{--YOU_ARE_HERE--} Home';
} elseif ($return === FALSE) {
// Count depth
// Add arrow
$prefix .= ' -> ';
// We need to remove .php and the end
if (substr($search, -4, 4) == '.php') {
// Remove the .php
$search = substr($search, 0, -4);
} // END - if
// Is ext-sql_patches installed?
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'isExtensionInstalledAndNewer()=' . intval(isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.2.3')) . ',youre_here=' . getYoureHere() . ',isAdmin()=' . intval(isAdmin()) . ',modCheck=' . $modCheck);
if (((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.2.3')) && (isYoureHereEnabled())) || ((isAdmin()) && ($modCheck == 'admin'))) {
// Output HTML code
$OUT = $prefix . '' . getTitleFromMenu($accessLevel, $search, $type, $ADD) . '';
// Can we close the you-are-here navigation?
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'type=' . $type . ',getWhat()=' . getWhat() . ',accessLevel=' . $accessLevel . ',isWhatSet()=' . intval(isWhatSet()));
if (($type == 'what') || (($type == 'action') && ((!isWhatSet()) || (($accessLevel == 'admin') && (getWhat() == 'welcome'))))) {
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'type=' . $type);
// Add closing div and br-tag
$GLOBALS['nav_depth'] = '0';
// Run the post-filter chain
$ret = runFilterChain('post_youhere_line', array('access_level' => $accessLevel, 'type' => $type, 'search' => $search, 'prefix' => $prefix, 'link_add' => $linkAdd, 'content' => $OUT, 'add' => $ADD));
// Get content from filter back
$OUT = $ret['content'];
// Close div-tag, so not the filters have to do it
$OUT .= '
} // END - if
} // END - if
// Return or output HTML code?
if ($return === TRUE) {
// Return HTML code
return $OUT;
} else {
// Output HTML code here
// Adds a menu (mode = guest/member/admin/sponsor) to output
function addMenu ($mode, $action, $what) {
// Init some variables
$main_cnt = '0';
// is the menu action valid?
if (!isMenuActionValid($mode, $action, $what, TRUE)) {
return getCode('MENU_NOT_VALID');
} // END - if
// Non-admin shall not see all menus
$ADD = " AND `visible`='Y' AND `locked`='N'";
if (isAdmin()) {
// Is admin, so make all visible
$ADD = '';
} // END - if
// Load SQL data and add the menu to the output stream...
$result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
(`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL)
`sort` ASC",
array($mode), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'main_cnt=' . $main_cnt . ',getWhat()=' . getWhat());
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result_main)) {
// There are menus available, so we simply display them... :)
$GLOBALS['rows'] = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_main)) {
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'main_cnt=' . $main_cnt . ',action=' . $content['action'] . ',getWhat()=' . getWhat());
// Disable the block-mode
// Load menu header template
$GLOBALS['rows'] .= loadTemplate($mode . '_menu_title', TRUE, $content);
// Sub menu
$result_sub = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
`title` AS `sub_title`,
`what` AS `sub_what`,
`visible` AS `sub_visible`,
`locked` AS `sub_locked`
`action`='%s' AND
`what` != '' AND
`what` IS NOT NULL
" . $ADD . "
`sort` ASC",
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Are there some entries?
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result_sub)) {
// Init counter
$count = '0';
// Load all sub menus
while ($content2 = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_sub)) {
// Merge both arrays in one
$content = merge_array($content, $content2);
// Init content
$OUT = '';
// Full file name for checking menu
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'sub_what=' . $content['sub_what']);
$inc = sprintf("inc/modules/%s/what-%s.php", $mode, $content['sub_what']);
if (isIncludeReadable($inc)) {
// Mark currently selected menu - open
if ((!empty($what)) && (($what == $content['sub_what']))) {
$OUT = '';
} // END - if
// Is ext-sql_patches up-to-date, and display_home_in_index is Y?
if ((getModule() == 'index') && (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.8.3')) && (isDisplayHomeInIndexEnabled()) && ($content['sub_what'] == getIndexHome())) {
// Use index.php as link
$OUT .= '';
} else {
// Regular navigation link
$OUT .= '';
} else {
// Not found - open
$OUT .= '';
// Menu title
$OUT .= '{?menu_blur_spacer?}' . $content['sub_title'];
if (isIncludeReadable($inc)) {
$OUT .= '';
// Mark currently selected menu - close
if ((!empty($what)) && (($what == $content['sub_what']))) {
$OUT .= '';
} // END - if
} else {
// Not found - close
$OUT .= '';
// Cunt it up
// Rewrite array
$content = array(
'menu' => $OUT,
'what' => $content['sub_what'],
'visible' => $content['sub_visible'],
'locked' => $content['locked'],
// Add regular menu row or bottom row?
