' . $message . ''); } // "Fixes" an empty string into three dashes (use for templates) function fixEmptyContentToDashes ($str) { // Call inner function $str = fixNullEmptyToDashes($str, 3); // Return string return $str; } // Init color switch function initTemplateColorSwitch ($template) { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'INIT:' . $template); $GLOBALS['color_switch'][$template] = 2; } // "Getter" for color switch code function getColorSwitchCode ($template) { // Prepare the code $code = "{DQUOTE} . doTemplateColorSwitch('" . $template . "', FALSE, FALSE) . {DQUOTE}"; // And return it return $code; } // Output HTML code directly or 'render' it. You addionally switch the new-line character off function outputHtml ($htmlCode = NULL, $newLine = TRUE) { // Init output if (!isset($GLOBALS['__output'])) { $GLOBALS['__output'] = ''; } // END - if //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'getOutputMode()=' . getOutputMode() . ',htmlCode(length)=' . strlen($htmlCode) . ',output(length)=' . strlen($GLOBALS['__output'])); // Is there HTML-Code here? if ((!is_null($htmlCode)) && (!empty($htmlCode))) { // Yes, so we handle it as you have configured switch (getOutputMode()) { case 'render': // But if PHP is caching, then we don't need to do that if (getPhpCaching() == 'on') { // Output into PHP's internal buffer outputRawCode($htmlCode); // That's why you don't need any \n at the end of your HTML code... :-) if ($newLine === TRUE) { outputRawCode(PHP_EOL); } // END - if } else { // Render mode for old or lame servers... $GLOBALS['__output'] .= $htmlCode; // That's why you don't need any \n at the end of your HTML code... :-) if ($newLine === TRUE) { $GLOBALS['__output'] .= PHP_EOL; } // END - if } break; case 'direct': // If we are switching from 'render' to 'direct' mode, all data in '__output' must be flushed and cleared if ((!empty($GLOBALS['__output'])) && (getPhpCaching() != 'on')) { outputRawCode($GLOBALS['__output']); $GLOBALS['__output'] = ''; } // END - if // The same as above... ^ outputRawCode($htmlCode); if ($newLine === TRUE) { outputRawCode(PHP_EOL); } // END - if break; default: // Huh, something goes wrong or maybe you have edited config.php ??? reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--FATAL_ERROR--}: {--NO_RENDER_DIRECT--}'); break; } // END - switch } elseif ((getPhpCaching() == 'on') && (!isFilledArray($GLOBALS['http_header'])) && (!isRawOutputMode())) { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'getPhpCaching()=' . getPhpCaching() . ',isset(http_header)=' . intval(isset($GLOBALS['http_header'])) . ',getScriptOutputMode()=' . getScriptOutputMode() . ''); // Output cached HTML code $GLOBALS['__output'] = ob_get_contents(); // Clear output buffer for later output if output is found if (!empty($GLOBALS['__output'])) { clearOutputBuffer(); } // END - if // Send all HTTP headers sendHttpHeaders(); // Compile and run finished rendered HTML code compileFinalOutput(); // Output code here, DO NOT REMOVE! ;-) outputRawCode($GLOBALS['__output']); } elseif ((getOutputMode() == 'render') && (!empty($GLOBALS['__output'])) && (!isRawOutputMode())) { // Send all HTTP headers sendHttpHeaders(); // Compile and run finished rendered HTML code compileFinalOutput(); // Output code here, DO NOT REMOVE! ;-) outputRawCode($GLOBALS['__output']); } else { // And flush all headers flushHttpHeaders(); } } // Compiles the final output function compileFinalOutput () { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '__output(length)=' . strlen($GLOBALS['__output']) . ',getScriptOutputMode()=' . getScriptOutputMode() . ' - ENTERED!'); // Is this function called? if (isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Abort here reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Double call of ' . __FUNCTION__ . ' causes problems with sent headers.'); } // END - if // Mark this function as called $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = TRUE; // Add page header and footer addPageHeaderFooter(); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '__output(length)=' . strlen($GLOBALS['__output']) . ' - After addPageHeaderFooter() call.'); // Do the final (general) compilation $GLOBALS['__output'] = doFinalCompilation($GLOBALS['__output']); // Compile any other things out $GLOBALS['__output'] = compileUriCode($GLOBALS['__output']); // Extension 'rewrite' installed? if ((isExtensionActive('rewrite')) && (!isCssOutputMode())) { $GLOBALS['__output'] = rewriteLinksInCode($GLOBALS['__output']); } // END - if // Compress it? /** * @TODO On some pages this is buggy if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && (isInStringIgnoreCase('gzip', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']))) { // Compress it for HTTP gzip $GLOBALS['__output'] = gzencode($GLOBALS['__output'], 9); // Add header addHttpHeader('Content-Encoding: gzip'); } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && (isInStringIgnoreCase('deflate', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']))) { // Compress it for HTTP deflate $GLOBALS['__output'] = gzcompress($GLOBALS['__output'], 9); // Add header addHttpHeader('Content-Encoding: deflate'); } */ // Add final length addHttpHeader('Content-Length: ' . strlen($GLOBALS['__output'])); // Flush all headers flushHttpHeaders(); } // Main compilation loop function doFinalCompilation ($code, $insertComments = TRUE, $enableCodes = TRUE) { // Code must not be an array (happens in installer) assert(!is_array($code)); // Insert comments? (Only valid with HTML templates, of course) enableTemplateHtml($insertComments); // Init counter $totalCompilations = 0; // Compile all out while (((isInString('{--', $code)) || (isInString('{DQUOTE}', $code)) || (isInString('{?', $code)) || (isInString('{%', $code) !== FALSE)) && ($totalCompilations < 7)) { // Init common variables $content = []; $newContent = ''; // Compile it //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('
'); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'code[]=' . gettype($code) . ',enableCodes[]=' . gettype($enableCodes)); $eval = '$newContent = "' . str_replace('{DQUOTE}', '"', compileCode(escapeQuotes($code), $enableCodes)) . '";'; //* DEBUG: */ if (!$insertComments) print('EVAL=
'); eval($eval); //* DEBUG: */ if (!$insertComments) print('NEW=
'); //* DEBUG: */ die('
'); // Was that eval okay? if (empty($newContent)) { // Something went wrong! reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Evaluation error:
' . lineNumberCode($eval) . '
', FALSE); } // END - if // Use it again $code = $newContent; // Compile the final code if insertComments is true if ($insertComments == TRUE) { // ... because SQL queries shall keep OPEN_CONFIG and such in $code = compileRawCode($code); } // END - if // Count round $totalCompilations++; } // END - while // Add debugging data in HTML code, if mode is enabled if ((isDebugModeEnabled()) && ($insertComments === TRUE) && (isHtmlOutputMode())) { // Add loop count //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'isDebugModeEnabled()=' . intval(isDebugModeEnabled()) . ',insertComments=' . intval($insertComments) . ',isHtmlOutputMode()=' . intval(isHtmlOutputMode())); $code .= ''; } // END - if // Return the compiled code return $code; } // Output the raw HTML code function outputRawCode ($htmlCode) { // Output stripped HTML code to avoid broken JavaScript code, etc. print(str_replace('{BACK}', chr(92), $htmlCode)); // Flush the output if only getPhpCaching() is not 'on' if (getPhpCaching() != 'on') { // Flush it flush(); } // END - if } // Load a template file and return it's content (only it's name; do not use ' or ") function loadTemplate ($template, $return = FALSE, $content = [], $compileCode = TRUE) { // @TODO Remove these sanity checks if all is fine if (!is_bool($return)) { // $return has to be boolean reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'return[] is not bool (' . gettype($return) . ')'); } elseif (!is_string($template)) { // $template has to be string reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'template[] is not string (' . gettype($template) . ')'); } // Init returned content $templateContent = ''; // Set current template $GLOBALS['current_template'] = $template; // Is there cache? if ((!isDebugTemplateCacheEnabled()) && (isTemplateCached('html', $template))) { // Evaluate the cache $templateContent = readTemplateCache('html', $template, $content); // Better remove array element which is only needed in uncached mode unset($GLOBALS['template_eval']['html'][$template]); } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['template_eval']['html'][$template])) { // Make all template names lowercase $template = strtolower($template); // Base directory $basePath = getTemplateBasePath('html'); $extraPath = detectExtraTemplatePath('html', $template); // Generate FQFN $FQFN = $basePath . '/' . $extraPath . $template . '.tpl'; //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Template ' . $template . ' is solved to FQFN=' . $FQFN); // Does the special template exists? if (!isFileReadable($FQFN)) { // Reset to default template $FQFN = $basePath . '/' . $template . '.tpl'; } // END - if // Now does the final template exists? if (isFileReadable($FQFN)) { // Count the template load incrementConfigEntry('num_templates'); // The local file does exists so we load it. :) $GLOBALS['template_content']['html'][$template] = readFromFile($FQFN); // Is there to compile the code? if ((isInString('$', $GLOBALS['template_content']['html'][$template])) || (isInString('{--', $GLOBALS['template_content']['html'][$template])) || (isInString('{?', $GLOBALS['template_content']['html'][$template])) || (isInString('{%', $GLOBALS['template_content']['html'][$template]))) { // Normal HTML output? if ((isHtmlOutputMode()) && (substr($template, 0, 3) != 'js_')) { // Add surrounding HTML comments to help finding bugs faster $code = '' . $GLOBALS['template_content']['html'][$template] . ''; // Prepare eval() command //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Reached!'); $GLOBALS['template_eval']['html'][$template] = '$templateContent = "' . getColorSwitchCode($template) . compileCode(escapeQuotes($code), TRUE, $compileCode) . '";'; } elseif (substr($template, 0, 3) == 'js_') { // JavaScripts don't like entities, dollar signs and timings //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Reached!'); $GLOBALS['template_eval']['html'][$template] = '$templateContent = decodeEntities("' . escapeJavaScriptQuotes($GLOBALS['template_content']['html'][$template]) . '");'; } elseif (isAjaxOutputMode()) { // AJAX (JSON content) //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Reached!'); $GLOBALS['template_eval']['html'][$template] = '$templateContent = "' . escapeJavaScriptQuotes($GLOBALS['template_content']['html'][$template]) . '";'; } else { // Prepare eval() command, other output doesn't like entities, maybe //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Reached!'); $GLOBALS['template_eval']['html'][$template] = '$templateContent = decodeEntities("' . compileRawCode(escapeQuotes($GLOBALS['template_content']['html'][$template]), TRUE, $compileCode) . '");'; } } elseif (isHtmlOutputMode()) { // Add surrounding HTML comments to help finding bugs faster $templateContent = '' . $GLOBALS['template_content']['html'][$template] . ''; //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Reached!'); $GLOBALS['template_eval']['html'][$template] = '$templateContent = "' . getColorSwitchCode($template) . compileRawCode(escapeQuotes($templateContent), TRUE, $compileCode) . '";'; } elseif (isAjaxOutputMode()) { // AJAX (JSON content) //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Reached!'); $GLOBALS['template_eval']['html'][$template] = '$templateContent = "' . escapeJavaScriptQuotes($GLOBALS['template_content']['html'][$template]) . '";'; } else { // JavaScript again //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Reached!'); $GLOBALS['template_eval']['html'][$template] = '$templateContent = decodeEntities("' . escapeJavaScriptQuotes($GLOBALS['template_content']['html'][$template]) . '");'; } // END - if } elseif ((isAdmin()) || ((isInstalling()) && (!isInstalled()))) { // Only admins shall see this warning or when installation mode is active $templateContent = '
(' . $template . ')
' . print_r($content, TRUE) . '
'; } else { // No file! $GLOBALS['template_eval']['html'][$template] = '404'; } } // Code set? if ((isset($GLOBALS['template_eval']['html'][$template])) && ($GLOBALS['template_eval']['html'][$template] != '404')) { // Eval the code //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'template=' . $template . ' - BEFORE EVAL'); ///* DEBUG: */ print('
'); eval($GLOBALS['template_eval']['html'][$template]); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'template=' . $template . ' - AFTER EVAL'); } // END - if // Is there some content to output or return? if ((empty($templateContent)) && (isDebugModeEnabled())) { // Warning, empty output! return 'E:' . $template . ',content=
' . print_r($content, TRUE) . '
