Return title return $ret; } elseif (((GET_EXT_VERSION('sql_patches') >= '0.2.3') && (getConfig('youre_here') == 'Y')) || ((IS_ADMIN()) && ($modCheck == 'admin'))) { // Output HTML code $OUT = $prefix . "\n"; if (($type == 'what') || (($type == 'action') && ((!isWhatSet()) || (getWhat() == 'overview')))) { //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__.'+'.$type."+
\n"; // Add closing div and br-tag $OUT .= "

\n"; $GLOBALS['nav_depth'] = '0'; // Run the filter chain $ret = runFilterChain('post_youhere_line', array('access_level' => $accessLevel, 'type' => $type, 'content' => "")); $OUT .= $ret['content']; } // END - if } } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return or output HTML code? if ($output) { // Output HTML code here OUTPUT_HTML($OUT); } else { // Return HTML code return $OUT; } } // function ADD_MENU ($mode, $act, $wht) { // Init some variables $main_cnt = 0; $AND = ''; $main_action = ''; $sub_what = ''; // is the menu action valid? if (!isMenuActionValid($mode, $act, $wht, true)) { return getCode('MENU_NOT_VALID'); } // END - if // Non-admin shall not see all menus if (!IS_ADMIN()) { $AND = " AND `visible`='Y' AND `locked`='N'"; } // END - if // Load SQL data and add the menu to the output stream... $result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `title`, `action` FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_%s_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL)".$AND." ORDER BY `sort` ASC", array($mode), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__.'/'.$main_cnt.'/'.$main_action.'/'.$sub_what.':'.getWhat()."*
\n"; if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_main) > 0) { OUTPUT_HTML(""); // There are menus available, so we simply display them... :) while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_main)) { //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__.'/'.$main_cnt.'/'.$content['action'].'/'.$sub_what.':'.getWhat()."*
\n"; // Init variables enableBlockMode(false); $act = $content['action']; // Load menu header template LOAD_TEMPLATE($mode . '_menu_title', false, $content); // Sub menu $result_sub = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `title` AS sub_title, `what` AS sub_what FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_%s_menu` WHERE `action`='%s' AND `what` != '' AND `what` IS NOT NULL ".$AND." ORDER BY `sort`", array($mode, $content['action']), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Get number of rows $ctl = SQL_NUMROWS($result_sub); // Do we have some entries? if ($ctl > 0) { // Init counter $cnt = 0; // Load all sub menus while ($content2 = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_sub)) { // Merge both arrays in one $content = merge_array($content, $content2); // Init content $OUT = ''; // Full file name for checking menu //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__.":!!!!".$content['sub_what']."!!!
\n"; $INC = sprintf("inc/modules/%s/what-%s.php", $mode, $content['sub_what']); if (isIncludeReadable($INC)) { if ((!empty($wht)) && (($wht == $content['sub_what']))) { $OUT = ""; } // Navigation link $OUT .= ""; } else { $OUT .= ""; } // Menu title $OUT .= getConfig('menu_blur_spacer') . $content['sub_title']; if (isIncludeReadable($INC)) { $OUT .= ""; } else { $OUT .= ""; } if ((!empty($wht)) && (($wht == $content['sub_what']))) { $OUT .= ""; } // END - if // Remember 'what' for next round and count it up $wht = $content['sub_what']; $cnt++; // Rewrite array $content = array( 'menu' => $OUT, 'what' => $content['sub_what'] ); // Add regular menu row or bottom row? if ($cnt < $ctl) { LOAD_TEMPLATE($mode . '_menu_row', false, $content); } else { LOAD_TEMPLATE($mode . '_menu_bottom', false, $content); } } } else { // This is a menu block... ;-) enableBlockMode(); // Load menu block $INC_BLOCK = sprintf("inc/modules/%s/action-%s.php", $mode, $content['action']); if (isFileReadable($INC_BLOCK)) { // Load include file if ((!EXT_IS_ACTIVE($content['action'])) || ($content['action'] == 'online')) OUTPUT_HTML(""); } //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__.'/'.$main_cnt.'/'.$content['action'].'/'.$content['sub_what'].':'.getWhat()."*
\n"; } $main_cnt++; //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__.'/'.$main_cnt.'/'.$content['action'].'/'.$content['sub_what'].':'.getWhat()."*
\n"; if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_main) > $main_cnt) { OUTPUT_HTML(""); } // END - if } // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result_main); // Close table //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__.'/'.$main_cnt.'/'.$content['action'].'/'.$content['sub_what'].':'.getWhat()."*
"); //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__.'/'.$main_cnt.'/'.$content['action'].'/'.$content['sub_what'].':'.getWhat()."*