if ($count < SQL_NUMROWS($result_sub)) {
$GLOBALS['rows'] .= loadTemplate($mode . '_menu_row', TRUE, $content);
} else {
$GLOBALS['rows'] .= loadTemplate($mode . '_menu_bottom', TRUE, $content);
} // END - while
} else {
// This is a menu block... ;-)
// Load menu block
$INC = sprintf("inc/modules/%s/action-%s.php", $mode, $content['action']);
if (isFileReadable($INC)) {
// Load include file
if ((!isExtensionActive($content['action'])) || ($content['action'] == 'online')) $GLOBALS['rows'] .= loadTemplate('menu_what_begin', TRUE, $mode);
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'main_cnt=' . $main_cnt . ',action=' . $content['action'] . ',getWhat()=' . getWhat());
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'main_cnt=' . $main_cnt . ',action=' . $content['action'] . ',getWhat()=' . getWhat());
if ((!isExtensionActive($content['action'])) || ($content['action'] == 'online')) $GLOBALS['rows'] .= loadTemplate('menu_what_end', TRUE, $mode);
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'main_cnt=' . $main_cnt . ',action=' . $content['action'] . ',getWhat()=' . getWhat());
// Free result
// Count one up
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'main_cnt=' . $main_cnt . ',getWhat()=' . getWhat());
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_main) > $main_cnt) {
// Add separator
$GLOBALS['rows'] .= loadTemplate('menu_separator', TRUE, $mode);
// Prepare filter data array
$filterData = array(
'output' => '',
'exclusive' => FALSE,
'action' => $action,
'mode' => $mode,
// Run filter chain
$filterData = runFilterChain($mode . '_menu_advert', $filterData);
// Add content output
$GLOBALS['rows'] .= $filterData['output'];
} // END - if
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Prepare filter data array
$filterData = array(
'output' => '',
'exclusive' => FALSE,
'action' => $action,
'mode' => $mode,
// Run filter chain
$filterData = runFilterChain($mode . '_menu_advert_end', $filterData);
// Add content output
$GLOBALS['rows'] .= $filterData['output'];
// Prepare data
$content = array(
'rows' => $GLOBALS['rows'],
'menu_mode' => $mode
// Load main template
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'main_cnt=' . $main_cnt . ',getWhat()=' . getWhat());
loadTemplate('menu_table', FALSE, $content);
} // END - if
// Checks whether the current user is a member
function isMember () {
// By default no member
$ret = FALSE;
// Fix missing 'last_online' array, damn stupid code :(((
// @TODO Try to rewrite this to one or more functions
if ((!isset($GLOBALS['last_online'])) || (!is_array($GLOBALS['last_online']))) {
$GLOBALS['last_online'] = array();
} // END - if
// Is the cache entry there?
if (isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Then return it
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'CACHED! (' . intval($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]) . ')');
return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
} elseif ((!isSessionVariableSet('userid')) || (!isSessionVariableSet('u_hash'))) {
// Destroy any existing user session data
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'No member set in cookie/session.');
// Abort further processing
return FALSE;
// Get userid secured from session
// ... and set it as currently handled user id
// Init user data array
// Fix "deleted" cookies
fixDeletedCookies(array('userid', 'u_hash'));
// Are cookies set and can the member data be loaded?
if ((isMemberIdSet()) && (isSessionVariableSet('u_hash')) && (fetchUserData(getMemberId()) === TRUE)) {
// Validate password by created the difference of it and the secret key
$valPass = encodeHashForCookie(getUserData('password'));
// So did we now have valid data and an unlocked user?
if ((getUserData('status') == 'CONFIRMED') && ($valPass == getSession('u_hash'))) {
// Transfer last module and online time
$GLOBALS['last_online']['module'] = getUserData(getUserLastWhatName());
$GLOBALS['last_online']['online'] = getUserData('last_online');
// Account is confirmed and all cookie data is valid so he is definely logged in! :-)
$ret = TRUE;
} // END - if
} // END - if
// Is $ret still false?
if ($ret === FALSE) {
// Yes, so destroy the session
} // END - if
// Cache status
$GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = $ret;
// Return status
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ret=' . intval($ret));
return $ret;
// Fetch user data for given user id
function fetchUserData ($value, $column = 'userid') {
// Extension ext-user must be there at any case
if (!isExtensionActive('user')) {
// Absent ext-user is really not good
return FALSE;
} elseif (is_null($value)) {
// This shall never happen, so please report it
reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'value=NULL,column=' . $column . ' - value can never be NULL');
// If we should look for userid secure&set it here
if (substr($column, -2, 2) == 'id') {
// Secure userid
$value = bigintval($value);
// Don't look for invalid userids...
if (!isValidId($value)) {
// Invalid, so abort here
reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'User id ' . $value . ' is invalid.');
} // END - if
// Unset cached values if found and different
if ((isCurrentUserIdSet()) && (getCurrentUserId() != $value)) {
// Unset it
} elseif (isUserDataValid()) {
// Use cache, so it is fine
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'value=' . $value . ' is valid, using cache #1');
return TRUE;
} // END - if
} elseif (isUserDataValid()) {
// Using cache is fine
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'value=' . $value . ' is valid, using cache #2');
return TRUE;
// By default none was found
$found = FALSE;
// Extra SQL statements
$ADD = runFilterChain('convert_user_data_columns', ' ');
// Query for the user
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT *" . $ADD . " FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE `%s`='%s' LIMIT 1",
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Is there a record?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Load data from cookies
$data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
// Set the userid for later use
// And cache the data for this userid
$GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()] = $data;
// Rewrite 'last_failure' if found and ext-user has version >= 0.3.7
if ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('user', '0.3.7')) && (isset($GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()]['last_failure']))) {
// Backup the raw one and zero it
$GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()]['last_failure_raw'] = $GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()]['last_failure'];
$GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()]['last_failure'] = NULL;
// Is it not zero?
if (!is_null($GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()]['last_failure_raw'])) {
// Seperate data/time
$array = explode(' ', $GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()]['last_failure_raw']);
// Seperate data and time again
$array['date'] = explode('-', $array[0]);
$array['time'] = explode(':', $array[1]);
// Now pass it to mktime()
$GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()]['last_failure'] = mktime(
} // END - if
} // END - if
// Found, but valid?