'; } // END - if // Not empty so let's put it out! ;) if ($return === TRUE) { // Return the HTML code return $templateContent; } else { // Output directly outputHtml($templateContent); } } // Detects the extra template path from given template name function detectExtraTemplatePath ($prefix, $template) { // Default is empty $extraPath = ''; // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS['extra_path'][$prefix][$template])) { // Check for admin/guest/member/etc. templates if (substr($template, 0, 6) == 'admin_') { // Admin template found $extraPath = 'admin/'; } elseif (substr($template, 0, 6) == 'guest_') { // Guest template found $extraPath = 'guest/'; } elseif (substr($template, 0, 7) == 'member_') { // Member template found $extraPath = 'member/'; } elseif (substr($template, 0, 7) == 'select_') { // Selection template found $extraPath = 'select/'; } elseif (substr($template, 0, 8) == 'install_') { // Installation template found $extraPath = 'install/'; } elseif (substr($template, 0, 4) == 'ext_') { // Extension template found $extraPath = 'ext/'; } elseif (substr($template, 0, 3) == 'la_') { // 'Logical-area' template found $extraPath = 'la/'; } elseif (substr($template, 0, 3) == 'js_') { // JavaScript template found $extraPath = 'js/'; } elseif (substr($template, 0, 5) == 'menu_') { // Menu template found $extraPath = 'menu/'; } else { // Test for extension $test = substr($template, 0, strpos($template, '_')); // Probe for valid extension name if (isExtensionNameValid($test)) { // Set extra path to extension's name $extraPath = $test . '/'; } // END - if } // Store it in cache $GLOBALS['extra_path'][$prefix][$template] = $extraPath; } // END - if // Return result return $GLOBALS['extra_path'][$prefix][$template]; } // Loads an email template and compiles it function loadEmailTemplate ($template, $content = [], $userid = NULL, $loadUserData = TRUE) { // Make sure all template names are lowercase! $template = strtolower($template); // Set current template $GLOBALS['current_template'] = $template; // Is content an array? if (is_array($content)) { // Add expiration to array if ((isExtensionInstalled('autopurge')) && (isConfigEntrySet('auto_purge')) && (getAutoPurge() == '0')) { // Will never expire! $content['expiration'] = '{--MAIL_WILL_NEVER_EXPIRE--}'; } elseif ((isExtensionInstalled('autopurge')) && (isConfigEntrySet('auto_purge'))) { // Create nice date string $content['expiration'] = '{%config,createFancyTime=auto_purge%}'; } else { // Missing entry $content['expiration'] = '{--MAIL_NO_CONFIG_AUTO_PURGE--}'; } } // END - if // Is there cache? if ((!isDebugTemplateCacheEnabled()) && (isTemplateCached('email', $template))) { // Evaluate the cache $templateContent = readTemplateCache('email', $template, $content); // Better remove array element which is need only in uncached mode unset($GLOBALS['template_eval']['email'][$template]); } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['template_eval']['email'][$template])) { // Base directory $basePath = getTemplateBasePath('emails'); // Detect extra path $extraPath = detectExtraTemplatePath('email', $template); // Generate full FQFN $FQFN = $basePath . '/' . $extraPath . $template . '.tpl'; // Does the special template exists? if (!isFileReadable($FQFN)) { // Reset to default template $FQFN = $basePath . '/' . $template . '.tpl'; } // END - if // Now does the final template exists? $templateContent = ''; if (isFileReadable($FQFN)) { // The local file does exists so we load it. :) $GLOBALS['template_content']['email'][$template] = readFromFile($FQFN); // Run code //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Reached!'); $GLOBALS['template_eval']['email'][$template] = '$templateContent = decodeEntities("' . compileRawCode(escapeQuotes($GLOBALS['template_content']['email'][$template])) . '");'; } elseif (!empty($template)) { // Template file not found $templateContent = '
{--TEMPLATE_404--}: ' . $template . '
' . print_r($content, TRUE) . '
'; // Don't cache this, as there is no template to cache $GLOBALS['template_eval']['email'][$template] = '404'; // Debug mode not active? Then remove the HTML tags if (!isDebugModeEnabled()) { // Remove HTML tags $templateContent = secureString($templateContent); } // END - if } else { // No template name supplied! $templateContent = '{--NO_TEMPLATE_SUPPLIED--}'; $GLOBALS['template_eval']['email'][$template] = '404'; } } // Is there something to eval? if ((isset($GLOBALS['template_eval']['email'][$template])) && ($GLOBALS['template_eval']['email'][$template] != '404')) { // Eval the code //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'template=' . $template . ' - BEFORE EVAL'); //* DEBUG: */ print('
'); //* DEBUG: */ die('
'.print_r($content, TRUE).'