\n"; loadInclude($INC_BLOCK); //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__.'/'.$main_cnt.'/'.$content['action'].'/'.$content['sub_what'].':'.getWhat()."*
\n"; if ((!EXT_IS_ACTIVE($content['action'])) || ($content['action'] == 'online')) OUTPUT_HTML("
"); } // END - if } // Checks wether the current user is a member function IS_MEMBER () { // By default no member $ret = false; // Fix missing 'last' array, damn stupid code :((( // @TODO Try to rewrite this to one or more functions if ((!isset($GLOBALS['last'])) || (!is_array($GLOBALS['last']))) $GLOBALS['last'] = array(); // is the cache entry there? if (isset($GLOBALS['is_member'])) { // Then return it return $GLOBALS['is_member']; } // END - if // Init global 'status' $GLOBALS['status'] = false; // Fix "deleted" cookies first fixDeletedCookies(array('userid', 'u_hash')); // Are cookies set? if ((isUserIdSet()) && (isSessionVariableSet('u_hash'))) { // Cookies are set with values, but are they valid? $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `password`, `status`, `last_module`, `last_online` FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` WHERE `userid`=%s LIMIT 1", array(getUserId()), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Load data from cookies list($password, $GLOBALS['status'], $mod, $onl) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); // Validate password by created the difference of it and the secret key $valPass = generatePassString($password); // Transfer last module and online time if ((!empty($mod)) && (empty($GLOBALS['last']['module']))) { // @TODO Try to rewrite this to one or more functions $GLOBALS['last']['module'] = $mod; $GLOBALS['last']['online'] = $onl; } // END - if // So did we now have valid data and an unlocked user? if (($GLOBALS['status'] == 'CONFIRMED') && ($valPass == getSession('u_hash'))) { // Account is confirmed and all cookie data is valid so he is definely logged in! :-) $ret = true; } else { // Maybe got locked etc. //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."!!!
"; destroyUserSession(); } } else { // Cookie data is invalid! //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."***
"; destroyUserSession(); } // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); } else { // Cookie data is invalid! //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."///
"; destroyUserSession(); } // Cache status $GLOBALS['is_member'] = $ret; // Return status return $ret; } // This patched function will reduce many SELECT queries for the specified or current admin login function IS_ADMIN ($admin = '') { // Init variables $ret = false; $passCookie = ''; $valPass = ''; //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."ADMIN:".$admin."
"; // If admin login is not given take current from cookies... if ((empty($admin)) && (isSessionVariableSet('admin_login')) && (isSessionVariableSet('admin_md5'))) { // Get admin login and password from session/cookies $admin = getSession('admin_login'); $passCookie = getSession('admin_md5'); } //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."ADMIN:".$admin.'/'.$passCookie."
"; // Search in array for entry if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['admin_hash'])) { // Use cached string $valPass = $GLOBALS['cache_array']['admin_hash']; } elseif ((!empty($passCookie)) && (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['admins']['password'][$admin])) && (!empty($admin))) { // Login data is valid or not? $valPass = generatePassString($GLOBALS['cache_array']['admins']['password'][$admin]); // Cache it away $GLOBALS['cache_array']['admin_hash'] = $valPass; // Count cache hits incrementConfigEntry('cache_hits'); } elseif ((!empty($admin)) && ((!EXT_IS_ACTIVE('cache'))) || (!isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['admins']['password'][$admin]))) { // Search for admin $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY password FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_admins` WHERE login='%s' LIMIT 1", array($admin), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Is he admin? $passDB = ''; if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Admin login was found so let's load password from DB list($passDB) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); // Temporary cache it $GLOBALS['cache_array']['admins']['password'][$admin] = $passDB; // Generate password hash $valPass = generatePassString($passDB); } // END - if // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); } if (!empty($valPass)) { // Check if password is valid //* DEBUG: */ print __FUNCTION__."*".$valPass.'/'.$passCookie."*
\n"; $ret = (($valPass == $passCookie) || ((strlen($valPass) == 32) && ($valPass == md5($passCookie))) || (($valPass == "*FAILED*") && (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE('cache')))); } // END - if // Return result of comparision //* DEBUG: */ if (!$ret) echo __LINE__."OK!