$found = isUserDataValid();
} // END - if
// Free memory
// Return result
return $found;
* Checks whether the current session bears a valid admin id and password hash.
* This patched function will reduce many SELECT queries for the current admin
* login.
function isAdmin () {
// Is there cache?
if (isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Return it
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'isAdmin()=' . intval($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]));
return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
} // END - if
// No admin in installation phase!
if ((isInstallationPhase()) || (!isAdminRegistered())) {
return FALSE;
} // END - if
// Init variables
$ret = FALSE;
$adminId = '0';
$passwordFromCookie = '';
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $adminId);
// If admin login is not given take current from cookies...
if ((isSessionVariableSet('admin_id')) && (isSessionVariableSet('admin_md5'))) {
// Get admin login and password from session/cookies
$adminId = getCurrentAdminId();
$passwordFromCookie = getAdminMd5();
} // END - if
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'adminId=' . $adminId . ',passwordFromCookie=' . $passwordFromCookie);
// Abort if admin id is zero
if (($adminId == '0') || (empty($passwordFromCookie))) {
// A very noisy debug message ...
//* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Current adminId is zero. isSessionVariableSet(admin_id)=' . intval(isSessionVariableSet('admin_id')) . ',isSessionVariableSet(admin_md5)=' . intval(isSessionVariableSet('admin_md5')));
// Abort here now
return FALSE;
} // END - if
// Init it with failed
// Search in array for entry
if (isset($GLOBALS['admin_hash'])) {
// Use cached string
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Using admin_hash=' . $GLOBALS['admin_hash'] . ' from cache');
} elseif ((!empty($adminId)) && (!empty($passwordFromCookie)) && (isAdminHashSet($adminId) === TRUE)) {
// Get admin hash and hash it
$GLOBALS['admin_hash'] = encodeHashForCookie(getAdminHash($adminId));
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'valPass=' . $GLOBALS['admin_hash']);
// Count cache hits
} elseif ((!empty($adminId)) && ((!isExtensionActive('cache')) || (isAdminHashSet($adminId) === FALSE))) {
// Get admin hash and hash it
$GLOBALS['admin_hash'] = encodeHashForCookie(getAdminHash($adminId));
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'valPass=' . $GLOBALS['admin_hash']);
// Check if password is valid
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '(' . $GLOBALS['admin_hash'] . '==' . $passwordFromCookie . ')='.intval($GLOBALS['admin_hash'] == $passwordFromCookie));
$GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((!empty($GLOBALS['admin_hash'])) && ($GLOBALS['admin_hash'] == $passwordFromCookie));
// Return result of comparision
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'isAdmin()=' . intval($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]));
return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Generates a list of "max receiveable emails per day"
function addMaxReceiveList ($mode, $default = '') {
$OUT = '';
$result = FALSE;
switch ($mode) {
case 'guest':
// Guests (in the registration form) are not allowed to select 0 mails per day.
$result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `value`, `comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` WHERE `value` > 0 ORDER BY `value` ASC',
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
case 'admin':
case 'member':
// Members are allowed to set to zero mails per day (we will change this soon!)
$result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `value`, `comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` ORDER BY `value` ASC',
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
default: // Invalid!
logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid mode %s detected.", $mode));
// Some entries are found?
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
$OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
$OUT .= ' ';
// Free memory
// Return - hopefully - the requested data
return $ret;
// Deletes a user account with given reason
function deleteUserAccount ($userid, $reason) {
// Init points
$data['points'] = '0';
// Search for the points and user data
(SUM(`p`.`points`) - `d`.`used_points`) AS `points`
`{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_points` AS `p`
`{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` AS `d`
array(bigintval($userid)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Is there an entry?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Save his points to add them to the jackpot
$data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
// Delete points entries as well
// @TODO Rewrite these lines to a filter
array(bigintval($userid)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Update mediadata as well
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('mediadata', '0.0.4')) {
// Update database
updateMediadataEntry(array('total_points'), 'sub', $data['points']);
} // END - if
// Now, when we have all his points adds them do the jackpot!
if (isExtensionActive('jackpot')) {
} // END - if
} // END - if
// Free the result
// Delete category selections as well...
array(bigintval($userid)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Remove from rallye if found
// @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
if (isExtensionActive('rallye')) {
array(bigintval($userid)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
} // END - if
// Add reason and translate points
$data['text'] = $reason;
// Now a mail to the user and that's all...
$message = loadEmailTemplate('member_user_deleted', $data, $userid);
sendEmail($userid, '{--ADMIN_DELETE_ACCOUNT--}', $message);
// Ok, delete the account!
SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE `userid`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($userid)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Gets the matching what name from module
function getWhatFromModule ($modCheck) {
// Is the request element set?
if (isGetRequestElementSet('what')) {
// Then return this!
return getRequestElement('what');
} // END - if
// Default is empty
$what = '';
// Check on given module
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'modCheck=' . $modCheck);
switch ($modCheck) {
case 'index': // Guest area
// Is ext-sql_patches installed and newer than 0.0.5?
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.0.5')) {
// Use it from config
$what = getIndexHome();
} else {
// Use default 'welcome'
$what = 'welcome';
default: // Default for all other menus (getIndexHome() is for index module only)
$what = 'welcome';
} // END - switch
// Return what value
return $what;
// Returns HTML code with an option list of all categories
function generateCategoryOptionsList ($mode, $userid = NULL) {
// Prepare WHERE statement
$whereStatement = " WHERE `visible`='Y'";
if (isAdmin()) $whereStatement = '';
// Initialize array...
$categories = array(
'id' => array(),
'name' => array(),
'userids' => array()
// Get categories
' . $whereStatement . '
`sort` ASC',
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Are there entries?
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// ... and begin loading stuff
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Transfer some data
$categories['id'][] = $content['id'];
array_push($categories['name'], $content['cat']);
// Check which users are in this category
$result_userids = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `userid` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_cats` WHERE `cat_id`=%s AND `userid` != %s ORDER BY `userid` ASC",
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Init count
$userid_cnt = '0';
// Start adding all
while ($data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_userids)) {
// Add user count
$userid_cnt += countSumTotalData($data['userid'], 'user_data', 'userid', 'userid', TRUE, runFilterChain('user_exclusion_sql', " AND `status`='CONFIRMED' AND `receive_mails` > 0"));
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Add counter
array_push($categories['userids'], $userid_cnt);
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Generate options
$OUT = '';
foreach ($categories['id'] as $key => $value) {
$OUT .= ' ';
} // END - foreach
} else {
// No cateogries are defined yet
$OUT = '';
// Return HTML code
return $OUT;
// Add bonus mail to queue
function addBonusMailToQueue ($subject, $text, $receiverList, $points, $seconds, $url, $categoryId, $mode='normal', $receiver=0) {
// Is admin or bonus extension there?
if (!isAdmin()) {
// Abort here
return FALSE;
} elseif (!isExtensionActive('bonus')) {
// Abort here
return FALSE;
// Calculcate target sent
$target = countSelection(explode(';', $receiverList));
// Receiver is zero?
if ($receiver == '0') {
// Then auto-fix it
$receiver = $target;
} // END - if
// HTML extension active?
if (isExtensionActive('html_mail')) {
// Add HTML mail
convertBooleanToYesNo($mode == 'html')
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
} else {
// Add regular mail
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Generate a receiver list for given category and maximum receivers
function generateReceiverList ($categoryId, $receiver, $mode = '') {
// Init variables
$extraColumns = '';
$receiverList = '';
$result = FALSE;
// Secure data
$categoryId = bigintval($categoryId);
$receiver = bigintval($receiver);
// Is the receiver zero and mode set?
if (($receiver == '0') && (!empty($mode))) {
// Auto-fix receiver maximum
$receiver = getTotalReceivers($mode);
} // END - if
// Exclude (maybe exclude) testers
$addWhere = runFilterChain('user_exclusion_sql', ' ');
// Category given?
if (isValidId($categoryId)) {
// Select category
$extraColumns = "LEFT JOIN `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_cats` AS `c` ON `d`.`userid`=`c`.`userid`";
$addWhere = sprintf(" AND `c`.`cat_id`=%s", $categoryId);
} // END - if
// Exclude users in holiday?
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('holiday', '0.1.3')) {
// Add something for the holiday extension
$addWhere .= " AND `d`.`holiday_active`='N'";
} // END - if
// Include only HTML recipients?
if ((isExtensionActive('html_mail')) && ($mode == 'html')) {
$addWhere .= " AND `d`.`html`='Y'";
} // END - if
// Run query
`{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` AS `d`
" . $extraColumns . "
" . $addWhere . "
`d`.`{?order_select?}` {?order_mode?}
LIMIT %s",
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Entries found?
if ((SQL_NUMROWS($result) >= $receiver) && ($receiver > 0)) {
// Load all entries
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Add receiver when not empty
if (!empty($content['userid'])) {
$receiverList .= $content['userid'] . ';';
} // END - if
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Remove trailing semicolon
$receiverList = substr($receiverList, 0, -1);
} // END - if
// Return list
return $receiverList;
// Recuce the amount of received emails for the receipients for given email
function reduceRecipientReceivedMails ($column, $id, $count) {
// Search for mail in database
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT * FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `%s`=%s ORDER BY `userid` ASC LIMIT %s",
array($column, bigintval($id), $count), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Are there entries?
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Now load all userids for one big query!