'); eval($GLOBALS['template_eval']['email'][$template]); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'template=' . $template . ' - AFTER EVAL'); } // END - if // Are there some content? if (empty($templateContent)) { // Compiling failed $templateContent = "Compiler error for template " . $template . " !\nUncompiled content:\n" . $GLOBALS['template_eval']['email'][$template]; // Add last error if the required function exists if (function_exists('error_get_last')) { // Add last error and some lines for better overview $templateContent .= "\n--------------------------------------\nDebug:\n" . print_r(error_get_last(), TRUE) . "--------------------------------------\nPlease don't alter these informations!\nThanx."; } // END - if } // END - if // Remove content and data unset($content); // Return content return $templateContent; } // "Getter" for menu CSS classes, mainly used in templates function getMenuCssClasses ($data) { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'data=' . $data); // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$data])) { // $data needs to be converted into an array $content = explode('|', $data); // Non-existent index 2 will happen in menu blocks if (!isset($content[2])) { $content[2] = ''; } // END - if // Re-construct the array: 0=visible,1=locked,2=prefix $content['visible'] = $content[0]; $content['locked'] = $content[1]; // Call our "translator" function $content = translateMenuVisibleLocked($content, $content[2]); // Set it in cache $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$data] = ($content['visible_css'] . ' ' . $content['locked_css']); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$data]; } // Generate XHTML code for the CAPTCHA function generateCaptchaCode ($code, $type, $urlId, $userid) { return 'Code ' . $code . ''; } // Compiles the given HTML/mail code function compileCode ($code, $full = TRUE, $compileCode = TRUE) { // Is the code a string or should we not compile? if ((!is_string($code)) || ($compileCode === FALSE)) { // Silently return it return $code; } // END - if // Start couting $startCompile = microtime(TRUE); // Comile the code $code = compileRawCode($code, $full, $compileCode); // Get timing $compilationTime = $startCompile - microtime(TRUE); // Add timing if enabled if (isTemplateHtml()) { // Add timing, this should be disabled in $code .= ''; } // END - if // Return compiled code return $code; } // Compiles the code function compileRawCode ($code, $full = TRUE, $compileCode = TRUE) { //* DIE: */ reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Called with ' . strlen($code) . ' code length.'); //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Called with code()=' . strlen($code) . ',full=' . intval($full) . ',compileCode=' . intval($compileCode)); // Is the code a string or shall we not compile? if ((!is_string($code)) || ($compileCode === FALSE)) { // Silently return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'code[]= ' . gettype($code) . ' is not a string or compileCode(' . intval($compileCode) . ') is FALSE.'); return $code; } // END - if // Init replacement-array with smaller set of security characters $secChars = $GLOBALS['url_chars']; // Select full set of chars to replace when we e.g. want to compile URLs if ($full === TRUE) { $secChars = $GLOBALS['security_chars']; } // END - if // First compile these chars array_unshift($secChars['to'] , '{--' , '--}'); array_unshift($secChars['from'], '{%message,', '%}' ); // Replace QUOT and other non-HTML codes //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'code()=' . strlen($code) . ' - before str_replace() ...'); $code = str_replace($secChars['to'], $secChars['from'], $code); //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'code()=' . strlen($code) . ' - after str_replace() ...'); // Compile the prepared code through a filter chain $code = runFilterChain('compile_code', $code); // Find all $content[bla][blub] entries preg_match_all('/\$content((\[([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\])*)/', $code, $matches); //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Second regex gave ' . count($matches[0]) . ' matches.'); // Are some matches found? if ((isFilledArray($matches)) && (isFilledArray($matches[0]))) { // Replace all matches $matchesFound = []; foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $match) { // Fuzzy look has failed by default $fuzzyFound = FALSE; // "Cache" match length $matchLength = strlen($match); // Fuzzy look on match if already found foreach ($matchesFound as $found => $set) { // Get test part $test = substr($found, 0, $matchLength); // Does this entry exist? //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'found=' . $found . ',match=' . $match . ',set=' . $set); if ($test == $match) { // Match found //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'fuzzyFound!'); $fuzzyFound = TRUE; break; } // END - if } // END - foreach // Skip this entry? if ($fuzzyFound === TRUE) { continue; } // END - if // Take all string elements if ((is_string($matches[3][$key])) && (!isset($matchesFound[$match])) && (!isset($matchesFound[$key.'_' . $matches[3][$key]]))) { // Replace it in the code, replace dollar sign so it won't be detected by next regex (see there) //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',match=' . $match); $newMatch = str_replace(array('[', ']', '$'), array("['", "']", '{COMPILE_DOLLAR}'), $match); $code = str_replace($match, '".' . $newMatch . '."', $code); $matchesFound[$key . '_' . $matches[3][$key]] = 1; $matchesFound[$match] = TRUE; } elseif (!isset($matchesFound[$match])) { // Not yet replaced! //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'match=' . $match); $code = str_replace($match, '".' . $match . '."', $code); $matchesFound[$match] = 1; } else { // Everthing else should be a least logged logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'match=' . $match . ',key=' . $key); } } // END - foreach } // END - if /* * Find $foobar, $foo_bar and $fooBar entries. This regex would also find * $content[foo_bar] which would result in {DOLLAR}content[foo_bar] and * therefore the variable's value won't be inserted. This is why * {COMPILE_DOLLAR} is being used in above loop and at the end of this * function being replace with the original dollar sign again. */ preg_match_all('/\$([a-z_A-Z\[\]]){0,}/', $code, $matches); // Are some matches found? if ((isFilledArray($matches)) && (isFilledArray($matches[0]))) { // Scan all matches for not $content foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { // Trim match $match = trim($match); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'match=' . $match); // Is the first part not $content/$userid and not empty? // @TODO $userid is deprecated and should be removed from loadEmailTemplate() and replaced with $content[userid] in all templates if ((!empty($match)) && (substr($match, 0, 8) != '$content') && ($match != '$userid')) { //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'match=' . $match . ' - SECURED!'); // Then replace $ with {DOLLAR} $matchSecured = str_replace('$', '{DOLLAR}', $match); // And in $code as well $code = str_replace($match, $matchSecured, $code); } // END - if } // END - if } // END - if // Add 'COMPILE_DOLLAR' again array_push($secChars['to'] , '{COMPILE_DOLLAR}'); array_push($secChars['from'], '$'); // Replace QUOT and other non-HTML codes //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'code()=' . strlen($code) . ' - before str_replace() ...'); $code = str_replace($secChars['to'], $secChars['from'], $code); //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'code()=' . strlen($code) . ' - after str_replace() ...'); // Finally return it //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Exiting with code()=' . strlen($code)); return $code; } // function addSelectionBox ($type, $default, $prefix = '', $id = NULL, $class = 'form_select', $allSteps = FALSE) { $OUT = ''; if ($type == 'yn') { // This is a yes/no selection only! if (isValidId($id)) $prefix .= '[' . $id . ']'; $OUT .= ''; } switch ($type) { case 'ye': // Years // Get current year $year = getYear(); // Use configured min age or fixed? if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('other', '0.2.1')) { // Configured $startYear = $year - getMinAge(); } else { // Fixed 16 years $startYear = $year - 16; } // Calculate earliest year (100 years old people can still enter Internet???) $minYear = $year - 100; // Check if the default value is larger than minimum and bigger than actual year if (($default > $minYear) && ($default >= $year)) { for ($idx = $year; $idx < ($year + 11); $idx++) { $OUT .= ''; } // END - for } else { // Get current year and subtract the configured minimum age $OUT .= ''; // Construct year selection list for ($idx = $minYear; $idx <= $startYear; $idx++) { $OUT .= '