"; return $ret; } // Generates a list of "max receiveable emails per day" function addMaxReceiveList ($mode, $default = '', $return = false) { $OUT = ''; $result = false; switch ($mode) { case 'guest': // Guests (in the registration form) are not allowed to select 0 mails per day. $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT value, comment FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_max_receive` WHERE value > 0 ORDER BY value", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); break; case 'member': // Members are allowed to set to zero mails per day (we will change this soon!) $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT value, comment FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_max_receive` ORDER BY value", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); break; default: // Invalid! DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid mode %s detected.", $mode)); break; } // Some entries are found? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) { $OUT = ''; while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { $OUT .= " '; } } // Return - hopefully - the requested data return $ret; } // Activate exchange function activateExchange () { // Is the extension 'user' there? if (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE('user')) { // Silently abort here return false; } // END - if // Check total amount of users $totalUsers = GET_TOTAL_DATA('CONFIRMED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true, ' AND max_mails > 0'); if ($totalUsers >= getConfig('activate_xchange')) { // Activate System SET_SQLS(array( "UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_mod_reg` SET `locked`='N', `hidden`='N', `mem_only`='Y' WHERE `module`='order' LIMIT 1", "UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_member_menu` SET `visible`='Y', `locked`='N' WHERE `what`='order' OR `what`='unconfirmed' LIMIT 2", "UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_config` SET `activate_xchange`=0 WHERE `config`=0 LIMIT 1" )); // Run SQLs runFilterChain('run_sqls'); // Rebuild caches // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter rebuildCacheFiles('config', 'config'); rebuildCacheFiles('modreg', 'modreg'); } // END - if } // Deletes a user account with given reason function deleteUserAccount ($uid, $reason) { $points = 0; $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT (SUM(p.points) - d.used_points) AS points FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_points` AS p LEFT JOIN `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` AS d ON p.userid=d.userid WHERE p.userid=%s", array(bigintval($uid)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Save his points to add them to the jackpot list($points) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); // Delete points entries as well SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_points` WHERE userid=%s", array(bigintval($uid)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Update mediadata as well if (GET_EXT_VERSION('mediadata') >= '0.0.4') { // Update database MEDIA_UPDATE_ENTRY(array('total_points'), 'sub', $points); } // END - if // Now, when we have all his points adds them do the jackpot! ADD_JACKPOT($points); } // END - if // Free the result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Delete category selections as well... SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_cats` WHERE userid=%s", array(bigintval($uid)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Remove from rallye if found if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('rallye')) { SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_rallye_users` WHERE userid=%s", array(bigintval($uid)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } // END - if // Now a mail to the user and that's all... $message = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE('del-user', array('text' => $reason), $uid); sendEmail($uid, getMessage('ADMIN_DEL_ACCOUNT'), $message); // Ok, delete the account! SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($uid)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } // Generates meta description for given module and 'what' value function generateMetaDescriptionCode ($mod, $wht) { // Exclude admin and member's area if (($mod != 'admin') && ($mod != 'login')) { // Construct dynamic description $DESCR = '{!MAIN_TITLE!} '.trim(getConfig('title_middle')) . ' ' . ADD_DESCR('guest', 'what-'.$wht, true); // Output it directly OUTPUT_HTML(''); } // END - if // Remove depth unset($GLOBALS['ref_level']); } // Adds points to the jackpot function ADD_JACKPOT ($points) { $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT points FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_jackpot` WHERE ok='ok' LIMIT 1", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 0) { // Create line SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_jackpot` (ok, points) VALUES ('ok','%s')", array($points), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } else { // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Update points SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_jackpot` SET points=points+%s WHERE ok='ok' LIMIT 1", array($points), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } // Subtracts points from the jackpot function SUB_JACKPOT ($points) { // First failed $ret = '-1'; // Get current points $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT points FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_jackpot` WHERE ok='ok' LIMIT 1", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 0) { // Create line SQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_jackpot` (ok, points) VALUES ('ok', 0.00000)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } else { // Read points list($jackpot) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); if ($jackpot >= $points) { // Update points when there are enougth points in jackpot SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_jackpot` SET points=points-%s WHERE ok='ok' LIMIT 1", array($points), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); $ret = $jackpot - $points; } // END - if } // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); } // Checks wether the extension demo is actuve and the admin login is demo (password needs to be demo, too!) function IS_DEMO () { return ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE('demo')) && (getSession('admin_login') == 'demo')); } // Gets the matching what name from module function getWhatFromModule ($modCheck) { // Is the request element set? if (REQUEST_ISSET_GET('what')) { // Then return this! return REQUEST_GET('what'); } // END - if // Default is empty $wht = ''; //* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__.'!'.$modCheck."!