$userids = array();
while ($data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// By default reduce and found no emails
$num = 0;
// We must now look if he has already confirmed this mail, so might sound double, but it may resolve problems
// @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
if ((isset($data['stats_id'])) && ($data['stats_id'] > 0)) {
// User email
$num = countSumTotalData($data['userid'], 'user_stats_data', 'id', 'userid', TRUE, sprintf(" AND `stats_type`='mailid' AND `stats_data`=%s", bigintval($data['stats_id'])));
} elseif ((isset($data['bonus_id'])) && ($data['bonus_id'] > 0)) {
// Bonus mail
$num = countSumTotalData($data['userid'], 'user_stats_data', 'id', 'userid', TRUE, sprintf(" AND `stats_type`='bonusid' AND `stats_data`=%s", bigintval($data['bonus_id'])));
// Reduce this users total received emails?
if ($num === 0) {
$userids[$data['userid']] = $data['userid'];
} // END - if
} // END - while
if (count($userids) > 0) {
// Now update all user accounts
SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` SET `emails_received`=`emails_received`-1 WHERE `userid` IN (%s) LIMIT %s",
implode(',', $userids),
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
} else {
// Nothing deleted
displayMessage('{%message,ADMIN_MAIL_NOTHING_DELETED=' . $id . '%}');
} // END - if
// Free result
// Creates a new task
function createNewTask ($subject, $notes, $taskType, $userid = NULL, $adminId = NULL, $strip = TRUE) {
// Insert the task data into the database
SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_task_system` (`assigned_admin`, `userid`, `status`, `task_type`, `subject`, `text`, `task_created`) VALUES (%s, %s, 'NEW', '%s', '%s', '%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())",
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, TRUE, $strip);
// Return insert id which is the task id
return SQL_INSERT_ID();
// Updates last module / online time
function updateLastActivity ($userid) {
// Is 'what' set?
if (isWhatSet()) {
// Run the update query
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
} else {
// No what set, needs to be ignored (last_module is last_what)
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// List all given joined rows (callback function from XML)
function doGenericJoinedListEntries ($tableTemplate, $rowTemplate, $noEntryMessageId, $tableName, $tableJoinType, $tableJoinName, $joinOnLeftTable, $joinOnCondition, $joinOnRightTable, $columns, $whereColumns, $orderByColumns, $callbackColumns, $extraParameters = array(), $conditions = array(), $content = array()) {
// Verify that tableName and columns are not empty
if ((!is_array($tableName)) || (count($tableName) != 1)) {
// No tableName specified
reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName is not given. Please fix your XML,tableName[]=' . gettype($tableName) . '!=array,tableTemplate=' . $tableTemplate . ',rowTemplate=' . $rowTemplate);
} elseif (count($columns) == 0) {
// No columns specified
reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'columns is not given. Please fix your XML,tableTemplate=' . $tableTemplate . ',rowTemplate=' . $rowTemplate . ',tableName[0]=' . $tableName[0]);
// This is the minimum query, so at least columns and tableName must have entries
$sql = 'SELECT ';
// Get the sql part back from given array
$sql .= getSqlPartFromXmlArray($columns);
// Add "FROM"
$sql .= getSqlXmlFromTable($tableName);
// Add "JOIN"
$sql .= getSqlXmlJoinedTable($tableJoinType, $tableJoinName, $joinOnLeftTable, $joinOnCondition, $joinOnRightTable);
// Add "WHERE"
$sql .= getSqlXmlWhereConditions($whereColumns, $conditions);
// Add "ORDER BY"
$sql .= getSqlXmlOrderBy($orderByColumns);
// Now handle all over to the inner function which will execute the listing
doListEntries($sql, $tableTemplate, $noEntryMessageId, $rowTemplate, $callbackColumns, $extraParameters, $content);
// List all given rows (callback function from XML)
function doGenericListEntries ($tableTemplate, $rowTemplate, $noEntryMessageId, $tableName, $columns, $whereColumns, $orderByColumns, $callbackColumns, $extraParameters = array(), $conditions = array(), $content = array()) {
// Verify that tableName and columns are not empty
if ((!is_array($tableName)) || (count($tableName) != 1)) {
// No tableName specified
reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName is not given. Please fix your XML,tableName[]=' . gettype($tableName) . '!=array,tableTemplate=' . $tableTemplate . ',rowTemplate=' . $rowTemplate);
} elseif (count($columns) == 0) {
// No columns specified
reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'columns is not given. Please fix your XML,tableTemplate=' . $tableTemplate . ',rowTemplate=' . $rowTemplate . ',tableName[0]=' . $tableName[0]);
// This is the minimum query, so at least columns and tableName must have entries
$sql = 'SELECT ';
// Get the sql part back from given array
$sql .= getSqlPartFromXmlArray($columns);
// Add "FROM"
$sql .= getSqlXmlFromTable($tableName);
// Add "WHERE"
$sql .= getSqlXmlWhereConditions($whereColumns, $conditions);
// Add "ORDER BY"
$sql .= getSqlXmlOrderBy($orderByColumns);
// Now handle all over to the inner function which will execute the listing
doListEntries($sql, $tableTemplate, $noEntryMessageId, $rowTemplate, $callbackColumns, $extraParameters, $content);
// Do the listing of entries
function doListEntries ($sql, $tableTemplate, $noEntryMessageId, $rowTemplate, $callbackColumns, $extraParameters = array(), $content = array()) {
// Run the SQL query
$result = SQL_QUERY($sql, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Are there some URLs left?
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// List all URLs
$OUT = '';
while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// "Translate" content
foreach ($callbackColumns as $columnName => $callbackName) {
// Fill the callback arguments
$args = array($row[$columnName]);
// Is there more to add?
if (isset($extraParameters[$columnName])) {
// Add them as well
$args = merge_array($args, $extraParameters[$columnName]);
} // END - if
// Call the callback-function
//* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'callbackFunction=' . $callbackName . ',args=
'.print_r($args, TRUE).'
// @TODO If we can rewrite the EL sub-system to support more than one parameter, this call_user_func_array() can be avoided
$row[$columnName] = call_user_func_array($callbackName, $args);
} // END - foreach
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate(trim($rowTemplate[0]), TRUE, $row);
} // END - while
// Is at least one entry set in content?
if ((is_array($content)) && (count($content) > 0)) {
// Then add generic 'rows' element
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
} else {
// Direct output is content
$content = $OUT;
// Load main template
loadTemplate(trim($tableTemplate[0]), FALSE, $content);
} else {
// No URLs in surfbar
displayMessage('{--' .$noEntryMessageId[0] . '--}');
// Free result
// Adds a given entry to the database
function doGenericAddEntries ($tableName, $columns = array(), $filterFunctions = array(), $extraValues = array(), $timeColumns = array(), $columnIndex = NULL) {
//* DEBUG: */ die(__FUNCTION__.':columns=
// Verify that tableName and columns are not empty
if ((!is_array($tableName)) || (count($tableName) != 1)) {
// No tableName specified
reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName is not given. Please fix your XML,tableName[]=' . gettype($tableName) . '!=array: userIdColumn=' . $userIdColumn);
} elseif (count($columns) == 0) {
// No columns specified
reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'columns is not given. Please fix your XML.');
// Init columns and value elements
$sqlColumns = array();
$sqlValues = array();
// Default is that all went fine
// Is there "time columns"?
if (count($timeColumns) > 0) {
// Then "walk" through all entries
foreach ($timeColumns as $column) {
// Convert all (possible) selections
convertSelectionsToEpocheTimeInPostData($column . '_ye');
} // END - foreach
} // END - if
// Add columns and values
foreach ($columns as $key => $columnName) {
//* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',columnName=' . $columnName);
// Is columnIndex set?
if (!is_null($columnIndex)) {
// Check conditions
//* DEBUG: */ die('columnName=
assert((is_array($columnName)) && (is_string($columnIndex)) && (isset($columnName[$columnIndex])));
// Then use that index "blindly"
$columnName = $columnName[$columnIndex];
} // END - if
// Debug message
//* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',columnName[' . gettype($columnName) . ']=' . $columnName . ',filterFunctions=' . $filterFunctions[$key] . ',extraValues=' . intval(isset($extraValues[$key])) . ',extraValuesName=' . intval(isset($extraValues[$columnName . '_list'])));
// Copy entry securely to the final arrays
$sqlColumns[$key] = SQL_ESCAPE($columnName);
$sqlValues[$key] = SQL_ESCAPE(postRequestElement($columnName));
// Search for it
$search = key(search_array($columns, 'column', $columnName));
// Try to handle call-back functions and/or extra values on the list
//* DEBUG: */ outputHtml($key . '/' . $columnName . '=
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'sqlValues[' . $key . '(' . gettype($key) . ')][' . gettype($sqlValues[$key]) . ']=' . $sqlValues[$key] . ' - BEFORE!');
if (is_string($key)) {
// Key is a string
$sqlValues[$key] = doHandleExtraValues($filterFunctions, $extraValues, $key . '_list', $sqlValues[$key], array(''), $search);
} else {
// Is a number
$sqlValues[$key] = doHandleExtraValues($filterFunctions, $extraValues, $key, $sqlValues[$key], array(''), $search);
// Is the value not a number?
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'sqlValues[' . $key . '(' . gettype($key) . ')][' . gettype($sqlValues[$key]) . ']=' . $sqlValues[$key] . ' - AFTER!');
if (($sqlValues[$key] != 'NULL') && (is_string($sqlValues[$key]))) {
// Add quotes around it
$sqlValues[$key] = chr(39) . $sqlValues[$key] . chr(39);
} // END - if
// Is the value false?
if ($sqlValues[$key] === FALSE) {
// One "parser" didn't like it
} // END - if
} // END - foreach
// If all values are okay, continue
if ($sqlValues[$key] !== FALSE) {
// Build the SQL query
$sql = 'INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_' . $tableName[0] . '` (`' . implode('`, `', $sqlColumns) . "`) VALUES (" . implode(',', $sqlValues) . ')';
// Run the SQL query
SQL_QUERY($sql, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Add id number
setPostRequestElement('id', SQL_INSERT_ID());
// Prepare filter data array
$filterData = array(
'mode' => 'add',
'table_name' => $tableName,
'content' => postRequestArray(),
'id' => SQL_INSERT_ID(),
'subject' => '',
// @TODO Used generic 'userid' here
'userid_column' => array('userid'),
'raw_userid' => array('userid'),
'affected' => SQL_AFFECTEDROWS(),
'sql' => $sql,
// Send "build mail" out
runFilterChain('send_build_mail', $filterData);
} // END - if
// Edit rows by given id numbers
function doGenericEditEntriesConfirm ($tableName, $columns = array(), $filterFunctions = array(), $extraValues = array(), $timeColumns = array(), $editNow = array(FALSE), $idColumn = array('id'), $userIdColumn = array('userid'), $rawUserId = array('userid'), $cacheFiles = array(), $subject = '') {
// Is there "time columns"?