\n"; switch ($modCheck) { case 'admin': $wht = 'overview'; break; case 'login': case 'index': $wht = 'welcome'; if (($modCheck == 'index') && (getConfig('index_home') != '')) $wht = getConfig('index_home'); break; default: $wht = ''; break; } // END - switch // Return what value return $wht; } // Subtract points from database and mediadata cache function SUB_POINTS ($subject, $uid, $points) { // Add points to used points SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` SET `used_points`=`used_points`+%s WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1", array($points, bigintval($uid)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Insert booking record // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('booking')) { // Add record ADD_BOOKING_RECORD($subject, $uid, $points, 'sub'); } // END - if // Update mediadata as well if (GET_EXT_VERSION('mediadata') >= '0.0.4') { // Update database MEDIA_UPDATE_ENTRY(array('total_points'), 'sub', $points); } // END - if } // Update config entries function updateConfiguration ($entries, $values, $updateMode='') { // Do not update config in CSS mode if ((getOutputMode() == '1') || (getOutputMode() == -1)) { return; } // END - if // Do we have multiple entries? if (is_array($entries)) { // Walk through all $all = ''; foreach ($entries as $idx => $entry) { // Update mode set? if (!empty($updateMode)) { // Update entry // @TODO Find a way for updating $_CONFIG here $all .= sprintf("%s=%s%s%s,", $entry, $entry, $updateMode, (float)$values[$idx]); } else { // Check if string or number if (($values[$idx] + 0) === $values[$idx]) { // Number detected $all .= sprintf("%s=%s,", $entry, (float)$values[$idx]); } elseif ($values[$idx] == 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP()') { // Function UNIX_TIMESTAMP() detected $all .= sprintf("%s=%s,", $entry, $values[$idx]); } else { // String detected $all .= sprintf("%s='%s',", $entry, SQL_ESCAPE($values[$idx])); } } // Set it in config as well setConfigEntry($entry, $values[$idx]); } // END - foreach // Remove last comma $entries = substr($all, 0, -1); } elseif (!empty($updateMode)) { // Update mode set // @TODO Find a way for updating $_CONFIG here $entries .= sprintf("=%s%s%s", $entries, $updateMode, (float)$values); } else { // Set it in config first setConfigEntry($entries, $values); // Regular entry to update $entries .= sprintf("='%s'", SQL_ESCAPE($values)); } // Run database update //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "entries={$entries}"); SQL_QUERY("UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_config` SET ".$entries." WHERE config=0 LIMIT 1", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Get affected rows $affectedRows = SQL_AFFECTEDROWS(); //* DEBUG: */ print __FUNCTION__."(".__LINE__."):entries={$entries},affectedRows={$affectedRows}
\n"; // Rebuild cache rebuildCacheFiles('config', 'config'); } // Prepares an SQL statement part for HTML mail and/or holiday depency // @TODO Can this be rewritten to a filter? function PREPARE_SQL_HTML_HOLIDAY ($mode) { // Exclude no users by default $MORE = ''; // HTML mail? if ($mode == 'html') $MORE = " AND `html`='Y'"; if (GET_EXT_VERSION('holiday') >= '0.1.3') { // Add something for the holiday extension $MORE .= " AND `holiday_active`='N'"; } // END - if // Return result return $MORE; } // "Getter" for total available receivers function getTotalReceivers ($mode='normal') { // Query database $result_all = SQL_QUERY("SELECT userid FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` WHERE `status`='CONFIRMED' AND receive_mails > 0 ".PREPARE_SQL_HTML_HOLIDAY($mode), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Get num rows $numRows = SQL_NUMROWS($result_all); // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result_all); // Return value return $numRows; } // Returns HTML code with an "'; } // END - foreach } else { // No cateogries are defined yet $OUT = ''; } // Return HTML code return $OUT; } // Add bonus mail to queue function addBonusMailToQueue ($subject, $text, $receiverList, $points, $seconds, $url, $cat, $mode='normal', $receiver=0) { // Is admin or bonus extension there? if (!IS_ADMIN()) { // Abort here return false; } elseif (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE('bonus')) { // Abort here return false; } // Calculcate target sent $target = countSelection(explode(';', $receiverList)); // Receiver is zero? if ($receiver == 0) { // Then auto-fix it $receiver = $target; } // END - if // HTML extension active? if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('html_mail')) { // No HTML by default $HTML = 'N'; // HTML mode? if ($mode == 'html') $HTML = 'Y'; // Add HTML mail SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_bonus` (subject, text, receivers, points, time, data_type, timestamp, url, cat_id, target_send, mails_sent, html_msg) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','NEW', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", array( $subject, $text, $receiverList, $points, $seconds, $url, $cat, $target, bigintval($receiver), $HTML ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } else { // Add regular mail SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_bonus` (subject, text, receivers, points, time, data_type, timestamp, url, cat_id, target_send, mails_sent) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','NEW', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'%s','%s','%s','%s')", array( $subject, $text, $receiverList, $points, $seconds, $url, $cat, $target, bigintval($receiver), ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } // Generate a receiver list for given category and maximum receivers function generateReceiverList ($cat, $receiver, $mode = '') { // Init variables $CAT_TABS = "%s"; $CAT_WHERE = ''; $receiverList = ''; $result = false; // Secure data $cat = bigintval($cat); $receiver = bigintval($receiver); // Is the receiver zero and mode set? if (($receiver == 0) && (!empty($mode))) { // Auto-fix receiver maximum $receiver = getTotalReceivers($mode); } // END - if // Category given? if ($cat > 0) { // Select category $CAT_TABS = "LEFT JOIN `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_cats` AS c ON d.userid=c.userid"; $CAT_WHERE = " AND c.cat_id=%s"; } // END - if // Exclude users in holiday? if (GET_EXT_VERSION('holiday') >= '0.1.3') { // Add something for the holiday extension $CAT_WHERE .= " AND d.`holiday_active`='N'"; } // END - if if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE('html_mail')) && ($mode == 'html')) { // Only include HTML receivers $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT d.userid FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` AS d ".$CAT_TABS." WHERE d.`status`='CONFIRMED' AND d.`html`='Y'".$CAT_WHERE." ORDER BY d.%s %s LIMIT %s", array($cat, getConfig('order_select'), getConfig('order_mode'), $receiver), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } else { // Include all $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT d.userid FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` AS d ".$CAT_TABS." WHERE d.`status`='CONFIRMED'".$CAT_WHERE." ORDER BY d.%s %s LIMIT %s", array($cat, getConfig('order_select'), getConfig('order_mode'), $receiver), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } // Entries found? if ((SQL_NUMROWS($result) >= $receiver) && ($receiver > 0)) { // Load all entries while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { // Add receiver when not empty if (!empty($content['userid'])) $receiverList .= $content['userid'] . ';'; } // END - while // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Remove trailing semicolon $receiverList = substr($receiverList, 0, -1); } // END - if // Return list return $receiverList; } // Get timestamp for given stats type and data function getTimestampFromUserStats ($type, $data, $uid = 0) { // Default timestamp is zero $stamp = 0; // User id set? if ((isUserIdSet()) && ($uid == 0)) { $uid = getUserId(); } // END - if // Is the extension installed and updated? if ((!EXT_IS_ACTIVE('sql_patches')) || (EXT_VERSION_IS_OLDER('sql_patches', '0.5.6'))) { // Return zero here return $stamp; } // END - if // Try to find the entry $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`inserted`) AS `stamp` FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_stats_data` WHERE `userid`=%s AND `stats_type`='%s' AND `stats_data`='%s' LIMIT 1", array( bigintval($uid), $type, $data ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Is the entry there? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Get this stamp list($stamp) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Return stamp return $stamp; } // Inserts user stats function insertUserStatsRecord ($uid, $type, $data) { // Is the extension installed and updated? if ((!EXT_IS_ACTIVE('sql_patches')) || (EXT_VERSION_IS_OLDER('sql_patches', '0.5.6'))) { // Return zero here return false; } // END - if // Does it exist? if ((!getTimestampFromUserStats($type, $data, $uid)) && (!is_array($data))) { // Then insert it! SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_stats_data` (`userid`,`stats_type`,`stats_data`) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s')", array(bigintval($uid), $type, $data), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } elseif (is_array($data)) { // Invalid data! DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "uid={$uid},type={$type},data={".gettype($data).": Invalid statistics data type!"); } } // "Getter" for array for user refs and points in given level function getUserReferalPoints ($uid, $level) { //* DEBUG: */ print "----------------------- ".__FUNCTION__." - ENTRY ----------------------------------------------- ".__FUNCTION__." - EXIT ------------------------
\n"; return $refs; } // Recuce the amount of received emails for the receipients for given email function reduceRecipientReceivedMails ($column, $id, $count) { // Search for mail in database $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `userid` FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_links` WHERE `%s`=%s ORDER BY `userid` ASC LIMIT %s", array($column, bigintval($id), $count), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Are there entries? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) { // Now load all userids for one big query! // @TODO This can be somehow rewritten $UIDs = array(); while (list($uid) = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) { $UIDs[$uid] = $uid; } // END - while // Now update all user accounts SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` SET `emails_received`=`emails_received`-1 WHERE `userid` IN (%s) LIMIT %s", array(implode(',', $UIDs), count($UIDs)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } // END - if // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); } // Init SQLs array function INIT_SQLS () { SET_SQLS(array()); } // Checks wether the sqls array is initialized function IS_SQLS_INITIALIZED () { return ((isset($GLOBALS['sqls'])) && (is_array($GLOBALS['sqls']))); } // Setter for SQLs array function SET_SQLS ($SQLs) { $GLOBALS['sqls'] = (array) $SQLs; } // Remover for SQLs array function UNSET_SQLS () { unset($GLOBALS['sqls']); } // Getter for SQLs array function GET_SQLS () { return $GLOBALS['sqls']; } // Add an SQL to the list function ADD_SQL ($sql) { //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("sql=%s, count=%d", $sql, COUNT_SQLS())); $GLOBALS['sqls'][] = (string) $sql; } // Setter for SQLs key function SET_SQL_KEY ($key, $value) { $GLOBALS['sqls'][$key] = (string) $value; } // Merge SQLs together function MERGE_SQLS ($SQLs) { SET_SQLS(merge_array(GET_SQLS(), $SQLs)); } // Counter for SQLs array function COUNT_SQLS () { // Default is false $count = false; // Is the array there? if (IS_SQLS_INITIALIZED()) { // Then count it $count = count($GLOBALS['sqls']); //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("count=%d", $count)); } // END - if // Return it return $count; } // Checks wether the SQLs array is filled function IS_SQLS_VALID () { return ( (IS_SQLS_INITIALIZED()) && (COUNT_SQLS() > 0) ); } // Creates a new task function createNewTask($subject, $notes, $taskType, $userid = 0, $admin_id = 0, $strip = true) { // Insert the task data into the database SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_task_system` (`assigned_admin`, `userid`, `status`, `task_type`, `subject`, `text`, `task_created`) VALUES (%s,%s,'NEW','%s','%s','%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())", array($admin_id, $userid, $taskType, $subject, $notes), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, true, $strip); } // [EOF] ?>