if (count($timeColumns) > 0) {
// Then "walk" through all entries
foreach ($timeColumns as $column) {
// Convert all (possible) selections
convertSelectionsToEpocheTimeInPostData($column . '_ye');
} // END - foreach
} // END - if
// Change them all
$affected = '0';
foreach (postRequestElement($idColumn[0]) as $id => $sel) {
// Secure id number
$id = bigintval($id);
// Prepare content array (new values)
$content = array();
// Prepare SQL for this row
$sql = sprintf("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` SET",
// "Walk" through all entries
foreach (postRequestArray() as $key => $entries) {
// Skip raw userid which is always invalid
if (($key == $rawUserId[0]) || ($key == ($rawUserId[0] . '_raw')) || ($key == 'do_edit')) {
// Continue with next field
//* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',idColumn[0]=' . $idColumn[0] . ',rawUserId=' . $rawUserId[0]);
} // END - if
// Debug message
//* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',id=' . $id . ',idColumn[0]=' . $idColumn[0] . ',entries=
// Is entries an array?
if (($key != $idColumn[0]) && (is_array($entries)) && (isset($entries[$id]))) {
// Search for the right array index
$search = key(search_array($columns, 'column', $key));
// Add this entry to content
$content[$key] = $entries[$id];
// Debug message
//* BUG: */ die($key.'/'.$id.'/'.$search.'=
// Handle possible call-back functions and/or extra values
$entries[$id] = doHandleExtraValues($filterFunctions, $extraValues, $key, $entries[$id], $userIdColumn, $search);
// Add key/value pair to SQL string
$sql .= addKeyValueSql($key, $entries[$id]);
} elseif (($key != $idColumn[0]) && (!is_array($entries))) {
// Search for it
$search = key(search_array($columns, 'column', $key));
//* BUG: */ die($key.'/
'.print_r($search, TRUE).'
'.print_r($columns, TRUE).'
// Debug message
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',entries[' . gettype($entries) . ']=' . $entries . ',search=' . $search . ' - BEFORE!');
// Add normal entries as well
$content[$key] = $entries;
// Handle possible call-back functions and/or extra values
$entries = doHandleExtraValues($filterFunctions, $extraValues, $key, $entries, $userIdColumn, $search);
// Debug message
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',entries[' . gettype($entries) . ']=' . $entries . ',search=' . $search . ' - AFTER!');
// Add key/value pair to SQL string
$sql .= addKeyValueSql($key, $entries);
} // END - foreach
// Finish SQL command
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -1) . " WHERE `" . SQL_ESCAPE($idColumn[0]) . "`=" . $id;
if ((isset($rawUserId[0])) && (isset($userIdColumn[0])) && (isPostRequestElementSet($rawUserId[0])) && (!is_array(postRequestElement($rawUserId[0])))) {
// Add user id as well
$sql .= ' AND `' . $userIdColumn[0] . '`=' . bigintval(postRequestElement($rawUserId[0]));
} // END - if
$sql .= " LIMIT 1";
// Run this query
//* BUG: */ die($sql.'
'.print_r(postRequestArray(), TRUE).'
SQL_QUERY($sql, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Add affected rows
$affected += $edited;
// Load all data from that id
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT * FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` WHERE `%s`=%s LIMIT 1",
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Fetch the data and merge it into $content
$content = merge_array($content, SQL_FETCHARRAY($result));
// Prepare filter data array
$filterData = array(
'mode' => 'edit',
'table_name' => $tableName,
'content' => $content,
'id' => $id,
'subject' => $subject,
'userid_column' => $userIdColumn,
'raw_userid' => $rawUserId,
'affected' => $edited,
'sql' => $sql,
// Send "build mail" out
runFilterChain('send_build_mail', $filterData);
// Free the result
} // END - foreach
// Delete cache?
if ((count($cacheFiles) > 0) && (!empty($cacheFiles[0]))) {
// Delete cache file(s)
foreach ($cacheFiles as $cache) {
// Skip any empty entries
if (empty($cache)) {
// This may cause trouble in loadCacheFile()
} // END - if
// Use rebuildCache() to delete it
} // END - foreach
} // END - if
// Return affected rows
return $affected;
// Delete rows by given id numbers
function doGenericDeleteEntriesConfirm ($tableName, $columns = array(), $filterFunctions = array(), $extraValues = array(), $deleteNow = array(FALSE), $idColumn = array('id'), $userIdColumn = array('userid'), $rawUserId = array('userid'), $cacheFiles = array()) {
// The base SQL command:
// Is a user id provided?
//* BUG: */ die('
if ((isset($rawUserId[0])) && (isset($userIdColumn[0])) && (isPostRequestElementSet($rawUserId[0])) && (!is_array(postRequestElement($rawUserId[0])))) {
// Add user id as well
$sql .= ' AND `' . $userIdColumn[0] . '`=' . bigintval(postRequestElement($rawUserId[0]));
} // END - if
// $idColumn[0] in POST must be an array again
if (!is_array(postRequestElement($idColumn[0]))) {
// This indicates that you have conflicting form field naming with XML names
reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'You have a wrong form field element, idColumn[0]=' . $idColumn[0]);
} // END - if
// Delete them all
//* BUG: */ die($sql.'
$idList = '';
foreach (postRequestElement($idColumn[0]) as $id => $sel) {
// Is id zero?
if (!isValidId($id)) {
// Then skip this
} // END - if
// Is there a userid?
if (isPostRequestElementSet($userIdColumn[0])) {
// Load all data from that id
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT * FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` WHERE `%s`=%s LIMIT 1",
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Fetch the data
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
// Free the result
// Send "build mails" out
sendGenericBuildMails('delete', $tableName, $content, $id, '', $userIdColumn);
} // END - if
// Add id number
$idList .= $id . ',';
} // END - foreach
// Run the query
convertNullToZero(substr($idList, 0, -1))
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Return affected rows
// Build a special template list
// @TODO cacheFiles is not yet supported
function doGenericListBuilder ($prefix, $listType, $tableName, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn, $rawUserId = array('userid'), $content = array()) {
// $tableName and $idColumn must bove be arrays!
if ((!is_array($tableName)) || (count($tableName) != 1)) {
// $tableName is no array
reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName[]=' . gettype($tableName) . '!=array: userIdColumn=' . $userIdColumn);
} elseif (!is_array($idColumn)) {
// $idColumn is no array
reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'idColumn[]=' . gettype($idColumn) . '!=array: userIdColumn=' . $userIdColumn);
} elseif ((!is_array($userIdColumn)) || (count($userIdColumn) != 1)) {
// $tableName is no array
reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'userIdColumn[]=' . gettype($userIdColumn) . '!=array: userIdColumn=' . $userIdColumn);
// Init row output
$OUT = '';
// "Walk" through all entries
//* DEBUG: */ reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'listType=
foreach (postRequestElement($idColumn[0]) as $id => $selected) {
// Secure id number
$id = bigintval($id);
// Get result from a given column array and table name
$result = SQL_RESULT_FROM_ARRAY($tableName[0], $columns, $idColumn[0], $id, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Is there one entry?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Load all data
$row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
// Filter all data
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
// Search index
$idx = searchXmlArray($key, $columns, 'column');
// Default name is NULL
$name = NULL;
// Is the name there?
if (isset($columns[$idx]['name'])) {
// Then use it
$name = $columns[$idx]['name'];
} // END - if
// Skip any missing entries
if ($idx === FALSE) {
// Skip this one
//* DEBUG: */ reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ' - SKIPPED!');
} // END - if
// Is there a userid?
//* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',userIdColumn=' . $userIdColumn[0]);
if ($key == $userIdColumn[0]) {
// Add it again as raw id
//* DEBUG: */ reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',userIdColumn=' . $userIdColumn[0]);
$row[$userIdColumn[0]] = convertZeroToNull($value);
$row[$userIdColumn[0] . '_raw'] = $row[$userIdColumn[0]];
} // END - if
// If the key matches the idColumn variable, we need to temporary remember it
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',idColumn=' . $idColumn[0] . ',value=' . $value);
if ($key == $idColumn[0]) {
* Found, so remember it securely (to make sure only id
* numbers can pass, don't use alpha-numerical values!)
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'value=' . $value . ' - set as ' . $prefix . '_list_builder_id_value!');
$GLOBALS[$prefix . '_list_builder_id_value'] = bigintval($value);
} // END - if
// Try to handle call-back functions and/or extra values
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'idx=' . $idx . ',row[' . $key . ']=' . $row[$key]);
//if ($key == 'forced_campaign_created') die($idx.'=
$row[$key] = doHandleExtraValues($filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idx, $row[$key], $userIdColumn, ((!is_null($name)) ? $name : $key), $id);
} // END - foreach
// Then list it
$OUT .= loadTemplate(sprintf("%s_%s_%s_row",
), TRUE, $row
} // END - if
// Free the result
} // END - foreach
// Is there an entry in $content?
if ((is_array($content)) && (count($content) > 0)) {
// Use generic 'rows'
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
} else {
// Use direct output
$content = $OUT;
// Load master template
), FALSE, $content
// Adds key/value pair to a working SQL string together
function addKeyValueSql ($key, $value) {
// Init SQL
$sql = '';
// Is it NULL?
if (($value == 'NULL') || (is_null($value))) {
// Add key with NULL
$sql .= sprintf(' `%s`=NULL,',
} elseif ((is_double($value)) || (is_float($value)) || (is_int($value))) {
// Is a number, so addd it directly
$sql .= sprintf(" `%s`=%s,",
} else {
// Else add the value escape'd
$sql .= sprintf(" `%s`='%s',",
// Return SQL string
return $sql;
// [EOF]